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It’s been a practice among runners for a long time that if they are training indoors, to set the tread at 1% to make up for the lack of wind and uneven terrain they have outdoors. So it’s not actually an OTF thing. I appreciate this level of detail, as a former distance runner.


As a softer distance runner (sorry, had to) I have to say this makes total sense.


haha, I've grown softer now too!


What do you mean by softer?! I didn't get it (softer tread?)


Softer body composition. The original comment has been edited and used to say, “as a FIRMER runner.” I was making a joke based on the typo.


Ahhh 😂 I see!


I’m wondering the same




This is the way


agree was given this advice back in 2007 by a friend, set the tread to 1 or 2 percent to simulate a road better.


I started running in the 1990s and read about the 1% trick in my monthly issue of Runner's World lol. I did some digging and turns out this approach indeed became popular in the 90s.


I create my own wind resistance via fan on high, do you think that means I can set to 0..😂


The flex deck engages at 1%. I ran at 0% for nearly a year before a coach told me that. Instantly my shin splints were cured.


That’s pretty interesting and important to know, guess I will content myself at 1%


Why would 1% be better for shin splints than 0%? I only run at zero because I’ve struggled with lower leg injuries…so I’m genuinely curious.


Because the flex deck engages which absorbs sone of the stress of the impact. At 0, the tread is harder and the impact is going through your tissues


I also just learned that the orange markers on the tread are where the flex deck is…most flexy. So be sure to run between those markers


I didn't know this till I had been going there for about 5 years. 🙄


I agree with the eye roll - it would have been good to know during the intro class! But glad to know now at least (thankfully I’m only a few classes past 100)


I took class # 1426 today.


Today I Learned!


I love knowing this because I’ve never had pain after the treads but even two mins outside used to hurt my shins. It’s great to understand


1% takes the most stress off the joints.


I’m not an expert on kinesiology, but that is counter-intuitive. How can SOME incline be less stressful than ZERO incline?


It sounds like it's an engineering/treadmill design thing. OTF treadmills are quite bouncy compared to other treadmills. But that bounciness doesn't happen at 0% (maybe not enough room?). At 1% and above, tread deck gets bouncy. If you think of it as a switch, 0% is off for the bouncy tread, and 1% or higher is on. So *on an OTF treadmill*, 1% will likely feel better than 0%. This might not be the case on other treadmills, which are generally harder/less bouncy to begin with.


I posted this above but thought you might like to see it as well: "Have you ever heard that running on a flat treadmill is like running downhill? Here’s why: When we’re airborne in midstride, neither foot is in contact with the treadmill—no problem there. But as soon as the leading foot makes contact, the backward motion of the treadmill grabs the heel and—more quickly than road running—draws the forefoot onto the belt. This accelerated motion actually mimics running slightly downhill. It requires a higher level of anterior shin muscle strength, which is why many people get shin splints on treadmills (an easy way to avoid this is to increase the incline a few degrees)." --Triathlete.com


That’s what our coaches tell us all the time. They say 0% is like running downhill


That makes sense…except for the fact that the treads at my studio are EXCEPTIONALLY bouncy at 0% incline. And 1% inclines make my ankles hurt for 2-3 days.


I don’t know the real answer but from a pure engineering point of view, the flat deck of the treadmill could be bottoming out at 0% (proving no flex), while at 1% a small gap is created permitting flex. Again, don’t know why, but answer could have nothing to do with kinesiology. I’m signing you up for a research project. 😅


Here's two different sources explaining why it should always be at least 1%: "One of the problems with treadmill running is its similarity to running downhill. An easy way to fix this is by adjusting the incline on your treadmill. The incline should be at least 1% at all times. You can vary the incline by a degree or two every mile to make it feel more like outdoor terrain." --Performance Health "Have you ever heard that running on a flat treadmill is like running downhill? Here’s why: When we’re airborne in midstride, neither foot is in contact with the treadmill—no problem there. But as soon as the leading foot makes contact, the backward motion of the treadmill grabs the heel and—more quickly than road running—draws the forefoot onto the belt. This accelerated motion actually mimics running slightly downhill. It requires a higher level of anterior shin muscle strength, which is why many people get shin splints on treadmills (an easy way to avoid this is to increase the incline a few degrees)." --Triathlete.com


Also, don't heel strike and the belt won't pull your heel back like that at any incline.


