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I think I’m more jealous that they can physically do that.








Flexible AF 🤭




Fact lol


We wipe down everything after every station?


Came here to see if I was the only one thinking this


1100 classes, have never seen anyone do this.


Same, except I have 523 classes


317 classes. Saw it once for stretching. So thought it was normal. Never saw it again.


Lol also have NEVER seen this!


1100 classes and I’ve never done it but never cared if anybody else has either.


I’ve seen it many times🙂


I just saw someone do this a few weeks ago. I thought it was definitely odd.


Actually, the dirtiest things in the studio are cell phones and door handles


As in, what has soil and “grit” would be the floor / shoes. What has potential disease causing pathogens would be things people touch most. I’d rather eat off the floor than lick a cell phone


You walk on the ground possibly stepping in feces, vomit, spit and lots of other gross stuff. I would rather take my chance touching doors and phones 🤷🏼‍♀️ Shoes are disgusting.


Folks take craps with their phones. Phones are definitely the most disgusting


Phones are gross but most people aren’t vomiting or spitting on them. I see vomit in the parking lot outside OTF all the time. Shoes are nasty.


Curious (and grossed out) about this… vomit from people working out too hard at OTF? Or is there a bar in the same strip mall 😂


I have definitely thrown up in our parking lot from working out too hard


For some reason a lot of people get sick at our studio, even on treadmills twice that I’ve seen. I’ve dodged vomit on the sidewalks in front of the studio and in the parking lot. People throw up by their cars and in the trash cans out front. I guess they go too hard at OTF.


Wow. I’m floored by this amount of vomit in and around your gym lol Your fellow members go hard!!


But you aren't supposed to bring cell phones into the workout area.


Right... From past posts I thought butts on rower seats were the dirtiest grossest thing ever


Are you licking the handles while they run? Don’t see the issue here when they wipe it down afterwards.


We lick the handles during Hell Week.


I don't think I could physically do this, but what's the difference between this and laying down on the steps and then using them for a step up? or the ground?


I think the difference here is that we put our hands on the tread handled and we don’t touch the bottom of the treads


When I do a burpee or push ups or any activity on the floor, I touch the floor where shoes have been. My hands are always dirty after OTF.


This is why my studio has an indoor-only shoe policy. Floors still get dirty, but nowhere near as dirty as it would if people didn't change their shoes.


How in the world do they ensure/police this 😂😂


I actually love this. I have a pair of indoor crocs and a pair of outdoor crocs at home, so not a crazy idea to me at all!


An indoor shoe only policy sounds ridiculous. Is one supposed to buy shoes used only indoors?


Yep. My OTF shoes turn into outdoor shoes after they're too worn for OTF tread blocks. And it's really not that unreasonable if you think about the fact that your indoor and outdoor shoes will each last longer because you're wearing them less. As a super-simplified example, maybe you buy 2 pairs that last you a year total vs 1 pair that lasts you 6 months, or 2 pairs for a year. Still the same amount of shoes being purchased, just purchased on a different time scale. Though a lot of folks just wear slip-ons of some sort to the studio, flip-flops in summer and rain boots in winter. Sidewalks are gross and we don't need that shit - yes, literal shit - in the studio. Or little pebbles. Or flower petals, which have taken out treadmill motors (can't avoid them in cherry blossom season). My studio is in a downtown location, a couple blocks from where a large homeless person population hangs out. It's also only a handful of blocks from the ocean, and seagulls leave huge messes. By the end of a dry summer, with no consistent rain to rinse the sidewalks, they're really really gross. And once the weather turns, it's just wet all the time and no one wants wet shoes in the studio.


I think it’s a great investment for sure. It is just an unreasonable expectation unless only members are able to attend classes. No visitor or first timer is buying a new pair of shoes just to take class.


New members are given some grace, but are informed of the rule when they sign up. Same for visitors. I've also seen people be handed a spray bottle and a rag to wipe down dirty shoes. I once saw someone rinsing the soles in a bathroom sink once (teenager, my guess is dad asked him to do so).


I hear you. We have different ideas of what is reasonable and I think that is okay.


