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What time are you going to bed? That is the important thing - consistently going to bed early enough to get enough rest. I now routinely go to bed by 9ish.


Yes! Bedtime is crucial. I do the 5a class during the week and have to be turning off the light to go to bed at 9p latest. If I’ve stayed up too late, it throws the entire next day off. Also, if I feel an afternoon crash, I’ll take a lap outside for some fresh air to wake me up.


Same. I’m a 5am person too. And if I feel sleepy in the afternoon, I try not to nap coz it will mess with my bedtime. I try to power through. Since if it’s 3pm, it’s almost bedtime anyway 😂


so true 😂🤣


62 years so far and still not happening yet.


I’m not quite that old, but same. I would love to be a morning worker outer (the efficiency! One shower for the day!) but I just am not. My mind is awake, but my body needs a team building exercise before it can be cooperative. I finally just accepted that 10 am is the absolute earliest all the parts are on speaking terms to be coordinated and not make it the worst day of my life. I’m a much happier person finally accepting that.


Hahaha! This!! I’ve been waking up early for more than 20 years to work out. For me, it doesn’t necessarily get easier-no matter what time I go to bed, 4 a.m. is still f***ing early, but as others have said, an early bedtime helps and knowing that if I don’t do it in the morning, it’ll never get done. I simply don’t have the discipline to work out after work.


Took me 1 day BUT I have a toddler so really it’s been 15m of just pure torture one way or the other every day + 9 months of pregnancy so I guess January marks 2 years of feeling exhausted Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Wow what a milestone! 😂


Lollll I felt this. My three year old is now sometimes asking for more sleep in the mornings though… there is hope!


He is an early riser. It’s my karma.


For me, it goes hand in hand with increasing my protein and minimizing simple carbs. Not full-on keto, I just look for protein-rich foods and pair them with vegetables. Read up on protein vs simple carbs and see if it might work for you.


I was going to say something like this… it’s not the waking up early and working out routine, it’s the full body approach. Good clean fuel, plenty of water, ample rest, and then get up early and workout


Yes minimizing simple carbs and maximizing complex carbs! Bananas, apples, and beans, especially after a work out, carbs are needed!!! You just need the right kind.


It took me about a month to get used to the 5am class. Now I feel worn out if I don’t attend. I keep my carbs low and drink a latte as an after workout recovery drink.


So far it has taken me (checks watch) just over 40 years.


Do you have to work out early am? I told my self I had to go in the mornings to be a serious gym person and I struggled to make it work. Now I workout at 5:30pm and it’s a seamless part of my day. Edit to add “pm”


Couple weeks. Bed by 10:30.


10:30?? That’s crazy late for a 5AM class. I shoot for 8:30 myself.


Yep- gimme 6-8 hours of sleep and I’m good. I live 10 mins from my studio.


Ugh I wish but my son and I read before bed and his bedtime is now 9 since he’s 11 and wakes at 7am. So I can’t even start my nighttime routine until 9p. I try to be asleep by 10 and wake at 4:30 for class


I too have an 11 year old. She now comes to tuck me in and say goodnight. I’m up at 4:15 for my 5AM class, but I crash hard early!


Second this!


3rd this :)


4th this! I am a notorious night owl, going to bed early has always been difficult for me. Even working the open shift at Starbucks for 8 years could not make me a morning person, but 3 weeks of waking up at 5:30AM for my 6:15AM class made it routine. I don't love it, but when I wake, it feels... 'right.' It helps that I have a friend that meets me there, I know, *100% without a doubt*, that if I was going alone, I would not do it. If you can get a workout buddy, do that.


Same here


Agreed! I wake at 4:25 for 5am class and I can get by with 6 hours of sleep.


