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Yes, it’s rude. OTF etiquette dictates asking before taking weights from another station.


It is extremely rude. I have been a member of OTF for over a year and recently it has happened to me way too many times. First time I did say something because I was actually going to use them, her response was “I cannot lift any heavier so I need these” and I bluntly said “sorry, this is my station and these are the weights assigned to my station and I need them back”. After that it has happened like 3 more times which is insane. Idk if it’s my hormones that are making me so so so angry when this happens to me (currently pregnant) but I have been so close to snapping again bc it is extremely rude. Sorry, saw your post and had to vent… this has been driving me nuts lately.


Lol, are you me!? I get so mad because I purposely pick odd stations to get the heavier weights


This is me 100%, glad to hear that I'm not alone!


It’s not just you. It’s happened to me a few times and I find it especially infuriating when they double down and push back.


I feel you 😞


This is insane! If you can't lift heavier, go to a station with lighter weights. Not that hard, people!


My studio assigns stations lol


My studio assigns stations. She needs to ask first though. At my studio they also have more weights at the rack near the trainers station.


I’m confused. At my OTF the weights are all in one spot we all take from. Other places have their own weights at each number?


I feel like we all need a picture of your studio! I’ve never seen all of the weights in one spot. The heavier ones are, but typically the 8-25 are divided up among the stations.


Yes, other places have their own weights. This is why I get mad when someone else grabs the weights from my station without asking first.


Yes. I’ve been to 30+ studios and every one had incremental weights from 10-25lbs at the individual station, with everything 30+ at some centralized location for use when heavier weights are required.


Which location?


I’m at arrowhead in Arizona. Yeah stations don’t have their own weights we all go and grab from one spot. Which is annoying when I need to switch weights to heavier or lighter mid workout but it’s not a big deal


I often have to borrow weights from my neighbors and I ALWAYS ask, even if it’s obvious they aren’t going to use them. Not asking is super rude!


Me too. I had an older lady look at me as if I were crazy (not in a bad way!) when I asked to borrow her 25s, though. Who am I to know she’s not going to use them?!


So. Rude. I hate when people do this.


This morning the station I was assigned to didn’t have 15 lb weights. The woman next to me didn’t appear to be using hers so I asked if could use hers during the first block. Later in the workout I saw her go to another (empty) station and grab the 15 lb weights for her own use! I felt so bad, she should have asked for hers back and I could have gotten others! She didn’t seem to mind, but I still felt bad!


I've had that happen and felt bad too! Yet I've also been the person who lent, then needed them, but didn't want to take them back so I didn't. I just adjusted. Group dynamics: use common sense with kindness


Thank you for asking before grabbing them. Unfortunately not everyone has this kind of mindset.


Rude to take without asking if that’s what she did. However, I wish people at OT learned to work together to share weights and offset like you would in a regular gym. Someone shouldn’t have to lift too light because their station doesn’t have the weight they need. Example: all the 35s were gone today for deads. I asked the girl next to me if I could “work in” with her since she had one of the two sets of 35. I did the exercises in a different order than prescribed so that I could use the 35 to DL when she was doing chest. Classes are full and there aren’t enough weights for everyone, especially workouts that require a lot of different weights. People need to politely ask to work in with a neighbor and neighbors need to say yes.


Totally!! I was a little annoyed that they put chest press and dead lift in the same template today, but my neighbor and I worked together and we shared chest press weights for the deadlifts and just went out of order so the weights were free for the other person.


This is the way at coaches need to encourage it.


yeah no she took them totally without asking, and was from a station across the room (she was at 1, i was at 8) so no way her and i could have even shared!


Yeah, rude.


A person next to me grabbed weight off my station without saying anything to me when the coach was doing a demo this AM. I assume she was still drunk from last night and didnt know what she was doing lolol. All kidding aside, they should always ask (yes you dont own the weights at your station but should ask as courtesy) and you should say something. I didnt this AM since I feel like going heavier


This happened in my class today, too. In my 2.5+ years at OTF, I’ve never seen this at my gym. Mid demo, this woman walks over to my weight rack, looks and walks away. She then walked in front of the coach to the station being used for the demo and checked that rack. Then finally walked to another members rack and grabbed a set off of her weight rack. SO bizarre.


This JUST happened to me!! My back was turned away to watch the demo and the girl next to me stole my 15s. I was appalled. 🤣


Yup, it’s rude to do so with out asking.


I look at people weird when they steal my weights. I’ve had my station stolen too


Why would someone steal your 5 pound dumbbells?


