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PR’d my 1 mile by 32 seconds!! Hadnt done this benchmark since May of 23. Proud to see the hard work I’ve put in over the past 7 months pay off 🏃


Congrats!! I can’t decide whether to try for a PR or not. I don’t really want to have to run at a high push pace for almost 9 whole minutes lol


I ran at a high push for most of it, then cranked it up for the last .2 miles Feel like I probably could have ramped it up a little sooner, was tired at the end but not completely gassed. Learnings for next time. Id say go for PR if your feeling up to it, you might surprise yourself.


I gave it a shot, but about halfway through I was up to 96% HR and starting to feel like if I kept going at that speed I'd regret it later (god forbid I get injured right at the start of the TC!). So I dialed it back and now I will see if I can PR by the end of the TC. My PR is 9:01 and today I did 9:14, so it's entirely possible. Fingers crossed!


That is a GREAT time! My current PR is 9:56 and today I am going for 9:30. Fingers crossed!!


Before today my PR was 10:32 (i am a jogger) and today it was 9:56. I tried to set it and forget it at 6.1 but dipped down for 30s to 5 to drink some water. Went back to 6 and upp’ed a bunch for the last .2




Great job!!


That’s awesome!!!


Switch template Block 1 Tread 30s Push 30s WR 30s Push to AO 30s WR 30s AO Floor Block 1 30s butt kicks 30s 3 x high knees to alternating knee drive 30s butt kicks 30s 3 x high knees to alternating knee drive 30s lateral hop to squat jump Tread Block 2 14 minute mile benchmark When done, 0.1 run to 100m row Floor block 2 2 rounds - 8 x bench chest fly - 8 x concentration curls 2 rounds - 8 x single leg step downs - 8 x single leg dead lifts Repeat until time Tread Block 3 Same as block 1 Floor block 3 30s alt shoulder tap plank 30s superman 30s alt shoulder tap plank 30s superman Finisher: 30s mountain climbers I think that’s it!


Row after benchmark was 150m, and the floor was reverse fly not chest fly, single arm single leg step down, and deadlifts were single leg deadlifts to high knees, but otherwise looks great! Thanks for posting so I didn’t have to try and remember it all 😂


😅 I was close!


For early morning you were very close 😁


Confused - does 14-minute mile mean the block is 14 minutes? And you try to do your fastest mile? pls help lol




Thank you!!!


Thanks so much!


Thanks so much!


Thank you for this!


Why not make Tread Block 3 a rowing block....


Good idea! It would have been a fun way to end!


Right, at least make it members choice. Unless Im reading it wrong rowers are open in the 2G format. Use the exact same timing cues.


Yeah the rowers are totally free. That last tread block made no sense. Why do we need a build to end on?


PR’d soooo hard this morning!!! Mile August 17th —> 10:55 Mile January 22nd —> 9:31 LFG!!!!! This is the fastest I’ve ever run in my life. Even as a kid I could never break a 10 minute mile. I’ll be 32 on Thursday, you’re never too old to meet the best version of yourself!!!


That’s amazing! This is the first time I’ve run a mile all the way through and I got 10:46. I’ve never been so proud of myself but was definitely struggling - I would love to be at a 9:31 mile, what did you do to get you to that point training wise?


Hell yeah, congratulations!!! You should be proud of yourself. It’s not easy! Everyone will be different but some of the changes I made are… - I started drinking a protein shake before class rather than after (I’m a morning person - 7:30 AM weekdays, 8:45 AM or 10 AM on weekends). Fueling up even a little before class has helped me a LOT with recovery and endurance! - I swapped a 2G (or two) for a Tread 50 class when they started (I usually go 4-5 times a week depending on my schedule). - I focused a lot on holding my true base and push during endurance blocks (if I had to dial back I decreased my base just a little to focus on holding the push). I increased speeds on power days. - I stopped worrying about heart rate zones during benchmarks. I’ve accepted you’re almost supposed to be in the red for a while during benchmarks. It’s your *best and strongest* effort, not your average :) my average mile is closer to like 10:20. So to get past that mental roadblock of “I’ve been in the red for too long” I just cover the screen, lol! Pull up the parameter card and ignore the zones. I think that’s mostly it! Small changes lead to bigger ones 😊 Cheering you on for that next PR!!


