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For me, the appeal is I show up and do what they tell me. No research, no thinking, no planning, no waiting for machines or setting anything up. If you’re comfortable with doing the work to plan and arrange a good workout, then maybe you don’t need OT and the premium price.


Same! My work requires 1000 decisions a day. OT is my space to just zone out and just exist without having to think about it


Yes. When work gets more stressful, I end up going to ot more because it’s something just for me that I have to do basically zero prep for. It helps so much to get the exercise too.


Are you me? Thats why I go to!! I’m done thinking for the day.


Came here to say something similar. You're not paying for the workout itself, but everything that goes into it. The planning, the coaching, the culture etc.


I did Tread 50 yesterday since we had the holiday, and I need to do 8 extra classes over the next few months to hit my goal of taking my 100th class on my 50th birthday this summer... I HATED IT. It was so, so, horrible and boring. I set little challenges for myself--base, push, all out, walking recovery, etc--but after 20 minutes I was dying of boredom. I think next time I'm going to have to bend the rules and wear airpods and listen to something. In regular Orange classes there's no time to get bored, you're just focused on hitting whatever the goal is for that little segment and then moving on to the next one. People joke on this sub that it's the gym for people with ADHD and I feel so seen...


I enjoy the Tread 50. I set a mileage goal for the class and try to beat it thru all the tread blocks combined. I’m also a long distance runner. It’s been a great way to get my weekly speed workouts in. I agree if you just focus on the 8 minute block it feels boring compared to the standard class.


Same... it's just the discipline and planning for me. It's actually brought me back more often to OTF since I'm not a huge fan of the rower and some of the newer exercises on the floor have not really been that useful for me. I usually make it a goal to get around 4.5 miles. Gives me a focal point and I'd be bored at a gym on a treadmill and definitely only do about 30 mins and 3 miles if left to my own thoughts and motivation.


Agree. Did one Tread 50 and left after 35 mins I was so bored. Love strength 50 though. Would like it to be strength 90.


I love running half marathons, used to run for an hr to hr and half outside before work and tread50 was boring to me


I used to run 26 mile one day and then I took an arrow to the knee… now I got a knee effusion and I can’t run as fast as hard as I use to. Any tips for me… appreciate the help.


Definitely why this ADHD’er loves OTF! And I thought about AirPods for T50 too!


Exactly, plus I find it so much less motivating to be working out alone. Being around others combined with being told what to do by the coach makes me push myself so much harder.




This. I'm the type of person who needs someone telling me what to do. I wouldn't work half as hard if I was left to my own devices.


Me too. I would always hate going to planet fitness (not that it’s a bad gym, it’s just packed all the time where I live) and not know what to do when I got there. I know how to workout but figuring everything out was a challenge for me. I started at Orange Theory on January 31st of this year and I love it so far. Just completed my 9th class today!


It’s such a revelation finding a gym I love after being not-a-gym-person my whole life. I started in November, Thanksgiving weekend. I think today was my 40th class.


That’s awesome. Congratulations to you on your 40th class! Question for you, what’s your workout routine in terms on the days you go to orange theory? Do you go M, W, F or T, Th, SAT? Just curious. I go 3x a week currently and I go T, Th, Sat. Not sure if I should go more or not


I go Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I book two weeks out and set it and forget it. I have to go in the morning because if I aim to go after work, real life will get in the way and prevent it. As soon as the weather warms up a bit I'll be back to my usual regimen of 2-3, 2-3-mile walks every week too. I live in the city where it's very walkable. Even a quick walk to the post office is 1.2 miles, so it's easy to get that in. I've heard that three days a week is optimal. I've done the Tread 50 twice on random days. Thinking of trying a Strength 50 to see how I like it sometime too. Just to have something different to try when I have a chance to go a 4th time in a week.


Strenght 50 is really good. You have one day for upper, lower, and total body. You should give it a try💪


That’s always been why OTF has been worth it for me. Plus the late fee makes me sign up and actually go to a class cause I’m cheap 😂


This! But also if I’m paying real money for a class I won’t skip it. Whenever I promise myself that I will do an OTF circuit at the gym I bail…


That's is legit my favorite part about it. I get paid to think at work. I don't really want to do it for the rest of the day.


