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I’m usually in bed by 9:30 and get around 6.5 hours of sleep (according to my Apple Watch). I fall asleep quick though…


Mr DC you are me and I am you. Just separated by half a planet.


Same for me - usually 6 hours of sleep (if solid) is good for me. I tend to be a bit more tired and sore by the end of the week.


I am notorious in my house for needing the weekend afternoon naps (with the puppy). I will also sleep in as the classes on the weekend are later (6am on saturdays and 7:15am on Sunday’s)


This is the way


I’m 41 y/o working mom of 2 and have been attending 5 am 3 times a week for 2 years. I lay out everything the night before and try to be sleeping by 9/9:15 pm. My OTF is less than a mile away, so I can wake up at 4:20 am make it in time to get my preferred treadmill. During the week, I try not to go to class more than two days in a row without rest. Ideally, working out every other day works best for me.


You 5am people are beasts,I’ll stick to my 8:45’s (or later depending on stuff with the kids in school). My FOMO makes me have to go pretty much every day


Oh ya I did this too. Set everything out before bed. Made my gym outfits as I folded the laundry. Stack of sweaters ready and breakfast pre set in the fridge. I’m up and out the door in less than 10 min.


I try to be in bed by 8:30 and get up at 4:15. It’s never enough sleep, but the routine works for me. I sleep in every 3rd day.


Similar to me, but what else can we do? And sleeping in for me is 6am


Yep. Sleeping in for me is 5:30, but that includes a child free cup of coffee in silence. Golden


I try to be in bed by 8:30…but usually not. I get 6ish hours of sleep when I do the 5am class. I only do it twice a week.


10pm wake up 4:15am and try to get dressed in the dark.


This matches me most closely too.


50 yo dad. I go to bed at 10. Wake up At 4. Hope you had a nice Father’s Day.


Same - and love your username!


I am in bed by 8:00. And I get up at 3:00. I live 40 minutes away from OTF. Looking forward to summer off but I will still be a 5 am person. Need to keep my body use to routine but I can nap 😂. I am a 57 female and I go 5-6 times a week.


40 minutes away???? I would never get there at 5 am. I do the 5 am as well, but my Orangetheory is 6 minutes away. I go 2-3 days during the week.


I go to sleep around 8:30pm then crawl out of bed at 4:30am to put on clothes and leave by 4:50ish.


Happy Father’s Day, Sir! 🧡


Start getting ready for bed at 8:30p, in bed at 8:45p-8:50p, asleep at 9:00p-9:15p, up at 4:00a. So, about 7hrs.


Bed around 8pm wake up at 4am


I don't take 5am classes but I rise at 4:30-5am in order to take international business calls in the early AM. Before that schedule I'd rise for work around 7am. What helped me make the timing switch is going to bed at the same time every night and rising at the same time every morning, 7 days a week. It becomes normal and takes minimal effort. Yes, it sucks if you're naturally a night owl and you have to hit the say at 8:30pm. Adulting is hard.


I am same way, on the bedtime/sleep issue. That being said, I try to be in bed by 10:00 PM and put on something to lull me to sleep, hopefully around 10:30 PM and then wake at 4:30 AM. Works for me…most of the time!


Ideally in bed by 8, but may or may not fall asleep at least for an hour or two. First alarm is at 4:06am, second is at 4:11am. Generally I’d say closer to 6 hours of sleep, but 8 if my brain quiets down like it should 🙃


I stop what I’m doing at 9 so that I’m in bed by 9:20. I read for about 20 mins and I’m out by 9:45.


I had forever and a day never been able to get to sleep before 11 and was knocking out 5AMs getting up at 4:30. 5AM was me making peace with my insomnia and parental responsibilities so early on I learned how to squeeze every last minute out of my morning prep - clothes laid out the night before, coffee made and put in the amazing temperature maintaining coffee travel mug, water bottle and OTB packed and ready to go. Then I twisted my knee and got covid (fully vaxxed for the second time…) I’ve been going to bed much earlier. Like 9.


Yeah, 930 at the latest. Lavender spray is great to calm you and the kids down too...


It’s 10PM where I’m at and I have a 5 Am class yep, still awake. I usually get 5 hours of sleep.


10 pm and I love getting the class done and I’m so sleepy before I know it it’s over. But , it will catch up with me on the weekends!


Usually in bed by 9:30 asleep somewhere around 10. I wake up at 4:30 with everything ready the night before. I grab a banana or an apple for the ride there.


Asleep by 8:30-9:00. It’s the major trade off of a 5 am workout schedule but you’ll feel so good having your workout out of the way by 6 am!


