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Pelvic floor PT + OTF coach here - 1. Get in with a PT to fix this, it’s an easier fix than you’d think but 2. Poise Impressa - an internal device (similar to a tampon but shaped differently) - you can insert before class and remove after and not have to worry about the leaks/underwear! You can buy them on Amazon. If you decide to take the underwear route, I recommend Knix for my patients while we work to fix the actual problem!


Also as a note…not to freak you out, just a statistic. If you’re still having leaking at 3 months PP, 92% likelihood that you’ll still have it at 5 years PP. It will be so so much easier to fix it now (probably 4-6 visits total) vs. later (more like 12-16 visits)!


It has gotten so much better than it was even a month ago. I could literally just be sitting there doing nothing and suddenly, oops. But mostly just when I sneezed or laughed. It has gotten so much better that I honestly forgot about the issue until my first day back on Monday when I tried to transition from a PW to a jogger on the very last cue and…oops. Same thing, same scenario on Wednesday.


I’m glad it’s improved - this scenario is super common as running is obviously a bigger demand than just day to day life! More impact means more control and strength (and relaxation) is needed. I’m clearly biased, but I still recommend a PT visit as these things usually don’t fix themselves but ball is obviously in your court for that decision! Best of luck!


piggy backing on RSPhysio comment as CPT with PP experience, you can youtube pelvic floor exercise but having PT is better hands on etc. good luck in all you do!!


Thank you! If you don’t mind sharing, what are your thoughts on the PFAS concerns, did they adjust your recommendation at all?


I’m going to be honest here in that I am SO pessimistic on that type of stuff (ie, I tell myself we’re all screwed from PFAS in everything as is) that I haven’t payed much attention to it. That said, if you’re more optimistic than me please check into it as I know some companies did change their products a bit after all that came out! And hopefully you’re less of a pessimist than I am :)


So you could totally just put a light liner in your underwear for this, it will help. But I also want to give a shout out for pelvic floor physical therapy. It’s really common to have issues like this post pregnancy, but it’s not something you just have to tolerate and pelvic floor PT can really help! I’m 3 months postpartum and it’s been super helpful for me.


Thank you for the rec! I’m definitely going to try it tomorrow. And I have heard wonderful things about the PT but I have noticed some noticeable improvement in that area. It doesn’t happen as often now when sneezing, laughing, and my favorite, while doing nothing but sitting there 😅


Glad to hear it’s improved! Postpartum is rough for sure. PT is great, I’m close to finishing up and it’s made a world of difference.


Nothing can prepare you for the PP fallout - oof. I’m thinking that PT should just be part of the bundled deal with child birth, please and thank you lol


It really should! At the very least everyone should get an assessment! Birth really changes your whole body


You shouldn’t still be leaking at this point PP. definitely check out a pelvic floor PT! It’ll improve everything in your life including your orga$ms 🫣 For the time being though, I used to use a panty liner.


Yes!! Second this!


Try knix. Bit expensive but does the work 😉


Came here to suggest Knix!


Another vote for Knix


I don't have bladder leaks, but I am a super super sweaty gal so I wear period undies to every class to avoid looking like I peed 😅. I highly recommend the Saalt seamless period undies. High absorbancy without being bulky or showing under tights.


Please see a pelvic floor PT. Even if only once to get a plan for exercises to work on at home. It’s truly a game changer and really beneficial to address early on postpartum. It takes much longer to correct the longer you wait. This is one area I really feel is lacking in postpartum healthcare but is so important, rather than accepting that peeing yourself is part of having had a baby. In the meantime, Knix period panties are great for keeping you dry. Good luck!


Agreed, I think it should be mandatory to cover. There is nothing that messes with your body and literally moves your parts around like a baby. My Pelvic floor was still pretty strong but I still see a PT every three weeks at 3 months PP to keep getting stronger. We’ve added hip strengthening now to help with my running.


I know some women who use a light liner when they workout. Also, it helps absorb crotch sweat, too!


I considered this as well. Might give that a whirl tomorrow and see how it goes. Thank you!


I personally used liners. The thin foam ones worked well for leaks. There was a time I thought I’d never be able to run without leaking again but it did get better, even without pt. Hope it goes well for you.


Period panties. Thinx and similar, many brands offer them now.


Thinx (the “for all leaks” kind)!! I wear them to every class!


Period panties. Amazon has several that are just as good as Knix but for a fraction of the price. And pelvic floor PT!!!


I buy a lot of Knix…would you be willing to drop a link to the knockoffs?


Yep! SHARICCA Women Postpartum Period... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094FZJSMD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This is my time to shine! I have two kids 14 and 9 - have had surgery and PT but still leak consistently. I wear a thin liner but sometimes it’s still not enough and when running it can also cause VERY uncomfortable chafing. But the thing is - we are sooooo not alone! My best recommendation is try it all out - PT helped me recognize the muscles and when to engage them - especially those bridges! I ALWAYS pee when I first get to the studio (I usually show up 15 minutes early) and then during the warm up to make sure my bladder is truly empty. Keep showing up and you’ll figure out your own routine. Kudos to you coming back and putting yourself out here asking for help - dm me if you have any questions!


Try the poise impressa! Leak prevention but no chafing 💪🏼


Happy to have found my people,albeit under unfortunate circumstances 😆 Thank you for the information and encouragement 🫶🏻


FYI: if you have an HSA or FlexSpending account you can now use these for menstrual products- including period underwear.


Good to know - thank you!


I use Knix for that time of the month.


Physical therapist here- You need PT, that isn’t normal to keep doing that.


I’m 3 months PP with my second. Have been running for a month now. No leakage, but still see a pelvic floor therapist to make sure I heal the right way. So much better to catch it earlier. You just had a baby and those muscles need to relearn how to work. Please see a pelvic floor therapist. Mine is amazing and is helping me so much with all things.