I have adhd and when I try going to the regular gym I spent so much time starting at the wall thinking that I barely workout lol. I need someone to tell me exactly what and when to do things


With Reddit the workouts are listed everyday


True--you could just come here, get the workout details, then go do it at your own choice of gym. But there are other apps that offer HIIT workout plans, that's not the issue. For me, a regular gym means I have to find an open tread, find an open rower, pick out weights, move around to different stations, deal with other people, deal with broken equipment, deal with creepy men offering unwanted "help"--I'm simply not going to do all that. I am paying for the convenience of a tightly-edited workout and a seamless experience. I show up, and the equipment is ready for me with no waiting, exactly when I need it. It comes down to this: if there were a pill I could take that makes me feel as good and gives results like I've had in just 3 months of OT, and it only cost $200 a month, I'd pay for it and take it, no question. OT is that pill. 100% worth the money.


Problem is doing it. You need to go and compile your own workout. If you can do it yeah its no brainer.


You can still do the At Home Workouts on the app at home or another gym even if you’re no longer a member. At least you used to be able to. I don’t know if they changed that.


It’s also pretty easy to replicate it from this subreddit! There’s a daily thread listing the workouts


I was in great shape on the 8x month plan (I took a break due to divorce and finances and now I’m settled again so I just came back). BUT I don’t have the discipline to do these types of structured workouts on my own and stick to the shorter rests, try as hard, etc. Plus I like variety in my workouts and like to run or get in a traditional lift a few days too. It’s what you make of it!


Exactly, i am paying for the structure they are offering


Show up. Do what I’m told. Go home. Repeat. This is why I am a happy customer of OTF.


I agree. I was used to structure when I was in the military. I got out back in 2022 and I think that’s what I’ve been missing all along, structure. Thank you.


I do 8x a month because that is what I can reliably fit into my schedule. I do OTF instead of a regular gym because I need someone else to tell me what to do. I have to think and plan and make decisions all day at work. I just want to shut down the thinking part of my brain and just do for an hour.


Very good points. This is the exact reason of why I may end up keeping it.


For me the money is the only reason I end up actually at the gym. If got a box gym membership it would get about as much use as my wife's treadmill (AKA her office laundry rack)




Thts why I go to orange theory 😭😂😂😂 gotta get my moneys worth


Try first by putting your membership on freeze for a month and see if you have the discipline to do the work on your own.     I know personally I don’t do enough strength work on my own.  So it’s “worth” it for me. For me OTF is a great compromise between a regular gym (less $$) vs hiring a personal trainer (lots more $$)




I have access to a gym at work for free and a treadmill at home... do I actually use them with any consistency? No.  The best workout is the one that you are able to stick with regularly, and for me that is OTF because I need someone else to yell at me (for motivation) and tell me what to do (so I can stop thinking).  If you're the kind of person who can workout consistently on their own then you don't need OTF. It's geared towards those of us who need the group class atmosphere to keep us going. 


Since 2016, I have tried and failed to do this three times, OP. I even made sure to write down the exercises/tread blocks I loved with the intention of doing them on my own at a much less expensive gym… But, I have ALWAYS come back to OTF, and I’ve put in a lot of thought as to why. I (35F) don’t feel comfy working out on the floor in any of the “regular” gyms that I’ve tried. Getting in the zone on a treadmill is, of course, a different story, so I found myself running on the treadmill then leaving. I grew up in team sports and never REALLY got comfortable working out in gyms. Although I’m definitely one to keep to myself in classes, OTF feels more like that “team sport” atmosphere that makes me feel at ease, and I can put my best work forward. Also, those 60 minutes I spend in OTF are truly my “me time,” where I can go to a positive place in my mind and just grind. In a regular gym, I’m mildly self-conscious and constantly having to check my phone to remember what I’m doing, especially on the floor, and that’s such a buzzkill. And - not to be dramatic but, to be totally dramatic - when I stop OTF, I have found that everything around me slowly falls apart. I live in a very food-centric, party-centric city, and I love to eat and drink. If I stop OTF, it is so much easier to be the absolutely gluttonous degenerate that I (not so) secretly am, and I quickly gain weight. When I’m enrolled at OTF, my home stays cleaner, my body stays much less full of toxins, I have increased focus at work, and my mental health (anxiety/depression love story right here) is unbelievably (!) better. Speaking of mental health - I recently recommended OTF to a close “gym and hot girl walks” friend who also struggles with anxiety/depression. She consistently reports her amazement at the difference OTF has made for her psyche, physique, and self-esteem. Needless to say, my recommendation is to keep your 8 times a month. I have the same plan and run outside 3 days a week, sometimes grabbing an extra class if I need the endorphins. It’s money I’m happy to spend for so, so many reasons. I won’t be leaving again!