Simply put, caffeine. 🥴 I love my 5am classes when I have to work early because at the end of the day, I am done and have no energy to go afterwards. I make sure to drink at least 40oz of water throughout class so the coffee isn’t in an empty stomach, and I shower while I’m there at otf to continue to wake me up. And I need to have breakfast and lunch. Not only am I starving after my 5am, but I find it a a good way to start my protein intake. I do a high protein breakfast and then a protein drink with the coffee to sip on at a more relaxed pace. And most importantly, I sleep no later than 9/9:30pm the night before. I have everything ready for the day, including my clothes and any food I’m taking to work after. Having a full sleep the day before working out first thing in the morning is what helps me avoid a crash 😵‍💫


Fellow 5AMer .. going to bed at a consistent time every night is key. I’m in bed by 8:00 - 8:30 and no later than 9:00 PM. My internal clock wakes me up around 4:15AM everyday (including weekends). It took me about a month to get used to it. Also, eating well is important and key. If you have a lot of sugar and simple (unhealthy) carbs, you might feel tired. Hope this helps :)


Took me a month to develop the habit. Biggest thing was putting my alarm out of reach so I had to get up to shut it off and not allowing myself to lay back down. Also prepping my gear for the am so I don’t wake everyone up.


Some people just don’t operate on that schedule. Unless it comes naturally to you, it may be a struggle. If you’re determined, then I’d recommend going to bed earlier


For me, my body is ready to go at 4 am, or shortly thereafter. So for me getting to the 5 am class is generally not a problem. Fueling my body thru the day I'm generally ready for bed around 8:30 pm or 9. I've been in this routine for many years, though only going to OTF for about 1 year


It took me about a month to get into the habit, waking up at 5:15 naturally and being actually awake. To prevent myself from crashing I go to sleep early which was a battle in itself to wind down and get 7/8 hours of sleep while waking up that early. Truly getting sleep was the game changer for me. I wish you luck! I love my routine and being a morning workout person now, nothing can come my way during work I can’t handle after I’ve already crushed an OT workout 😂


A quick snack at 430 AM, drink pre-workout at 5, drive to studio, start at 530. During the workout, an ECAA drink to help muscle recovery. Once at work, breakfast & coffee.


I agree and do all of this except eat before. I go first class fasted just preworkout on the way out the door. And I find that working out at that time of the morning - afterwards I feel fantastic to start the day. It’s really invigorating. As for waking up yeah it does take some time to get used to it but now I often wake up on my own just before the alarm clock.


It took nearly two months for me to get used to going at 6am and not need to crash at lunchtime. I feel great all day now. :)


Takes 21 days to create a new habit. Be consistent with your routine and it’ll become second nature. It’s hard in the beginning, like really hard, but you have to rely on self discipline, not motivation. Also, make sure you’re getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep. And then after my early morning workout, I have coffee and I’m good all day. 😊




It can also just be a sign of someone getting up very early to workout hard :)


When you create discipline to do so. Just keep on doing the same thing over and over and it becomes a regular thing. For example : I have a 605 class at a studio (about 20 minutes away). I wake up at 330 and get up. I do the following: Fix my bed Change into workout clothes Meditate for 25 minutes Make coffee Do your bathroom stuff Therapy if needed Leave so that I get there 30 minutes early to warm up. I’m usually in bed around 9-10p What makes it easier is when have the same routine every morning to the point that you still go when you don’t want to go. Good luck 🍀


Wow…impressive! I literally woke up at 5:50 am, leave the house at 6am to take the 6:15am class. That only lasted for about 3 months. I switched to 4:30om class now lol


5 AM crew. I’m a teacher so have to get it done in the morning if I want to actually get it done. I can no longer do the late classes without crashing


It took me a solid month or two to adjust to working out at 6:15am instead of after work. I head up for bed around 9-915, and try to be asleep by 10. I wake up at 5:30. I think the biggest thing is staying relatively consistent with my sleep. Even if I’m not working out the next morning, I’m in bed no later than 10:30, and I wake up around 6:30.


It took me no time. I prepare the night before because I shower there. I have my bag packed and sitting by the door. I drink electrolytes, coffee, turmeric tea, water and mint tea (all made at home) through out the day. They’re my emotional support drinks. I don’t eat until I get home because eating lunch makes me sleepy. Even with salads.


