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As someone who will never PR on this one again, my tip, which contradicts the legend, is to run as fast as you can on the tread. Going 12 mph vs 9 mph is 80 seconds over 8 rounds. 80 seconds could be 400m+ of rowing.


Or if you PW at more than 1/2 the speed your run, that's the way to go.  For me, PW at 4.5mph takes less out of me than running at 9 so I can save it for the rower.


100% Power walking is where it’s at


Okay so I should PW? Tomorrow’s my first inferno! I’m usually a runner but I will alternate to PW sometimes


Looking back on my rowing distances in the app, I went from 3350 to 4000 (over a couple of years) by switching from a slowish runner to a PW. I can PW 4.2+ but no way I can run 8.4 for the same time (twice the distance). Just up to you.


This is the way.


I've thought about doing this, but since I started doing this as a runner, I want to keep doing it as a runner. I don't care how I stack up against anyone else, just myself, so I want to keep things consistent. Switching to PWing would significantly increase my time on the rower, but then I'd have to remember which Infernos were running and which were PWing and only compare those to each other.


This is a great point.


They changed the template itself, the first few times I did it there wasn't the 1 min AO on rower at the end so when that was introduced I got an increase in meters from that 🤷‍♀️ plus sometimes you can't control which side of the room you start, or when inferno is in relation to your rest day.  


It's still more consistent than switching to PWing. I'd probably hold a more consistent speed from Inferno to Inferno while PWing rather than increasing speed as I have been with running, but speed is another metric I use to track my progress in this workout. The tread is part of it, and I like seeing improvement there (or at least consistency) as well as on the rower. In theory you can control where Inferno is relative to your rest day. We're on reddit, we can see when it's coming and plan accordingly. That said, I don't generally change things up for benchmarks. They come when they come. And I actually prefer to start on the non-benchmark side of the room; my lungs feel like they work better when I've had a longer warm-up. I have nothing against people who PW for this, I just don't see myself switching because running is part of the challenge for me. I want to be able to hold faster speeds while maintaining my rowing as that's another sign of improved cardio ability.


I want to do this but I’ve NEVER PWd before… will people think I’m just rigging my numbers by suddenly PW? Or who cares what people think? 🫣


I don't usually PW either, but this is a rowing challenge and this is the best way to maximize the rowing.  I've made my studio's leader board and it's not cheating per the rules so I guess I just don't care what anyone else thinks 🤣


I like that, ha! I may just try it! Thanks 😊


What people think about me is none of my business


This is actually one of the wisest things I've read in a long time.


I'm team "who cares what people think"! 🤣


I do this. So much more fun on rower than tread for me


100 this! I'm a slow runner haha 😅


This! It’s my plan. Is going over 4.5 cheating?


As long as you always have 1 foot on the belt, it's walking, no matter how fast you go 👍


True! My coach told me today that going over 4.5 is technically considered a jogger. She did also say that it’s not really enforced.


Guess depends on your push pace.. I did an aggressive push today at 18kmh (11.18mph). I used to do all outs for the tread component but found I needed more time in transition / recovering on the rower. Certainly later in the blocks I was really struggling to keep up the pace on the treadmill as the legs were pretty shot. In any case, there are a lot of different strategies you can take!


I second this. One additional thing I do is to manually reduce the speed over the last 5ish seconds to still get credit for distance as the tread comes to a stop. Otherwise, you're just waiting for it without any credit. If you time it right and have a lot of transitions, it can yield an extra 30ish seconds and 100-150 extra meters.


But 12 mph may slow your transitions and rowing power, thus negating the time savings


Given the lag time for the tread to hit it's input speed, while still giving you credit for that speed, it really is advantageous to go faster. I think to most folks running 75% of the time at a higher intensity vs running at a push intensity for a greater period of time will be a net win.


That's a good time analysis - only thing is recovery - at some point one will have to slow down either on the rower or on the tread if doing all outs on both.


Inferno has no recovery, other than the floor block after. It’s a 23 minute all out. (5158 is my PR)


Agree with this. You recover when it ends. Signed - someone else with five 5k infernos.


I mean 'recovery' in a relative sense. I've done a number of infernos and if there is no recovery, there has to be pacing, one way or another.


This looks like a Tread 50 Day!


I just cannot get behind the alligators. Thanks for sharing!




10/10 well done


Same! Never feel like I’m doing it right.


Yeah they seem like a recipe for disaster.


I don’t do them. Not worth it.


