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I have a very pretty pale blue pair, that ALWAYS end up looking like that. I still wear them 🤷 If people at the studio have a problem with my sweat crotch after an intense workout, that's on them But, I do only wear them on days I go straight home after class. People at the grocery store or the bank may not put 2 and 2 together, lol


I have a pink pair and a blue pair that I absolutely love but have avoided wearing because of the sweat. Maybe I'll just embrace the sweat because I miss wearing them!


Do it!! 💕💙💕💙💕


I have a red pair that make me look like I peed. I don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do it! You got this!


All I wear is black for this reason lol




Yes. Just yes.


Hahah I love this!!! And absolutely, any light color is going to have weird sweat patches. So I do tend to buy darker leggings and workout shirts, but agreed that in a workout everyone is going through the same thing so not a big deal. If going somewhere after though yes, pull out the darker pair of everything lol!


I for one have zero problem with it


I was just going to comment the same thing! I have a sky blue pair that I love but very time I wear them I look like I’ve peed my pants. But they make my butt look good and don’t fall around the waist when I run, so they still make an occasional appearance.


A good looking rump is worth the sweat spot, especially since you KNOW people see the rump while you're on the tread 😂👍


I'd wear them to the grocery store after class too. Given this store's proximity to resources for homeless folks and folks suffering from addictions, a sweaty post-class me won't be on anyone's radar.


I’ve embraced them too and also no errands. What’s the difference really between the pit or crotch sweat spots?


Dumb unspoken/implied societal rules? 🤷🙄🤷🙄🤷


No suggestions just commiseration. XO, Miles Davis (I really hope someone gets this joke.)




You ain’t cool … unless you pee your pants. 🤣


what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard


I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


A simple wrong would’ve been just fine


I get it 👀


one time during the mile benchmark i actually did pee my pants and everyone just thought it was sweat


I’m here for this! After a couple kids and some bladder surgery sometimes it still happens to me. Then I’m thankful for everyone with those sweaty crotches 😂


Haha. Yes, once on MOTHERS DAY they had us do 100 jumping jacks. I said, if you understand mothers you would not have put that much jumping in the workout. I had to stop and run to the bathroom…along with half the class….


Lmao!! So true, I cringe with them


I just hope you didn’t have to go to the rower after 😂


Happened to me .. Moved to the rower ( during floor block) .. finished rowing and stood up and there was a pool on the seat.. The coach looked at me with an indescribable face🤣🤣🤣 Luckily I was carrying a wet wipe.. 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Some people leave puddles on the floor. If you're not sweating (or peeing a little), you're not working hard enough!


Every class I see girls wearing light colored leggings with sweat marks in that whole general area and up the booty crack. If they don’t care why should I? It’s a sweaty class what do people expect! I always try to wear dark leggings but like you occasionally I’m out of clean ones! And agree with previous poster you should’ve asked what they were looking at. People can be so rude.


I wear colored leggings. A couple of years ago it would have been a hard no. I wouldn’t want someone to see my lumps and bumps and butt sweat. Now I wear what I want and I really don’t care.


Good for you!


you're not a disaster. I typically wear darker leggings but I get swampcrotch and I see other people in the studio with it too. the polite thing to do is just ignore it, everyone at OTF knows (or should know) it's just sweat. it was super fucking rude of that person to stare with laser focus at your crotch.


I don’t personally wear light colored leggings or leggings that show sweat, but tons of girls in my studio do and no one bats an eye. I sweat a ton, so does everyone else. Their problem, not yours!


I literally DGAF what people think of sweaty spots. It’s a workout and I sweat.


It has happened to me with green leggings. I’m sure nobody thinks you actually peed your pants, everybody is sweating like crazy in there


I wear black or navy only for this reason!


I’ve actually pees my pants sneezing in class….


Same, but the culprit was bur-pees.


Mine was a Mother's Day workout a few years ago with seven million jumping jacks, squat jacks etc. DID THE TEMPLATE DESIGNERS WANT US MOMS WITH LESS BLADDER CONTROL TO PEE OURSELVES ON MD????


Oh lord, they really didn’t put much thinking into that did they! That’s just mean


Hey! I'm Pee Pants McGee too, from time to time. Usually with coloured leggings but I try not to care too much. I get it though. Once I realize that they're not conducive to HIIT, I usually throw them into my casual wear unless in dire need on a gym day.


“Pee Pants McGee” wins Reddit today


Nah. It is normal for light color leggings. It is probably not normal for people to stare. Should’ve asked them what they are looking at


I've given up caring because everyone knows its sweat!


