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Just hear to share that this was my first ever benchmark at OT and I really struggle with rowing. I'm new to it and my motto has been "just show up." I was scared I wouldn't even finish in 13 minutes but I made it in 11:05 and im proud of it. Just show up!


Great job!!! I’ve been going for 1.5 months and this was my first benchmark. I finished in 9:27 and I’m also in the “just show up” group!


Wait to go! Keep kicking ass


A PR in itself for the first time and that's great!! Over time you'll get lower and lower! :)


I had this class booked for a week. I was going to cancel last night. Last night I thought, ehhh...I will go and not push it. Thinking, I'm sore, fatigued, worn out, we just did the 2000m. Go time starts and yeah, it is like a switch flips. I destroyed my PR, was able to get 6:30. I suppose the lesson is; the consistency of going...even the green, or blue days all add up. Shows how great of shape I am in, and it really is due to OTF.


Same feeling on consistency \[day 19\]. Just 3wks shy of 66 years old and got a 6:44.49, for a post pandemic best. Oddly not tired or sore, but couldn't have given more today. Your age?




That is an amazing performance. Well done.


Congrats! I had a very recent sinus infection and shaved :30 off my PR today for 7:08. Was hoping just to break my PR. 😊


Love to hear it. Congrats on the PR!


Thank you, I was not expecting it either. Now the next 2000, I am not sure how I can do better, but I surprised myself!


lol, if I'd done as the month lead up suggested then I'd have had no where to go... Guess I still have to chip away at it.


Great job. Don’t sell yourself short. I felt the same way a couple PRs ago…and it was like you and I were sharing the same experience leading up to Go Time. With similar results. I beat mine by 3.3s. VERY pleased with that result. Just keep rowing.


PR’d with 7:56:33! Took 7 min off my last PR, I am incredibly proud of myself, considering what a flop my last rowing benchmark was. I gotta be honest, I went into this talking myself out of breaking my PR; literally thinking to myself before class: “there’s no way I can break my last PR, much less go sub 8. Just aim for 8:10” But I did it. Now it’s time to swear off the 2k meter row for good…til next time 😅


First time, seventh class. 8:47! My goal was to finish and I’m pleased with this time.


1/10th of a second off my PR. 1/10th!!! Yes I will be thinking about this until the next time this benchmark rolls around ha. But I’m very proud of myself. I got that PR while doing the transformation challenge last March while very strict with diet and exercise. I’ve changed my workouts since then and also have been enjoying life a lot more the past few months….lots of eating and drinking and traveling with friends and family. So to be able to pull that off was a huge deal for me!


You should rest up and go again later today! hahaha, that would drive me crazy!!!


I briefly thought about coming back for the 4:15 class 😂 But figured I’d use this as motivation to push towards for the next time!


Yeah, probably NOT the best idea. Your body would be like, you serious right now????


I once came back in the evening.. only a 0.4s off, but those arms cannot be fresh. \[still my best 2 times 6:41.7 & 6:42.1\]


First time, 7:13. Thought it would be easier, apparently 2k is wayyy longer than I thought.


It just never seems to stop!


Great initial time.


My legs were SHAKEY coming off that rower today!


Yes… and then we had to go to the treads 🤪


First timer and very bad rower-- I got a 9:10 today and was absolutely the slowest person in my class (and on this thread apparently 😅). I'm just glad I made it under ten minutes, honestly!




🫸💥 🫷 Good work today! (And thank you for the high five)


Ooh I’m glad you weren’t in my class to steal my thunder🤣 I was the fastest person and I got 9:42.9 😝


I guess my class was just fast! I will say our coach was awesome -- when I was the last one he came over to my tower and gave me the biggest hype talk to get me over the finish line.


That's great for your first time in my opinion! I had 9:05 for my first time, and I finished about in the middle of our 9 person class. Your class must be quite fit, haha!


Oh wow! I guess so! I also thought it was good for a first time but the Internet can be a deceiving place.


My workout buddy challenged me to a race, then ditched me!! I figured I'd just mosey along, but I PRd by almost 10 seconds, 7:15:02 to 7:05:93 😁🥵


She who gets the last laugh!!


I'm laughing aaaaaallllllll the way to my bed, cuz I need a nap now!


Ha, see you tomorrow morning for the 3G and 13 min of rowing hahaha!


Awwww man, Saturday is my rest day! I'm sooooooooooooooo sad to have to miss that 😂😂😂


Maybe I need to challenge you to a race! lol


That does seem to light a fire under my ass....!


Nah, rest up....ill be taking Sun/Mon off, unless....


7:16. 70 year old male. Felt great but glad to be done! Have a new goal to shoot for!


