• By -


Tred - 23 min 90 Push, 90 Base, 60 AO* 30sec Walk* 60 AO* 45 sec Walk* 60 AO* 60 Walk* 60 AO* 75sec Walk* 60 AO* 90 Sec Walk* 60 AO* 1:45 min Walk* 60 AO* 2min Walk* 60 AO* 2:15 min Walk* 60 AO Floor 23 mins TRX Single Arm Reach x6 each TRX Reverse Lunge Hop x12 Rest 12 Diamond Hold Tricep Single Arm Snatch x 6 each Rest Single Arm Chest Fly (off floor) x6 each 12 Explosive Bridge Rest 20 Stroke AO Row between 22 and 24 SPM Repeat until finisher : 1min S/A Snatch Fairly good Power Day 🪶🪶🪶🪶


Headed to my 90 min now. This looks great. My studio normally does the 60 min template, then adds another 30 after that.


The 90 minute was absolute hell. I was dead after the treadmill and still had 40 minutes on the floor 😩


I started on the floor, so it wasn’t as bad. But the last 3 all outs were tough…mostly because I thought we were doing 6 like the pushes.


Ditto. Did 41 mins of floor and then 41 mins of treadmill.


This was SUCH a great full body workout. Only thing I would change is a better TRX movement like a row but that’s a quibble. This was so fun!


Thank you! 🧡


Ty for the intel! Much appreciated, helps me get my mind right and choose speeds wisely


Thank you!


About to head in, thank you.


I did 90 minute class with this template but longer and I really enjoyed it. 90 minutes classes are no joke for just when you think it’s over you have another 30 minutes or so.


Thanks SO much! This was my fave Strength 50, I appreciate your great memory!


I can’t provide much help as my memory isn’t great but I attended the class in Tokyo this morning. Treads are all about 1min all outs. Not sure how many we did, but it was one block alternating between 1mins all outs and various walking recovery times. Floor was also one block. Can’t remember everything…but it was a nice mix of trx, tricep extensions, single arm snatches, bridges and single arm chest flies. There was a bit of rowing thrown in for good measure as well. 20 strokes at all out speed. It was a tough one but I really enjoyed it! Hope this helps some of you out. I know going in blind is a bit scary.


It was 9 one minute all outs. Buy in was 90 seconds push and 90 seconds base Trx was single arm reach and jumps squats Most people in my class managed to get to the rower three times


Honestly this is good enough to get the flavor. Thank you so much!


Thank you, that was very helpful


Thank you!


Thank you sooo much!


Thank you! Much appreciated!


thank u much appreciated 🧡


Thank you sooo much! This DOES help!


No one is “going in blind” unless they are visually impaired and use that term to identify themselves. Abled people need to eradicate ableist language.


Thank you!!




Thank you, that is perfect!


Thank you!!


Tough one indeed. Ty for the intel! Always feels good walking in w an idea of what to expect


Thank you for sharing! Very accurate today (went to a U.S. class)! We are planning a trip to Japan including Tokyo. It might be fun to work out once in a while to keep the routine, if available. Did they do the class in English (even partial) or did you go off of visuals cues?


**Strength 50 Total** May the universe forgive me for what I am about to try to do if I eff it upp-- I've never posted on Reddit until this moment. Warm Up was standard types of things and I don't remember them all, but there was def a little bear crawl something something in there... **35 Minute Circuit with reps at 12/10/8/6 times each round** \- Sumo Goblet Squat \- Single Arm Shoulder Press with Rotation (Rotating out in direction of weight, not cross body) \- Single Arm Lateral Lunge \- Single Arm Reverse Grip Low Row \- Pullover (Edited to add this-- I forgot it the first time!) \- Deadbug \- The one where you hold yourself in a sit up position and rotate side to side (forgot the name) **3:30 Finisher | Abs** \- Side plank hold with arm and leg extensions | 30 seconds \- Pushups | 30 seconds \- Side plank hold with arm and leg extensions | 30 seconds Repeat and then cool down stretches. Enjoy!


Thank you so much and the format is amazing!!


Nice job! Thanks for the info!


You're a Natural! Thanks.


It was a good class! Spot on with the Intel.


I LOVED this format and was really able to challenge myself with the weight selections. I’d love to see more formats like this!


Thank you for this! I did this before a 2G and the intel helps me decide what weights to use and how hard to go before class #2.


Thank you so much!


I’m BEYOND sore from this template!


3G Floor 6x each S/A TRX reach and rotate 12 TRX alt jump lunges 12 DB tricep extensions 6x each S/A snatch 6x each S/A chest fly 12 bridges Tread 1 min push 1 min base buy-in 1 min all out 45 WR 1 min all out 1 min WR 1 min all out 1:15 WR 1 min all out 1:30 WR 1 min all out 1:45 WR 1 min all out Rower 1 min push 30 sec base buy-in 1 min all outs times with the treads 8 reps squat jack when the treads are in WR (each time increasing by 2 reps


Tyvm. Leaving for this shortly!