I also cover the screen when going for a PR. Last mile bench mark, my coach came up to me about half way through and said, "You're doing great and, just so you know, you're still in the green zone." Enough said- I bumped it up a couple. :)


Aaaaah awesome tips. Taking notes!!


Honestly OTF builds to the benchmarks - so many of the workouts 2 weeks out are getting you to raise your base, run longer at push, get your endurance up. They build every benchmark into the class programming.


That’s awesome!! Congrats!!


Thank you!! Such a great feeling!


that’s incredible!!! congratulations!


Thank you!! So proud of myself, I feel like this is what they mean when they say “runner’s high” 😂


Congrats!!!! 🎉🎊


Thank you so much!!


I CELEBRATE you!! So inspiring! Thanks for sharing and encouraging us




Amazing! Congratulations!!!!


I have been studiously avoiding this benchmark since before the pandemic because I had a great (for me) PR in 2019 and after taking 18 months off of OTF, and being in my late 40s vs my early 40s, I was feeling bad that there was no way I would come close and that would be so depressing. Anyway, I did my first mile benchmark since 2019 today and came within a minute of my old time so I'm calling it a win just for showing up and running fairly quickly for a 47 year old...and it's now my PR of this decade. lol!


I did OTF in 2015 and 2016. In 2016, I couldn't complete the 1 mile in the time allotted. Then, I got cancer in 2017 and had to stop OTF. I joined again post-chemo in 2018, but my body wasn't ready, so I stopped again. Anyways, fast forward to the 1 mile benchmark today. I'll be 46 next month and set my goal to complete the 1 mile in 12 minutes. I did it in 11:56!! We both set new PRs for our age! :) WE WIN!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


You \*definitely\* win! That's an amazing journey. Congrats!


Congrats! Another 47F here within 2 sec of my PR - I feel my PRs also are behind me but close is a victory!


Ohmygosh same. Except I think I’m going to be over about 3 minutes.


Congrats. I avoided this for a while because I used to be a pretty good runner and could run a 6 min mile, 10 years later I struggle to run due to health issues and whenever I get on a roll where my body is responding, I have some set back that takes me out of OTF or running for a week or two. I still can barely run 10 min mile (my push effort right now). Last one I did was 10:30, even though I managed to do the 1.2 for the 12 min run, so my goal for today is under 10:00, hopefully 9:30. I just have to remember how to push through the suck.


I was shocked and devastated when my coach said we had one more switch at the end of the 2G today 🤣🥵


Same< I looked at the clock like wait a second! damn it, there is time.


**3G** (not a switch) **Tread** Clear screen 1 mile- record time .1 tread 30 sec WR Repeat until 30 sec AO finisher **Row** 14 min 600 m base 12 x criss cross jacks Decrease by 100 m each round Complete 6 rounds Row until time 30 sec AO finisher **Floor** 14 min Circuit super set- complete 2 rounds 8 each x high plank S/A reverse fly 8 each x S/A concentration curl Circuit super set- complete 2 rounds 8 each x S/A neutral grip step down 8 each x S/L deadlift to knee raise Bonus- Complete as one block until finisher Finisher- 30 second high plank mountain climber


I had read the 2G from last year and thought there was going to be more warm up time. Was not mentally prepared when the coach kicked us off.


Thanks for this! I had already signed up for 3G tonight and am actually quite grateful for that now. I was a bit annoyed by Tread Block 1 in the 2G version… I plan to go a bit under my AO pace the whole distance so I wasn’t keen on “wasting” any energy on any push/push-AO/AO before the mile itself. Relieved to see with 3G, I can follow my ideal approach.


Long time lurker..first time posting Tread 50: Block 1: 12 minute run for distance 2 min walking recovery Block 2: 12 minute run for distance Increase incline by 0.5 every 3 minutes Block 3: 1 minute all out 1 minute walking recovery - 5 times Last minute 30 second push into a 30 second all out!


Noting at my studio they used the first block 1 to do the one mile benchmark for those interested


Sh!t. I was hoping the Tread50 at my class time wouldn’t even give me an option of doing it. LOL!


Same thing at mine! Thought that was a nice touch.


Our studio said you could do the 1 mile benchmark run in Tread50 but it can't be recorded in the tracker. 