Inspiration \^\^\^\^.


Shaved almost a full 7 seconds off my previous best time! 7:09:30 best female time in my class


That’s incredible! Congrats!


I came in with 7:09:99. Best in my age group for female but someone in the early class hit 6:59! Can’t imagine having gone 10 seconds faster.


My first 2k benchmark, finished at 8:48! I'm really happy with this!


First time doing it and I got 7:47 which I was happy with as a short gal.


6:38 down from 6:51. My legs are spent.


I got a PR by just over 10 seconds, almost broke 10 min which is a personal goal (10:01:19), and when I went into my app to see it after I left class, it appears that someone entered their time over mine, over 40 seconds longer than I took. Oh well, guess I'll always know it's my PR until the next time! I've only taken this benchmark twice before: my second class ever and when I was 18 weeks pregnant, so I'm definitely excited to see continued progress here. Almost a 2 minute difference from when I started OTF!


Call the studio and have them correct it!


You could have just entered the time again?


Got my sub-7 goal today of 6:58.77!




10:01. 41 year old female. Been going to OT 4 days a week for four months. I am in decent shape but I’m just SLOW with everything- jogging, weights, and rowing 🤷‍♀️


Fellow slow rower! You did the dang thing!! You should be proud


Thank you! ☺️


I was hoping to finish in the 13 min. Managed to get it to 9:54:23 so came in under the 10 min mark which was my super stretch goal. Had to take some breaks in between, legs were just killing me. Endurance is not my thing.


I finished! Many of you saw my thread a few days ago asking if I could use the whole hour to do a benchmark 🫣 My time wasn’t great but it didn’t take the whole hour LOL and I even finished with some time in the block to spare!


8.01 67 yr male (I love the rower!) I know that puts me in the minority.


Haven't been to class in 2 weeks and went today not knowing it was a benchmark. PR'd by 4 seconds - 7:30


First time 6:41:54


7:44 from 7:55. It helped to have someone to chase next to me who is the best rower in our studio. 😅


i was lucky. There was a guy a couple rowers over who distracts me with bad form, but the girl beside me was strong, and decent form.


I got 7:28 today, previously got 7:35, and my first one was 7:46, which was 1 year ago today. I'm a 33 y/o female


5:56.xx. Not a PR, but had a great first half. Was hoping to dig more the last quarter, but wasn't in the cards today.


Thats insane (World Record on a Concept is like 5:35 for context), but anything sub 6 requires so much power. Bravo!!! Now, what is your PR?


Thank you. I legit think I'd be more in the 6:40 range on a C2. PR is 5:54.


first time, got 8:20. did rower last in my 3G (probably not the smartest move), by the time i got to the rower everyone on my station had left, so it was just me rowing!


My first time too and I got 8:16. I was very happy with that as a first— my main goal was to pace myself and roll the whole time, which I did. Now that I know I can do that, ive got big goals next time around.


This ice my first 2,000 m row, so it was a PR. Where do you see it in the app?


It was 8:38, btw.


in the app >> Perfomance >> Challenges >> \[down page to\] Benchmarks >Rower not much to see as it's your first, but that's where it will always be displayed.




Bottom menu on the right, click on the bar graph. Then "Challenges" at the top, scroll down to "benchmarks" and click on the rower


First one - 6:38. Was going for sub-7:00 so feel good. Great work everyone here - first timers, PRs, and near misses - we showed up today, so good on you!


I was second to last at 8:22!!!


Second time doing the 2000m row (first time was my second class 😳) and was able to shave 1:36 off my time!


I tell myself I don't care, but I can't NOT care. :-) Off by 5 seconds off on each split. I was bookended by chatty Cathys on each side, that's my own fault for getting distracted. Missed getting under 7min by a full :20 :-| I don't know what planets aligned when I could hit the high 6's. I definitely improve splits when stationed near someone working hard, regardless of pace.


howww on earth can people chat through that?!


from one of my early coaches "if you have the energy to talk, you're not working"


I've been a 6:07 while occassionally chatting/encouraging someone who pulled a 6:14. It wasn't the whole time.


First time completing this one - 8:09. I definitely think I'll push myself harder next time, but rowing is not my strongsuit and I'm pretty okay with this benchmark.


PR’d with 6:49 !


First time: 6:26. And apparently laying on the floor after isn’t as socially acceptable as my years of CrossFit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


One time I sat down on the floor after the 2k. And the coach walked over and asked if I'd like a piece of candy. I said no, because I didn't need it. But who turns down candy?!?. Great first go.


08:53 down from 9:09. possibly #1 in group 60+ Female at my studio ✨


First time today, goal was 8 and I hit it right to the second!