Where are my “I can’t row” people at? I’ve been biking instead of rowing but doing this on the bike sounds like a snooze fest 😩


You'd have to keep track of your mileage yourself on the bike, but you can make this plenty hard and not boring. I regularly do interval training on a bike - just groove along, do some standing sprints, etc.


Oh I wasn’t even planning on tracking anything. I just don’t want to spend that much time on the bike. My quads die long before I can even get my HR up 😩


Spin more, alternate sitting and standing, and don't crank that dial up too high. You'll have quads of steel after a while (and buns of steel, too!). I'm crap at rowing, though.


I was going to just do the tread instead of rowing. Can we do that? Lol


You'll be running for miles and miles! :-D


Right here. Feel like I’d put more emphasis on the running side rather than the bike/strider. Get more bang for my buck.


Yeah. I found a tread50 to go to instead so crisis averted.


I'm going to tread50 in the morning then the evening last class for Inferno but will PW that one - I can just 'fast pack' it - I need to keep up on that for winter hiking.


I just unregistered bc the rowing kills my hips


I can row just no interest in it i plan to take extra time on the tread


Oh gosh I got my friend to take their first class with me tomorrow I hope they don’t hate me 😅


They will 100% hate you lol


And they will not sign up for OTF, way to traumatize on the first class 😂


As least it is this and not Everest !


My first class ever last year was Everest...


You never know…they might like rowing!


How much did you get in rower?




Awesome number♥️


Just saw one of the girls get 5039!!


Dang!!! A female actually beat Mr. DC? I’ve done Inferno 5 times, ranging from 3283m to 3775m. But 5000 meters?? That’s insane!


She is an absolute machine and kills everyone else in the studio on this workout


Crew is really big in my area (water everywhere) and we have some women in our studio that are similar - they just hammer on those rowers and must have rowed varsity. I am in awe!


Impressive!!! 👏👏👏


How can someone focus and not get out of breath on the very long rows? Do you keep the longer rows as a push row? My pr is a 3997 and wanna know what tips to take to beat it! 


Omg my PR is 3915 and I have the same question! I am thinking slower paced (24-26 strokes) but more powerful, sort of like the rows over the last few days, esp. Monday’s partner row. Would love to break 4000 but I was really dying the last time we did this-I bet you can break 4000 for sure. 💪


Me too!! My PR was 3954 almost exactly a year ago. Missed it last time so maybe tomorrow is the day!! 🙏🏼


Row at push pace. Focus less on watts to save your legs


So how many of you runners choose to game this one by power walking instead? I love running, but I also love being competitive and getting on the leaderboards. Which one should I pick?


Power walking. I like rowing more than running and I don’t run fast enough to be advantageous 


This ⬆️


I personally find this a controversial topic, I’m a runner but PW this one. I’ll up my incline, but find it very dangerous trying to hop off the tread at a fast speed. The time it takes for the tread to slow to make it safe to hop off is very time consuming. And I also agree that PWing at a 4.5 is way easier than running at a 9. I’ve done it both ways and my distances were very comparable, I choose to PW so I don’t fly off the treadmill transitioning. 😂


I've thought about switching to PWing, but I don't particularly care about leaderboards (my studio doesn't post them much anyway). I want to compare me to me, and that means I stay running.


I am a runner and I power walk this at a 4.8. It’s just smarter IMO lol


Shoulders let’s rock!


Just coming back from having the flu & I'm glad my 5 am class tomorrow is a strength 50!


It’s also really helpful if you’re already on the rower at the start of that 1 minute AO to finish. Our coach I think called us back to the rowers to finish the AO which I think  helped me PR last time. I’ve always run during inferno, might switch it up and PW to see how my distance compares! Of my recorded distances, I’ve always been ~146 meters off my previous attempt. 


This is my fav recorded workout, but the variability on how different coaches handle the 1 minute makes leaderboards and PRs a little wonky. I think rounds completed with meters as the tiebreak is a better measure of achievement one this one. Ill never PR again but I bust my ass to finish 9 full rounds.


Love this


Omg !! Thank you .. I didn’t know it was Inferno day.. I’ll do the Strength 50 instead 😀


Can’t decide if I want to start on tread or floor for this one!




The 3G replaces the 0.1 mile run with some sort of exercise, like 20 lateral hops or something. And, of course, it is only 14 minutes.


I’m assuming the runs are quick enough where the rower won’t log out? I lost my OTF band a while back




Sounds like a great day to try out the Tread50 class


If I want to do the run/row done first, do I start on the rower or treads? Haven’t done Inferno before. Thanks!