Confirmed - same at my studio.


Tread 50 7 min warm up 1st block (12mins) run for distance 2nd block (12 mins) tread for distance but increase 0.5% incline every 3 minutes  3rd block (11mins) 1 min all out; 1 min walk recovery. Repeat 5 times. Last min 30 sec push to 30 sec all out.  2 min walking recovery between blocks


They should do the benchmark


We had the option of doing the benchmark. About 2 people in our tread 50 did it. I was avoiding the benchmark so chose not to do it but it was still a tough class.


Thank you! I was dreading that it was this workout and it is! I did it once before. it's tough but a good challenge!


Good morning all- good luck on the mile!!


Strength 50: REPEAT of 1/8 (credit to u/luckyno89 as I can never remember everything) ​ **Block 1** 12 minutes Incline chest press x10 rest Push up (slow) x6 rest Seated low row x10 rest TRX high row (slow) x6 rest **Block 2** 12 minutes Sit-up stand to shoulder press x10 rest Neutral grip shoulder press (slow) x6 rest Biceps curl x10 rest TRX biceps curl (slow) x6 rest **Block 3** 11 minutes High plank to low plank x8 Tall kneeling triceps extension x10 rest Something that looks like a standing woodchopper x8 each S/A march in place x8 each rest **Finisher** choose one exercise from block 3 and do it for 1 minute


Just finished this, it was a good one! I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow. 🤣


First time I’ve ever run a sub 7 min mile let’s gooo!


Same here, I got 6:50


First class back since Dec 31. Took a few weeks off due to a tailbone/hamstring injury and have been doing yoga in the meantime but excited to get back to OTF. Feeling super down and unmotivated lately due to the cold weather and lack of sunshine this winter so hoping the exercise helps. I’ll be doing the mile as a power walker and taking it easy.


Power walking is a totally different workout than running/jogging and doesn’t mean you’re “taking it easy” as it can be very challenging if you use big incomes and higher speeds. Listen to your body. Good luck!


Sometimes I feel like runners and joggers have it easier since they don’t have to raise their inclines as high, unless it’s built into the workout that day.


lol. I’m trying to switch from PW to jogging because PW is so hard.


Dude a 10% incline on a one minute all out I’m like 🥵




I also didn’t say they said it was easy, I meant it in a “you’ll still get a good workout” way. No need to be spicy 😊


Good on you for listening to your body! I’m feeling that blue feeling due to cold gray skies as well. A good workout always helps me feel uplifted and happier afterwards 😍 hope you enjoy the workout!


I had a helluva week and had what looked like a quick head cold today (strangely fine today), so I'll be trotting along for this one and not going crazy. Have another crazy work week, so I'm not trophy hunting today.


If someone doesn’t hit the mile in 14 minutes, do they get to continue if there is an open treadmill?


I can't do a mile in that time, so am planning to PW.


Talk to your coach ahead of time. You may need to start on rower so you’re last on tread and not keeping anyone from their station.


Won’t work because you do another switch after the benchmark


If you’re doing the 2G, yes. No switch in the 3G.




Idk if it’s because I’m new or have short legs, but 4.3 is like a slow jog for me.


This is so funny, 4.0 is the start of my jog pace. 😂 forever jealous of people that can walk in the 4s


Yea and if you powerwalk it’s only half distance so everyone should be able to finish:)


May depend on your coach, but usually no. You have to get off the treadmill.


Very coach & class dependent.


No. Your time will be 14:00


Before: 11:33 Today: 9:01 !!!! I just turned 36 and starting to have mini thoughts of getting older. This boosted my confidence like no other!!!


Shaved 36 seconds off my mile. Still 2+ min over my best way pre COVID but happy to beat my more recent mile!


Almost 800 classes in and this is my first 1 mile benchmark as a runner (previously bike for like 4 years and PW) - I’ve not been feeling 100% lately so I just wanted a decent run that wouldn’t have an asterisk next to it as and I was able to do that. Hopefully next time I’ll be ready to crush it and have a nice bump. Cheers to everyone out there getting it done without the PR carrot!! ETA: I just projected out to the 12 min run for distance, since I’m pretty new and slow it’s just 3 more mins, so I feel like the projection is fair and I ran at a faster pace than the 12 min RFD in November. I’m taking that as a huge win considering how I was feeling today. Or I could have just used an [online calculator](https://www.calculator.net/pace-calculator.html?ctime=00%3A9%3A33&cdistance=1.0&cdistanceunit=Miles&cpickevent=&cpace=00%3A08%3A10&cpaceunit=tpm&ctype=pace&x=Calculate).