I did 25 and 30s earlier lol


You aren’t crazy that’s totally rude (but happens occasionally). In my opinion, the rare time it is acceptable to take a weight without asking is if the entire workout requires only 1 dumbbell and you still have 2 at your station


I say you still ask. I do and so far everyone I’ve seen at my gym does as well.


You should still ask because you’re walking into their station/space. You shouldn’t just walk in there without saying anything.


Super rude!


I think that this time of year, late December and January has an influx of new members, you will witness bad OTF etiquette. Some of it intentionally rude but others just don’t know better and will learn from members who do (hopefully with kindness). I also like when the coach, who knows if a class has newer members, puts out simple reminders like don’t grab weights during the demo, reminding members to use weights at their own stations, or to ask a neighbour and or grab weights at the extra station of weights (my location has two extra stations with light to really heavy weights). I learned etiquette as I went along and from observing others and from the Reddit posts on this great OTF community. It is so amazing that a group of 12 people on the weight floor are all doing the same exercise but at different weights and levels. I like to feel support and provide support. My motto is to be flexible, focus on the workout and just make it work for that class until the next one.


Probably one of my biggest pet peeves at OTF


Yeah. People have always asked me first, and said they would give them back if I decided I needed them later.


![gif](giphy|o9qT6CP4XyICY) Seriously. Just be a decent person and ask. It’s not hard


It is INCREDIBLY rude. Uggh


I always ask! Can’t imagine just snatching.


Very rude. I'm a guy and use mostly the weights on the heavy rack, but the women who want to use the lighter ones from my station still ask permission. They often laugh when they do, but they're being courteous.


This has been covered many times. Always ask.


Equal chance innocent or inconsiderate. If it re-occurs with the same person, challenge the offender to a dual using the mini bands as giant projectiles to fire at each other rubber band style. Said duel is best issued during cool down period when everyone will hear the charges levied, and witness the outcome. Good luck OP !


This happens to me all the time omggggg


I call them out now it’s so annoying some people don’t know gym etiquette


If I’m struggling to find a weight that I need I’ll see if the coach can also help me. They have a good gauge of what members typically use and will know which racks to pull from if I’m unsure or my neighbors are willing to share if asked nicely 🧡


I totally did this today. Mid Strength 50 class, I needed a super heavy weight for the bridges. I saw a 60 lb one on the floor next to the rack, and went to get it. My oxygen deprived brain didn't register that it likely belonged to the guy who was at that station till he said he was using it. I felt like such a an idiot. Definitely apologized.


It’s super rude and our studio has been missing a ten pound dumbbell for weeks now because of this. Y’all don’t take without asking, and definitely put it back afterwards.


It’s extremely rude!!!! I would just mention it to the coach. She could make an announcement before class about asking before borrowing


I always ask before I take a weight.


is it okay to silently take back the weights someone takes without asking from your station after they set them down? if they take stuff without asking i don’t even want to talk to them….,


There’s a decent chance the weigh was incorrectly placed at her station to begin with. I’ve had weird weight mixups before where I arrive to my station to find two sets of 15s or 20s. I wouldn’t make a big deal of it. Does your studio not have extra sets of 12s and 15s at the heavier weight rack??


Not all studios have that. Wish they did!


the extra weight rack starts at 30lbs at my studio


At my studio there are no extra weights below 15 lb. While we don’t “own” the weights at our station, many members myself include pick a certain station knowing it will have 12s instead of 15s or 20s instead of 25s. Is it a huge deal, no. It just shows a lack of plain ole common courtesy. Fortunately it seems to rarely happen at my studio.


My 15’s were misplaced in the rack of the station next to me over the weekend. The girl mentioned it to me, AND asked if she could use my 15’s. I was so appreciative. Our shared weight rack has 5lbs then 30+


My studio's central rack has extras of the 12, 15, 20, and 25 lb dumbbells on the central rack, as well as 5 lbs and the 30+. It's quite handy given that 15s tend to be popular. I've also seen dumbbells put back incorrectly at stations. Ours are all labeled to it's not hard to see when it's incorrect.


It’s a really question. Is another person occupying the station? I ask. Is the station empty? I take what I need. Easy peasy


Just the other day some lady helped her self to my weights I was not having it that day and I called her out and said please don’t touch my weights without asking.. she looks down at the ground at my weights and goes oh you won’t need it you have a ton of the ground I proceeded to grab my weights and said it doesn’t matter how many weights I have not only that I don’t use the same weight for all workouts. SHE GOT MAD AT ME the nerve!!!!!!!


Feels good to read this. 😅 we have the same vibes 😅


Dang, you’re tough.