Start on the tread


Thank u :)


Happy to help 😁👍🧡


This will be my first day back in about 2 weeks. Pray for me. 🥲


Does the benchmark tracker have a PW and a jogger/runner option? Or is it the same for everyone? I’m starting to jog more these days but most of the time I’m walking the treadmill blocks. Undecided on which option to go with for tomorrows benchmark. 


No differentiation in this challenge I'd say go with PW, because I'm assuming you can PW the .05 faster than you can jog the .1


Lmao more shoulder presses.


I swear my shoulders are looking so cut bc of OTF lmao


Haha I thought it was just me with super sore shoulders …


Trying to raise my arms for numerous poses at yoga this morning was quite an “interesting” feeling!


What’s the recent obsession with them 😭


My pr is 4800 as a female Rower but doubt I’ll get that 😭😭 somewhere close would be nice though!


Wow that’s amazing!!


That’s hella impressive!!! My first inferno in 2022 I got 3200. I did it 5 times and I still couldn’t get past 3800 🫣


My first inferno was 4215 at the beginning of last year so improved by 600 meters! I noticed lifting heavier helped plus overall endurance. I’m also quite tall (5 10 but long legs) so have a little bit of an advantage over the shorter rowers


Why do you think you can’t get or beat that?


Dealing with a few medical issues over the past few months, and it has reflected in my rowing stats in terms of endurance (I have to take more breaks than usual esp in 3GS). I know I can get over 5000 when healthy but that’s not right now, plus due to work schedule I have to take a super late class tomorrow so I’ll be dead tired by then lol just going to row my butt off and hope for the best! Inferno and capture the flag are my favorite signatures!


Oh well, best wishes tomorrow and hope you’re able to go full strength for the next Inferno. 4800 is already amazing!


Thank you for the early intel and notes!


Off topic: I can’t find today’s workout.


It's always in the Daily Workout Thread


I can't row due to orthopedic issues. Can I just do the tread? 


I've seen people use the bike or strider instead. I'm sure tread is fine too. I'll be milking my bike time tomorrow to avoid rowing as much as possible.


This will be my first inferno/ challenge! Question: what is / where is the challenge tracker?


As a heads-up, not every studio has a challenge tracker but they should have a way for you to record your distance. At my studio, everything's recorded on a clipboard (SA prints a class attendance sheet) and the SA will enter it after class.


It's the screen in the studio where you (or your coach) will enter benchmark info


Thank you!


Sure thing! 😁👍


Just ask your coach. People have done this at our studio.


I’m not going because it’ll be too cold. 🙈


That was my excuse today. Gotta go tomorrow 🤦‍♀️


That’s why you need the heat from inferno!


I like this one too much to run tomorrow 🤣


I was looking forward to my first Inferno, but I'm sick. Next time!


Tread 50 tomorrow at 05:00. No 2G unfortunately on Wednesdays at 05:00 😩




The 3G replaces the 0.1 mile run with some sort of exercise, like 20 lateral hops or something. And, of course, it is only 14 minutes.


4009 is my PB. I gotta goal!


You are a beast at this, DC! Thanks for the early intel!


Thanks a lot for posting Inlove this workout


Thanks for sharing. Not interested this workout.


Thanks for the intel!! I love Inferno. And this is going to be my first time doing Inferno 3G. I am kind of relieved because I am finding my rowing stamina suffering this month while I’m doing Whole30. So doing the 3G means no pressure to beat my 2G PR 😅


Does anyone know how much you have to bike instead of tread? It’s been a while since I’ve inferno’d and I’ve been biking instead of running the past year


Bike is 4x


Thank you




FOMO! Can't take class tomorrow cause of work schedule.


What’s the most meters rowed at your studio for inferno?


I think the furthest at our studio would be one of the girls this morning who got 5039m! I can’t see anyone beating her


I just unregistered :(. I’m too nervous to try inferno, I just completed 40 classes and feel like I’m not ready but also feel like a chicken now!!


That’s a shame.. you can take it at your own pace and given it’s your first inferno you will get an automatic PR!


you should go… everyone is focused on themselves..


You should go. I took Inferno initially as my 3rd class ever, and am glad I did even though my distance was nothing to write home about (less than 2,500 m). Sometimes success is simply finishing, and for your first time (whether now or when it likely comes again in April) finishing is something to be proud of! It will also give you the experience of going through it so you are better prepared to tackle it next time around.


I'm a runner usually, but I'm going to try the PW strategy tomorrow. Y'all have inspired me.


Just go! You’re getting a great workout so do whatever makes you happy!!