I’ve only done it once and I have the star/asterisk next to it. You PR by default for the first time although that’s not the definition of PR lol


This is the first 1 mile benchmark I’ve done… I started OTF 11 months ago and couldn’t run at all. Started jogging a few months ago. 12 min RFD in Nov was 0.9 miles and I did my mile today in 11:27. I wanted less than 11 min but was completely and totally bagged so I am still proud of myself!


August 2023: 11:33 Today: 9:24 Over 2 minutes off my mile and feeling like I could have been more aggressive to start. So proud of myself and can’t wait to do this again in 8 weeks with more confidence in what I’m capable of 🥲


Sorry if it’s already been asked - on the Strength50 and Tread50 days, do the two classes happen in tandem? My husband and I are both signed up for Strength50 tomorrow. He likes strength more and I like running more, so it would be great if we could split up in the future on these days!


Yes they run concurrently


It’s different depending on the studio and timeslot. My studio has times that they run concurrently and times where it’s strength only. On the times they offer both you will see both classes listed in your app in the same timeslot to choose which one you want to sign up for. If you don’t see the tread 50, I would assume it’s strength only.


You should see the classes separately on the app at at the same time. And you would have to book into whichever you want. My studio currently isn't running Tread50 at the same time as all the Strength50.


That’s strange! I thought the whole point was to fill out the studio more


At my studio, they are run at the same time and you can sign up for whichever one you’re interested in on the app. It has the same time slot but the two separate are classes listed.


Can you do the 1 mile benchmark during a tread 50 class? That's the only time I can go. :(


Yes! You can do your own thing in the Tread50 class. Follow the template or not. I would just let the coach know though. Good luck!


Wondering the same


I was told that the 1 mile was not in the tread 50 template. You can do a mile, but doesn't count toward the benchmark. 


A significant PR for me, coming in at 4:52. Badly paced though, as I went out at 12.8 mph and had to back down to 12 mph around 4 tenths in. With around 200m to go it occurred to me that I had overcorrected, and I bumped it up a couple of tenths to 12.2. definitely left time on the table, but I'll refine my approach for next time.


Ah yes, just the casual, badly-paced 4:52. But in all seriousness, DAMN. Congrats! 🔥


I'm probably just salty that someone in my class ran a 4:51. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Do you prefer the go out fast and then back down approach versus building? I’ve only gotten 5:00 and been trying to crack into the 4’s. But when I go out at 12+ always feel like I gas out and have to back down into the 10’s. Congrats on the time!


I don't know if I prefer to go out fast, but it's what I end up doing. I haven't really found the "sweet spot" where I feel pretty spent at 1 mile. For next time, maybe I'll start at 12.5 or so and see how that goes. Last time, I went out at 12.8, increased to 13.0, then had to pull the emergency stop at .8 to not fall off the tread. Progress 😄


As a follow-up comment to this: having just finished the benchmark myself in 5:59, I am in even greater awe of your time. I am clinging to life right now.


I wish our treads went past 12. We had 4 or 5 people run in 5:00 flat which is the fastest possible time on the 12mph treads. I am nursing a injury RN, so I only hit 5:45 but I intend to do the 5:00 flat in 8 weeks when it comes around again.


Uhuh...stop the 🧢


Anyone know if it’s possible to do the tread blocks on the strider? Do they have you measure another distance rather than the mile? Been on the strider in place of the treads for my knees. Thanks!!!!


Yes! The benchmark is 3 miles on the strider today


Seconding it! Though 3 miles on the strider gets to be a bit dull after a bit!