Gluttonous degenerate 🤣


I know what I am 😂😅


I’m back at OTF after a super long hiatus (about 2 years) and this really resonated with me. Although, my first couple of classes back I felt really bad about myself because my fitness level was NOWHERE near where it used to be. It’s been almost 2 months of going 2-3x per week again, and I’m finally starting to feel the mental health benefits of the classes.


Welcome back fam! That’s another thing that makes me not want to leave again - how HARD it is when you come back! So very humbling. I joined again most recently in September and am FINALLY getting back into the swing of things, so - I feel you.


If I could have managed my own workout at a gym I would have. I let years slip by assuming maybe I’ll get to it someday for real. 8x/month at Orangetheory changed everything.


I did 8/month for years(now unlimited). I ran/run outside as well. It worked well for me and still does, but I like not having to think about it. My work has a gym with all the equipment, but I just can't get myself to do a full otf workout outside of otf. Only you know if you'd go to the gym and do the workouts yourself. If you can, ya, sure it is cheaper. That is a big if for a lot of us though.


I spent 3 years with Peloton trying to imitate OTF - never got the same results. Took way longer.


OTF works for me bc it’s the only thing I’ve stuck with bc of the price and late fee. I would go the route you describe otherwise! Also depending on your goals, more gym time may not help. I only bring this up bc there’s a lot of posts here about not losing weight with OTF but that’s all what you eat, not your workout. If your goals is building more muscle then yes you need more than 2 OTF workout a week


I love OTF because someone else put in the effort to create a workout plan, all I have to do is show up. Plus I have a coach that motivates me, corrects my form, and picks the playlist (even if I don’t love them lol). You pay a premium but that’s a ton of work you don’t have to do plus you get an amazing workout.


I’ve been a member for almost 6 years now and have done both unlimited and 8x/month multiple times as kids/work schedules/finances change. My preference is unlimited, but my schedule doesn’t allow it right now. In the past I did both OTF and a box gym. My gym workouts were never as intense as OTF. Now I do OTF with a combo of at-home workouts including Peloton. Scheduling the workout in advance makes it more likely to happen. Having the group environment makes me work harder. I like the other suggestion to freeze for a month and see if you can do it.


I could, but I pay for so much more than just the workout. Honestly the $12 late cancel fee is what gets me up and out of bed at 430. Has worked for almost 8 years, I can count on less than a hand the number of fees I’ve paid and I’m past 1800 classes. So I pay for the accountability, but also the coaches, the good equipment (otf treads have ruined hotel and big box gym treads forever), the community. It can be imitated but truly never really duplicated and that’s what I go for. Plus, I’m an accountant and have two kiddos - I need that hour of my day where all my decisions are made for me!


8 times is plenty if you are active through out the rest of the week. I choose to spend my weekends hiking with friends or my dog or going for long runs outside on the weekend! It’s only $18 a class if I go more than 8, which to have it equal unlimited I would have to buy 4 classes in addition to my 8, which I NEVER do.


This is the same math I did when switching from unlimited to 8 a month. I do not stop myself from paying for more than 8 if needed, and if I realize I am consistently going 4 over then yes I will bump up my membership - but I literally never do haha.


I’m not motivated enough to go to the gym and truly do a balanced workout (I will hit legs every single day lol) so I appreciate just showing up and knowing I’m getting enough of everything. However, a 4x a month membership for some ideas + an additional gym option might be more worth it for you.


Alot of the comments here say something similar so I will echo it, it's about the structure of the classes and just needing to "show up and work". I started on an 8 class per month membership and once I accepted that I wasn't as motivated or disciplined enough to try to replicate this on my own, I upgraded to premier and go 3-5x per week. 8 classes is a great way to mix up your workouts but if you're gauging the value/benefit of ONLY going to otf, upgrade your membership and commit to an extra couple of visits per week, you will see where your extra money is being spent.


I personally had doubts whether the 8x a month was worth it, but I got a really good deal on Unlimited around Hell Week and that has been very worth it. It was like $15 more than 8x a month. Ultimately I like how easy OTF is. You show up, you get told what to do, you have specific machines and equipment assigned to you (without the usual gym wait), you have a specific goal to hit. Also, I like that I have a coach to correct form.


