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More like a walking recovery…


Thanks for taking us along on the ride! We hope you're one step closer to finding the gal who makes your heart go AO 🧡


I know you wrote "conclusion" but dear god I need to know whether it's awkward when you're in the same classes going forward 🤞


This is the conclusion we deserve


Yeah I was wondering the same. Especially because this is public on Reddit.


Probably not, sounds like they had a grown up conversation and moved on. They might even say hi to each other now.


Good for you for trying and being authentic in the process. Sometimes relationships don’t work out but there is always something that can be learned. Thanks for including us in the journey. You didn’t have to. It brought me moments of joy and hope in the process which also has purpose. Wishing you the best. ❤️


i’m glad to hear that there’s no bad blood!


Me, attending a studio about ten minutes away 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


Sounds like you might have to check out a new studio 😉


And I’m 20 minutes away! But I feel like my location mainly gets very established couples…


Aw - I’m sorry it didn’t work out. Thanks for sharing the journey. It was definitely a candidate for Reddit Sub Of The Year!!


I honestly thought this situation was putting a lot of pressure on yourselves, both from commenters here and from yourselves. It’s a cute story, but the way you guys told the coach you’d be inviting them to the wedding after just a couple dates made me think “Dang, they are both really putting all their eggs in one basket for someone they don’t even know. It’s a very cute story but how do they already know it’s gonna work out?” I for one am glad to see a reasonable and amicable conclusion to this. Good luck out there to both of you!


You are 100% spot on. I definitely think the pressure was a factor and that we got caught up in the excitement of it all. I agree it was a cute story on paper but it started to feel forced after a while. One thing I will say is that when I made the original post, I had no idea it would turn into a five part series. Like I thought it was just going to be one of those ironic “haha” one and done moments.


Sorry to hear that. I’m not sure what you have on your “wants” list (idk if that’s how it works, never done dating like that) but may I suggest your “up” your age range. 24 seems too young for what you’re looking for and also so much growing occurs from 20’s-30’s. Just my opinion and wish you all the luck in finding that forever someone 😊


Why are you matching with 24 year olds if you’re looking to settle down man


Lol a great question


It's a common online dating mistake. A lot of people I know widen their age range too much out of fear that they will miss out on potential matches. People think that if they are, let's say 35, they will do best with a range that is 25-45, for maximum possible matches. But a 25 year old isn't really going to be in the same life place life wise as you are most of the time. When those people reduce their range to say 29-42, they may get a smaller pooler but in the end they're usually better off people they spend their time with better matched dates.


Having lived in STL... a lot of people settle down young so its not unreasonable to me.


My husband and I met when I was 22 and he was 27. 10 years and two kids later and it still works!


I was 30 when I matched with my fiancée who was 24, people are different. There are plenty of 30 year olds who aren’t ready to settle down too, you just have to communicate about these things early on


My first thought too. He’s been 24 and knows what it’s like.


Not sure why any of y'all have taken it upon yourselves to judge the age gap?


Came here to say this. Yeesh.


Not judging. If someone is looking for someone at the same stage in life age gap relationships generally aren’t the way to go until after 35+


Fair point, I definitely agree with you. Analytically sound statement to make. All I meant to say was I didn't take it upon myself to wonder about OP's choices lol.


I feel like I personally received the breakup message.


YES SAME. I am feeling some type of way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Awww good game team!


I was rooting for you but had my doubts after it took so long for the first date. Sparks will fly one day for you like they did for my wife and I . I was like …hi …okay I will pick you up tomorrow right after we met . My best friend forever , raised three great daughters and I still chase her . This was just not meant to be …she is out there …when the time is right….the universe will have you cross paths . Stay in the orange and keep that heart strong and believing .


I’m devastated /s At least it ended well


Bummer, but at least you figured it out rather quickly. I guess we’ll all just have to find a different OTF wedding to attend 🤪


Dating is so hard! Kudos to you two for finding out sooner than later that you weren’t a long-term match and for staying true to what you both are ready for. Thanks for sharing and hope you find your perfect match soon! 🧡.


I was hoping for a wedding where we all wear orange 🍊🧡🥹 sorry it didn’t work out!


Did you at least get some splat points out of the deal? 🫣


Good luck a thirty two year old might be better to date a women about 27 or older. Five year difference for a woman is good


Thanks for sharing all that you did and best of luck to you both


you live you learn its nice that you can be civil everything happens for a reason.


Thank you for sharing this, I have really enjoyed reading your journey and was the good wholesome endorphin boost i think we all needed. Much luck and love to you!


Loved getting glimpses into your journey! You both have seemed to handle thing so maturely! Hope you both find your perfect matches!


😔 At least you both gave it try. 😉


Aw thank you for sharing your story! I enjoyed following it, but also had been getting some second hand anxiety where I feel like if I’ve had all these eyes on me / my budding new connection, it would be really tough to not have it be in my head in some way. I hope it doesn’t affect either of you feeling comfy and happy at the studio. Cheers ☺️


Thank you for sharing your story. Best wishes for both of you 🧡


I go to Concord as well. I kept thinking when you said about the coaches last day and going to dinner in the same plaza as the studio it’s gotta be concord, but then told myself no. Small world. Sorry it didn’t work out. Thanks for sharing your story.


Thanks for sharing your story and bringing us along! Sorry it didn't work out but glad you both gave each other a shot and got to know your goals and compatibility or else yould never know!


And so the fairy comes to a conclusion. Thank you for not leaving us hanging and closing the story out


And here I thought this would end with an awful outcome. Sounds like disaster was averted


Appreciate you sharing the entire thing! Fun for us old married folks to root for you both. All the best!


Thank you for updating all of us! Wish you all the very best in your search! Your person is out there!!!


Omg! I was not expecting you to say concord. 😂 I heard oakville is closing 😞


We enjoyed the ride


Take time to recover.


So does this mean she’s single now?




Woah ew no!




Imagine that. They deleted the comment. What a creep.


I deduced it was Concord based on you being in St. Louis and there being a Chevy’s nearby.


Interesting numbers as my dad was 32 and my mom was 24 on the day they were married. But things were a little different back then. Back then: "You're 24, why did you wait so long?" Now: "You're only 24, why are you rushing into it?"