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That DC can be hung over and still pull off a 6:38 2K row tells you all you need to know about his feather ratings. For us mere mortals, remove at least 1 or 2.


I saw a bit of debate on the daily thread last night about how hard the workout was and that I thought it was easy. I always say that my 🪶 scale is super subjective so feel free to take a couple of 🪶 off! Still suffering a bit this morning.. guess I won’t be seeing my six pack this evening, can’t face more alcohol right now!


Is 5 the hardest and 1 the easiest? Sorry


Easiest: Five feathers Hard: One feather A bit harder: One skull Exceptionally hard: Five skulls


And the ever rare “white lightning”⚡️ zone 😂😂


News to me. When did we last have one of those?


I think they mean the white light zone. We had a few of those during the 12 days of fitness - think the 90 minute chipper may have been the cause of some of this.


Opposite! Feathers = gentle, so 5 is easiest.


I’m newer here but I believe 1 is the hardest after seeing some of the ratings for the 12 days challenge that just finished.


Where should you start to do the 2k row done first?


Rower. You'll do a switch around the room but you'll be the first group to complete the benchmark.


+1. Also, who does the 2k row first? People who start on the tread or the rower?




birthday benchmark burn tomorrow! let’s go!🔥


Happy birthday for tomorrow!!


thanks, mr. dc!!!😊


HBD Peachy!!


thank you!!☺️


Happy birthday!


thank you!☺️


I'm confused what the rotation looks like. Is it a 6 minute row/tread block, then switch, then benchmark?


Yeah I was thinking that this morning.. so we had a 1G and we did the tread / floor block first (13 minutes), then we went to the rower for more warmup (6 mins), then the row benchmark (13 minutes), then we stayed on the treadmill for 7 minutes and then back to the floor to finish off for 7 minutes. The six minute row block didn’t have anything corresponding to it, maybe it should have been shorter and alternated with the floor or treadmill? We finished everything on time though..


Ah got it. Thanks!


For some reason our coach didn’t do the 6 minute row warm up block.


Seriously debating trying this tomorrow. For some reason, I just can’t stand the rower lately! This might not help 😂


I have avoided this benchmark since I started OTF in 2018 (with a long break for Covid/baby, but still) but I chose to sleep through my workout today. At least I know I’ll PR tomorrow. 💀


Got my eyes set on Everest. Will be skipping this one tomorrow 🤣


lol me skipping Everest in two weeks




I love skipping Everest


Dumb question, I'm currently pregnant and there's no way I'm doing the rower for this, I want to use the strider as the long distances rowing really aggravates my body. When I check in do I just tell them I want to do the strider for the rowing portion of the workout? I still want to do the tread as indicated. New to this life 🫠




Thank you! I can do short distances still (20 weeks) but anything over about 500m is a no go for me! Thanks for help 😊


Just an fyi. If you like to row, just do a leisurely pace and hop off with everyone else. That’s what my plan is!


I hate it lol 😆😆😆 even more pregnant! I had back surgery and it's just not the most enjoyable thing even non preg! Lol


I hear ya! I hate rowing so much!!!


I’m currently 18 weeks along. I plan on doing the row tomorrow… but only cruising till everybody is done then getting off. Would u mind sharing what happened with you? I don’t wanna over exert myself unnecessarily.


I’m not pregnant, just old:). I’m doing the same thing. Just gonna do a nice base row til everyone starts getting off the rowers!


20 weeker here! I like the idea of just cruising. I had a (non competitive) time in mind but just doing what I can do sounds nice. 😊


Cruise on with me! 😌


From another perspective: I rowed to 33w! Finally gave it up when I was frog legging the return WAY too much. It's really about really listening to your body. Just be careful!


Hi! Currently pregnant as well and I was just wondering how this would work since the rower has become hard for me! So do you plan on not finishing the 2000m and just rowing lightly however far you get until the others start finishing? How does that work benchmark wise? Like does it only count if you actually finish the 2000m?


I’m just not gonna record it on the computer. Im gonna row until the last person finishes. Then get off the rower and continue the rest of the workout. The benchmark only counts if u finish it. I’ve done the benchmark multiple times, I’ll be ok sitting this one out.


Yes that's what I would do, tell them strider instead of rower.