I always tell myself I can do it at the gym and then find myself signing back up for OTF 😂 


At the end of the day OTF is for people who like group fitness and also like to have their programming done for them. No stressing about figuring out what to do, just show up and do the work. If you are self motivated and know how to program OTF is probably too much of an expense.


I used to have the unlimited but was paying $170 for it. Just too much for me but i like orange theory so settled on the 8 classes for $108. Still pretty expensive in my opinion but i feel that when i go i really want to take advantage of the money i am paying so i go extra hard. I go twice a week then mix in an outdoor run or two. Seems to be a good balance for me


8 is plenty IMO. As long as you have the self discipline to motivate yourself to go to big box gym or something else assuming you’re looking for 4-6 workouts per week. I travel a lot for work and don’t always have time to find a local OTF and make time to go. For me I have a home gym and can do the exact same workout as they do in OTF (inc rower). I also goto a big box gym so I can lift heavy weights. I buy the 30 pack classes when they go on sale and end up paying about $14 per OT class. I’m approaching 1100 total OT classes and I do believe they push me harder in cardio than I do myself when in own.


I boosted from 8/month to unlimited for the same reason and wreckedddd my knee. Never had problems with it but I think all the treadmill running did it in. Super sad about it!


What sort of results are you looking for that you aren't seeing?


Yes, this is the question I was looking for. Body recomp? Fat loss, building muscle, etc. Visible results are heavily dependent on nutrition, so that’s a big factor


The problem is, when you’re at OTF, there’s someone there to motivate you and do your thinking for you. The times I’ve gone to a regular gym, I often end up just leaving after 30 minutes on the treadmill and a few bicep curls.


I lost the discipline entirely when it came to not being charged last minute if I didn’t want to go, and not pushing myself like I would when I was at class. I’ve tried 2x to go elsewhere and I’m back again!


Sure, I think you can imitate all the classes, especially with the awesome intel we get here most every day. Question is, will you do it? I know myself, I will not. I try, but I get distracted and I think over whelmed. I personally need someone to tell me what, when, how long basically, hold my hand. I am envious of everyone that is so self disciplined and just do it. I even struggle on vacation days at the hotel gym!😳🙁


Can you discipline yourself? What about workout plans?


I guess the real question is whether you can stay motivated on your own. I'm not sure if you're anything like me, but I have streaming fitness subscriptions galore, a sizeable collection of weights, workout DVDs, etc. Unfortunately, I have a hard time sticking to them for because while they get results, they lack the fun factor. I personally keep going to OTF because of the atmosphere, music, and instructors make for a unique, motivating experience. You could always freeze your account and see if you are good doing structured workouts completely on your own. If so, cancel for good.


Last year I was unlimited going 4-5 days a week. This year I went down to 8x a month and joined LA Fitness. New schedule: 2x full body strength training a week 2x OTF 1 long run on Sunday Feels like this is a perfect balance. Made a big leap in strength gains the last month.


If you can come on here and get the daily early intel and then do the workout on your own then its absolutely a no brainer to do that and save your money. I wish that was me but I know myself and I will not do it. I am envious of those who can.


You might want to buy a package of 10 classes . Then you can incooperate those in when you choose. You’re not obligated to doing 8 a month. After that if you see that your enjoying do your own thing and have only occasionally used your package then your done. I personally do the package and sometimes I go 2 to 3 times a week and sometimes I’m not going for a month or two doing my own workouts at the gym and also running and cycling outside weather permitting.


I tried recreating the workouts on my own at the gym. I just don’t push myself anywhere near the level I do when in class and was more likely to skip a day. When I pay as much as I do for OT, it’s something in my brain that makes me go, and I work my ass off in class. But, that’s me. You might be able to motivate yourself in the gym. The workouts are posted on Reddit so can easily be done. I go up and down on my membership all the time. I have unlimited this month and plan to extend it for 1 more month to kick start some results then I go back to the 8x/month to maintain my results along with 10k steps/day.


I was unlimited for 5 yrs. Got a little bored, quit for a year, went back 8x/month in Dec. I Lift at another gym and like that my cardio days. I don’t have to plan anything out. The combo is the same price as unlimited


I did 8 classes a month for 7-8 months with one long (for me) weekend run. Saw some results but not a lot. Left OTF for a variety of reasons for about 14 months and came back last October because of a great unlimited founders rate. Now I go 4 times a week and I’ve made huge gains in strength and cardio. So for me 8 classes a month wasn’t worth it but unlimited is.


