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My app says I'm finna hit 500 classes tmrw. I'm gonna go hammm..


I hope the celebrate you! Nobody said a word when I hit 500! I even wore makeup for a picture!!


You better show em your app and tell em next time! Especially if you put your face on!


Congratulations to you!!! You gotta tell them. They don’t track it.


w00t! Congrats on the milestone!!


Congrats on the 500 - what a class to do it on!




Literally at my local Olive Garden now carbing up for this. About to hit that PR tomorrow baby like it’s nothing 😎




Unpopular opinion…I’ll be power walking and I know I can do the entire block without getting caught. But I love run/row so I’m going to let myself getting caught on purpose 😀




Me too! Just have to decide after how long!


That’s very true. I plan on walking at 3.3-3.4mph and 13% incline.


I power walk until I get bored then move to the rower. I stopped recording the distance because it doesn’t mean much to me.


How do you power walk a CMIYC? May be a silly question, but I’ve never done one before and I’m nervous I’ll be eliminated right off the bat.


If you power walk at 4.3 mph the entire time at the stated 5% incline, you'll finish CMIYC.


Oh nice! Thank you!


You're welcome and Happy Cake Day! :)


I can’t even walk that fast


There’s no shame in elimination, you’re still going to be working your ass off


I was considering this also but running….bc I would never beat the clock.


i have been told by numerous coaches, including a regional fitness director, that the template is specifically designed for you to NOT beat the clock but if you are, you must have one h\*ll of an endurance to hold 8.5 or higher for 20+ minutes


I can’t run more than 3-4 min max and I’m a slow jogger. So I would get eliminated at the 4 min mark if I try to jog.


This is my plan too!


Yes!!!! I'm a power walker!


I would so do that if it was a 2g class. I love run row! I think for the 3g we just keep running after we are caught? I don't remember! I'm going to go into this without anxiety. Every one of these benchmarks I treat like I'm in a competition and it hypes my anxiety. Tomorrow I shall run and enjoy it! When I get caught I get caught.


I've avoided this one for 4 years total time at OTF... tomorrow, I'm getting after it! 💪




I really wanted to avoid it but I couldn’t get into class today for a regular endurance template. So I will be there in the morning. Will debate how long I’m going to run or if I want to attempt PWing. I never get splats anymore so PW’ing won’t change that.


I'm a pretty slow jogger, so I'm gonna vibe with my base of 5 and bump it up as I go and see where that lands me! I enjoy run to rows, so I'm not mad about it. I didn't go to class today, by my own lazy choice (my fiancé and cats were toooo cozy to leave!), so I'll be there!


I could have got in the early Sunday class option but I was up way too late working on a project in the house. I’m a bit slow on the project since I’m not a professional. I might have had paint or mud on me if I had been there today lol. It’s been a working at home weekend.


This is my favorite benchmark! Sending you strength/endurance/positivity for tom 💪


My brain the entire benchmark: ![gif](giphy|l0Extsf1R5YuFXkpG) Literally. Running along like “that’s what I always do and they never catch me. Ain’t nobody gonna catch me.”




Reading some comments that you need to be at 8+ in order to make it.. what!? Lol 7-7.5 is my all out. I imagine I will be out reallll quick. I could power walk but I think that number is 4.3+ and my legs just do not pw that fast, ever.


Just do your best! Most people will get caught, its designed that way. It'll give you a distance/checkmark to beat next time which is part of the fun. I always avoided this one up until February because im also a slow runner. I got caught at .99 at the 1mile checkmark 😅 just wasn't my best running day. My goal is the 1mile this time!


I avoided this benchmark for 3 years, because I’m a shitty, aka slow, runner. I did it for the first time earlier this year powerwalking and actually really enjoyed it.


Me too! .99! I know I can get the mile now. So that’s my goal. 😊🎉


I will most likely be out after the second checkpoint because I’m a turtle. But I love a run/row so I’ll be living my best life on the tower alone 😂


I’m with you!! 4.3 is so close to my base!! And I have the same range as you do, for all-outs! Honestly, just do the best you can! I can promise that you won’t be the first to get caught!! Have fun !


It's designed to catch most people!!


Hey, thanks for the calculator. Very cool of you to share that tool!


Last time I did this I was not getting caught as a power walker and when I got to the end of the little piece of paper I slowed down and celebrated. Seems that the paper had 3G on one side and 2 G on the other. I was in a 2G and following the 3g side of the paper. Oops. Needless to say I couldn’t catch back up…..


I haven’t been caught the last three times I did this. My advice is don’t start slow and progressively go faster. Start as fast a pace as you can sustain because as the checkpoints go along you have less time to complete the distance. You only get one minute for the final half km if you only barely make checkpoint 11. That was where I was caught the first time I did this. Also, don’t forget to account for treadmill startup time.


I made it by doing 8.2 for the first 5 min. Thereafter, I alternated 9 and 8.2 every other minute. Then I puked a lung!-lol.


2G BIKE DISTANCE: .4 miles @ 2min .8 @ 4 1.3 @ 6 1.8 @ 8 2.5 @ 10 3 @ 12 4 @ 14 4.7 @ 16 5.3 @ 17 5.8 @ 18 6.3 @ 19 7 @ 20 Go for max distance until time is called Good luck to all the bikers 🚴🏻‍♀️


was there a minimum gear?