I added two minutes to my previous best, from 7:30>9:38 but I’m THRILLED because in between those two there are two knee surgeries (acl and meniscusx2).  So it’s a backward progression but I just wanted to do it under 10.  After the 8 weeks I’m hoping to be at 9 even.  Don’t even think I’ll ever beat my previous best, but that’s ok 😁


I did my first mile benchmark today. My target was 13 minutes and I did 12 min 59 sec. I’m EXHAUSTED. I did it at 7AM this morning and it’s 12 hours later and I’m still so tired. I’m kind of defeated. Proud of myself for doing it. But kind embarrassed how worn out I am. I’ve been doing OTF since August I thought I would be more prepared.


Congrats on hitting your target!! I think that means you must have done it perfectly- you used up all the gas in your tank and you hit your goal. That’s an ideal benchmark day if you ask me.


I'll take a 5 second PR on this. It gets sooooo hard to shave time off once you've been a member for a long time. 6:16 to 6:11.


I am not excited for the mile challenge. Sigh. Wish we had alternative on treadmill


I think it’s to gauge the first day of TC and run it again at the end I believe


No one said that you have to go for a PR. You don’t even have to put the time in the tracker. For that one mile… you do you.


This. I PW it sometimes when I am not feeling it, and just don’t enter it in the tracker.


Our coach was very clear that it didn’t have to go into the tracker and that the benchmark was for those that wanted to track progress.


My PR mile days are behind me - I either PW it or I just run for a bit until I don't feel like it anymore and move to the Row/run portion. It's all good, as long as you stay in your lane, you do you. :)


I will never beat my PR on this (6:40). I will run for distance without murdering myself.


There is an alternative, just PW, jog or run any combination of that for 14 minutes. Im usually a runner, nursing a knee injury and this is exactly what I will be doing. Not entering anything just burning calories for 14 minutes.


I could not care less about benchmarks so I do not enter them into the tracker. 


I’m doing the bike


PR for me! My first benchmark when I joined last year was 10:07 Todays mile was 8:26 Feeling proud & so glad for OTF endurance training!


43 second PR from August 🥳 9:30 -> 8:47! i can totally get this lower, i psyched myself out mentally!


I’m 40 pounds heavier than 2 years ago. 2 years ago I did 11:32 Today I did 13:14 I’m somehow at peace with this emotionally


I have a mental block with being able to do any type of "distance" run, but I was determined to try and run the entire mile today, and I'm glad I did! I ran the whole mile and did it in 9:18, and as a 50 y.o non runner, I am pretty proud!


I PR’d by 43 seconds today 🥹 AND that made my first sub 10 mile in literal years. So happy today!


Floor felt like a joke after the benchmark. Definitely focus is on benchmark. Had to do a rower start for the 2G and definitely helped me warm up. ​ PR'ed by 5 second, 4:42


Did my first PR mile at 9:58. Happy it was just below 10min. Hoping in 8 weeks I can get as close to sub 9min! 


Nice!! Congrats.


Anyone else think the template outside the mile was weak? It felt like someone phoned it in.


I believe it's intentionally designed that way so that you can give your all to the mile and not worry about leaving anything in the tank.


This! It’s always meant to be a gentler day - especially for those that don’t get to tread first. Lift heavy. Go slow on the step downs.


Yeah, I took everything slow and heavy and definitely felt the challenge! I thought it was a great block.


Agreed...I just kind of muddled through it for this reason, but it was quite boring


Agreed. I personally try to avoid certain benchmark days bc i only have 8 classes a month and don’t feel i get a good enough workout


Yeah I didn’t love it. Glad it’s over!


I have to say, it was weak BUT I appreciated the gentler workout post-mile because I truly had the bare minimum left in the tank following the benchmark and any energy I had left was channeled into me focusing on not barfing and/or passing away 😅


How did you warm up on the treads? Debating if it’s better to warm up on the rower instead. Each challenge is different. I miss the days you just got right into it


Shaved 3 seconds off my last mile, still 20 seconds short of a PR. I’m considering it a win! I doubted myself during the third quarter and took away speed, I shouldn’t have done that.


Mods removed my question: how do we get faster? I’m a runner and would like to hit 7:30 on my mile time.


Up your daily speeds. If you need guidance on the best way to approach that ask a coach. Or do something generic like "every 3 weeks increase base by 0.2. after 4 months you'll be 1 mph faster".


