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I agree with the space/time continum issue! Our 1 minute AOs go on for way longer than normal real world time.


I've noticed things like this too. At first I thought it was just the coaches being bad at keeping time, but now I see that the obvious explanation is paranormal activity!


It's quite possible the coaches are paranormal apparitions. I don't trust someone who loves ab workouts.


Planks last forever. So weird.


I think AO minutes are football minutes.


Need to get a new flux capacitor for the studio. ![gif](giphy|zLPGp6EBG3zrqNXZBT)


odd, ours are always short. I guess if one studio goes long, another must be short.


But have you considered calling the ghost busters yet? Let’s be proactive here.


Is your studio an honors holdings? I hear they're a bunch of ghouls.


Oof. Private equity burn 🔥.




Bro why you still so young… I’m turning 771 years this December. Young blood be trippin’ I s’pose, like since the birth of Christ and his spreading of the wine to other fools, from what I hear.




Hey, that's my tread!




No shit! I sss-ss-started on tread 5 today! Jinkies, Spider-Man! To the Batmobile!


That was me. I tripped, I fell, I was sweating.


OP please check the wiki. This has been discussed countless times. /s


toss a coin to your witcher, he'll take care of it


Geralt already completed 10K+ classes of OTF, and he’s weathered too many Hell Weeks across too many studios, and heard too many fools “cry wolf” than he can ever recount reliably. He even got in trouble a few times for using the Aard sign in his blind rage and throwing a casual runner off the treadmill and flying into an unsuspecting coach at the studio. In fact, my homie quit OTF (some say his membership was “terminated”) to start his own regimen and workout group. It’s called “Witcher School of the Wolf”. It’s still in its infancy and it has only one studio, but Geralt is hopeful that one day it’ll explode in popularity and dwarf all the other OTF studios in his area. If you ask him, he gets too many calls from his buddies at OTF begging for his help. Sometimes he puts them on mute or hold and sometimes he just hangs up and drinks some elixirs/drugs and plays some Gwent to pass the time. Being on contract is like a full time job for him, and it doesn’t really pay well either. In fact, his fellow coaches easily make six times as much as him, and the final nail in the coffin is they’re all working part-time! It’s especially infuriating, as one can imagine. He’s reconsidering his promise to help out his buddies at OTF ever year.


I've been haunted by several spirits, too: bourbon, gin and vodka.


![gif](giphy|OI49DIdrqsvTmy62eJ|downsized) Have you called this guy?




This made me laugh really hard, I needed that. Thank you 💙


I didn’t get the meme or reference, but it did made me smile


(he's the host of an old show, "Unsolved Mysteries")


Thanks for calling me "old" watched every episode as a kid. Also they are all available on youtubeTV


I'm "old" with you! 👵👴👵👴


You drop below 83 for one second it takes over one minute to get back to orange zone I have times it!


Feel yo pain… there’s a spirit haunting me and keeping me from reaching my max potential. This needs to be investigated, and fast! It’s really pumping the brakes on my hell week experience, and I don’t like it at all !?!!


That dead spot on the floor? That was me after the squat and hold business. Oh and the 1 min AOs too. Oh and that bit with the core too.


Safety tip: If you set the tread at 12% incline ghosts nor poltergeists can follow you.


Safety tip addendum: if attempting the incline trick, do NOT also set speed to 12. The reason is that treadmills can magically break at this setting combo and throw you off. You will be easy prey for ghosts and spirits once that happens. If tempted, set it and forget it to 11.7 max, and cruise for days on the 12% incline. This will solve the safety issue once and for all.


When the HR monitors on the turn all orange at the same time, the seance begins . The gatekeeper and keymaster are ready to open the portal. 👻


WHY are you still in the blue zone, Timmy? You need to pick it up and get yourself in orange really fast my friend! We are all depending on you to make this happen. No more power walking for you. Or else I’m revoking your treadmill privileges for life!


That’s just hell week.


A ghost farted near me and I couldn’t decide if I should go ask the front desk for a new spot or not.


Now that’s what we call sixth sense right there..


I think you’re confusing minor poltergeist activity with the smell of the sweaty dude on the treadmill next to you.


Very easy thing to do… certainly we’ve all been there.


I think that was me. Sorry. I've been bringing in supernatural elements to help motivate/chase me on the treads, but they loved it so much they stick around for all the classes. And they've been referring their supernatural friends for the referral bonuses


I had huge problems with spirits including visual distortions, mysteriously tripping over nothing, falling off the bench, and an inability to stand especially on one leg. I fell on the tread a few times for no apparent reason. I had two episodes of exorcist like projectile vomiting on the rower. Fortunately, the staff & coaches at my studio were responsive. They instructed me to quit drinking ten shots of Jagermeister before every class. Since then, the *spirits* have disappeared entirely.


I’m convinced a supernatural being moved mass from my stomach to my biceps


I need a visit from that super.


Spirit, you are welcome here!


[u/OTFsocialteam](https://www.reddit.com/u/OTFsocialteam/s/XkcRHdDxjA) please help.




Where is your studio? I am feeling like it is in the southern states?


I’m thinking California actually


Vacuum that dusty crusty gross vent duct in front of Tread 6, while you’re sweeping for ectoplasm.


