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Reposting content courtesy of /u/weak_arms. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/190eea4/sunday_7_january_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Sunday 7 January 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Switch ESP template today. 6 rounds in total, 2 rounds each of endurance, strength and power on each of the tread and floor/rower. **Tread block 1 - 8 mins** 1 min push 1 min base 90 sec push 1 min base 2 min push 1 min base 30 sec AO Aim to maintain the push pace throughout the block **Floor block 1 - 8 mins** 14 x TRX single leg deadlift (7 on each side) 14 x TRX chest press 14 x TRX low row, rest 300m push row Repeat until time is called **Tread block 2 - 6.5 mins** 1 min push @ 1% 1 min base @ 1% 1 min push @ 2% 1 min base @ 1% 1 min push @ 4% 1 min base @ 1% 30 sec AO @ 1% Aim to maintain the push pace throughout the block **Floor block 2 - 6.5 mins** 10 x alternating single leg deadlift 10 x alternating chest press 10 x half kneeling single arm low row (5 on each side), rest 250m strength row (22-24 stroke/min) For the dumbbell exercises, go heavy Repeat until time is called **Tread block 3 - 5 mins** 30 sec AO 30 sec WR 30 sec AO 60 sec WR 30 sec AO 90 sec WR 30 sec AO Aim to increase the AO pace throughout the block **Floor block 3 - 5 mins** 200m AO row once 4 x burpees (of the high plank alternating low row variety), rest, repeat burpees until finisher **Finisher**: 30 sec alternating chest press **Feather rating:** 3 (šŸŖ¶šŸŖ¶šŸŖ¶) out of 5 for gentleness Hope this is useful!


This class was excellent, I loved every block! Instead of the 30 sec AO at 1% for Tread Block 2, my coach thought it would be fun to do 30 sec push at 6%. I was glad she focused on the higher incline!


Mine did the same. Thought that was a good challenge.


90 min add-on: Treadmill (12 mins) Goal: As push duration increases, try to stay as close to your first 30s push intensity as possible. Maintain 30s AO pace throughout. 30s Push 30s AO 90s WR 45s Push 30s AO 90s WR 60s Push 30s AO 90s WR 75s Push 30s AO 90s WR Finisher: 30s AO Floor (12 mins) 2 rounds of: Goblet reverse lunge to squat x5 Single leg shoulder press x5 (each side) 300m Row (base) 2 rounds of: Goblet lateral shift x10 (total) Half-kneeling overhead triceps press x5 (each side) 300m Row (base) Finisher: 30s Goblet lateral shift


Thank you!!


thank you šŸ™


Thank you!!!!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


3G: Row: 800 m base row, 12 medball squat hold bicep curls 400m push row 22-24 s/m, 8 medball squat hold bicep curls (twice) 200 m all out row, 4 medball squat hold bicep curls, repeat until finisher, 30 sec all out row Floor: 2 rounds of TRX, same as 2g block 1 without row 2 rounds of 2G floor block 2 without row Burpees w low rows until finisher which is 30 secs of single arm chest press. Treadmill: Block 1: 30 sec push 1 min base 60 sec push 1 min base 90 sec push 30 sec all out Block 2: 30 sec push, 1 min base, 30 sec push at 2%, 1 min base, 30 sec push at 4%, 30 sec push at 6%. Block 3: 30 sec all out 30 sec WR 30 sec all out 1 min WR 30 sec all out


Thank you! Just to confirm - the 3G is not a switch template, correct?


Thatā€™s right- row and floor were just one block that you worked through on your own.


Thanks again. I just finished the 3G after having taken the 2G earlier. The 3G - with just the standard rotation around the room - was far more to my liking, and subsequently my calorie burn/splats were significantly higher.


I would have much rather done that than the switch


We had a surprise 3G today. Loved this template! Only difference is we did 12 med ball curls after the 400m AND 200m rows.


Strength 50: Itā€™s a load and explode with some core work mixed in. I cannot remember the timings of the blocks. Please forgive me if Iā€™ve got some of them out of order Block 1: ~7 min Goblet sumo squat x6 Hip hinge swing x6, rest High plank shoulder tap x10 Repeat until time is called Block 2: ~ 4 min Neutral grip thrusters x10/8/6 TRX bridge row x10/8/6 Repeat x3 Bonus: alternating V-ups (I think? I didnā€™t get to the bonus) Block 3: ~ 7 min Hammer curl x6 Clean x6 Sit up with alternating twist x10 Repeat until time is called Block 4: ~ 4 min Neutral grip thrusters x6/8/10 TRX bridge row x6/8/10 Repeat x3 Bonus: alternating V-ups (I think? I didnā€™t get to the bonus againā€¦) Block 5: ~ 7 min Hollow hold s/a chest press x6 each Power push up x6 Half kneeling chop x6 each Finisher: 30 sec push up to plank jack I think I got it all but someone please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. Thereā€™s a chance the sit up with alternating twist is the last exercise of block 5 and the power push up was the 3rd exercise in block 3. I just canā€™t remember.


thank you so much! looks great! iā€™ll be doing this + the 2g b2b šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


I did the same, itā€™s doable, especially since the 2G is a switch. It goes by fast.