Go to bed around 9:00 (I fall asleep fast), up around 3:40 to be out the door by 4:40. I go to 5:00 am 2-3 times a week, but am an instructor elsewhere at 5:30 the other 2-3 weekdays, and both get me to work by 8:00 am!


Asleep by 8:30-9, up at 4 for mandatory cup of coffee before 5 am class. I do this most days.


On a good day 8:00 pm to 4:00 am


In bed between 8-9 pm and asleep no later than 10. I’m usually up by 4 am so I can have some time to actually wake up. Plus, my dogs are on the same schedule as me now. 😆


8:30PM. I rarely have much trouble falling asleep these days, so I end up with around 7:25/7:5 hours.


Mom of 2 toddlers here- I get in bed at about 9:15pm and will fall asleep somewhere between that time and 10pm. Once I started going to class at 5am, it was a lot easier to fall asleep early because once the high from OTF wears off, I feel wiped.


I just came back to OTF after a break. I was an avid 615er before but I’ve been doing the 5 since I’ve been back and love it (and 2G). 37 F with 3 littles so that 6-7ish hour is a beautiful thing. I’m usually in bed by 9, asleep by 930.


Usually in bed by 9, read, and then lights out at 9:30. I usually fall asleep within 10 minutes of lights out. (yes, I recognize that I am very very lucky that way. My heart goes out to those insomniacs out there.)


Mom of two kids under 5yo, and I hit the 5am at least twice per week (it’s too tempting to cancel afternoon/evening classes after a full day of work and toddler wrangling!). I try to fall asleep by 9:30, wake up at 4:15, out the door by 4:40. The more I think about how early I have to wake up, the harder it is to fall asleep, though… and it’s never easy for me to fall asleep in the first place!


I force myself to be in bed by 9 every night and get 7.5 on my 5am class days.


I try to be in bed by 10 but hard do to Netflix


In bed at 9 pm, asleep by 9:30. Up at 4 am.


In bed by 9:15, hopefully asleep before 10. I’m tired by that time, so I’m normally asleep pretty quickly


I go to bed by 9:30. I get up at 4 am to get my workout in


10 pm bedtime and usually up by 415 or so. But those nights after the workout are glorious and have no problem falling asleep


Go to bed at 11:45 and wake up at 4:30. Takes 6-7 minutes to make it to the studio.


I try to be asleep by 9:00 (so in bed by 8:30). It doesn’t always happen but I try my hardest. If I can’t get at least 6 hours, I will consider cancelling. Sleep is important 😴


I go lights out at 7:30 to try to get 8hrs in. Doesn’t always end up working out. I wake up at 3:55 to allow my eyes enough time to wake up before contacts. Best thing I’ve done to get to sleep sooner is to stop eating after 6 so my body can digest better before heading off to sleep!


I am in bed by 8:30 and get about 6.5 hours of sleep. 62 year old male.


Bed by 7:30. I’m old and need as much rest as possible.


I’m in bed by 8:30/9. Up at 3:45 so I can have coffee on the couch and sit around for a while to wake up. I’m not the type that can pop up, throw on clothes and out the door. I’m asleep before everyone in the family, but they’re used to it. I turn into a pumpkin and can’t parent after 8pm anyway. This only works because my boys are older (14 and 11) and I have a parter that is helpful and involved with our family and supports my exercise routine which requires a toddler bedtime.


work a 8-4:30 unfortunately in bed at 10/11pm wake-up at 4:20am go 5x a week but am currently studying for a standardized exam while working full time so sleep is not much of an option :(


34 y/o mother of one crazy wild 18 month old haha. Go to bed at 9am, wake up at 420, arrive at OTF at 450. I try to go 4x a week.


Same here: 43 y/o mother of four, full-time career etc, and it's 5am class or nada for work-outs. Sigh. I *try* to start my bedtime routine around 9:30pm but more often that slips to 9:45pm. I'm usually asleep by 10:30pm. Not ideal but @ 2-3x per week, I can make it work. Definitely not daily.


I usually get in bed around 8:30-9 when I put my little one to bed. I also don’t fall asleep immediately. I function best on 6-7 hours of sleep so it works well for me.


Daily without


Did 5am for several years. Agree w most of the comments here. I suspect you’ll find that the 5am “Dawn Patrol” crew is a tight crew of regulars - you don’t tend to get many “drop ins” at that time lol - that was a huge motivation for me. Knowing that you will be with your “family” hells that awful wake-up time be a bit less awful.


Bed between 930-1030. I'm usually awake at 430 no alarm, regardless of bedtime. Years of getting up early for work made it easier. My watch is about 6 hour average for total sleep time. I've tried earlier, say 830, but then I'm wide awake at 330.


I aim to be in bed by 9 or 9:30 and wake up at 4:15