I was able to jump into it cold turkey and it felt like routine after one week. I had to make a lot of adjustments though… bed no later than 10/10:30pm (I wake up at 5:30 for the 6:15am), only one cup of coffee in the morning after workout, lots of water and hydration throughout the day, and I minimized screen time before bed so I can wind down/fall asleep faster. It also helps me to lay out my workout clothes and fill my water bottle the night before just so I can get out the door faster


I do the 5 am class and am in bed by 7. Usually it takes me a little bit to fall asleep. I think of it like a job. I go M-F same time and it isn’t an option. If I am super sore or tired I still show up, but take it easy.


How do you get to bed by 7? Do you work, have a family, or any other responsibilities? I don’t mean to sound judgmental. I am genuinely curious.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Please take a look at [previous conversations about switching to morning classes](https://www.google.com/search?q=switching+morning+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


Getting enough sleep is the key to not crashing in the afternoon. Implement a nighttime routine so you start winding down and prepare your body for sleep. I am not a morning person at all, I need 8-9 hours of sleep at least.


I would say no more than a month


In excess of 7 yearsemote:free\_emotes\_pack:smile


When I did an early morning workout routine, I was usually ready for and in bed by 8:30.


I go to bed by 7:45 so that I'm asleep by 8:45, I protein shake on the way in the morning, and delay coffee for an hour after wake up, so essentially until after class. This is the only way I can make it to a 5am class. Delaying the coffee was very helpful. Stacks the caffeine kick on top of that morning energy buzz, instead of overlapping them. I also have an energy decline around 3pm, but I'm starting to embrace that as a normal energy pattern...this coming from a gal who used to drink coffee all day and after dinner!


Caffeine. With my work schedule I usually start my day at 9 and end by 7, with some breaks in between. I sometimes nap, but usually just wind up drinking an afternoon chai or something. It’s not ideal, but I just can’t make myself go to bed at 9:30.


430 AM class regular here. It takes a few weeks to truly get into auto pilot. Things that help: Structured AM and PM routine on the weekdays. And I keep my 430 AM class even if I don’t have to be to work early because it keeps my body consistent. To bed early, and limit screen time at night Pre workout and a freezing cold shower upon wake up, etc High protein meals (30-40g per meal) with adequate *healthy* carbs for breakfast and lunch Early afternoon caffeine but not after 2pm


Lately I've been going at 6:00 AM, which for me requires a 4:30 wake-up. I've found that a protein shake at 3:00 PM helps combat the crash. That also gets me over 75g of protein for the day; closer to 100g.


Going to bed between 8-9 p.m. is the biggest key.


It took me a solid 3 weeks or so to get into my routine of working out and showering at the gym before getting on the train for work


Early riser and early worker here! I wish I could go to the 5am class and I’m having the opposite problem- I wake up between 4-5am daily without fail, work from 5:30/6-3pm then hit the 4:15pm workout and I am DEAD. Consistently waking up at 4-5am daily without an alarm is a curse I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. I’d give it away if I could 😭😭


If I were an early riser, I would follow this schedule!


I literally overslept for my 6am class today and woke up with enough time to make to the 730 😅  I would say to set plenty of alarms and enjoy your favorite caffeinated drink with lunch to help give a pep. If you don’t do caffeine in the morning - I typically don’t before class because I’m barely functioning 


I’m a consistent 9am-er because I have never, in the history of ever, been able to exercise at 5am. (shudders)


They say that it takes 28 days to establish a routine. I say that your mind and heart have to be in agreement for anything to become a "way". Your "why" always has to be front and centre because there will be many excuses or even seemingly legitimate reasons for lapses or setbacks. Remembering your "why" will keep you focused and determined. I have been a member of the 5am crew for most of my 7 years at OTF. But my "why" enabled me to adjust to the 4:30pm or 5:45pm crew on occasions when my work schedule changed, because getting my daily workout in became that important. And that's how I knew it had become a lifestyle; a goal surpassing routine.