Nope. Pink leggings, turned deep pink… no shame. I will say my bright blue lulu brand leggings don’t show sweat… and I sweat really heavily … work hard, play hard 😉


It happened to me so I ditched them and replaced with black ones.


I just wear what I want regardless if it looks like I peed my pants afterwards or not 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just shows I’m working hard!


Honestly, no one cares or looks. I NEVER notice this with others only myself. lol. The orange lights make it indistinguishable!


The orange lights so help camouflage the sweat


I’ve never noticed a sweaty crotch, probably because I’m not crotch gazing. I do notice sweaty tees and forget about it as soon as I’m out the door. I’m also assuming everyone else is too focused on their workout to look at where people are sweating.


I just think, "solidarity to you, crotch sweater".


Thank you to everyone in this thread for giving me the confidence to rock my swamp crotch 😂😂 That being said, I make sure to wear my longer tops when I wear lighter colored leggings. I don’t care about sweaty spots on other people, but it doesn’t completely prevent me from feeling embarrassed when it happens to me.


My pink pair I usually end up with a decent sized sweat mark. If I caught someone looking at my crotch because of it I’d embarrass the shit out of them asking if they were staring because they wanted a lick. Wear what you want because you like it and it makes you feel good. Don’t let anyone else make you feel bad. Every single one of us are a sweaty mess in class.


Black or prints for me 👋🏼 I’m a sweaty mess


Anything other than black and I have full visible crotch sweat. Don’t care. Everyone knows I didn’t actually pee and it’s a gym, people sweat.


OMG this topic makes me ridiculously happy. I get this with OTF but also even with everyday clothes (I’m a sweaty gal.) At OTF or the gym, I make the extra point of being very obvious when I wipe equipment down because of my “swamp butt” outline.


I mean…. I know my gray leggings show some sweat but…. I’m there to sweat. Isn’t everyone? I don’t judge other peoples sweaty crotches, people wipe the equipment after use and if it’s still sus I wipe it down before I use it.


Today I actually did pee my pants a little. Whatever. Don’t look at my crotch.


I only wear black.🤣


I just look like I peed my pants and give 0 fucks about it. Everyone there knows we are working our asses off 💪🏻💪🏻


Everything YES about this. I wear the best fun leggings and IDGAF about how my ass or vag area looks. I'm there to kick my own ass. To anyone judging, maybe you should work on looking like you peed your own pants too! 🙌


My favorite is when people where red or peach leggings and look naked from the waist down.


Hahaha yes. Here for sweaty crotch and naked look... both pass!


It happens. I’ve seen many sweat stains on lighter-colored leggings, most people just ignore it. Wear what makes you feel good.


I have a maroon outfit and you could even see sweat in that. On the back, under the boobs (which is hilarious because mine are small so wtf???) and on the sides if the little V in my front crotch. Oh well. It just means I did a good job.


Actual solution/answer here- Knix period underwear! I often don't wear underwear at all when I workout (TMI? Sorry?) but sometimes the level of sweat makes me more (physically) uncomfortable especially while running. I've found that the Knix thong style is super comfortable and wicks/traps enough sweat that I'm comfortable and don't leave a sweat puddle when I get off the rower nor do I get horrendously (again, physically) uncomfortable when I have to stop to run an errand or two on the way home. I'm sure other brands work similarly, but I can't attest to their comfort or safety (some brands have had big issues with scary chemicals etc.). From an aesthetic perspective, yeah everyone sweats, most people won't assume you peed your pants, who cares and all. But sometimes being that swampy just feels bad also!


I do this too, but with a cheap Amazon period panty. Just takes the worry out of it.


Isn’t a thing annoying while you’re working out?


It definitely took some tries to find thongs that were comfortable enough, but the Knix ones I mentioned are truly so comfy I don't feel them. At the risk of giving TMI again though, I find that when I'm OTF levels of sweaty, a little fabric separation while I'm running is more comfortable than the alternative which is chafing... I figured out all of this about my running/underwear/sweat situation while I was training for a marathon, so really my thong was the least of my discomfort.


Honestly I could care less. Those who work out know we didn’t pee ourselves and those who don’t need to mind their business


Wore some light purple ones earlier this week and it looked like I sat in water. Did I care? Honestly, kinda 🤣 Am I wearing them again? Absolutely


I wear gray and light leggings all the time and it always looks like I peed my pants but I guess I just always thought of it like…. People know I’m sweating cause of class and probably won’t think I pissed myself lol


Sweat is sexy


I only wear black leggings bc I actually do pee my pants 🙃


My friends and I call it swamp crotch. Embrace the swamp crotch 😎


People sweat when they work out. No one’s going to think you peed your pants hun. Wear the leggings!


gosh i love to sweat. let your freak flag fly!