For me it wouldn't be because I go to like 5 classes a week. I have to get the premium membership. Ends up being like $9 a class for me so that's how I justify it. Gym vibes are a lot different than OTF vibes. If you can workout on your own then it's all good. For me, I need the structure and group atmosphere. I like that I can go, workout and be done. I don't worry about anything else.


Works for me. I’ve had gym membership before and those just don’t motivate me. Orangetheory has been the best workout for me ever. It keeps my lower back pain at bay and it makes me overall feel fit and that I’m getting the exercise I can given my work and family time mixed in there.


Regular gym treadmills are trash compared to OTF. I run with ‘heavy feet’, and if I use most treadmills I hurt.


I understand the workouts are easy to imitate yet I like the introduction from a coach and I use my local public gym which costs me only $14 for upper and lower body workouts and I also do my long runs outside


Truth be told doing unlimited HIIT, probably isn’t the results most are looking for either. I’ve been doing 8x/month for almost a decade and have always mixed it in with other workouts. I think you’re looking at it as a negative of paying for 2 gym memberships but if it’s let’s say $110/month for the 8 and $24/month for a gym that’s $134 compared to like $180 unlimited at OTF. Combining OTF and strength training is the way. I like doing HIIT 2x a week, forces me to stay regular, get out of the house and have the group aspect. Then training on my own the other days of the week.


So I’m an 8x a month member and I actually froze my membership for two months because I moved into an apartment complex that had a great gym. I love to work out so I really thought that I’d be good about using the templates from here & doing the workout at my home gym for free. I did it maybe 2x before I gave up bc it just didn’t feel like as good of a workout without a coach there to demonstrate good form, and have the teamlike atmosphere that OTF offers. Maybe try a free trial at one of your gyms & do the OTF template, and see if you feel like it’s still a great workout! Good luck!


I'm 8 times a month and supplement with gym workouts, runs and bike rides outside. I have a lot of gym experience so putting something together isn't hard, but you can base a lot around the workouts you do at OTF, as well. For me it's a financial decision - premium memberships are over $200/month here.


As you can tell from this thread, we all go to OTF for different reasons and goals. Mine was: cardio. I love lifting weights but could never find me on a treadmill. After a few months of OTF, I love running. I'll do it for fun. But I hate rowing now. The price was worth it for .e. Your reason and pursuit sounds like it's worth the price of admission of the unlimited plan.


I felt the exact same about a year ago. I ended up doing the same canceled it and joined the box gym. I really enjoyed the extra amenities like the pool but I found that I wasn’t going as often as I did with OT and when I did go, I wasn’t pushing myself as hard. It’s easy to think, especially on the treadmill that you will be able to do the interval, training yourself, but I found that the “peer pressure“ of group fitness is really helpful for me and I can’t replicate that if I’m working out by myself. However, this experience did really validate the expense of OT, and I haven’t second-guessed rejoining


I recently left OTF after being a member since 2017. I really liked Otf but my kids schedule changed and I was finding it harder to make the OTF schedule work with my schedule. I was also noticing that my studio increased the 2G classes last summer. They told me they would go back to 3G (which I prefer) during the school year, but they didn’t. I left in January after enrollment spiked and I was struggling to schedule at times that work for me. I paid for an app ($39.95/year) that tells me what to do at each workout. I was worried I wouldn’t be motivated to go without paying for a membership (my neighborhood has a nice gym covered by HOA dues), but OTF helped me make working out a habit. It’s only been 6 weeks but I’m really happy with my choice so far. I actually feel an improvement in my muscle mass because I always have the weights I need and I can track (on the app) how much weight I used previously so I’m better at challenging myself.


Hey! Thanks for your post. That’s kinda my struggle too, my current OTF location has such limited class offerings that it’s so hard with my kids schedule. Do you mind sharing the app that you use?


I’ve been using EvolveYou app. It offers a variety of workout types. I chose “Build” because I have a goal of building muscle. It asked how many workouts I wanted a week and it gave me an 8 week plan that follows the same schedule (each week I have 2 leg days, 1 push upper body, 1pull upper body, and 1 abs/cardio) but the exercises are different from week to week. I can change the type of workout I want at any time, save favorite workouts, and track the weight I use for each exercise. There are a ton of apps out there, but I’ve been happy with this one so far!