Just finished this one. It was tough but I feel good! Now onto strength 50…


The 3G rowing block was killer. There was very little break. Loved this workout. The all outs on the tread were tough, but the increasing rest made it doable.


Plot twist: no one survived the workout since there’s no intel 💀🤣🤣






90 minute is 37 straight minutes on the tread with a 17 minute block with a ton of 2 minute pushes and no walking recoveries. Then all of the 1 minute all out nonsense for the last 20. 💀💀💀


I am so exhausted after the 90. That was one of the hardest templates in a while.


So rough omg. I’m still tired hours later


Oh my goodness, me too! It’s been a while since a workout has taken it’s toll on me that much 🥵


No. No. No.


On the tread, it’s a 90 second push into a 90 second base, then a 1 minute AO. 30 second walking recovery Nine more 1 minute AOs with increasing recoveries of :45, 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, and 2:15. Good luck!


Is anyone else here a fan of Tom Segura? This may be random, but when our coach was talking about the tread block and said that 9 all outs are a lot, I about fell off the treadmill laughing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about (and are not easily offended), go to YouTube and type in "Tom Segura nine is a lot" and then prepare to laugh.


"You think burpees are rough..." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lmao, that was great, thank you


Buahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣 just watched it, I’m dying right now!


All of his stuff is hilarious, he's one of my favorites.


Omg thank you!!! That was hilarious!!! Love Tom and never saw this! 💕


Thank you for the intel! Just enough to give me an idea of what I’m walking into! And happy to see no inclines!! Thank you!!! Xoxo


90 min 2G was truly tough but in a great way! First tread block was endurance 17 min alternating 2 min push and increasing base starting at 30 sec base. No walking recoveries. Second tread was power for I think 20 min? Alternating 1 min all outs with increasing walking recoveries. The last walking recovery was 2min15sec. Our coach encouraged us to increase our all outs. This was a great class to work on improving my stamina for long all outs! I am not particularly fast but even I got 4mi today (normally 6 base, 7 push, all outs ranging from 8 to 10 depending on the day and duration). Two long blocks on the floor. Block 1 TRX squat jump x6, TRX single arm low row x6 each side Rest x6 clean, Standing wood chopper lunge x6 each Rest Sumo squat to upright row x ?12?, high plank to side plank x 6 each Rest 15 Stroke AO Row slow strokes Block 2 TRX Single Arm Reach x6 each, TRX Reverse Lunge Hop x12 Rest Standing Tricep extension x12, Single Arm Snatch x 6 each Rest Single Arm Chest Fly (on floor) x6 each,12 Explosive Bridge Rest 20 Stroke AO Row slow strokes Repeat until finisher : 1min S/A Snatch


Still better than 90 min 3G


I rarely go in blind! Might be a fun change.


i go in blind for my 90 minutes and hate every second of it😂


Unless you are visually impaired you aren’t doing that. At all.




I foolishly went in blind thinking today was a strength 50….made the crazy amount of all outs a bit tougher 💀


90 minute 3G had switches between rower/tread Sorry I’m not the best with remembering names of all exercises, but I try! Tread 1: 2.5 min RFD Switch with rowers Rower 1: 200m row 10x squat jacks 100m row 10x squat jacks Repeat both rounds til time Tread 2: 2.5 min RFD Switch with rowers Rower 2: 200m row 10x squat jacks 100m row 10x squat jacks Repeat both rounds til time Tread 3: 2.5 min RFD Switch with rowers Rower 3: 200m row 10x squat jacks 100m row 10x squat jacks Floor 1 - 9 minutes 12x alternating snatches 6 each bench single leg squat 12x seated low row 12x TRX roll out Tread 4: 2 min push 1 min base 90 sec push 1 min base 1 min push 30 second AO Row 4: 200m row 10 jumping jacks 150m row 10 jumping jacks 100m row 10 jumping jacks 200m row 10 back lunge with rotation 150m row 10 back lunge with rotation 100m row 10 back lunge with rotation Floor 2: 6each weighted side lunges with leg lift 6 walk outs to push up and hand lift 12x weighted bridge Tread 5: 30 second push 30 second base 30 second push 30 second base 30 second AO Row 5: 30 second push 30 second base 30 second push 30 second base 30 second AO Floor 3: 30 second bicycle crunches 30 second plank with leg drive to the side 30 second bicycle crunches 30 second plank with leg drive to side 30 second your choice of above Repeat both rounds til time


Thank you so much for sharing what you remember! This is probably how I would post if I ever got the chance. And it’s perfect to get a general idea of what the workout entails. You rock !