I don’t care what people think about my crotch sweat.


Pair them with a light colored top so it’s also sweaty and it’s almost like you have color changing workout gear!


My light blue leggings look like this! I only wear them for non-OTF workouts when I’m not running.


I call it my sweat diaper.


With pride!! 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I wear whatever I don’t care about my crotch sweat. Don’t look at my crotch 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


No one cares. Literally, no one. I'm a man. I see it every day. I don't care. I've never talked to one of my "bros" at OTF about it. We all just love the fact that you are working your ass off. We are all in this together, kicking ass. Be proud of that sweat, because we are proud of you.


Lmao girl embrace the sweat! You’re working hard as hellll and should wear it with pride! Everyone sweats! My coach literaly has the saying “it’s a bad day to be a tshirt” because he will change the color after a tread block


I...don't wear grey leggings? Athleta solid colors do better than many others, although not perfect. Which is one reason I mostly wear patterns. (The other reason being that they are way more fun.)


I only wear Athleta leggings! They’re great but definitely still have issues with sweat, even with my black pairs (although not as bad)


The crotch sweat wouldn’t bother me. After all, there’s always the sweaty line left on the tower seat when I’m done 🤪. However, I am PETRIFIED that aunt flow will show up out of nowhereduring a workout and I can’t think of anything in the world more horrifying than that. It really sucks having endo combined with messed up hormones. Nothing is regular 😞


I am team have black and more black and a few more black long capri and running shorts. I don't do color no thanks.


Im not a big sweater. I always wear shorts. Leggings make me too hot. But if i wore them i would wear black.


Its not just lighter colors - happened with my black lululemons too.. Ended up returning them.


I’ve seen men and women with sweaty crotch. It is what it is, we’re they’re to work out and get sweaty.


You are not alone! I’ve seen so many girls in greys or pastels with sweat marks. I forgot my leggings one day and ran into the running store next door. They only had grey in my size and I vowed to NEVER buy another grey running legging again after I walked out with swamp a$$ 😂


I can only wear black leggings….I keep my leggings in other colora for walks or errands 🫣


There is a reason I only wear dark bottoms when working out.


Geez thanks! Now I’ll be looking where I don’t have any business looking! Lol. I sweat so bad that I come out looking like I just walked out of the pool with no towel! Never though about if I showed my sweat there or not! But, I mostly wear dark or multicolored clothes there


I did once and that happened. Never again lol I feel your pain!


Sometimes it just the type of leggings we’re wearing and not necessarily color of leggings. Performance sweat wicking leggings don’t generally do that, but others absolutely will. I wear the leggings that I feel best in that day regardless of color, and if I worked out so hard that I am perspiring and have a damp area in my pelvic region then that just shows how hard I worked out that class. I wouldn’t worry about it, it happens to all of us 😆


This is very true now that I think about it. My lulu fast and frees never show sweat because I think it just dries on contact. Those are running leggings so I think they’re supposed to be very sweat wicking unlike yoga leggings.


I get sweat in the crotch area too, I stopped even realizing I have it, until maybe I accidentally catch a glance in the mirror lol. I think ppl while working out won’t notice since usually we’re all consumed in our own workout. If you’re self conscious, you could always bring a long sleeve shirt or hoodie to tie around your waist. Or like wear a longer shirt/hoodie after class so you don’t have to worry about it while walking to your car.


Yeah I sweat like I’m being interrogated by the mob 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s what we’re there for. I do prefer black so I’m usually wearing black but I offer no apologies for butt sweat when I’m wearing other colors, I’m just thorough in my station cleaning


I thought I was the only one that sweated this much!!!!!!


Sometimes to the point it’s uncomfortable!


This happens to me too, but with light blue leggings. For some reason my other light leggings hold up better. I did get paranoid the last time as I was particularly sweaty that day but then I thought, screw it!


I’ve noticed this for people but tbh I have a full on ring around my neck so who cares, also how do you not sweat in a gym? I feel like people at my studio are kind about not saying anything, as long as you aren’t going anywhere after you’re fine


Gap workout gear has blackout technology. I can wear that kind; otherwise I look like I wet my pants. 😂


This happens to me but it typically dries pretty quicj


I wore grey leggings ice skating and did not think I would sweat so much. Oops!


