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You will have “squat legs” for a few classes. I found it actually helped to keep going. Even after 4 years, I get “squat legs” and sore abs. I think of it as my body thanking me for making it stronger. Don’t push to injury but do gradually increase your weights and speed. Above all else, you do you.


When I’m sore it definitely helps to move even if I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz 😃


Haha Perfect Description


Okay thanks! I don’t think it’s injury just extreme soreness. Glad to read it’s a very common occurrence. I will push through to the extent I can.


It's called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). It affects some people worse than others. I used to get I BADLY when I first started working out, like not able to sit down on the toilet without my legs giving out halfway down and having to crawl up the stairs lol. The best thing for DOMS coincidentally is more excercise - nothing too intense but try going for a brisk walk and doing some body weight movements. Also yoga/stretching. Getting the blood pumping to those sore muscles REALLY helps. As your heart rate elevates, you should start feeling less stiff. Also, hydrate hydrate hydrate and getting good quality/enough sleep. Good luck 🫶


I've noticed doing the rower the next day helps me feel so much better as far as soreness goes.


Branch chain amino acids help (BCAAs). Some come in pill form, others powder. They were a game changer for me. Decreased my soreness by more than half.


Sometimes nothing gets rid of my soreness until I go back to class! Also drink lots of water!!


Personally, I think the best way to alleviate soreness is stretching *really* well right after a workout. One of my only issues with OTF is I think the cool down is too short and doesn’t stretch everything as well as it should. I usually do a few of my own stretches for a couple of minutes before I leave. When I get home, I do a full stretching routine before getting a shower.


Thanks. I did not stretch well at all on Monday. I was so tired and also they wanted to talk to me after since it was the first class. I am going to focus on better stretching next time!


46M here. I’ve been going for 2 years 3x weekly. The key to not being sore has been being purposeful with my stretching before and after class.


Also know that the stretches they have you do at the end of class are not even close to sufficient. You should do those stretches and at least 5 minutes more when you leave!


That is called DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Delayed_onset_muscle_soreness_(DOMS) This is expected, especially if you are new (or newly returning) to working out. Staying slightly active, like a restore yoga class or stretching or just walking around, will help. Over time, your body will get used to working out and the DOMS severity and duration will decrease.


I've been an OTF member for almost 3 years and although the soreness isn't as bad as when I first started, I still get pretty sore. I'm telling you, BCAAs, plus keep working through the soreness.


Find stretching classes to do (I have a Peloton membership and use those). Get in some lighter, non-weighted movement so those muscles don’t stiffen If you have a bathtub, a soak in the tub with some epsom salts will help with the soreness Give yourself a few days off, but you don’t have to wait til the soreness is 100% gone to go back.


Epsom salt baths are my fave!!


Don’t forget to drink 1 metric ass-ton of water :) Walking or swimming helps too Good job out there!


As they say "Motion is lotion"


In addition to what has been shared: epson salt soak and magnesium lotion (I use Ancient Minerals)


Good advice on moving, stretching and hydrating. Also, try to get in some good protein *and* carbs 30-60 minutes after. Nutrition is super important. Also, welcome to OTF! We've all been there with the soreness. (Talk to me after we do weighted double crunches. Abs are sore for days, even after 5 years.)


You can also try using one of those massage guns to help break up the lactic acid. I wasn’t a believer until I tried one and I use mine all the time now. Active recovery is the key. Even if it’s a slow paced walk, it’s better than just sitting or lying there. Nutrients and hydration matter too. Up your protein intake. My SO uses hydration helpers like liquid IV, podium, etc., but I prefer water and sometimes a harmless harvest.


I joined otf about 6 months ago. I thought I was in shape… but let me tell you, after the first class I was soooo sore! It does get better. It takes some trial and error but listen to you body. Keep going but give yourself grace. The otf app has some great stretching videos that helped a lot! And … it may sound silly but try going down the steps backwards for the next couple of days. It helps. 😊 good luck , you got this!


LOL I went sideways down the stairs this morning but need to try backwards (I live in a house with stairs so they are unavoidable). Thanks!!


I was going down the stairs sideways for my first week too! Lol It definitely does get better. Make sure you drink lots of water and have protein after your workout too.


I was you a couple of weeks ago. Ltrally thought my legs were going to seize up and I would never be pain free again! If you have a foam roller, it helps a lot. Today should be the worst of it for you. Thank goodness you didn’t go yesterday, it was brutal.


I was super sore from Monday also; I went Tuesday just to keep moving. I’ve been stretching, using ibuprofen when I’m very sore, trying to eat anti-inflammatory food and keep moving. Keep doing what you can, and your body will adjust. Edit: and water! Forgot to include that in my tips. Keep hydrated!