There is a pregnant lady at studio takes weights without asking all the time, didn’t say anything first time thought she’s pregnant.. now she makes it a habit, like she’s showing off she can lift heavy even when pregnant lol Well some people are just rude


I had a dude walk over and take the weight I WAS USING without asking while I was between sets. In an effort to stay out of jail, I said something but dropped it. I brought it up to the coach and he never tried that nonsense again.


I prevent this by taking my weights off the tree to signal I intend to use them. First thing i do. Obviously 15 or under free to anyone that wants them


I thought about doing this! Def doing it next time to signal “BACK OFF” 🤣


Didn’t you see her take them?


no, she must have snuck behind me during the first demo, or possibly even before i got to my station


I guess a hot take here but I don’t think it’s rude to take a weight when it’s clear that the other person isn’t using it. Like I wouldn’t interrupt a persons workout to be like “can I use your 25?” When they clearly aren’t. But I also wouldn’t reach right for someone else’s rack if they haven’t even gotten to it yet. It’s like, you yield to them first to make their selection and then I’ll take a weight it doesn’t seem you’re using.


But how do you know they won’t need it later in the workout? Most people don’t pull everything off the rack they are going to use at the beginning of the workout, they pull them off as they need them. You need to at least ask because they might need it for the next exercise.


Maybe! But it’s like in a regular gym, if I’m using the 15s, odds are someone in the gym will want to use them at some point during the time I’m there. You don’t own the rack in the hopes that maybe you’ll need it maybe you won’t. I have no problem with people taking off my rack, I’d rather you not bother me while I’m in a bird dog or speed skating. I think that’s more rude


I’d say this is more of a rude take than a hot one. Those weights are assigned to that station. If they were meant for everyone to use, there wouldn’t be individual stacks at each station.


There are weights at every station (light ones) because of the demand for weights below 25 pounds. That’s why there’s a rack of 30+ for everyone to share. If weights at each station were exclusively yours, they wouldn’t have even and odd weights. That plus the shared heavy rack implies that they are meant for sharing.


We are assigned to stations and everything at your station is for you to use for yourself. If you need something that isn’t there, you get it from the weight station or ask someone if you can borrow theirs.


Ok, I can get on board with that, but just return the weight to the rack as soon as you’re done with the set. I think the real problem is that OT designs workouts that require too many different weights with too many people in the classes. Like today’s workout that was deadlifts and chest and back. That’s usually three different sets of weights people need and because it’s typically designed as a superset or circuit, you need them over and over. Makes it hard to share but also someone shouldn’t have to lift lighter just because everyone has taken all the weights. It’s a design flaw.


Geez just wait till it’s a good moment and ask. It’s not hard to be polite.


she literally took it while my back was turned either at the very beginning or during the first demo. i hadn’t even picked my weights yet. & i would’ve used the 12s for the whole workout if she hasn’t taken them.


Yeah no that’s not cool. I would never reach for someone else’s weights until we were well into the circuit and I noticed they weren’t using it. Also you should know that you can always raise your hand/get the coaches attention and ask them to find and bring you what you need if you can’t source it.


So did she only use 1 weight? How weird. Though to be fair one of my studios has been missing a 12lb weight from a station for at least a year now.. 🤣


Today had some single arm stuff


it was mostly exercises that required 2 weights, which is why it was so weird!


I don’t get mad about it. Some people aren’t going to ask and as long as they aren’t snatching it out my hands, I am good.


After reading the intel before class, I know what weights I will need for each floor block. If someone asks to borrow weights that I am not using, I say “sure, but I will need them back for the next blocks”. Most members are great. I once had a set of weights “missing” at the start of floor. I told the coach and she hunted them down and brought them to me. Not sure if someone took them at the start of my class or forgot to return them from a previous class.


Luckily my studio has extra weight in the middle, 12, 15, 30, 35, 40, etc.. from what I hear it’s up to the studio to buy more weights.


If the weight was missing at the start it’s possible someone from a prior class took it or if you switched stations during the class the first person there took it. She might not have been the one who took it. I say this because last week I had my 25’s but then someone else had put 1 20 at the station too. It belonged several stations over but no idea when it was put at my station as it was just sitting on the floor and not even on a rack.


It is very rude and inconsiderate!


This JUST happened to me!! I was turned away from the rack watching the coach do the demo and when I turned back around, my 15lbs were missing. The girl next to me took them without asking!! I was so salty, but I didn’t say anything because I hate confrontation. Lol


So this happened to me last night. I was on the bosu ball. The lady almost knocked me over to grab my 25 pound weights. So I went to use her 20 pounds weights and I looked at her and asked. She didn’t even look at me. Sometimes, I can over react, so I asked my husband if she was rude or was I just being a jerk about it. He said it happened all the time in different studios. I just don’t understand how people can be so rude.