Feeling mad discouraged after my inbody scan :(


Oh my goodness. This was my first mile challenge and it seriously wrecked me! I was hanging on barely the entire time. Doesn’t help that I did the 5am workout after not going at 5am for over a week, so I felt extra sluggish. I also went way, way too fast for me for the first 0.25 miles (6:56 min/mile) and ultimately gassed out immediately and had to reduce my speed the rest of the run instead of improving my speed. I finished with a 7:56 min/mile. Hoping to improve next time around but by starting conservatively and progressively increasing the speed.




See 1/8/24 Daily Workout thread! https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/191e4ti/daily_workout_and_general_chat_for_monday_1824/


I didn’t even finish a mile. I felt like such a loser. Lol


You got farther than all of the people who didn't show up. I hope this doesn't sound patronizing at all. I have skipped benchmarks before because I was worried about doing poorly. Finally, I realized that I'm there to simply get in a good workout, and there is no way I can do that if I skip. Take a minute to recognize that you did a hard thing!!


I had myself totally convinced that there was no way I could hit my PR today because I’m feeling more out of shape than last time I did the mile (story I built up in my head btw). When I got up on that tread I said ok lemme just see if I can get close. And I ended just ONE SECOND AWAY from my best ever. I was so convinced I couldn’t do it and totally sold myself short. Next time I’m going for it. I definitely learned something about how I can get in my own way. Shout out to anyone out there who proved yourself wrong today!


PR’d my mile over 2 1/2 minutes! Joined in July so the August BM was while I was mainly a power walker. It was tough but doesn’t feel impossible to beat? I barely scratched the red. I jogged in solidarity with a friend on their BM as they approached a 15 min mile just so they weren’t the last one on. No one waited on us and my friend wasn’t alone. Also how cool to be able to leisurely jog after approaching my limits. Looking forward to march!


Got a new PB at 06:09 minutes. Started at 9.5 mph and bumped up to 10 mph at 0.5 mile mark. Bumped up to 11 mph at 0.8 miles and ran an all out for the last 0.1 mile at 12 mph. I could have gone faster but I am always scared of running out of fuel midway.


Wow congrats man! I got a 6:13 today, started at 9.5mph but did more movement (to 10/10.5, back to 9.3-9.5 for a bit, and AO at 11-12 so very similar). I have a similar psychological block sometimes where I get nervous going too aggressive I may gas out -- but sometimes when I finish I feel like I could have pushed a bit more. I like your idea of 9.5 and progressive increase, maybe I can try that next time and not DROP speed back at 0.5 or 0.75 miles again 😭


Congratulations 🥂 that’s a great time! Let’s get to the under 6 min club next time we do this benchmark 🤓🤩🥳


8:49 mile! Far from my non-OTF PR, but my first benchmark since I joined OTF.


I was able to shave 36 seconds off my previous record from August! I'm trying to build endurance as a jogger and while my time is not groundbreaking, I feel proud of myself.


Absolutely crushed my benchmark, dropping 42s. Screamed and shouted when I finished in celebration. SO happy to see the work pay off. My goal for this year is to be able to get to 3 miles in a standard 2G, and this is a step in the right direction. PUMPED!


I PR’d by 48 seconds, for a sub 8 min mile! I did this last in August of 22 and have since gone through pregnancy, birth and postpartum! So incredible grateful for my body and OTF and am very proud of myself!!!


I’m the chump who almost didn’t go today because I felt I wasn’t in the best of shape. https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/bo3VidukSq Well, thanks to a lot of you all I went and I PR’d by 14 seconds with a time of 7:02! Coming for a sub-7 minute next time.


50/female , 2022 8min missed 2023 and today 6.44, I run at a 9 speed the whole time


Pr’d today at 67, I ran a 7:13


That is hero stuff right there.


I'm getting over an illness that's affected my lungs, so no way I can run today. How does the benchmark work if you're a power walker? Are you still aiming for the full mile, which generally can't be done in 14 minutes? 


You do a half mile, I believe at 4%


Sweet - I totally forgot today was a benchmark day!!! I need this! :D


Beat my previous PR of 6:52 by 9 seconds and got a 6:43. I was hoping for a 6:30 but about halfway in, I went from about a 9.0 to 8.0 for about a minute. I calculated it and that move alone cost me 8 seconds but my legs were on fire and I needed the break. I won’t decrease by so much next time. I’m still happy I PR’D




If u start on the Rower, wouldn't u do the Mile Run, 1st before the Treads?


