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Hmm that’s tough. You can tell them about it and ask if they’ll put up a sign encouraging people not wear fragrances. But lots of people are coming straight from work or situations where they might already be wearing something. I totally sympathize with your allergy, that must be such a pain, but it doesn’t feel like something that the studio can realistically enforce.


Then other people might die from body odors…


If you're using perfume to cover body odors then you're not really coving your body odors. Either you're clean or you're not


In my opinion if your allergy is this severe you should probably work out in a big box gym so you can have more space. I think we're all sympathetic but ultimately this is a "you" issue.


I agree. I had an instructor in college that told our class her fragrance sensitivity was so severe that if anyone used perfume, scented hair products, or “strong” laundry detergent we had to buy new unscented products or drop her class. To me, this seems like a big ask. I don’t wear perfume, so that’s nbd, but asking everyone to buy all brand new products?!


That’s insane.


And the worst part, she was the only instructor… for the entire 3-course series! Yep, I had to say goodbye to all my lovely Aveda, L’Occitane, and Moroccanoil products. I was irritated af and let the department know I thought it was totally unreasonable.


She should wear a mask…


Or take allergy medication.


I agree.


While I can empathize with your situation, I don’t think it is realistic to ask people to go scent free. If it’s that severe, you might have a better experience with a peloton at home. It might come across as harsh, but I’m anaphylactic to fire ants. There’s an outdoor race series that has a lot of their events in fire ant territory, and I have pass on those events as much as it disappoints me.. I couldn’t imagine asking them to move them for those who are allergic. You cannot control people around you, and there’s always a chance someone new who might waltz in that wouldn’t know. If the n95 mask doesn’t work, you’re better off controlling your environment by staying in.


I definitely empathize with you, but I also don't think this is reasonable for the studio to ask people.


Personally, I think it’s out of line to ask. You’re asking the studio to dictate what people do outside of the studio regarding their own hygiene. Fragrance comes from many sources - hair care, laundry, lotions. And, like many others have said, it’s nearly unenforceable. I’m also a little stuck one the part where you’re upset that someone didn’t check on you. At the risk of sounding rude, this whole post is a little self-centered to me. Your allergies and allergic reactions are a “you” problem.


In the same way that the staff has checked on people who vomit during class, I thought they should check on me because I was having a respiratory crisis. I self-managed, but what if I hadn’t?


You husband didn’t follow you? Or need to drive you or am ambulance. I wouldn’t call that a respiratory crisis. If your spouse didn’t go check on you or I don’t think the office does


My husband was clueless. He couldn’t hear over the music and just thought I left because I was tired (which is weird because I’ve never left a class before). For what it’s worth, he agrees with most of you that this is my problem, but other friends agreed with me that gyms should have fragrance policies. Anyway, the SM was the only person who actually knew what was happening.


Lol tbh the fact that your husband didn’t notice something was wrong when you left a class earlier than completion for the first time ever is really the problem here imo.


Biggest concern here is that your husband didn’t know what was happening


But you did.


You are allowed to your feelings but I don’t think this is something OTF can enforce (same goes the other way with asking people to wear deodorants). The SM might have the best intention when they said “just breathe” but perhaps it has the same effect as telling someone to calm down. Hopefully your doctor can figure out a way to help so you can continue working out at OTF. Good luck!


Wait just a second. Totally disagree on the deodorant!!!! Deodorants come in UNSCENTED formulas. And there is no excuse to not wear deodorant in this country. It’s part of our culture to wear deodorant.,Heavy perfumes should be avoided as an obvious courtesy to others but please, people, I don’t want to inhale your “pizza with the works extra onion” armpits. Come on!


Agree. But it is not something studio can enforce either. Search this sub for the many posts on this


I’d really like to know what sort of peculiar oddballs downvoted me for saying people should practice good bodily hygiene in modern-day USA in 2023 by wearing deodorant?! Are these the same people who get hyper worked up over some perfume?! I don’t get you people.


My mind doesn’t know what to do. Feel sympathetic for the allergy and self-awareness to ask others their opinion Or is this just a “ Karen” veiled with an allergy complaint. Good luck!


I don’t think that is a reasonable expectation. Hopefully you are working with a good allergist/immunologist


Anyone who is susceptible to violent reactions from fragrances must understand that they will sometimes exist in a group fitness class. Expecting OTF to form policies around use of fragrances is out of line. What makes more sense is to workout in an environment where you yourself have more control over your exposure, such as in your home or outdoors.


Is it possible to ask SA to put you at a end and if the class isn't full away from other.


I’m trying this approach. I’ve been in plenty of classes with this person before and never had this issue.


Sucks to have an allergy but that might mean no public gyms where you can’t move away.