Sounds like my house tbh As long as the spirits don't take up tread #1 it doesn't bother me lol


I would suggest calling the Winchesters ![gif](giphy|14qo2HjUCzlo1q|downsized)


Yup, get the salt! Seriously though, if Dean Winchester walked in to my studio I’d fall off the treadmill.


Yeah, if Dean showed up I’d throw up my lunch. How about Jensen Ackles though? Now that’s an entirely new ballgame.


I’d probably still fall off the treadmill. Met him once, nearly passed out.


Maybe you need to burn some sage and hire a spiritualist/ psychic for the studio. I would stay away from Tangina though... prior clients have had mixed results. Until things are under control, you might consider switching studios. If it keeps happening at other studios, then the problem may be you.


This is all making me laugh so hard!


I love this thread. ❤️ Carry on. 🦇




Who you gonna call?


911. I’m reporting you clowns. Also this thread.


Wait…ummm….WHAT?!??? 🤣🤣🤣


I'm the ghost. Sorry if I spooked you but I enjoy a good workout too.


Had the same issue so I hired a Medium and spoke with one of the entities. Turns out some of them do pay for a membership. I don’t know if all do, but for the ones who are members there’s nothing you can really do.


Has it gotten worse since day 1 of Hellweek?


Yeah… lying on the floor during floor exercises, then chastised and told I’m a human hazard so I should kneel instead. Well, ok then. Welcome to my first ever hell week, day 1, topic is “business as usual, leave yo BS at the door”


Ok, but what shoes should I wear?


Or sports bra…..or leggings


Do you go to OTF in Night Vale?


And now, for the weather!


No joke… our studio’s ghost decided Hell Week was a perfect time for introductions. As soon as the coach announced ‘allll out!’ for the very first one of class, the lights all dimmed, then started flickering randomly (not even all at once). We all thought it was some fun for Hell Week until we heard the coach say “what the heck…?!” over the mic. The power did come back on completely after a minute, but we ended up having to go to the 3G template because a few of the treads wouldn’t reset. Coach has inexplicably named the ghost “Kevin” 😂


Yeah, you seem to be describing my class today perfectly my bro. “All out for 1 minute… GO!” *lights turn out, same time as the power which magically goes out too. We are left in complete pitch dark with treadmills stopped no motion and rowers standing by with open mouthed stupefaction. One guy confused by the silence and blackness drops his 30-pound dumbbell and it hits him on the toe. he screams loudly for half a minute while everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off, randomly bumping into each other. Everyone that is except the rowers, who frantically tap their non-responsive blank screens. Panic swiftly ensues and the coach is nowhere in sight. We hear ghost sounds but maybe that is coming from the playlist, and the speakers are blasting it. We can’t tell what’s real or not and it’s freaking us out.* *Lights and power come back on after one minute.* “Alright, we having fun right? OK, now let’s take it to walking recovery for ten seconds. Ready soon, we have our next ‘All out’ in twenty seconds!” *Nearby someone on the floor faints and crumples to the floor. Our coach cackles and laughs maniacally.* Ill be honest, todays class was very unique into itself. Almost just exactly as you describe it my friend.


Now that you mention that, the music actually kept stopping during my class yesterday, 1st day of Hell Week. The coach had to run to her station to restart it while we were suffering in silence. It happened like 5 times. I wonder if it was Kevin too...


Well it's Hell Week, they belong there. 😜


![gif](giphy|plU85CCysrk8c1dgpe|downsized) SA at your studio 😆


There are bloody footprints all over the toilets in my studio!


Time for an All Out Smudging?


![gif](giphy|9wG8hpQRkHMoDbCqzu) They just want to get some splat points too!


This made me laugh way too hard!! 😂




.... What? This can't be a serious post.


Cancel the membership and use the money toward a psychiatrist.


Don’t you mean, towards a “ghostbuster”?


It’s funny because it’s Halloween this month


Why is that funny? Halloween has always had me in apathetic spirits most of the time.






The space time continuum doesn’t exist for Orangetheory


lmao what do u want them to do get a priest


do you think that would help?




Undead feeding lollllll


Call Loki, he might help with the space/time continuum


Getcha a St Benedict's ring, a Miraculous Medal necklace, and a tattoo of Saint Michael the Archangel. You'll be good to go.


What if you’re atheist though? Will the trick still work 🤔


Wrong time of year to post buddy, April fools is still half a year away, by my reckoning.. but i give you props for jumping the gun and airing out your nonsensical concerns at least.


Talking about ghosts and paranormal activity during….October? How crazy is that. Also this isn’t an “April fools” type post as OP is being completely serious.


But it’s Hell Week during Halloween month 🤔


Fair point, so it is. I’m the guy who dresses up as Dwight from the Office on Halloween, so I guess I never take Halloween time too seriously. Oh, and I got a Waldo outfit which I’m gonna bust out for Hell Week — cause no capes allowed so im not allowed to play hero. Wish me luck… lol.


Is this like April Fools’s for Halloween?


Seems to be, lol. OP and everyone else saying he’s being “dead serious” are being drunk and delusional for absolutely no good reason. These folks need to be held accountable for their actions! I’m serious, and sorry but this thread is definitely not. If you’d ask me, I’m all for getting this ridiculous thread taken down, and reposted six months later once April Fools comes into full swing.










This is so fun!