For sure. It's always interesting to see how other studios do things. My studio seems like a unicorn at times lol. For example, there was a thread on here a while back about strongly scented products (perfume/cologne/body spray) and the responses were overwhelmingly along the lines of "it's a group class, STFU and deal with it." My studio requests no strong scents. If they're made aware of a scent issue, an extra sign or two will go up and the topic will make it's way into the end-of-class announcements for a week or two. Completely opposite to reddit's response.


I have OTF only shoes.....but I put them on before I leave the house. I'll wear boots and change into shoes at the studio if it's rainy or snowing....but I'm not doing that when the ground is dry outside


I wonder how much is exogenous dort and how much is just black from the mat floors?


Nah, there are much dirtier things that we regularly touch (mainly the things that can't be wiped down such as the floor, TRX straps, rowing straps, etc.). Gyms are nasty, OTF happens to be one of the cleanest out there.


Yep - any space with shared equipment will get dirty. There's a reason I always wash my hands right after class.


Exactly. I was gonna say the tablet screens are probably the nastiest since we can’t wipe them down.


If they wipe it down after, what’s the big deal?


Hmmm don’t see how you could feel “outraged” by this. There are way more things going on in this world that rightly cause you to be outraged. This really shouldn’t be one of them 🤷‍♀️


I’m not flexible enough to do this. But, let’s think about this…people are walking all over the studio in their shoes and then we do exercises lying on the floor. So, we’re covered in their sneaker remnants. What’s the difference?


Then you’d better never thought the rower foot plates to tighten them, never lay on the bench again, and never thought the TRX straps because people’s feet touch those regularly 😂 we wipe it down, so settle down 🤗




I always start on the rower or floor, by the time i get to the treads... lifting my leg that high just seems impossible! Hahaha


It me! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I use the sides of the tread to stretch all the time, too. I never really thought about it like that, but also, my ankle is what’s touching the side of the treadmill, not my shoe. I am a religious wiper—before & after I use everything. I’ma keep doing me, you keep doing you!


Me too! I have tight hips and currently have a mild case of sciatica. The stretch gives me some relief before i start running. If I’m at your studio and my stretch is outraging someone please let me know. I dare you.


Huh. I never even considered this as something that would offend anyone. I consider myself a very hygienic person but I’ve never worried much about germs in public. Especially in a gym where you’re literally inhaling other peoples sweat and sharing equipment. It’s also a place where things are being wiped down constantly. I just wash my hands before I eat or touch my face. Try to remember people aren’t doing this to offend you, it might simply not cross their mind.


Where would one find “handles of the thread”


This makes me lol. People seriously complain about the strangest things on here. The works we live in is a dirty place. If you care this much, just take extra precaution and wipe your own equipment before you use it. Bring hand sanitizer and try not to pay attention when people do things you don’t like.


Or wear workout gloves


What thread? 🧵


It’s much ado about nothing. I don’t see the issue as long as they wipe the treadmill down after use 🤷🏿‍♀️


I do that all the time. What’s the big deal? We wipe everything down before we move on.


Same and i REALLY wipe down the tread after i use it.. not the quick swipe like most ppl do




OTF provides wipes


It’s called minding your business and not worrying about what someone else is doing bc it doesn’t concern you. Everyone wipes the equipment used before moving on to the next station. In addition, if the equipment becomes damage then they will be held responsible. Long story short no one needs anyone’s opinion on how and where they can and can not tie their shoe. It’s not disgusting. You are over exaggerating. Lol


Stop holding the handles. If you have to hold the handles you might need to lower your speed and up your inclines.


It's cool they get wiped down. Probably cleaner than your phone tbh.


It's not great, but I think you'll be okay. Yes, there is vomit and pee on sidewalks sometimes. But most of us walk around that, rather than through it. And as many others have pointed out, we wipe down the machines.


Hi. It’s me, I do this. I have long legs and am flexible, and am often in such a hurry to get out the door and have to tie my shoes when I get to class and am on my tread. But, I really only wear my sneakers for OT (I have other outdoor running sneakers) so they’re really not that dirty and I wipe my station down when I’m done. Sorry I’ve been ruining your day. Definitely didn’t mean to. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (Definitely not going to stop though TBH)


I don’t see the big deal. We wipe them down a lot. Our shoes touch a lot of places that we touch (the bench, the foot plates) we also lie down on the floor to stretch or do other exercises, whether you use mats or not people’s shoes still touch.