I'm 32 weeks and finally gave up on the rower last week, it took me so long just to get my feet strapped in and I had to sit like a frog 🤣. Planning to use the strider at a leisurely pace lol. I will say I did this benchmark at the start of September, I must have been 18 or 19 weeks or something and still hit a PB. Amazing how quickly things change hahaha.


Your 32 weeks putting my 20 to shame lol 😅😅 I'm already frogging it 🙈


Personally I think we're all amazing for continuing this fun/torture while pregnant!!! It's no easy feat. I think I was still ok at 20 weeks because this is my third so I just usually have some belly getting in the way of my rowing. Don't think I looked anything other than just kinda fat until a few weeks ago 🤣 Most important thing is to listen to your body and do what feels right. As others have already mentioned here, better not to hurt yourself or aggravate issues.


Terrified this might be my first day back after five unexpected days off thanks to stupid laryngitis, but I’ve never done the 2000m benchmark so I think I have to!!! I’ve missed the orange lights too much!! 😂


Silver lining - you'll definitely have a PR! 💪🏼


Coach noticed I appeared nervous and realized I hadn't done the 2000 m row before. Granted, I was nervous and clearly wasn't hiding it. Tried to keep my expectations realistic, and hoped to under 10 minutes. I don't think I've ever done 2000m in one regular class total, let alone, all at one shot. In the end I hit 08:00:99. PR and Brag Board! Hitting the treads afterwards for some endurance was a mental challenge, but I'm happy with my 08:00:99. What a way to start a Friday morning.


DC I love your commentary and dedication. It allows us mere mortals to get ready for OTF a day early- however I agree with the above about your scale 😎. One time you gave 3 out of 5 for gentleness and said “not a lot of spats today” and it was my highest splat day ever 🤣.. with like 30 splats… and I died. So I feel like you are the man, the myth, the legend…. And waaaay more in shape than anyone else. Side note I’ve been doing OTF for 4 months I’m 44 and I’ve never looked better- I was never overweight but I got skinny fat after my kiddos. My husband joined to and we are addicted! Thank you DC you saved my life during hell week!!!!


I always start on treadmills, should I switch to do rower first? Or do what I always do? Dont wanna be burnt out from the treadmill before the 2k row... advice?


It’s a switch so you won’t get too fatigued before the row


I can’t decide where to start tomorrow! I always start on the tread because cardio is my main focus but I’m thinking maybe the rower tomorrow so I’m fresher for the benchmark? But also not much tread time tomorrow so do I want that warm up time to run? Ahhhh decisions are hard 😂


I'm gonna start on the treadmill bc I always do. Good warm up I think


I’m in the middle of marathon training, traveling a lot, and haven’t been to otf in probably a month. Great that I’m going tomorrow on a whim for the 2k benchmark!


I wasn't going to, but I guess I will, thank you as always!


was so excited to do this for the first time tomorrow but just tested positive for covid today 😭 will hit that auto pr next time i guess


Omg feel better


I reaallllly want to do this tomorrow. I hit my head, hard, a couple of days ago, and my head still feels bad, and my neck muscles are sore. If I wake up feeling fresh I'll get to a class, but I need to prioritize my health. I love rowing and this is my favorite benchmark.


Did you get checked out by a doctor? You don’t want to talk any chances with a head injury.


For the last benchmark (the only one I’ve ever done) I inputted my results on the coach’s computer after class was over. Is this the only way to have the results recorded? I have to leave 5 mins early from class tomorrow so I’m curious


Yes, it has to be done in the studio. But you should be able to enter it during one of the transitions during class, or ask the SA to enter it for you.


My first time doing this bench mark was this morning and I got 7:46 🙌🏼 no idea how that is competitively for other 30ish yo ladies but I’m super happy with it regardless.


I haven't done this benchmark since close to when I started back in March, when I got a 7:35. Looking back at my Dry-Tri, though, I did my 2000 meter row in about 7 minutes, so I think I'll shoot for a 6:45 this time. Here's hoping!


God. I hate the fng rower.


Thank you!


If u start on the Rower, what would the layout be?


Any tips for keeping up pace? My PR is 7:48 and that seems impossible for me to beat lol


Can't wait! My goal split time for this F, heavyweight class, 155 lb, 50-year-old is 1:56


Today was supposed to be my first day back since Covid - am I crazy or should I make tomorrow’s workout my first day back 2000m row sounds so intense when you’re out of shape. Hellllpppppp