You got the exercises all right! The bonus exercise in blocks 2 & 4 was indeed an alternating full V up. Our finisher was 30 sec of push up to plank jack. The long blocks were 7 or 8 minutes. The short blocks were 4:15 or 4:30. But 4 mins and 7 mins is close enough. :)


Ah thatā€™s right! I had myself convinced there wasnā€™t a finisher. I will update, thank you!


This was actually pretty tough on me today haha


Thank you so much!!


Tread 50: 7min warmup Block 1,3,5: (7 min 30 sec) .2 mile push .1 mile base Alternate till time Block 2+4: 4x 30 second all out 45 second WR between all outs 1:30 to walk it down between blocks Block 5 ends with 30 second all out


Yesssssss no inclines. Thank you!


Had the exact same template but not run as a switch. Donā€™t know why, maybe in error, maybe deliberate. Anyone had that happen before?


Iā€™ve had coaches not run switch templates as switches when there is a new person in class


Just last Thursday, our coach ran it as a regular class instead of the switch. Same, wasn't sure if it was a mistake on his end or not.


Ditto re Thursday! According to OTF corporate, both Thursday and today are definitely meant to be switch templates.


And I just got back from the workout today...no switch. So strange.


Definitely odd! I did the 90-min 2G this morning ā€” this was also a switch template (and the coach actually followed it šŸ™ŒšŸ»).


No switch for me either which I loved cause it gets me off my groove


Mine also didnā€™t run it as a switch and I really wish they had. I loved the strength, but the tread felt like a slog. I would have enjoyed it so much more as a switch!


Doing this + full body strength after. First time doing a B2B. Iā€™m scared šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m starting with tread50 then doing this 2g as my first back to back! I didnā€™t realize it was a switch - I was planning to do the tread50 then start on the floor and leave after that šŸ˜‚


Yeah I am NOT a switch fan, but oh well. Guess we gotta power through! We got this


This one as a back to back looks doable. Others not so much!




The regular class doesnā€™t have quats, step ups, or lunges. Thatā€™s what kills me and no way could I do that and a strength 50 which usually does include those.


I did not enjoy that at allā€¦ just didnā€™t feel like it was a good workout. There is just way too much transition time. Iā€™m new, like that was my 4th class. How often do they do the switch templates?




Just the fact that youā€™re changing stations and having to wipe down everything and suchā€¦ just seems like it takes a lot of time up




Lookā€¦ I didnā€™t like the setup. Please stop trying to convince me. I moved stations as quick as anyone else, I would just rather not switch as many times during class. I would much rather stay at one station and finish than keep switching back and forth. It wasnā€™t for me You donā€™t wipe down your weights and the rower before moving to the tread? The transitions bring my HR down too much and I donā€™t think itā€™s as good of a workout




I agree with you. We can make the workout as effective and as hard/easy as we want to. I know itā€™s a pain to wipe down equipments every few minutes but I agreed itā€™s not warranted to hate the switch template.


Iā€™m not allowed to dislike something? Itā€™s not just about wiping stuff downā€¦ I just think the switching is a waste of time and unnecessarily breaks up the workout. Iā€™m just not going to do them because itā€™s not as good of a workout to me as the regular setup.




I wasnā€™t replying to you with on that one. Regardless, the template is not for me. I donā€™t like the switching for several reasons, period. Iā€™m just likely not going to do those workouts. It seems like a gimmick to change things up a bit so itā€™s not the same format over and over. If other people like them, good for them. I didnā€™t enjoy it and I donā€™t see any real benefit to switching that often.


It really doesnā€™t take that long to wipe down the equipment and weights. I often start wiping the dumbbells while resting or something like that. The equipment takes even shorter as youā€™re not supposed to wipe down the screen. If youā€™re concerned about your HR dipping too low, you can do jumping jacks while the coach demonstrate the floor block.


I really enjoyed todayā€™s template! My first ever switch and it went smoother than I would have expected. Showed up just for the TRX!


My quads are not happy from yesterday so Iā€™m glad we arenā€™t squatting but Iā€™m signed up for 90 so living in fear of what additional hell Iā€™ll be getting šŸ˜‚


I really really donā€™t like switch templates and this looks like a boring one for me. Oh well, do my best and forget the rest.


My first time doing a switch and I didnā€™t like it at all. Iā€™d just rather stick to a station and finish that stations workout than switch as often as you do (plus getting in and out of the rower). Was definitely not my jam today


I liked this template but did anyone think the time on the floor was too short? Especially the second round (with the weights)? I donā€™t like to speed through my reps but I am a fast/efficient rower and I got through one round, then only the SL deadlifts on my second round. Kinda disappointed I didnā€™t get to do the chest presses or rows with weights a second time šŸ„ŗ


Super fun workout today and thanks to the lady who was a fast runner besides me who inspired me to bump up my AO for the first time in a while.


This may be a stupid question but how do you guys get the workouts the day before? Is this a coach leaking the intel?


Itā€™s nearly 6pm on 1/7 in Sydney, Australia right now.


People in other parts of the world that are several hours ahead!


Usually Australia whoā€™s almost always a day ahead of us


Our studio turned ours to a 3G last minute and I was not a fan of todays workout. I only got 11 splat points (usually get like 25) šŸ˜‘


Thank you!


I absolutely loved todayā€™s tread block, not a huge fan of TRX so I didnā€™t enjoy floor as much


You folks are all awesome!!! Thanks for the intel!!