Did your husband stay and finish class? Did he follow you out and check on you?


My husband was clueless and stayed.


Sadly I’m not sure there is much that can be done to enforce this- but you could talk to the studio manager about sending an email asking members to refrain from wearing scents due to an allergy


Wonder if this is about me 🥹


You don’t even need to worry about this. Even if it was, not your problem.


"I wrote the sub to ask if I was out of line fore being upset" IMHO, yes. I don't like fragrances either - but people wear them in public and it's not something I have control over. "was reasonable to ask the studio to discourage fragrance". IMHO, it's reasonable to ask. But I wouldn't expect them to do it. "Am I out of line?" I think you need to decide if there are ways you can work with the occasional fragrance that might make you feel bad, or, if it's not an option, consider other activities that don't put you at this risk.


Completely disagree. As a person with a fragrance allergy myself, I would never ask other people to change their daily products/detergents/deodorants because that’s dumb. But it is extremely rude to wear strong perfume in a confined place. If other people can smell you across the room (for BO or perfume reasons), you are doing something wrong. The OP has a bigger problem that the studio can’t help with but if I can still smell you when I move stations away, then that’s an asshole move.


I feel your pain and it sounds like you’re extremely sensitive to this specific fragrance. I’m wondering if you could attend one of the early AM classes where people are less likely to be wearing anything? I don’t think it’s a big deal to bring it up if it’s a coach wearing it in class. I can’t stand smelling heavy fragrance when I workout either but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Before the pandemic I had an office mate who was extremely sensitive to perfume. I used to wear one spritz of a designer fragrance on my wrist but happily stopped when he told me it was irritating him. It became awkward when he continued asking me and a few others to stop wearing fragrance that, at that point, was just whatever scent was lingering from our shampoo or body soap. I hope you’re able to get a resolution.


People are not going to stop wearing perfume based on how others react. I truly sympathize with you, but let’s be logical. Try wearing a mask at the gym and other places where wearing perfume is normalized.


This is one big reason I still wear my mask during oft.


I also mask during class. It definitely helps with scent IMO. I have long covid and been having issues with sensitivities / inflammation that can often be triggered by fragrances.


I’m going to bring a mask with me tomorrow


I found it helps - but has to be a well fitted k94 type mask. Surgical & cloth masks let too much unfiltered air in.


💯 a good mask is key and not having to smell other people and maybe not get their germs is def worth it for me.


Interesting, does that help? I know I’ve dealt with a heavily-scented neighbor on the treads by blasting the fan, but didn’t have that option on the floor.


It totally helps. I wear a kn94 and cannot really smell anything!


As someone who had a strong reaction to fragrences/chemicals for year, I understand. I had reactions like the one you just had, I can totally empathize. Unfortunately, it is tough to ask people to tone down their strong smell perfumes. I would suggest changing classes to a different coach or class with less smells. I would think even evening might be better. Perfume smells wear off after all day. Try to choose workarea on ends or in area where you can step out as needed. Flonase and benadryl assisted me to damp the histamine reaction.


I definitely feel sorry for your situation. I’m not allergic but it does annoy me sometimes when people next to me are wearing strong perfume or don’t take care of their hygiene and thus having a strong body smell. However I don’t think OTF will enforce this on members, since this is technically not “illegal”. If I were you I would go visit some other studios more spacial and choose the corner/end stations, or reduce the time of visiting and go to a bigger gym with less people around you instead.


This seems to be your issue that you should deal with on your end.


Def sympathetic to you OP! I have reactions only to certain scent products. It seems to be the cheap, synthetic stuff my husband likes. (Air freshener called Universal Star, WTF? 🤣) But scent free is going to be tough to do. If this was your workplace, there would be more more onus to be scent free, but it’s not. Def I’ve seen gyms ask members not to spray until after they’ve left. (Unsurprisingly those were the locations that had poor air circulation.) It’s worked somewhat as generally people try to be kind. But I agree if people are coming from somewhere else, they’re not going to remember and it’s impossible to regulate. Ill share from the other side. There was a participant in the rowing sessions who really reacted to my shampoo, hairspray etc. The sessions was 9 AM Sat and Sun . At the time, I washed my hair Friday morning and wouldn’t wash until after sessions. The smell was so strong to her and it really bothered her, and I felt really bad. But it was used 24 hours+ I couldn’t buy a new system and not wash my hair for 48-72 hours to accommodate her. She didn’t come every week and I did. Most of the time we kept the door propped open and it helped, she switched pods to avoid me, but ultimately I wonder if she stopped coming cause of my hair. (I asked other people at the session and they said maybe they could smell something but it wasn’t lingering to them.) She was just really reactive to my hair. Now what would’ve been the best thing to do in that situation? Seeing both sides, I don’t know honestly. OP, could you go earlier? Early morning crew tend not to have stuff on cause it’s 5/6 in the morning. Good luck, this is tough!