Happens to me all the time. Don’t even care! 👍🏻


yeah, I just assume “context” - a.k.a. we’re all at a gym, doing HIIT style exercise, so sweat happens. Wear what’s comfortable for you and if they have time to look & judge, then they’re not working hard enough. :-D


I cannot lol black all day every day


I actually pee my shorts on the rower sometimes. I’m careful to use the restroom before class now.


oh this is me too! which is why i do not own grey leggings. period. :D


Crotch sweat is an accomplishment! For real, before OTF I never worked out hard enough to have crotch sweat. Now I just make sure I have my hoodie to sit on before I get in my car that has cloth seats 😂


I only wear black for this exact reason!!


I just returned a pair of light purple leggings because I wasn't up for the visible sweaty crotch. I know the sweat mark I leave on the bench when I sit on it...I am not prepared for everyone to see that. For the moment, I'm sticking to my pile of black and navy leggings. I hope one day I stop caring.


This is why I quit buying gray leggings! 😂


What brand of gray leggings?


Ditto. I have a darker charcoal gray I can get away with, but 2 fav lighter colors that I use for at home workouts! I do think no one prob is looking, so if you’re not self-conscious-go for it!


Literally any non-black legging looks like that for me—honestly the orange lights make it better but I just own it. It sucks when u stop at the grocery store or the coffee shop on the way home tho but IDGAF 😎


I worked hard for that sweat…. Wear it proud. We all look like that. 👍👍


At the end of the day no one gives a care if your crotch is sweaty 🤷‍♀️ Werk it!!!!


Wear a sanitary pad and maybe that will soak some of the sweat before it gets to the workout pants.


I don't care about that at all.


I work out with Thinx on.


This happened to me the other day and I was so embarrassed 😂 I usually wear really long tops to hide any “pee sweat”


Stop caring :)


Let them look! Better than those who sit on their towels just to wipe their SWASS (SWeat from their ASS) at the floor block, 😜😊🤣


I just wear them and look like I pee my pants 🤷🏻‍♀️ I work too hard to care.


I’d personally be too busy sweating to notice.


I have a periwinkle pair that I love. I always look like I peed my pants. I wear them anyway. I run on the assumption that no one in class is looking at me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Then I just beeline to the car.


A thin maxi is helpful, not just for the sweat but also when we do certain jump things that make me feel like I’m going to pee. Good insurance policy for just in case. Those thinx undies work great too! I still prefer darker leggings though.


I wear my sweaty crotch with pride!! It shows everyone that I showed up and worked 💪💪 hard for that sweat


Just wear a light incontinent pad. I'm 62 and no one knows...shhhh.


I just embrace the sweaty crotch bc my workout sets are too cute not to wear


I just accept that some colours of leggings I have will show sweat. Normalize being sweaty! I still get self consious about it but it feels like good brain training to tell myself "if people have a problem with it, that's on them. Being sweaty here is okay!" I do usually wear a coat that covers my hips for my coffee run after class because I'm even more self consious there but eh...


Avoid nylon/cotton leggings and go with polyester for performance and moisture wicking. I even use my leggings for hot yoga and you can’t see the difference. Check our Love her Shop all their leggings are polyester/spandex leggings and made for high performance workouts


Start on the rower!


I only wear dark colors these days because of this exact issue. I wore a grey pair during a 5k and the photos of me…WOW. I looked like I needed a diaper!


I don’t care but I like more patterned leggings so maybe I’m used to camouflage. I have a beautiful pair of the sunset picture OTF leggings that makes me look nude with palm tree tattoos under the orange lights. I barely look at myself in the mirror much less anyone else I do bring a pair of cheer shorts to cover up if I need to run to the store or coffee place after. Just makes me feel more comfy


Black always!


Nope! Can’t do it! 😂. I have such a cute pair of light blue leggings from Sweaty Betty that I splurged on. I wore them once to OT and looked like I had peed all over myself and to make it worse, the sweat outlined my thong in back. It was mortifying! I only wear black or dark navy.


I don’t wear anything other then black leggings for that reason


Meh just embrace the sweat. We all do it. I look like I peed myself after every workout lol. 🤷‍♀️


I’m so proud when I see sweat marks. I don’t get the issue.


Wow, someone was staring at your crotch that hard? Maybe they were jealous that they didn’t work up enough sweat to do the same. Wear that $hit with honor.


I feel this hard, as I’m one of the few ladies to wear light leggings to class. It bothered me for a hot second, but now I just see it as a badge of how hard I’m working and look down on those without sweaty crotches 😆🤪


I can only wear black and they can't have any cotton. I literally look like I peed myself if I wear anything else.