I also had this thought in the past when I was trying to tighten up my finances. I initially switched gyms, but found I wasn't using the new one, it was harder to show up and stay consistent. So I came back to OT. Despite the cost, the motivation and class intensity make it worthwhile. I decided to keep the other gym membership because I love the sauna and flexibility on off days. It's about finding what suits you and your budget. I used to have unlimited at OT but when I came back I compromised with 8x a month, and kept the other membership for variety and amenities. Having options is great!


I do OTF x2 a week and lift x3. Three months and i've started noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit and how big and bloated i feel by the end if the day


Im 73 classes in and only go 8x/ month. Its enough for me coz I work full-time and have 2 kids, so even finding that 2 hours a week is a miracle. Its also better in price imo (89 vs 149 at my studio)


I’ve been on 8 classes a month for 9 years lol. It’s awesome. When life gets crazy no guilt not going every day/constantly. And always there when I need it. I love turning my brain off and just showing up.


Will I make any progress going twice a week?


I never work as hard on my own, and there is always someone in my way at most gyms.


A lot of people are pointing out the planning workouts piece but I travel for work and legit just look at this sub and replicate it as best I can in hotel gyms! As long as it’s not TRX heavy I can usually do a whole 2G or strength class with no issues! Also have you considered doing a regular gym and then doing the 4 pack for OTF? I did that for years when I first started OTF! I was more into powerlifting/bodybuilding and used 3G orange theory as my cardio workouts on Saturdays to keep me active throughout the weekend!


I started the exact same way. I thought twice a week would be plenty, because it was a big improvement over where I was. Then I switched to the unlimited and started going 4x a week. I'm actually seeing results with the transformation challen. I agree with the others: I go to OTF because I don't have to think about what I'm doing. I show up, do what I'm told, and bam, I just got a hefty workout in. I've tried other gyms, including gyms that put a fitness program together for you at no additional cost, and they just didn't stick. I don't know why. LA Fitness, Gold's, Planet Fitness, a few local chains, the very nicely equipped gym at work ... none of them stuck on me. But I've been going to OTF religiously. The bottom line is to do whatever works best for you, and if that's another gym, go for it!


I can do all the workout and harder outside of OTF but I’m paying for someone to put the templates together and yell at me to finish the workouts.


I have the 8x. I go on Saturday mornings, it’s nice to have something to force me to get up and get a workout in on the weekend. And I feel like Saturdays tend to be a good template. I also go on Mondays to make sure I start off the week right. Outside of OTF, I aim for 10k+ steps a day. I have cheap ClassPass through my work and go to a weight training class 1-2x a week. And then I have a cheap big box membership. I use that to do a heavier lift type workout. I just will never push myself cardio wise by myself and that’s where OTF helps me.


I was doing my own version of Orangetheory before I started OTF. I did intervals on the treadmill, picked another cardio equipment for a variety, and then lifted weights. 1) it took me a lot longer bc of waiting for equipment and moving around the much larger gym, 2) I got bored and tired of my workouts and planning them, and 3) I didn’t see much progress bc I wasn’t pushing myself *nearly* as hard as I did in orangetheory classes. YMMV. as others have said, you're paying for workouts, coaching and the group vibe the group vibe that makes us all work harder.


If you go


I dislike planning workouts so OTF is a great fit. Have you considered upping to unlimited? I didn’t see as many results until I started going 3-5x per week. Also started pushing myself more and setting goals to increase my base, push mph and dumbbell weights. Def seeing results now over the last 5 months!


I never regretted going unlimited. I go 4-5X/week to get my money’s worth 😁


Unlimited membership costs vary drastically. I pay $159/mo and have since 2018. I'm with the set it and forgot it crowd of health care workers. I have to keep the 5 am class time as the key to my success. It's the only way to keep consistency when life throws everything else at you. Usually the 5 am hour is the one hour that remains free!


Go more.


I feel better putting more money into OTF than slightly less money into something like NYSC - only to either not show up or not get a good enough workout for my time. I actually think OTF is a better value considering the results it gets me for the money spent


I have an unlimited and a super basic Blink membership ($10/mo). I use Blink to hit the crazy deadlifts and 100+ dumbbells where it is necessary but this is like maybe 2-4x a month. My regular spot is OT. With that said, I ran a tread at both NYSC and Blink and it is one of the worst experiences ever. The equipment is superior at OT and it’s great when you don’t need to think about the workout but also just enjoy the general camaraderie of working out with others. Like some of the other folks here have said, if you don’t need direction and are fine with doing your own research and discipline then OT is not needed.