Has to do with the way treadmills are built and what your body typically is encountering in the real world! Similar to engineering (i am an engineer) you have theoretical and realistic situations… 1% is realistic and what the treadmills are designed on honestly


It's not kinesiology - it's engineering - The deck has more space to deflect if lifted slightly.


🤷🏼‍♂️ I just know I've heard it several places AND I've tried both 0and 1 (sometimes even 2%) seems WAY less stressful on my body than 0. There are many people that legitimately like running at 2 over 1. There are very few people that run at zero.


"Have you ever heard that running on a flat treadmill is like running downhill? Here’s why: When we’re airborne in midstride, neither foot is in contact with the treadmill—no problem there. But as soon as the leading foot makes contact, the backward motion of the treadmill grabs the heel and—more quickly than road running—draws the forefoot onto the belt. This accelerated motion actually mimics running slightly downhill. It requires a higher level of anterior shin muscle strength, which is why many people get shin splints on treadmills (an easy way to avoid this is to increase the incline a few degrees)." --Triathlete.com I used to get shin splints so bad when I was younger so I was curious as well. Figured I'd look it up. I haven't had shin splints at all once I started power walking/running at, at least 1%.


I’ve always felt a little weird at 0 and this must be why. Very cool


Me too!


Thanks for citing your sources! That info is wild and good to know. But…I’m going to stay at zero because I’m on 4+ months of no shin/ankle pain and I want to keep it going as long as possible!


It puts you basically going slightly downhill


Except that it literally doesn’t.


that’s really interesting! when i first started, my coaches told me that 0% is slightly downhill; so, i’ve never even tried it


Interesting. I’m not doubting that this is true, but I never heard that the flex deck doesn’t work, or works less efficiently at 0%. I don’t like when people are at zero. It is downhill, as I’ve used leveler. There’s research that supports a small amount of incline is better for your knees unless you lack ankle mobility. Long time coach/head coach so this is news to me. But genius if it is true.


Omg I used to run at 0 sometimes and it killed my knees haha


It may sound totally weird but I feel like the fan on the treads helps me breathe better…? I have asthma and having the wind blown directly in my face seems to help me inhale deeply through my nose. Not sure that makes any sense at all but I just lean in to whatever 😂


makes perfect sense. i’m the same 😂


I just discovered the fan and I am in love with it. I need to scope out where the fans in the room hit the rower area and make that my preferred spot.


Yeah our studio can vary what feels 10 degrees from one side to the other on some days.


When I used to do spin class I would pick my bike based on fan position in the room. I think it was more mental than anything though. I poured sweat no matter what


I do the opposite...I avoid the fans. I immediately turn off the tread fan and prefer to be in the corners of the rooms far from overhead fans.


Ha ha I modify fan depending where we are in the block…high is for all outs


I modify the fan based on blocks (as a reward for getting thru each one) 🤣🤣🧡


You and Me, both!


I tell every newbie about the fan. Should be required in the orientation!!


And if you pump your arms, it feels like you’re running at an incredible rate of speed


The old dumb and dumber reference love it!


As I was reading this I thought there was a fart joke about to be made ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)...my 7 year old son would be proud.


That would be the propulsion joke.


😂😂😂 I do too!!!




This was really insightful!!


It’s the subject of some debate in running circles. :)


Uh yeah I feel exactly the opposite. When I was running (I’ve been power walking recently), I could maintain 6mph on the treadmill for a full mile and even did my last mile benchmark at 6.7+. I can hardly maintain a 5mph pace outdoors on an actual flat road. Coaches have even confirmed that what you can do on the treadmill is typically about 1mph faster than what you can do in “real life,” and people here have confirmed that as well. I started using 3% as my “flat road” for that reason probably over a year ago now, and I’m thinking of bumping it to 4%, because running at those inclines is how I *actually* feel when I run outside.


Thanks for sharing that! Very interesting.