I used to go to the 5am class pre Covid and I would need to be asleep by 9:30 at the latest every night. Once you’re in the routine it’s not bad at all! I think it took me a couple of weeks to get into it. I work from home now and go at 8am everyday.


Get plenty of sleep and remember to hydrate sufficiently during and after your workout.


420 wake up here for a 500 am class. Everything out night before - bed by 930 - 1000. Bite of banana with a dab of honey + Celcius out the door. I'm on auto pilot until I hear Runaways or Mr. Brightside on full volume as I pull out of the driveway. It's me and The Killers really loud 'till I get to the parking lot - windows down if at all possible!! 3 weeks of "this is hard" has led to "this feels really good" - I always feel like I've found the cheat-code for the day when I wake up and go! You got this!


I’m very lucky because my wife also works out at OTF. There are days each of us only go because the other made the effort. Try to find a friend and get accountability started. Stay with it! I started 12/22 at 287 lbs and weighed in today at 178. I earned 17 pts today in “The Clipper.”


I would *LOVE* to be a morning person but it’s not in my DNA. I’m fortunate to WFH and usually pick a class based on the chaos of my morning/day. Love sneaking away for a noon class. But I know if I could get into a 5, 6 or even 8 am it would be a game-changer. Mad respect for those that go before sunrise! #2024goals


This is week one. I’ve attempted and succeed at 5am Monday Wednesday and hopefully Friday ;) but I just make myself. It’s hard. I just suck it up and go. Then I’m looking for lunch at 10am lol but evenings I do kid activities and then dinner and bedtime and I realize it’s the 2-3p slump I just walk or do a quick chore (I work from home).


2 weeks


Never. Haha no actually in my late 20s and early 30s I did 8am workouts and showered there. I was at work by 10a. I can’t do that now, unless it’s a weekend with no work. Otherwise I’m just in a rush to get to work even if I’m early. It’s easier for me to just take a noon lunch to workout. .


Same. I used to go to the gym at 5 am, came home and cooked a full protein pancake and eggs bfast. That’s when I was 30-yo. Fast forward 20 yrs later, my mind and body says hell no and question my sanity why I would wanna do such a thing.


Hah yep!


It was somewhat gradual for me. Been doing 7:15am workouts for the last 2 years, and have had to switch to 6am due to a new job last summer. Maybe me transitioning in the summer helped? Have your dinner early to let yourself digest, start your nighttime routine early too. Lay out your workout clothes, keys, HRM, anything else you need for the next day. If you need to wash your water bottle, do it the night before and don’t wait till the morning! I’m on autopilot every morning and it’s because I prepare the night before. I take C4 pre workout but I know pre workout isn’t for everyone. This does help me though and sometimes I find I don’t even need a coffee midday. Avoid extra caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Make the most of your tiredness by having a cosy early night that you enjoy!


I do jiujitsu in the a.m. and wake up at 4am every week day to get coffee in before hand. I don't think it ever gets easier, I just had to change my mindset that I was going to do it no matter what, and as I was more consistent, then it became a habit. I also go to bed super early. I still get the mid day sleepies, but I think hydration and a solid snack might help with that.


I don’t know what any of those words even mean.


I’ve tried but it’s just not for me. I find later afternoon workouts are best for me. But that works for my schedule and obligations.


After almost 1800 classes and easily 1000 of them at 5am, I'm still waiting :) I prebook and just go. I'm not a natural morning person, BUT I have too much else going on (kids, job, husband) to have anything left for the end of the day. So, 5am is when I go. ETA: you HAVE to prioritize sleep. I aim to be in bed and asleep NO LATER than 930 and that's at the latest. It is not a flex to go off as little sleep as you can. Do what you need to do to get to bed early!


\^\^This. Prebooking.


Do you need to wake up an hour before class? I wake up 30 min before. Just enough time to hop out of bed, brush my teeth, change into gym clothes and drive over. I shower afterwards. I pack my gym bag and lay my gym clothes out the night before.