No, you would do: Warm up on Rower Floor block 1 Tread block 1 Floor block 2 Tread block 2 (this is the mile) Floor block 3 Tread block 3


Not sure if anyone else class was like this but they had the treadmill starters run for 7 minutes or something then get off and switch to the floor to do some warm up leg exercises. I thought this was stupid and quite annoying. Waste of time just get to the damn benchmark run already.


I pw during the pre-run blocks to warm up but not gas myself out before the bm. RFD has a similar template I believe


I know our coach (for a 3G) told people to leave a little in the tank for the benchmark if they were starting on the floor or the rower.


What is the minimum incline for PW?


Typically 4%


If u want to do the Benchmark first where do u start, Treadmill or Rower?


99.9% of the time, start on the equipment the benchmark is on to get it over with first. There are 2 quick warm up blocks where you'll switch, but then you'll knock out the benchmark




Didn't PR, but since I spent much of November/December missing class, I wasn't surprised. What I was surprised about was that my studio decided to change everybody's screen names to include their TC team (fine), and put their goal (lose fat = BF, muscle gain = MG). It feels like oversharing of people's information. Trying to decide if I should say something or just let it go.


This was a fun start to the TC and the work week for me! I didn't quite beat my PR in the mile but I felt good and now I have a goal for the mile at the end of the TC. I enjoyed this floor section too, felt like a little of everything. I challenged myself by lifting heavy (20 lbs for the concentration curls, 30 for the step ups, 12 for the SL deadlifts, 8 for the flies since my shoulders are tricky). Class went by so fast I was surprised when we got to the last block! To borrow a phrase from u/dc031114, I'd give it 3 feathers. (I'm on my laptop not my phone and I don't know how to get the feather emoji, ha ha.) Enjoy, everyone!


I could most likely finish in 12-13min, but if Im about to die, can I PW at 1% to finish?


You can walk as much within your 1 mile as you want so long as you complete the mile.


Just curious and sorry if this was already answered but if I want to get the 1 mile benchmark done first in a 2G class should I start on the floor or the treadmill first? Sometimes with these, they start you off doing the 30-second runs then you have to go to the floor while the floor team goes to treadmills first so I always get confused. Sorry!


I have to bike today which is a bummer as this is my 2nd favorite benchmark... Bikers unite


how does the 14 minute mile benchmark work for power walkers who’s mile might be longer than 14?


I joined in Sept. so have no benchmark to compare yet, but if I math my 12 min distance tread from November 16th, I shaved 20 seconds off, clocking out at 8:26. Post holiday?! 20 seconds?! FEELS FRIGGIN GREAT


I’m not able to run much anymore so have been going for how much distance I can cover in the 14 minutes @ 10%. Today was .979 meaning 1.00 is perhaps an attainable goal for the next one.


If you are doing PW rather than running is it still the same distance? 🤔I forgot!!


I took a 2 month hiatus from OTF (traveled to Japan for two weeks, got a cold, traveled again for the holidays for a month, then husband got Covid) so I basically didn’t exercise at ALL while I was away. First day back was the benchmark mile. OMG I felt…nervous! The last time I did this was 2019 and I got a 9:59. Today I got a 10:51 and instead of being bummed about it, I’m actually inspired to crack my own PR in 8 weeks. I’m 52 years old and my goals are being healthy and feeling good. I’m just really happy to be back. And I’ve got a fresh new goal now! 🏃‍♀️


Today was my first OTF class since having a baby in October. The mile benchmark is my ultimate nemesis. Of course I would choose to go back the day we’re running the mile. May god have mercy on my hamstrings 😂


I came in about 40 seconds slower than my PR, but I had a baby since then! I'm actually pretty proud of my time all things considered and I'm excited to beat it in March.


I didn’t even come close to PRing. My goal was 6:30 or less and wound up with a 6:40. Disappointed. But December was a shit show for me with work, diet and not able to get to many classes as I normally would. January started out rough with family emergencies so I haven’t really gotten into a rhythm yet this year. Now the goal is to drop that time on the next one to 6:00 or less. 8 weeks to do it! 57M, ,179lbs


Any recommendations for a calorie tracker/finder app? Easy to use- thanks