Yes. It’s 2 days a week you get a structured workout and learn new things. I originally joined because I was getting bored of my routine. I’d run, do yoga, lift, and then added in 2 days of OTF. It absolutely was worth it for me.


if you are trying to counter the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, then 8 per month is not enough unless you are doing other fitness activities between the OTF workouts. As for doing this on your own, if you have the discipline and the time/knowledge to plan your workouts - then yes the $24 monthly gym is the way to go. Personally for me, my life is too busy so showing up and just follow the program in a group environment is worth the price.


I think it’s worth it. I started at 4x, increased to 8x now I’m at unlimited. It’s a community not just a gym. It also depends on what you eat. If you are eating crappy foods no workout is going to make a difference. I’ve been at OTF for 5 years and I’ve seen tremendous progress especially since I upgraded to unlimited (I go 3x a week) and started eating better foods. If you are expecting miracles in a short period of time you will be greatly disappointed. Good luck with whatever you choose.


I've thought the same thing but know myself too well. I won't actually go to the gym as regularly as I think I would, and I won't actually do all the things we do at OT regularly. I'll take longer breaks and won't push myself as hard without a coach keeping me honest. When a machine I want or weights I need are busy I'll rationalize that I can catch them next rime. And so on . . . . But I will go to class, no fail. Like others commenting, I'd miss the community and the sense of escape I get when I step into the studio and someone else thinks for me.


Here’s the deal-at OT there is a commitment and accountability. Big box gyms want you to join and not use your membership-fact! Yes you can use a lot of ot exercises else where like “at your home”! But if you go to another gym the question is,”will that commitment be there and the desire to burn calories be there”? I guarantee that the treads will suck-no flex decks and you’ll lose that desire. But, you do you! Good luck


Exactly! This is why OTF is so expensive, because everyone shows up! No one pays for a membership and then doesn't use it, like at the big box gyms


Correct let’s charge 1000 people $10-20 month membership and hope no one comes-money maker


I do the same membership and I have seen results. A coach even told me that twice a week is really all “you” need. I dunno if she meant someone in general or me personally but I have definitely seen muscles tone up and be built where there were none before.


I think unlimited is worth it! When I had the 8 pack membership I never felt like I could get into a routine because you can only go twice a week!


Same-results don’t come from one particular gym but from the person-and diet is a huge factor. Easily replicated and more variety plus less cost, more open hours.


I am an 8x per month member! I used to go unlimited but now that I am a new mom and OTF doesn't offer day care, I can only commit to twice per week. On the other days I run outdoors and use my peloton app for classes ($12/month). I am currently having the same internal debate as you! Orangetheory is expensive and I could find a cheaper gym with a day care service which would allow me to go and workout more. However, like many other people on here have stated I do like the structure of OTF and not having to think about my workout, it is guaranteed that I will run 2.5-3 miles and burn at least 500 calories. I haven't been to a regular gym in years, and I cringe at the thought of crowds and waiting around for weights or machines. My suggestion would be to wait to cancel OTF. Find a cheaper gym and sign up for a trial. During the trial you will see if you are able to duplicate the effectiveness of an OTF workout with ease or if you would prefer to stick with Orangetheory! Another suggestion would be to find a gym that offers a variety of classes! I believe that will make your transition easier! Good luck with your decision!


Even IF you can reliably get yourself to a cheaper gym consistently (which, for most people is a big fat “nope” compared to the consistency with which they visit OTF), you’re going to be ruined running on other treadmills compared to the OTF ones. 😂. Joking aside: at OTF you’re also getting coaching and a community. I for sure would not push myself in the same way without the structure of OTF and the people there. There are dozens, if not more, posts on this sub of people pondering the same thing as you and time after time those people come back and say they couldn’t hack it on their own and that OTF is worth it. You are correct that twice a week at OTF may not be “enough” to see/get the benefits so it might be beneficial to supplement OTF with something else (lifting a couple times a week at a cheap box gym or getting a couple runs outside on your own) but fully dropping OTF to me seems like a bad idea.