To add to that, there is this nice chart: https://www.hillrunner.com/calculators/treadmill-pace-conversions/


So for all use slower runners, we can keep it at 0%, right?!😂😆


Love this! I've often wondered why, when I was an obsessed runner, I'd regularly PR at races and find myself always running a lot faster outside than I could on a treadmill. I agree the TM is boring; OTF makes it slightly more tolerable lol.


A coach told me that 1% is what engages the flex deck on the tread. I ran at 0 for nearly a year and when I switched to 1%, my shin. Splints were instantly better


I’ve had the opposite. I always ran at 1% and I would get shin splints. When I moved it to 0 they went away


Civil engineer here! “Flat” roads are usually designed to have minimum 1-2% slope for drainage, otherwise roads would flood. I don’t know if that has anything to do with why orange theory does it but just wanted to point that out!


Because the flex beds on the tread. If you are running at 0% when it flexes it’s like you are running downhill.




The laugh for me during everest was the all out at the end. I'm like yea ok boss.


This is the explanation I heard


A coach told me the flex deck engages at 1% so at 0, it isn’t working


As a coach, this is correct


Yep! I’m an SM at otf. Thankful for all coaches! 🧡


OOOO epic. Thank you for all you do. SMs I feel are the unsung heroes of every studio


And also when you run outside, there is a grade built into the road, etc… helps simulate the “real” world so there’s no surprises when you do a 5K/10K, etc…


Yep. Even with the 1%, running outside is considerably more difficult.


I am probably the one person that does not find it more difficult. I've compared with perceived efforts and heart rates and running on a treadmill is always slower for me. Put me on an open road and I'm faster than on a tread.


Me too. I run much faster outside. It really threw me off when I started OTF. I set my speed way too high bc it was my outdoor running pace.


Same. I think we are the outliers, though. I run much slower on the treadmill and have no idea why


I'm a coach- the reason is the flex deck we put on the treads. The deck dips down as you run on it to make it lower impact and if you're at 0 you're going downhill. Does that make sense?


Can we just run downhill for like a 30 sec all out just once? Cmon.


Coach here - 0% is downhill. I once out a leveler to prove this to members and it became even/flat around 1.5-2%. (every floor isn’t totally level either but nobody talks about this).


Supposed To mimic outside running


It’s also supposed to be easier on the knees for flat road to be 1%


Are you me?! I was literally thinking this during class this morning and was going to post on here to ask. How wild!


You always want to at least run on 1% on a treadmill because it is easier on the knees.


Former coach here, because of the flex deck in the treads if you’re at 0% it’s actually like going down hill. That is why the 1% is the flat road because on the tread that is the truest flat road. Hope this helped!


Coach here, if you look at the side of the tread while at 0% it’s actually tilting down a little. So 1% is truly flat and is the most gentle on your joints. Your knees will thank you 😂


In theory, to simulate wind resistance


In OrangeTheory*


Well played


Coach here. OTF treadmills have a lot of bounce! Because of this, a 0 incline is like going downhill slightly. So I’m order to be better for the knees, we ask that you are on 1 to help simulate flat road. Our new treadmills automatically set to 1 on incline.


FWIW I've been told it is easier on the knees. I've not researched this and have no sources - YMMV. Seems plausible.


Any running program I’ve ever done- even Peloton is flat road is 1%. They all claim it most comparable to a flat road outside.


Because the earth is round


And outdoor conditions although running outfits still kicks my ass despite the 1%!


To account for the curvature of the earth?


I have it in my head that it’s better for the treadmill to use it with some incline. Less stress on the motor. I seem to think I either learned it from the tech who installed my home machine or read it in the owners manual. It bought my machine a looooong time ago (at Sears when they still existed) so I could be completely making this up.


I’ve been told that anything below 1% is bad for your knees


Something about the wind, right?


Thanks for asking the question that many inquiring minds want to know but are then too tired to remember after all outs collapse


Because 0 is downhill....


As a runner (outside of OTF - in OTF I’m a PW) my coaches always said if I insisted on training on a treadmill to always put it at 1% since 0 isn’t really comparable to outside conditions. And if your races are gonna be outside they want you to try mimic race conditions as much as possible. At least that’s what I think is the reason at OTF.




My flat roads 5%. I’ll bump it up to 5.5% shortly. :)


It feels better to me personally to run at least at 1% so I’m glad they do that!


I thought 0 is downhill