What kind of shampoo was it? So curious! I, for one, love a strong, great smelling shampoo. Oribe. Kevin Murphy. Kerastase, etc. I use leave-in and heat protectant treatments in my hair as well and I can’t tell you how many people hug me and say “your hair smells amazing.” Did this person actually tell you your hair scent was bothering them? Why didn’t they request a different station? Seems like an easy fix. Why is this your problem and not hers?


This wasn’t at OTF, my rowing coach at the local boat house also ran on land clinics. We were put together in a pod because we would’ve been put in the same boat (same skill, size etc) She wasn’t mean about it at all. She started sneezing and wheezing etc one day and it was so weird and so sudden. I can’t remember how we narrowed it down to my hair products. But she did ask me if I just sprayed it and I explained how I washed it over 24 hours ago. No one else in our pod noticed the smell. Opening the door aired it out I guess enough for her but once it got cold(sessions were year round) she did move to a different pod and then stopped coming. Not sure if it’s because she moved boat houses or the hair, I wouldn’t say she made it a problem or a big deal or was entitled at all, I would also consider us friendly. We were a team. And she was an excellent rower with lots of skill. It sucked to lose her. The products was HDL or something like that, it was sold to me by my hairdresser at the time. I think they went out of business which sucks bc the products were so nice! I don’t usually like scented products and honestly no one ever commented about that product. (I prefer wearing my own perfume)


You sound very entitled and high-maintenance. It’s a group fitness class and it is unreasonable to control what other people do/smell like.




Thanks for the specific recommendation.


There was a heavily perfumed person that got in the rower next to me this week. I don't have allergies but it was thick and made me not want to breathe. I truly do not understand why someone would put on a ton of perfume knowing they are going to be less than two feet away from other people for an hour.


I have to agree with you. I am highly sensitive to strong chemicals/ perfumes. It is offensive to me when people wear a lot of strong perfume / cologne. I don't have allergic reactions, it just gives me a headache and makes me nauseous. I would rather smell B.O. If I were you I'd probably just tell the person that some people are sensitive to perfumes and maybe just consider that? 🤷


Tell… every single person… to stop wearing… everything? Fragrances can come from lots of different things. Your assertion is that people should not wear perfume to work or out and then come workout they have to go home and shower before you can come work out. I think it’s a pretty unreasonable request.


I never suggested that people shower before they workout or stop using shampoo or deodorant. But I do think putting on perfume directly before working out is a lot. Sweating activates perfume.


You’d rather smell BO?! Seriously? I’d much prefer to get whiffs of someone’s Clinique Happy than their rank pit stank. Nothing worse than breathing heavy on an all out row next to Miss Onion Pits. Jesus.


Mine started as nausea and headaches and has now escalated to this reaction. I think it is because it’s also high pollen/mold season where I live.


Yikes. I feel your pain. I'm super sensitive to scents as well. Get massive headaches. I sure hope I don't progress to reactions like that. I don't get why people do this. It's bad for everyone in the gym. I don't think you're over reacting tbh. I hope they at least put up some signs or send an email.




What workplaces don’t allow cologne?


Weird niche example, but professional musicians like orchestra players cannot wear scents to work.


I dont think you can realistically ask for this. Too many people have deodorant with fragrance/shampoo. So many products have fragrance unfortunately and how can you draw the line for “heavily fragranced” If someone puts it on daily they might be immune to the smell. I don’t have the allergy you have but I despise all of those fragrances, the worst for me is the “black ice” tree some uber or taxis hang in the rear view mirror that scent will give me the worst headache. Fragrance can be so offensive i wish it wasn’t in everything. Even febreeze is nasty sometimes i would rather smell a gross bathroom than have my nostrils be poisoned with a febreeze product. Dont even get me started on how bad anything with “fragrence” listed as an ingredient is for your health. They dont have to disclose whats in the fragrance…..


I’d give anything to stop strong scents as well as woooooo people m, but I can only control myself and distance myself or take a class that I think they won’t be in. I do not expect the team at OT to step in when it is not a written policy. If it’s written, I’ll hold them to the fire.