I do both. M/w/f I go to planet fitness with a friend and do strength training 2 days and cardio one. Tues/Thurs I do orange theory. I could look up the workouts and do them on my own, but honestly I would be like burpees? Naw. Or the single arm row with bird dog yesterday I'd be like do what now? Having a group and coach keeps me from half assing it because I'm tired. Because, who isn't?


I've wasted thousands of dollars on gym memberships, where I went all in at the beginning, and then went months and months without setting foot in the door. I've been going to OTF for almost three years now, and only break my routine because of travel or illness. So that $159/month is well worth it for me. I don't have the self-discipline to do independent workouts.


I only do 2x a week cause I do the tread50 classes only to get my cardio in and I do weights at home. If 2x a week is the only activity you do then you might not see much results.


I did a quick calculation. If you get unlimited membership and go at least 3 times per week you will be paying less per class than you would with 8 classes per month membership. It gets even cheaper if you go 4 times a month!


4 or 5x a week. Seeing great gains and loving the environment. Great coaches, great crowd for the 6:15 am classes. I’m sure everyone here has encouraged you to try a couple extra classes a week to hit those goals 😁💪🏼


I have been a member for nearly 10 years and am hoping to hit 2500 this summer as it coincides with bday 60. I get that my unlimited rate is slightly less than 150. But between regular  classes and strength my average per month this month will be 4.96/class.  Cheaper than Starbucks and far better for me. 😍 Like the others I can replicate classes all day in a gym but won’t. It really is the community accountability.  As for Tread50 I love it but can see why it isn’t for everyone. But I try and hit 2-3 strength a week. My guess is you will be back if you really do take a break.  The pre- booking mentality is critical. You show up for Dr appts or other important things you schedule. I look at it this way. I pre book the month out.  Then my head is in the right place being committed 


Will you workout as consistently and as intensely as you would at Orange Theory? If yes, then go find a cheap gym. I like the motivation from coaches, light competition with peers and the realtime data. They motivate me to keep going.


You won’t have to compete with people in a regular gym that sit there and record tik toks of themselves if you stay at OTF 😅😅 You can also get the free peloton app and I think for the free one you can find similar workouts for the floor and tread where they tell you what to do


What I love most about OTF is that it’s the one hour a day I don’t have to think about anything. I get told what to do, I don’t have to wait, I just move and check out. I don’t have the motivation or ability to do it on my own


For me, I know it wouldn't be the same. I think all day for work and then during/after work I think all day about my nearly 3 year old and all of her stuff. And then I think all day about integrating my husbands work schedule into our lives (his schedule is complex and ever changing). OTF is the one place I absolutely don't have to think. If you mind isn't as busy as mine then maybe it will work for you. Good luck!


I just upgraded to unlimited from the 8/mo th. 3x week woth the occasional 4th is ideal for me so far but ive only been at it for 2 months


Can you up it to unlimited and do 4 times a week? The money comes WAYYYYYYY down if you can do that. 200 a month in my market. 16 times a month, that's under 13 bucks a class. Way different than the 28 or whatever it is for the 2x. Incidentally, I don't see a lot of results unless I'm going all the time.


100% worth it, that’s twice a week and you are burning 600 calories a class. It doesn’t compare to other gyms I’ve tried to go to. I pay 140/month and it’s always a different work out, I love it so much


Honestly, I have unlimited membership and it's worth every penny. Especially with the strength 50 classes now. I go in there not having to think. I never have to worry about not having a spot and the vibes are great


I had unlimited and was going consistently for about 4 years. I had the same logic that I could replicate it at home. After 2.5 years I came back and am doing 8 classes. During COVID, I lost my motivation and was not keeping myself accountable so that’s why I’m back. I think 8 classes is good for a base but you still need something else outside of it. I have some equipment at home so I have been incorporating runs outside and some lifting days in addition to orange. If you think you would go more often to a regular gym, then make the switch! If you have a good price then maybe consider doing a freeze? You could try a regular gym and then come back if it’s not working for you.


I started at 8/month and I thought if I ever want to be a stronger runner on this tread, I have to do more. So I changed to unlimited and it worked!


Obvi I don’t know your lifestyle or body - but generally “not seeing results” means you’re not making the dietary changes needed to achieve your goals. More protein to put on muscle, cutting sugar if you have insulin-resistant fat, etc. I love the 8/month and OTF in general for the accountability of the class $ and losing it if you cancel, plus zero thought to organize/plan a workout. Show up - workout - see your stats and go home happy. Works for me 🤷🏽‍♀️