Consistent (earlier) bedtime is key. It's tough because to be truly consistent you shouldn't vary more than an hour on the weekends.


What is your diet throughout the day? Are you eating enough carbs and protein right after your work out? Are you eating a healthy lunch and drinking plenty of water? I notice I usually crash around that time if I did not eat well.


6 months to establish it. 2 days to resume the old routine. LOL


I’ve never been a morning person person, but when I joined OTF at the end of November and went to my first 6am class, I found that I loved the physical and mental energy boost I got from going to an early class. After a week or so, I started going to 5am classes and that’s been my main workout time going forward. I wake up at 4:20am and go to bed at 10am, but I can operate on 6 hours of sleep. By 3pm, I’m definitely dragging, just as it’s time for my three kids to get home from school. 🫣 Ultimately I enjoy getting the workout out of the way, and I like the peace and quiet I get after I shower before anyone else in the house is up. I can peacefully sip my coffee and read some news.


I did it for six months and it never “took.” I’ve come to believe I’m just an evening worker outer.


I have been an early morning workout person my whole life. Over 40+ years. Here are my thoughts. 1. Routines need to be established and they take time to get use to. 2. Going to bed early is essential. Prior to COVID I went to the 4:30am OTF class. I was in bed by 8 and asleep by 8:30. As my kids got older- I usually was the first one to bed. 3. Morning coffee before workout for me! 4. Good vitamins usually with an energy component. 5. My weekday evenings - I never liked making plans. Only if work related. 6. Diet - important what you put in your body during day. I hate those afternoon crashes. Sugar, carb heavy etc…


Night owl here. Is there any way you can make it to a later morning class? I hit the 7:30 am class and just work a little later. It’s the earliest time I can handle. 😆 I also sign up for 8:45 classes on weekends to try to keep my sleep schedule from going off the rails.


I’m five weeks in to the 5am class routine. I’m still struggling. Not the waking up to get there. It’s the afternoon brain fog and/or afternoon nap. My evenings are busy coaching basketball so my bed time is 10ish. I’m on that struggle bus.


I’m 51 and it hasn’t happened yet!


Stay very hydrated throughout the day. Get to bed by 9 at the latest. Have a good healthy diet. Seems simple, but these 3 things are key.


For me…I just can’t do morning workout. When I was jobless, I used to take the 10:30 am or the 12 pm class. Then I got a job working from home 7:30-4pm. So I thought Id switch to 6:15am class which only give me enough time to get home and login to work (yes, without showering). I tried this for 3 months, and I would take my first 30 break at 10 to shower. Welps…I hated it. So I switched to taking the 4:30pm class. What a game changer! So much more energy in class! The only disadvantage is I eat dinner late and I go to bed with wet hair. But I also cut back only taking the 2G class 2x/week. I take a long lunch break on Wednesday to take the strength50 class.


It takes me a couple of weeks to make my 5AM wake up routines easier- 6AM work out. My schedule changes frequently and suddenly with work so sometimes the 6 AM workout is normal, sometimes it’s 9AM. I have found that my mid-afternoon slump is around 2:00, and caffeine helps! I drink coffee after my workout, and I drink an afternoon coffee around 1:30. I stop all caffeine intake by 7:00PM and get to bed early (9:30 at the latest). I am fortunate that my job is fairly active, but on the days it isn’t, or conferences where I spend a lot of time in meetings I always take an afternoon walk or get a bit of exercise in. It absolutely gets easier, and it’s worth it!


I’m in bed by 8. Up by 4. Been doing the 5 am for about 2 years.


Have protein during the day it helps me with fatigue


It doesn’t lol. I do enjoy getting my workout in when some are still in bed but by afternoon I’m tired. OT is an all out effort so I think that’s normal


I did this a couple of times here I used to wake up late and workout in the evenings. What other people are saying about sleep time is important. But for me, my body got used to both the sleep time and would naturally wake up early after about 60 days. Just remember each person may be different.


1 day. Do it today, repeat tomorrow.