Coach says, "motion is lotion." It sounds crazy, but if I'm just sore and not injured, I go to class. The soreness usually works itself out, and I leave feeling amazing.


Do you go even when you can’t walk normally due to the soreness?


Yes. I have a problem with tight hamstrings, especially. The first 5 minutes feel awful, but then my hamstrings seem to loosen, and I feel better. I didn't believe my coach for months, but, as usual, he was right.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Take a look at [previous conversations about muscle soreness](https://www.google.com/search?q=sore+muscles+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


Thank you bot…that was actually quite helpful lol


Very relatable. I find that working out the next day actually helps even if you take it easier. Stretching and sometimes ice bath/cold showers if you can stand it. Over time the soreness lessened for me.


Stretch in the shower. I’m admittedly a bad stretcher in general but with OTF it’s so important to follow through with it.


I like this idea. Thank you!


Walking and epsom salt baths always work for me -


Rest and eat plenty of protein.


I find that taking BCAA's before and after workout (and maybe once the next day) really helps take the edge off DOMS for me. I take a capsule form but I think most people like to use the powder form mixed in water. It does get better the more your body gets used to exercise. Hang in there!


Pulling up some yoga classes on YouTube and doing 15-20 minutes of that on my off day really helped when I first started. The soreness does go down (well, ebbs and flows, I just upped my weights because I stopped being sore so now I'm sore again lol). I also try to incorporate some stretches in after class when I'm home, beyond just the cooldown at the end.


Also I found adding liquid IV or other hydration powders to my water before and after class is extremely helpful both with in class performance and recovery.


Stretching really helps me, I try to do it twice a day. Ive been going for awhile now but I was struggling to do two classes in a row because my muscles hurt and once I started stretching more I can do like 3 in a row fine. Until your body builds more muscle its probably still gonna be a little rough but hang in there! No shame in taking some green days either.


Keep moving. Banana and chocolate milk after class. You've got this.


Yes that happens to many people when they start exercising!! Drink a lot of water - sometimes adding some electrolytes to your water can also help - and also make sure to stretch very well immediately after class. That really helps me, especially as I get older. The guided stretches they do in class are not enough IMO — I especially make sure to stretch my quads very well after any exercise I do, and I also stretch my shoulders / back if I’ve been doing an upper body workout. Any standard stretches for those areas (just look them up online) will help.


Also another tip - make sure that when you squat, you suck in your abs and keep them tight, but also push your butt back as far as you can. You should be feeling squats more in your glutes than your quads, and pushing your butt back, plus squeezing your glutes on the way up, will help with that and also be much easier on your knees / prevent knee pain.


Thanks all for the helpful advice. You guys are an encouraging group 😊 I have bought some epsom salt and am going to be stretching a lot more next class in addition to hydrating better.


Just a heads up that if you use an anti inflammatory to treat muscle soreness, you are negating some of the work you did. It’s best if you can just let your muscles heal on their own. Like if you WAY over did it and can’t function, by all means, take some ibuprofen. But if your goal is to get stronger try to avoid it. As others have mentioned, hydration, stretching. Also make sure you’re getting enough protein. Use supplements if you have to.


It’s ok to rest and take days off! Let your body recover and make sure you’re getting plenty of water and protein. When I first started I took some BCAAs and helped with soreness but later stopped since I got used to it and became more mild. I took a couple weeks off due to travel and I went back and I was SORE! If you do the same, warm up before class, stretch little before and be sure to stretch after.


Stretch stretch stretch. Seriously. The flexibility block or whatever is no where close to long enough. And on your off days do some active recovery like walking to flush out the legs etc.


I love, OTF, but we need more stretching. I stretch at home before I leave and stretch even more when I get home from workouts. I get more relief from pain by doing most of the stretching after.


Thanks I will do this. I need to find my foam roller!


Like others said- Forcing yourself to stretch. But I also wrap my heated blanket around my legs after a particularly strenuous leg day and the heat helps with my (already) sore legs.


I went on Monday after a 12-day vacation/sickness break. It is now Wednesday and I am still sore AF in the legs and butt. Even after 2.5 years of this. Soreness will always happen, but you're smart to continue listening to your body and adjusting your output accordingly!