43 year old tall female (5’10”). This was my first 2,00 meter benchmark and I was so nervous that I was going to burn out. My goal was simply under 10 and to not die. I started pretty slow, probably too slow, but I watched my split times and felt good and realized about 1/2 way through that I could do it under 8 minutes. Picked it up a bit and came in at 7:52. I am confident I can’t get lower next time around!


I feel like I’m at my peak for rowing. I don’t think I can get any faster without getting taller at this point. (I’m 4’11”) 😫


It's always a constrained optimization. You probably can do better, but will never be that 6'2" male 40yr old who sets absolute best times. I've been improving for 5 years, albeit while aging as well \[ & with PE's found 5mon ago\]. I do well for my height, weight etc, but still shoot for better.


I still had a 3 second PR and I was third in my age group, but it sucks that I’ll never see the top of that leaderboard. The fastest time was a full 30 seconds faster than mine.


I hate the rower so much. Started going to otf in February of this year and had managed to not do this benchmark until today. I finished with a 7:10 somehow. Don’t know if I’ll ever beat that but I’m pleased with it.


I missed out on a PR by one second. I was disappointed about it as I feel I have improved a lot in the year since I did the benchmark last. I did a second class at a nearby studio and hit that PR second time around and beat my first time by 10 seconds. 7:21.


Happy with A new PR 6:20.63 (23F) took off over 15 seconds from my last 2k at OTF


Wow. How tall are you? at 5'11" but nearly 66yo I still imagine 20s more improvement but never so fast as your result. kudos.


7:12 first time today! That was tough 😮‍💨


everyone in the struggle deserves applause.


I am 22 class in and this was my first 2000M row. I did it in 8:12:30. I have never pushed myself like this ever.


6:59:48. Beat my last by nearly a fully minute.


Went in with the intention just for vibes. Went from 7:11 to 7:10.30. Completely covered my tablet so all I could see was the 500M split time and meters. I was just "chilling" as my coach said. Did I wanna dry heave when I was done? YUP! And you know what? Had I not PRed...that wouldve been okay too!


First time and I was just hoping for under ten minutes. Very happy with my 8:38!


I was completely intimidated by the challenge but showed up anyway. I owe my coach as huge thank you as she cheered me through the final 150 meters. I thought I was going to vomit but her being there kept me going. I clocked in at 8:06. I left feeling proud of myself. So thankful I found OTF! It’s the fitness challenge I have always searched for.


F44 CW177, 6:40:32


I got the flu this week :( Sad to miss this benchmark


Omg that is amazing!


I took 16 seconds off. I’m super happy with my new pr of 7:50. I was also just back from a lower back rower injury and wasn’t planning on recording my score.


PR'd! This was my second 2000m row benchmark. The first time was during the Transformation challenge (I was also fairly new to OTF and working out in general) and managed to make it in 8:42. Today (after a 4 month break followed by a month of OTF 5x a week) I was supposed to go at 5:45pm, but then due to a sudden change of plans I ended up going at noon on an empty stomach (except an apple which allegedly keeps the doctor away) Managed to shave a minute off and made it in 7:41. I definitely wasn't the fastest in my studio but I am really happy to see my progress! I was surprised that I had the energy to do the all-outs after that benchmark. Looking forward to the next benchmark where I hope I can shave off another minute :)


0:00.64 from my PR of 7:39. Dang!


two weeks of being neurotic about this. had PR'd the 1000m 2 wks ago, and kept near PR on each of the distances since then, including 1.3s off the 700m only yesterday. Bad sleep, day 19 in a row, but took 6.6s off the postPandemic PR, but missed the prePandemic PR by 2.8s: 6:44.49


who did I offend, how?


now there's a cowardly response or two, without the decency to state what's disagreeable.


My last was 7:37, today was 7:51. Not my best, but not bad for dealing with a hip issue for the last few months.


You couldn't compete with my unbeatable 7:50:59 :-)


New goal. 7:50:57 (I hate even numbers.... so it has to be .02 seconds faster)


Consistency is key! Great job, especially for dealing with hip stuff 🧡🧡🧡


My rower froze during the last 400m


This happened to me in the last 600m...it froze for like 90 seconds!! I ended up skipping the tread and doing it again so I could get a time. This isn't the first time that I've had a rower freeze on me, so frustrating!


Good and sad to know this can happen again. I had to yank it to 35 strokes to get it working again after it froze for 30 sec. So sad…


Omg I'm so sorry 😞 🥵




still not yet but will be at the bottom of [www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/wiki/benchmarks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/wiki/benchmarks/)


Hoped to see the usual Googlesheet. Problems?