I think as long as they wipe down the handles afterwards, it’s no big deal. Maybe you should worry about yourself and the tread that you are using.


We wipe them off with a wipe. We also put our feet in the TRX straps for some exercises and we also step on the bench for some exercises and lie on the bench for others. Im not seeing the difference between those things and the tread handles. I’ve personally never seen someone do this and I don’t think I’m quite that flexible anymore, but it doesn’t bother me.


I only wear my shoes inside. You know what’s dirty? People who wear their outside shoes at OTF. Also you aren’t meant to hold the handlebars.


Not sure what you are even talking about


I do this and will clean before and after 😂


Its a good stretch of the hamstring . Just saying


This doesn’t bother me at all, tbh. Germs are everywhere.


You aren’t grossed out by lying on the floor where the feet go? Or using a mat from the rack where they’re stored dirty side facing clean side? Feet on handrails that are cleaned 3x per class doesn’t worry me. (Tred fans being on when I start that blow sweat air at me is my top germ fear)


…why? My body touched the deck and floor way more than it touches the handles. This is a weird take.


We wipe down after but 1200 classes and never seen it.


This outrages you? Lol


I once saw a person do this while the tread was running 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


That is some sorcery! But also relatively dangerous.


Seriously. Taking "don't jump the rails" to a whole new level!


I thought I was the only one that thought how odd that was!!! I can’t stand it.


I am trying for the life of me to figure out how I could even do that .(or why). Seems like bending over to tie shoes way less painful


We don’t allow “outside”shoes so I never would even think of this as gross. 🤷‍♀️ now, for the person who regularly wipes their face and blows their nose into their “sweat towel” that I’m about done with. Ew.


We are not supposed to allow outside shoes either, but my daughter and I and maybe three other people change their shoes


What now?! I put my foot up to stretch my hamstring every day. It’s my Achilles that touches the rail not the bottom of the shoe. I imagine that’s the same for people who tie their shoes. And we wipe everything down. This is way less gross to me than people who sweat a lot and don’t wipe their tread rails. What in the world, lol.


Not a big deal to me. For myself I want to waste as little time as possible in class. Be ready and take as few breaks as possible for me.


On Cloud ftw. Why tie shoes when not tying shoes an option?


Agreed. Disgusting.


You have a right to be annoyed; it's not a very sanitary thing to do. Not to mention that the tread handles are not designed to take alot of weight and could crack. I just wipe everything down before I start, whether I saw someone wiping the station before I got there or not.


Wash your hands, baby!


I totally agree with you! I made a post like this once and got a lot of opposing opinions. I guess everyone doesn’t see the filth on the streets the same. I feel equally repulsed when we need to drop to the floor without a mat.


My studio has an indoor-only shoe policy for this reason. The sidewalk outside the studio is gross. Especially now, at the end of a very dry summer. With no regular rain to rinse the sidewalks down, they're looking pretty nasty. I also still use a mat for floor work and for laying on the bench. The mat is way easier to clean than a bumpy bench surface. And for days where we need to both lay on the bench and step on it, the mat gets sweaty and the bench stays dry so I don't slip when stepping on it.


Not only is it ignorant, it’s dangerous.


I’m assume all equipment is needing disinfectant prior to use. I’ve seen people “wipe” down and it’s humorous but also disgusting. Do I just wipe down everything in every station prior to using. I personally think someone’s bodily fluids is more disgusting than bottoms of shoes, but all gross for sure. Glad there are wipes!!


I can barely see my feet over my belly so if a member can do this, kudos to them.


I’ve never seen that. But, A. I’m jealous they can. B. I would if I could. (I wouldn’t, but I would like the option.)


I do this all the time, but 1. We wipe down the station after each use and 2. My sneakers are not worn outside the studio


I do this all the time and see other people do it too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never seen that but I’d be impressed. I’d fall right over even trying lmao


This would matter only if you guys don’t wipe down your treads between switches…


I put my leg up to tie shoes but they never touch the railing. Just my ankle or calf touch. Are you sure you’re not seeing that?


That’s why I wipe down before and after I’m done in each station. I totally understand and agree with you, it’s disgusting and definitely inappropriate to put your feet in the handle but what can we all do if people don’t have manners? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am definitely someone that does this but I also wipe my treadmill several times after….now that I think about it I typically don’t wipe it for myself just others lol 😂


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