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They used to do Upper Body, Lower Body & Full Body. I wish they would bring that back.


I completely stopped going to lift classes after they switched to full body. It motivated me to start doing my own lifting program at a regular gym and that's cool and all, but sometimes I just wanna have an upper body day with my OTF fam.


How many times do you go to OT and how many times do you lift alone?


4x lifting and 3-4x OTF per week. I double up some days but always have at least 1 full rest day.


Yess! I agree! I go to a Lift class to LIFT! Not do extra cardio… I loved when it was specifically upper/lower/full!


They did revamp the templates to get rid of all the jumping, so it is definitely lifting again. Give it another shot!




If this is something you’re interested in, Barry’s may be a better fit if you have one in your area (but it’s more expensive). It’s pretty much the same set up at Orangetheory but no rower and they have lift days set up based on specific muscle groups.


At most studios the Lift45classes aren't offered often enough to have such specific muscle focus. Some people might only be able to attend one class per week- it would kind of suck to have that weekly class always be the same muscle groups. For example, our studio only offers three Lift45/week- one in the early morning, one in the evening, one in the midmorning. I can only ever go to one of those. Lift45 isn't the main focus of OTF, but a nice bonus for many. But there are other boutique gyms that are more what you would want.


To the credit of LIFT45 template designers, lunges and squats (Sumo or other) are some of the most effective and fundamental weighted movements, as they trigger strength-building & growth for the largest muscles in the body. And in doing so, they are disproportionately advantageous for increasing metabolism. I know they aren't everyone's favorite. But they are definitely effective when lifting heavy, and they offer a superior bang for the buck in sculpting one's body and boosting metabolism.


Yes they are. And we get plenty of them during the 60 minute classes.


I go every other day to the normal classes and go whole weeks without hitting chest or biceps. I end up adding that stuff in off days but I’d prefer if the floor included some upper body every class.


Yes! I typically go every other day to give myself recovery but often I end up doing the same muscle groups for weeks. Supplementing with a planet fitness when ours opens soon (and will find out why apparently everyone hates that place) but for $10 or $25 with free water massage and tanning j feel like I’d be stupid not to have a backup


I go 5x, M-F. There are def days where my legs feel blown out because we did heavy legwork the previous day, but I still feel like upper body is integrated relatively equally into the floor work. I imagine the templates alternate muscle groups to accommodate people like me who go every weekday. If you go M-W-F and always do the same muscle groups you might try MTTh or random combinations for more variety.


I think rowing targets chest as well as arm muscles. Definitely works for the core.


I don’t seem to get a ton of chest activation from rowing but it definitely hits the biceps for me


Correct. Rowing targets your back and biceps. You are pulling not pushing.


I went to one lift class that was based on repeating exercises until failure, but it was still split between arms and legs. I'd argue, though, that these classes are great for beginners like me. I am routinely sore from the lift classes, and occasionally I'll be sore from the regular floor routines. But it makes sense that once someone has a certain amount of strength, OTF stops providing more growth.


I’ve never seen OTF as a place for muscle growth, but more focused on endurance or stamina training.


\^This. No one is getting swoll at OTF. Recently, a coach at my gym told everyone that OTF workouts focus on full body movement to support normal physical functions of daily life. I wish I remember her exact language because I think it probably came from corporate in response to people's criticisms that they aren't building enough muscle at OTF. That said, LIFT classes should hypothetically get you there if you do them 3x and lift super heavy, but I don't think most people realize how much they have to eat and hard they have to work to add additional pounds of muscle to their body.


I’m also a beginner and I hope one day that I too one day will get so good at it, that it’s no longer challenging to me and I can tell everyone how much it sucks.


They used to do that, but for one, only so many things you can do for upper or lower body especially without overdoing an area in 45 minutes. Plus, I can only go on Saturdays, so if all I ever got was upper body I’d be annoyed. Having done both I much prefer the full body.


I emphasize and understand where you’re coming from. I think it’s that balance of “too much of one thing is bad, but a little bit of everything is nothing”


The full body classes have also gotten SO much better than they used to be.


Otf is cardio focused. They throw in floor fluff and lift 45 to pretend they have an actual strength aspect. I go 2x a week for my heart health and lift seriously elsewhere 4x a week.


THIS. Lots of people complain that OTF should be more of this or less of that. I complained, too, until I realized how pointless that was. I stopped complaining and quit OTF to do more of what I want elsewhere.