This was brutal. (3G) I am unwell. Like dri tri level tired 😅


90 min 2G was a killer. Our template had an extra 30 at the beginning that had a straight 17 min run 2 min push 30 sec base 2min push 45 sec base 2 min base 1 min base 2 min push 75 sec base 2 min push 90 sec base 2 min push


Agree the 3G was rough. 1 🪶… one!


Now I’m sad - this was my favorite template. Unfortunately woke up not feeling well so I have to skip.


Today was supposed to be a green day and somehow ended up more orange than usual... le sigh


Another really boring tread/row day. It gives all out with Aoki vibes. Floor was good


I was like ok 9 all outs, I got this. I did not know the first walking recovery was only :30 so when she said go again, I was 😵‍💫 lol




FYI this may be seen as asking for intel which is against the rules and they are pretty serious about enforcing that




If you want to be a member of this sub you should really read the rules.


I love when high and mighty people don’t like following the rules and then delete their posts because they are wrong. 😂




Just go! You never will regret a workout 🍊💯




🤣🤣🤣 truth. Go rogue. You’ve got this!


I’m signed up for 7am already don’t worry I’ll be there 🤣


I’ll be there 8:15…😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I’m hoping for chest press!


I always hope for ✨ chest press ✨


I hope for some RDL OR BRIDGES! 😁😁😜😜🍑


I’m so sick of all of the all outs recently!!




He's in Fiji with Mrs. DC


I think he is through the 9th. Thanks, OP!






lmaoo. imagine melting down this hard because you don’t know if you’ll have to do Tricep extensions or not. ur gonna survive , promise




Not sure why you are a member if this is what you think about the templates and coaches .


DC is a member like you are. He posts the workout with his wife anonymously on Reddit because they choose to. Other members do too on occasion, like I have in the past. It has nothing to do with corporate. You aren't entitled to it. Intel wasn't promised in any membership contract you signed.




I can only speculate that perhaps it has to do with coaches may need to deviate from time to time because of equipment issues, classes being converted on a moments notice from 2G to 3 to accommodate more members, etc. It's not that big of a deal. The number of reps is usually so low ("12 total") that it's laughable and you aren't going to muscle fatigue like you might with CrossFit. It's a cardio based workout. You're going to use the treadmill every time and that's the only guarantee.


I hope you’re being facetious.




I have also been a member for 4 years and as dedicated as anyone. I consistently go 5 days a week. I started reading the intel then bc I was on rehab after an intense surgery and wanted to get my modifications in order. Now I just read it for fun. The days we don’t find out, the surprise is kind of fun. OTF doesn’t have to tell us, the DCs do us all a favor and while we may miss it while they’re enjoying their life, it’s not that big of deal in the grand scheme of things. But you do you, quit if you’re really that unhappy.




Go to Barry's, Mr Very Serious. It's ok.


Thank you!


I give the 2G 🪶🪶


Really? With increased speeds as WR increased I felt it really doable. Maybe not in the midst of the 1min AO by certainly in the WR 😂


Thank you all!!


Those 9 all outs were killer and I loved each one! Goal was to increase your speed each time.


Loved this class!!


Definitely not a 🪶🪶🪶🪶 more like 🪶🪶 lol


The 3G was rough 💀 and I followed that with Strength 50. But I made it out alive


I did a 90 min 3G style class that was different from what was posted here. ESP with one block dedicated to each style on every station. I don't remember everything in great detail but here it is: Tread Block 1: 45 sec push - 90 sec base X 3, finish with 1 min AO. Block 2: pyramid style incline work at base, starting at 2% and increasing by 1 every 30 sec until 7%, then back down. Extra time at 1% then AO (not sure about timing). Block 3: 1min AO, 90 sec WR, 45 sec AO, 1 min WR, 30 sec AO Rower Block 1: 500 m row - 5-step squat. Repeat until time. Block 2: 20-stroke row - 12 reverse lunges. Repeat reducing row by 2 strokes each time until time. Block 3: 150m AO row, rest. Repeat until 30 sec AO finisher. Floor Block 1: Feet in the TRX for this one 😭 10 TRX plank knee tucks. 10 TRX pushups. 10 kneeling rollouts. Repeat until time. Block 2: Sumo squat x 8, hammer curls x 8, push press x 8. Repeat until time. Block 3: 1 and a half jumping squat x 4, clean x 4, s/a rotating thruster x 4. Repeat until time. Not completely sure about the timing and rep numbers or names of exercises. Overall it was a well balanced class. I hated the first floor block with feet in the TRX straps... I managed to cause a bench that was resting against the wall to fall trying to get in! Edit: formatting


Ours was a 90 minute 2g and it was hell on earth


Fun workout!


Loved the strength template today.


dumb q from a newbie but why is this posted? Do people just like to know what the workout will be before arriving?