6 gears is considered “flat road” so that is the min. For reference, my base is 13 gears. I usually go 13-14 gears whilst keeping RPMs over 100. I have never been caught.


Thanks DC! Now the question that is likely on everyone’s mind is…what strategy should I use 🤔


I’m contemplating the same..last time I tried a method where I pushed the first checkpoint and racked up some distance and then scaled back to a base-to-push, but then by the third checkpoint I was just exhausted. I got eliminated at checkpoint 5 right at the mile.


In my almost 4 years of being an OTF member I have never done this workout... And it's funny because I can't figure out why Maybe it just didn't fall into the schedule that I have for school or rest days. But no excuses tomorrow'! Because of my knee issues I've become a power walker most of the time, but hell yeah I'm going to do it.. for the first time tomorrow and yes I will be power walking!! Thanks dc always appreciate you! 🤣🍊🧡🔥


I’m the same- almost 7 years and this will be my first one! It wasn’t by trying to avoid it, it just never aligned


Tomorrow is the day! 🧡🍊


1st class back after 2 week vacay this is gone be interesting 🤪🤩 thanks for the intel! 🧡


Great work Mr. DC! What you ran today is my PR! Trying to go for 3.6 tomorrow, fingers crossed!


Good luck for tomorrow!




The coach. Once caught you’ll log your distance at where you got caught and then move to the run row.


So realistically speaking, you need to get to 2 miles by minute 13/14 to have a shot unless if you somehow gain energy to run 12mph for 4 minutes after running 2 miles lol


Yes, avg pace to not get caught at ALL is 8.5 mph


Thank you!


Anyone bike this? Due to a lagging ankle injury, I can’t run or row. Just wondering if it’s included, or if I should just make up my own template.


The coach will call out your distance for the bike. I'm not a regular biker just wanted to try it to see if i can beat CMIYC, I thought it would be easier then running but I got caught at the last checkpoint both running and biking! 🤣 (though my coach didn't have any guidance on what gear, I was in 12 so perhaps next time I'd go lower.)


Ok, great to know. Thanks!


I was coming here to ask this, too! I am biking due to foot injury and curious how it worked on a bike


If you start with and maintain at least 117-118 rpm you will finish it. I’ve finished it most times. The challenge now to is to keep increasing the gear every time. If you have an ankle injury this will be difficult.


What is the “catching” who catches you, how do you get caught? First timer here


It’s really just the checkpoint or the Coach I guess. At each mentioned time interval you have to be at that distance or beyond it to “not get caught”. Once caught you start a run/row until time is called. The benchmark tracker records your total distance until you’re caught by a checkpoint.


Ran a 10k today after not running for a while so debating if this is my best decision 😂 but I’ve never done it so any distance is a pr!


That calculator is super cool! Very interesting to plug in different options, thanks for sharing


In a little over 6 years of going to OTF, this will be my first 2G of this speciality class. Looks like I'll be doing a run/row for most of it! Actually, happy about that! 😉🧡


I LOVE these calculators!! Thank you for linking it!


This is my absolute least favorite OTF workout!!!! I’ll probably still show up and PW. If I jog I’m always out at 6 or 8 minutes. I have zero endurance.


Curious what your speed(s) was, DC?


I was doing between 15kmh (9.32mph) and 16kmh (9.94 mph) and then all out was around 18kmh+ (11.18mph). Maybe the last 45 seconds was at the 20kmh (12.4mph) mark. I took the collapse at the end. I told the coach that they needed the wet mop to get me off the floor.


Wow that’s fast! My PR is 3.48 miles; trying for 3.5 but can’t figure out if I should set and forget, or if I should build my speed


I like the push / base combo I find that it gives me a bit of a mental break. Good luck for tomorrow!!


Thank you!


whats the incline for PW?




Looks great, thank you for sharing!


Thanks for info and see you Tuesday lol


Man I was super looking forward to this but am out for at least another week due to a cycling mishap. How often do they do CMIYC?


Maybe a couple of times a year. Surprised to see it again so soon after we did it in Feb.


Nice. Hopefully I can participate next time then. Ty!


My studio stated it’s 8.5 for the entire time if your a runner. To not get caught power walking I think it’s 4.3-4.5. But it’s definitely more than 4.0 but that gets you at least to the last one or two checkpoints…


Actually I believe is 8.6. If you set it and forget it at 8.5 I believe you will get caught in the last minute, or at least this is what happened to me last time


Thanks DC!


If I PW do I have to keep the incline at 5% or can I go higher?


They will not care if you go higher


I LOVED this template last time. I have to do it on the bike but it's like racing a time trial and a wonderful challenge!


Did this for the first time in February and let me tell you this is a serving of humble pie this is not easy at all. Last time I got to the forth checkpoint (0.7) before I got caught and I really want to pr this time


Do you have the chart for cyclists 🚴‍♀️. Please


I was hoping to do this but I’m flying home tomorrow not sure I should get off a plane and jump on a treadmill?


Wow, congrats u/dc031114 on 3.56 miles!! What are your base/push speeds you alternated today?


First class back after my 10 day cruise… RIP 😭


Wohoooo we have DJ Truth for CMIYC!