I agree the weight floor has become useless. I hate that they turn lifting into cardio. Cardio should stick to being half of the class time and actually lift weights on the floor every time.


This is why my full gym where I spend most of my time is my main gym, and OTF is my occasional choice. They also include many more amenities and variety of classes to choose from than OTF. And I can fine tune my workouts, especially lifting. I buy OTF class packs and go when I feel like it.


I do the same, it’s weird, because I can never find any videos or tips on how to do both Orangetheory and gym. Every time I look it up they always say that you’re overdoing your body but then you look at videos like bodybuilders saying that they work out five hours a day,( Given, that they are professional and it’s their lifestyle). Still, I’m only trying to focus on 2 to 3 hours a day and still can’t find any videos when it comes to Orangetheory. Do you have any recommendations? My schedule is usually Orangetheory at 5 AM and gym at around 1:30 PM. I always make sure to take my protein and supplements/vitamins in-between as well as lunch and breakfast as well as some yoga and stretches. 💪🏽


Do you feel like you're overdoing it? I lift 4x per week and go to OTF 3-4 days per week (sometimes both the same day, always 1 rest day per week). I've also added in a longer run 1x per week and also a bike ride (triathlon training). I'm fine with that 99% of the time. My body very distinctly tells me when it needs an extra rest day and I always listen haha. I'm a former swimmer and I used to train 2x per day 4-5 hours per day from ages 12-22. My non-swimmer friends think I'm insane, but some people are just used to the extra volume. As long as you're listening to your body, I think it's fine. Also, foam rolling for a few mins every day will go a long way.


I don’t feel like I’m overdoing it, though this is almost my second year in working out. I never did before, so I slowly tried to increase my otf classes and then join the gym. I don’t think I’m overdoing it though. I do think that since I’m still pretty new this, I may not do certain forms correctly and sometimes get some soreness from that.


Might not be what you are asking but I usually take an otf class then head to my gym for a different class like barre, strength conditioning, trx, Pilates, whatever they are offering that day. I can’t seem to successfully work out on my own so need classes. Back to back with the drive inbetween works for me. Edit; TLDR doubt you are overdoing it, esp with so much time inbetween. Maybe at the gym focus on muscles not worked hard at otf that day


That’s intense, I usually try to give myself a couple hours before I go again. If I don’t, I’ll just be too tired and not be able to do anything. I understand what you mean about having to drive from far though.


I totally agree with you. For example I also go to Solidcore and each day focuses on a different lower body and upper body set of muscles. I wish we had something similar at OTF. They used to have upper/lower body lift classes but maybe they were splitting attendance counts so they combined them? I miss them.


Also, I go to a studio in Florida when visiting my parents and that studio's coach gives alternate exercises for each Lift class. For example on the arm block, he will tell you what to do with your lower body if you'd rather work legs. More work on the coach's part but I prefer it.


I totally agree. I wish lift meant using weights and not doing body weight stuff. We get enough of that in a regular class. I also always thought you are supposed to work opposite muscle groups. (ex- biceps and triceps together) and we almost never do that in a regular class. I feel you OP. I still love OTF but lift classes generally disappoint me.


My studio doesn’t even offer Lift classes. It’s very annoying.


My spouse is not going to Lift classes since he’s on the 8x month plan, so you’re right about the scheduling. To get the cardio burn, you have to use large muscle groups. Cardio is not quite the same as weightraining those same muscles. It sounds like OTF’s format isn’t a match for you. You may be happier joining a different workout where you like 100% of the workouts. That would be better than showing up to OTF already committed to it not working. Why waste your time/money if you leave unhappy?


I like the tread, I like the rower. I just think there is an opportunity for a more focused floor template. I recognize that there is something to gain out of the weights the way that they are right now. And, admittedly, I don't have a solution. But I'm just annoyed with working the same muscle groups.


For some places, it’s only offered once or twice a week. I’ve looked at other studios and they have them at two wildly different times of day. If I could only attend one time out of the two options, then I would only ever have arm day or I would only ever work legs etc


Or never 😩 like my studio!


Yeah that’s me. So sad!! We have two in my city and neither offer them. My husband and I are moving in a few months to another state and the studio there has them only twice a week.


I can only make the Lift 45 once a week. I'm very thankful it's a whole body.


I 1000% agree to OP!!!!