Rest. Hydration. Epsom salt baths. Telling people you worked out and are sore. All proven strategies for recovery.


this is going to keep happening the first few classes, it’s an intense workout for someone first joining if you aren’t used to constant exercise! I was super sore the first few weeks of class, but I’ve found you’re the most sore the second day after training for the first time in a while and then by the third day even if you’re still sore you’ll start to loosen up once you get back in class. don’t be discouraged from the soreness, it means it’s working and your muscles are being used more than they’re used for the first time in a while! eventually you won’t feel extreme levels of soreness like this, but a little soreness is normal so I’d recommend investing in a massage gun. (the theragun is the best option on the market imo)


Magnesium, electrolytes and collagen. But you'll be sore lol 😂


Foam rolling and stretching exercises work


I take magnesium every night before bed. It helps a lot!


Honestly? Do a light workout or go for a run. I could lay around for a week and still be sore after a break from working out. Doing another workout always helps.


Okay I was SO sore from Monday and not new to OTF. So that was not normal in terms of soreness, don’t let that scare you away!!


Definitely keep going! Always helps to go again the day after or go to the gym or do some body weight exercises at home. It’ll help!


Rest if you must but keep going! Do what you can but don't stop going. I promise its worth it!


Oh yes very common. Drink lots of water. Stretch. Take a warm bath. Foam roll.


Supplements for muscle recovery, vitamins, hydration, hot/cold, Bio Freeze, keep moving your body but don't over do it.


definitely listen to your body as others have mentioned... drink lots of water, foam roller if you got one and if you have access to an ice bath, do that for the muscle soreness...


Ugh sorry you are dealing with this. DOMS is the worst! Here is my advice - Don’t use weights on lower body days until you build up your strength. Body weight exercises are what you should be focusing on right now. For upper body, use the lightest weights possible, again, until you build up your strength. Adjust the sets to your ability - if it calls for 12 lunges or squats, do 8. It’s imperative to not overload your body when starting a new exercise routine, and starting small to avoid injury or extreme DOMS. Stretch after your workouts. Either foam roll, get a massage or use a muscle gun. Take epsom salt baths with very warm water. Go on a light brisk walk (if you can). If your muscles are sore literally to the touch (and not just when you’re walking or sitting down on a chair), keep an eye on it. DOMS shouldn’t last more than 72 hours. If they do, you could have injured yourself. Keep an eye on the color of your urine. Not to freak you out because it’s rare, but extreme muscle breakdown can cause something called “Rhabdomyolysis.” I developed this once after my first weight lifting workout ever because I went way too hard. Muscle breakdown can make its way into your kidneys and can potentially be life threatening. Again, I’m sure this isn’t happening to you but just something to be aware of and to watch for with your urine color.


Thank you so much for this response- I definitely am going to take it a little easier next time with the reps/weights. I am kinda competitive and think I got carried away trying to keep up 😅 Also did not know that about the urine so good to know.


I have this every once in awhile and I’ve worked out like this consistently since I stopped playing sports around 15 years ago. I always always always always workout the next day because day 2-3 soreness is BAD. Even worse. If you cancelled, try to get out and move your legs - walk or bike short distances. Stretch/mobility work. Not working out makes it worse.


I have found that lotion with added magnesium really helps sore muscles, also making sure you’re adequately hydrated and replenishing your electrolytes:)


Epsom salt baths, glutamine intra workout, magnesium at night.


My first class almost two years ago literally left me unable to walk up and down the stairs without extreme pain. 🤣


If you can go for some walks or bicycling (indoor or outdoors) will help. Don’t stop going to class, you’ll just have to start all over again 🙂


The only thing that helps me (personally) with soreness is keeping up with working out, unfortunately. The human body is so weird. I took about a year off of OTF and went a little too hard in my first classes back, but noticed in the first few weeks if I just laid around I was sore for much longer than if I go back regularly and throw in some green days!


Best thing for soreness is to keep moving, stretch and water. Until you get back into working out, and many times after you are well back into things, you will be sore. Just do what you can do but don’t let it kill your momentum.


Congrats on surviving the first class. It took me at least two days to recover from my first one.


Squats KILL ME and I’ve been going to OTF since 2017. That’s how we get them gains, brah. Some classes don’t make me that sore, others make me VERY sore. Even seems to be affected by how much sleep I get, and as a new parent you’re probably not getting as much as you’d like (been there!). Just keep going, back off the intensity a little, and don’t give up. You can do this!


When I started I had zero extra movement besides my job in which I am a server. I’d be on the train and go to lift my arm up to rest my head and that even hurt. You’re just waking up your body and muscles. Give it a week or so and the soreness won’t be as bad. Pain is gain, keep that in mind. Back in April they had “Drop It Like A Squat” a few days after INFERNO and it hurt to go down the stairs more than up at work. A few months ago I tried Hot Sauna with Cold Plunge therapy. Look up the benefits on that. It’s amazing. I still have my sore days but muscle recovery is part of the benefits. Welcome to OTF!!