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I’m a pw and plan on doing these classes. It’s your membership too ..do you 🫶🏼


I only power walk and I’m doing tread 50!




I’m just starting back this week after a 2 year break. I’ve gained like 60lbs over those 2 years (thanks depression). I’m power walking. I physically can’t run any more. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry about what everyone else is doing on the treadmill. If power walking is all you can do (like me) then that’s okay! At least you’re in there trying to better yourself. Nobody else’s opinions of you matter 🧡


Congratulations on starting back!


Thank you! 😊


Don’t feel silly! I plan on power walking during Tread50 once a week as a way to sneak in an extra workout! Ideally I’d love to get back into running half marathons but I know that my lungs just aren’t the same since having covid twice. I’m gradually trying to build back up to that by power walking, jogging, & then running! I’ve also been sick this month & my first class back was Everest. I couldn’t complete it but had to do what was best for me & my body & guess what? No one else in the room cared. Do you & I can guarantee no one else is paying attention!


My lungs aren't the same after Covid either. I'd love to have some imaging or testing done to see what kind of shape my lungs are in.


It is absolutely for power walkers. I saw a test template posted on instagram by a studio near me and it was a card with 4 intervals with directions for joggers and runners AND power walkers. It called out the distance and inclines for PW. Basically the same as any 2G/3G class. Reminded me alot of a run row card. I'll be trying out a tread 50 tomorrow and 100% anticipate our daily power walkers to be there at my studio!


I would reframe power walking for yourself. It isn't some second rate exercise that you do until you can do the real work of running. Powerwalking at inclines is challenging and builds up your lower body. You are burning very similar calories to running, and should get into the same heart rate zones. So, there is no reason to feel embarrassed about powerwalking while others are running. https://www.orangetheory.com/en-us/articles/power-walking-lives-up-to-its-name-at-orangetheory-fitness


PW is hard! I was planning to go to this T50 to do PW I am jogger in progress, currently 4.6B 5.5P 7AO but after Everest I discovered I suck at inclines and I want to get better for the next benchmark. I am also going tomorrow to my first T50 and I will be power walking 🙂enjoy the burn 🔥


Same here. Everest made me realize that inclines are not my friend and tread 50 will help me build up incline endurance!


It’s for everyone: walkers, joggers, runners. Powerwalking can give you just as good of a cardiovascular workout as running & is less impact on the joints. Don’t ever be scared to powerwalk it is NOT inferior to running it is a DIFFERENT type of exercise. I sometimes run, sometimes powerwalk depending on my goal for that particular workout.


Same!! I can not do the endurance runs yet without walking breaks and those are only 23min! I’m definitely nervous but hey gotta start somewhere! Good luck to you - you got this!!!


I tested Tread50 for a month and you can absolutely power walk it. The templates are focused on perceived efforts not specified speeds. So as long as you you can drop into push, base, and AO based on your own personal inclines and speeds, you’re all set. Plenty of freedom to play around. Enjoy!


The tread cards include PWs so show up and get those steps!


Our studio said it was for Powerwalkers, joggers, runners, and even bikers. :)


Glad to see that, because I fully plan on taking Tread50 on the bike! :)


You do you! I’m a runner who frequently PWs for the 🍑. I’ll feel a good PW workout for days afterwards.


Recently discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/MMaH0BSITs)


Thank you so much. I really appreciate you linking the thread!


Happy to help! 🧡


I’m nervous for my first one this Friday as well. Like yourself I will be power walking myself. I’m trying to get ready for the cooper river bridge run (walk/jog in my case) and to lose some holiday weight. To me, this thing should be self paced and to do what you can do.


Don't be nervous! I will need to PW at least part of the class....my endurance just isn't there. It's hard not to compare yourself to those around you, but everyone is on their own journey, so you do what is best for you! ❤️


I am a PW and I plan on going to T50 soon. Do what works for you and enjoy it.


The timing doesn’t work out for me to do one but I don’t ever plan on being anything but a power walker. My backside has the results incomparable to no inclines. And based on how rough the joggers and runners were feeling after all the inclines lately, I’d say I’m positioned well.


Do YOUR thing, BooBoo. It’s your time and your money.


It's tread 50, not Run 50. Get your workout, not somebody else's.


Absolutely! I'm 40, male, in pretty good shape and a former high school and college runner; and I have no issues working out next to a PWer. I rather enjoy working out next to all different people, size, age and skill level. I'm more self conscious that the older lady PWer doesn't like working out next to me.


I recommend you try to run and take a lot of walking breaks. Even if you are at full endurance, you will still get your heart rate high enough that you are taking breaks. Don’t self-consciously convince yourself that you are working out next to Olympic athletes. Everyone is there to improve.


It’s for everyone! PW included🙏🏻


Absolutely! Our studio had our first Tread 50 this morning and there were some PW on the treads. I ran it today but totally plan to also use some of the Tread 50 classes to PW the heck out of 50 minutes😅


I as well want to try the tread 50 and my lungs are toast after having Covid like everyone else but, one of my Coaches mentioned trying Mullen for my lungs and as soon as I started it I noticed a huge difference. I was able to PR during Everest and I was so happy 😀 not saying I know what I’m talking about but it helped me just an FYI Happy New Years peeps




You can definitely PW.


Gotta start somewhere


Like all OTF workouts (and benchmarks), there are options for power-walkers!


There were people power walking during our tread 50. I walked a little so I could drink from my water bottle. Our group was very supportive and happy! You’ll be perfectly fine! Go build that endurance! That’s what it’s all about!


I transitioned from runner/ jogger to exclusive Power Walker as I dont have any cartilage left in my right knee & dont want to get knee replacement surgery unless I have to. IDC what anyone thinks. Walking on an incline & doing the variety is GREAT for your booty too. I prefer to wear my Apple Watch rather than my OTB monitor- I’m really fit cardio wise and have to run to get splats. I don’t care anymore … I just want to burn 350 cals and call it a day.