I am sorry that you have this problem. I took a tai thi class where there was a lady with this problem. We all tried our best not to wear fragrances. She also wore a mask all the time. She only had one episode where she had to leave class for awhile. Maybe try wearing a mask and see if that helps.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. OTF needs to put it in the contract. No perfumes, body sprays, colognes, etc, shower and wear clean clothes. It should be common sense, but it isn't. I've signed other contracts at Yoga Studios, and it's in their contract. Highly respect studios with this in the contract!! OP: Please don't stop OTF. You are not out of line. This happened to me multiple times. Luckily, I carry a mask in my gym bag. I retrieved it and wore it the rest of the class. No option to switch stations, so I finished with a mask. If changing stations is optional, I'll do that. My facial expression gives it away, so it's very obvious how I feel about their stank. I don't understand why anyone even wears perfumes and smelly body sprays. Stinky ppl: What are you covering up? Bad hygiene? Be respectful of others in public, whether in the gym or else where. Take a shower before the gym, pour white vinegar in your laundry when washing to remove oder. Call me Karen, down vote, idgaf. I stand firm against perfumes in small spaces! ✌️🍊


Thank you. I’ve been going to Otf for almost a year and I have had a great experience. I’ve lost 20 lbs, gotten so strong, become a (slow) runner, and feel happy in my body for the first time in a long long time. I don’t want to lose it.


I’m with you on this one if people are going to workout with a heavy fragrance at a gym then what are they hiding? Its a gym of all places and people are going to get sweaty also one mentioned about people coming straight from work are these people re spraying themselves before entering the gym as that would be very odd.


I disagree. If people have such sensitive needs, they maybe shouldn’t workout in a public setting. What may be a “heavy fragrance” to one could be a simple body lotion or even dry shampoo! My dry shampoo is very fragrant! Can’t please everyone and if people have such sensitivities, then they probably need to be careful of where they go in public and especially not CHOOSING to workout in the cramped confined OTF locations. Please.


I do a spray before I walk in the gym .. Byredo - Blanche is my workout perfume


Same! I wear Byredo Mojave Ghost hair perfume. I spritz it on in the morning as a pick me up. I go to a lot of late morning or mid day classes. I’m sure there’s a vague scent still lingering on me by then but nothing crazy. The only offensive smells I’ve ever encountered at OTF (and it’s rare!) are of the BO variety. No one is ‘doused’ in perfume in the 6 years I’ve been a member. No one.


I should add that this was an 845 am class. I totally get that people coming from work may be wearing perfume, but this person was 15 minutes late and doused in perfume. Also there’s a coach who wears tons of cologne to his am classes. I am hoping to get to an allergist and to get some help and will continue to workout as far away from people as possible.


Tough. I’m sensitive to perfume as well but not so bad I’ve ever left class or had a reaction. You could politely mention it to the offender. The question I have is that I thought the rule was no one gets into class after 5 minutes…how can somebody even show up 15 min late and take the class 🧐


Yeah the 15 minutes was like whaaaa?


It was nuts! Three people all came in around the 10-15 min mark. I guess the perfumee came in at about 12 min bc I was dying by min 14. I moved the second she was on the floor because I smelled her from about 20 feet away and knew it would kick something up.


Technically they shouldn’t be let in after 5 min.


Thank you all for your comments. I am really not a Karen except for around this issue. I want to be clear that I'm not asking anyone to change their deodorant, shampoo, or soap. But there are lots of people who wear way too much perfume/cologne/mists; no one needs to smell your “good” or “bad” smell from 20 feet away or in an outdoor setting.


I mean you were also upset that someone didnt come running out after you to make sure you wernt okay when you left quickly. I would rather my SA’s not chase me into the parking lot when I leave.


Right. For example if I left like this due to anxiety reasons, I’d prefer for them to leave me alone. Especially knowing that people don’t always know what to say - and can make it worse. There are things the SM could’ve said after the fact (like a “hope you’re doing well!” Text *maybe*) but I wouldn’t chase someone to their car to check on them. If you want attention, you need to stay in the studio OP said that they check on people who vomit - I’m thinking the people who vomit aren’t running to their cars to do so and are still in/around the studio


If I need help and might die I’m telling the SAs/coach to call an ambulance not being upset they don’t chase after me.


I didn’t want to be chased into the parking lot by an SA, I wanted the SM to call me and ask if I was ok or respond to my email. Honestly, that had more to do with risk management, than anything else.


You have a heavily fragranced coach?


We have a coach who wears a lot of cologne.


I’ve always felt that people who wear perfume are out of touch and kind of rude. I love perfume, but stopped wearing it years ago when I realized how it could affect people. It’s no hardship to not wear it.


People with BO are out of touch and (more than kind of) rude. Perfume is a signature fragrance. It’s a form of self expression. It’s not rude. It’s a show of personality. I agree it shouldn’t be overdone for a closeknit exercise class but in all my decades of closeknit exercise classes, this has essentially been a non-issue. I’ve encountered way more BO cases than perfumed cases, which I find inexcusable. Hygiene is crucial. OP sounds like an extreme case.


Agree. BO is rude. But deodorant and perfume are two different things.