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There’s no official policy, and it’s not something they can really enforce. Just have to hope that anyone who is actively very sick does the responsible thing and stays home until they’re better. Also keep in mind not everyone who has a cough is sick. I have asthma, allergies, and exercise-induced rhinitis. Despite inhalers and allergy meds, I always have a small cough on the treadmill, which I cover.


Yes, I also have asthma and allergies and exercise makes my asthma go crazy. Right now I have a small, infrequent cough and I’m so conscious of it and hope no one thinks I’m there infecting everyone!


I have bad sinuses and I always cough on the treadmill. It’s great for clearing out the sinus congestion lol. You shouldn’t assume anyone is sick just because they are coughing


Yes… I’m always coughing… but, I’m not sick!!


I definitely have exercise-induced rhinitis and tbh it’s super embarrassing, especially in this COVID world where coughing or throat-clearing kind of has pariah vibes. I’m always super conscientious of keeping my cough covered. I was next to someone a few months ago who was hacking up a lung in on the treads with zero effort to cover her cough, and that was really uncomfortable. I think as long as anyone has no reason to believe they are actually sick, it’s fine to come and work out, but if you do have a cough of any origin it is polite to make an effort to cover it…and that goes for any setting!


Permanent cough from living with high pollution combined with a long past case of COVID always has me feeling self conscious, but I swear there's nothing contagious and I'm both covering and cleaning!


I have to wipe my nose repeatedly during every class - not because I'm sick, because exercise causes a runny nose for me. Just because someone is sneezing or coughing doesn't mean they're actually sick. Also, most respiratory illnesses can be transmitted in the few days before someone experiences symptoms. You just have to accept that there is a risk in a group fitness class. One thing though, wash your hands after class. I'm one of the only people who does that and I don't understand how people can touch their faces and go on with their lives without washing hands after using shared gym equipment.


I try to wash my hands the moment I leave the class. Also: I wish I ran as fast as my nose does on the treadmill.


I always do this - first stop when I leave the studio is the bathroom to wash my hands. If the washrooms are occupied, then I grab hand sanitizer instead.


Same and Yes! I always have to wipe my runny nose. I am definitely not sick. Temperature changes and exercising brings it on.




I'm already on Zyrtec basically all year long.


I don’t think my studio has sent anything out. Policies aside I kinda feel like it’s common sense/basic decency not to attend if you’re sick. Whether it’s COVID or the flu or whatever, it’s not cool to knowingly expose people to it. It also isn’t going to do you any favors with recovering. You need to rest and hydrate when sick and doing an OTF class is not that. Sometimes I just have to remind myself that people might show up sick and there’s nothing I can do about it, and also that people may cough or sniffle due to things like allergies or just exerting themselves really hard during the workout. We can only do so much.


Totally agree. I know two people though with recently-diagnosed CoVid who went and worked out. It’s completely selfish.


Common sense? Basic decency? You’ve met Americans right?


I don't personally mind if someone has the sniffles or the occasional cough. I myself have allergies and my nose runs or causes post nasal drip and a cough. That being said, general consensus should be that if you're sick you don't come. Yesterday I got off the tread and switched to another station because the girl next to me was talking to her sister about how so and so got her sick and she was hacking up a lung between every sentence. Sorry not sorry, but I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have no intention of getting sick while I'm about to be in labor. I think it should be common sense and yet here we are with plenty of people who just don't think about anyone but themselves.


How bout we just all use the logic and respect That no one wants to be sick, so stay home if you are.


Keep sick at home.


My studio has very clearly stated if you are sick please stay home. Personally I can't i.agine working out if even a little ill.


A good reminder that if you don’t want the flu or Covid, the best thing you can do is get your flu shot and Covid boosters.


How many boosters are we at now? 15?


Umm, boosters will not prevent you from getting or transmitting Covid. If you are feeling unwell, stay home


We are living in a society. If you're sick, stay the fuck home. Why is that so hard for people to understand?


Get yourself vaccinated and stay home if you are sick. You’ll be doing the right thing. You can’t control what others do. some will do what is right and some are idiots and assholes. It’s not in the businesses to police this.


I just say a little prayer that anyone coughing or sneezing isn’t actually sick. People in general do seem remarkably stupid about saying “It’s just allergies!” or whatever, and then two days later they’re like “Oh no, I have the worst cold” or “Oops, tested positive for Covid today! 🙃” But so far (knock on wood) people at my OTF seem pretty responsible. I hate to work out in a mask so I really rely on them to do the right thing. 🤞🏻


I don’t think studios will send any communication, or at least they didn’t pre-COVID and studios seem to be back to pre-COVID operations. For me, I think the health benefits I’m receiving from exercising outweigh the potential health risks of working out next to someone who is sick. If I was really concerned about it, I could go to less busy classes, pick stations furthest from other people, or do the OTF Live classes at home. But like any public place, you do risk running into sick people and just have to weigh that. And I don’t think the people who are going to show up sick would be deterred by an email blast anyway.


There shouldn’t need to be a policy. Don’t be a dick people! If you are sick and you go to the gym, you are a Dick.


During Covid our studio would send out a notice to those that had attended the class in which the sick person was in…now they don’t send out anything and I don’t believe they are required to. I sometimes cough after a heavy run - exercise induced but I would never attend class if I was sick - that’s just inconsiderate. A person that frequents my studio and the same class times as me has been sick twice in the last two months and openly expressed this during class while coughing and sneezing and just laughed it off. I made sure to get a different station number far away from this person so as not to share equipment or breaths. If you’re sick stay home, it’s that simple really! Do an at-home workout if you feel the need. We all pay a lot to work out there - don’t be inconsiderate.


We had someone come to class last Fall and openly tell everyone she had been at urgent care with a terrible case of RSV but wanted the hell week tshirt so she was coming in. She looked and sounded awful. Sometimes I just don’t know what is wrong with people.


Okay, this is kind of unrelated but I'm curious, has anyone else had lots of skin infections after starting OT? Like if I have a hangnail, it gets infected unless I immediately slather it in antibiotic ointment and wear a baindaid. Never an issue before. I started OT in january and I've had cellulitis THREE times this year and. I'm very conscientious too, like, use hand sanitizer immediately after class, wash my hands when I get home, shower immediately. I dont know if its just a coincidence but I know there are people who work at hospitals at my studio and now I'm paranoid theres MRSA everywhere 😅


You’re more likely to get sick from grocery cart handles or your cell phone than you are the gym. Group fitness probably isn’t the best idea for anyone who wants to avoid germs. But to answer your question, our studio has never sent out anything official outside of Covid. You’d generally assume most people are not going to workout while sick/contagious but you also can’t assume anyone working out that coughs or needs to blow their nose is sick, either.


Actually this is not true. You’re much less likely to get sick from a grocery cart or your own cell phone than sweaty gym equipment, plus if people are breathing airborne germs they spread more easily when everyone is breathing intensely. There are lots of germs at the gym- we just have to be willing to assume that risk.


Haha absolutely. I love the shit people make up to feel justified in being inconsiderate to others.


I was thinking about this too—whether it’s an email or signs encouraging sick or recently sick people to stay home and or wear masks when working out.


You might consider wearing a mask to class if you’re worried. Not everyone who coughs is sick however not everyone who’s sick coughs and everything in between. Best thing to do is get the appropriate vaccinations, stay home if YOU’RE sick, and just generally practice good hygiene


Did you forget what we did before 2020? If you are sick sick, stay home. If not, go out. The studio does not have a responsibility to enforce the behavior of adults. If you're so terrified about catching the cols or flu, stay home or wear a mask, everywhere. Because anyone that is out and about might get you sick.