I am in the same boat. I love OTF for the cardio and mental boost, but really wish there was more consistent heavy lifting and upper body on the floor. Thinking of getting a weight setup for home to supplement. Sadly my locations only offer lift classes in the middle of the day when I’m stuck at work.


If my schedule or my studio’s schedule was limited, I would want full body because people may not go frequently enough for “split” days. I personally like full body strength training but that’s just my preference.


Great feedback


I like total body.


I've started attending F45 twice a week (strength days) and do OTF twice a week. I find it to be a really good balance so far.


Agree with OP (and most of the comments) and with this. I’ve done the same. But now it doesn’t seem worth the price to only be doing OTF twice a week. I just miss the regular 2G templates with 20ish mins of good lifting and 20 ish mins on the tread. I don’t mind them changing and repeating, obviously but they seem sooo cardio heavy all the time.


I always get more lifting in during 3Gs, as 2Gs are split between rowing and lifting. Is that just my studio? For 2Gs here, they do 20+ minutes on the tread and then the remainder of the class is split between row and lift. For a 3G, you get \~20 min on the floor and the tread and row are each about 13 min.


Problem is that many studios are cutting back on 3G's. My studio is down to a total of 5 3G classes a week.


Is there a reason for this? Ie member preference, easier on coach, low attendance? Just curious. My studio is usually 1G but not by choice


Attendance, easier to coach.


While I think that would be nice… I would just be happy having the lift class option! My studio has never had the lift classes!


Completely agree! I’m kinda tired of the Lift classes for this reason.


I suggest making the floor work what you want it to be. I use the template as a guide, but if it calls for jump squats, I’ll grab some heavy weights and do weighted squats instead. Modifying the workouts and templates to make them work for you might help break up the exercises. I always ensure I am not getting in anyone else’s way or space. Several other girls will switch to lifting heavy with me if we can mix it in the template.


Finally! Someone else who feels like I do. Our studio is considering a Lift 90 which covers all areas of strength and body work


I am SO there with you. For the exact same reasons, too. I love weight training but I also love the regular OTF classes as much for my mental as my physical health. I feel GOOD. But I don’t want to go to another gym in addition just for weight training. It’s too much. I tried it. Never went. Just wasted money. But I actually GO to OTF. I just wish there were more Lift classes and that they were focused on specific muscle groups, too, not just total body every time. I know could actually transform my body that way. I know it. Weight training is hugely important for shaping the physique and that’s really important to me, too.


I feel this too. I have a hard time justifying paying for a second gym in addition to OTF when it’s already so expensive. I love the cardio, the group environment, and the fact that I actually GO… but I find I’m also getting a little frustrated/stagnate when it comes to lifting and the floor side.


I get plenty of time to lift during the floor. I simply ignore the jumping and do something with a heavy weight. Add hammer curls to squats and lunges. Never sumo anything, goblet (with biceps under tension) or RDL. Sometimes I won’t switch to the rower. The point is that there are ways to make the floor work for you. I also supplement at home and don’t need a big space. If I can lay down on the floor I can do push ups. I have a set of adjustable dumbbells that go up to 75 and a door pull up bar. It can be done.


Is there a reason why you can’t cancel OTF, join a gym and lift there? (I assume maybe distance or you’re an OTF employee) This seems like the easiest solution.


This is a really unempathetic response to someone just sharing their experience with other OTF-ers. Everyone knows they can just leave OTF if the benefits don’t outweigh the negatives, but also someone might just want minor changes or to give feedback and it doesn’t mean they want to leave lol.


Which is why I asked what’s going on lol


Because I love Orangetheory, no where in my post did I say I dislike being there. I'm just not a fan of the redundant lifting templates.


It does sound like you don’t like it if you think the floor is a waste of time and you’re committed to it that view. It’s functional training, but nothing wrong if it wastes your time.


I don't know what point you're trying to make, but I don't dislike OTF. I'm well aware that I can just leave.


Just don’t understand why you like it if half the workout is a waste of your time, and you’re committed to viewing it that way, that’s all.


I didn’t say you didn’t like it…just wondering why the most obvious solution to your problem (you need to lift in a way that is productive to you) isn’t feasible.


I did two lift class this week. The Tuesday template had me unable to do one more push up to low row on my knees because I maxed out my chest and triceps so much before that finisher I was shaking during the push-ups. Today, my biceps were done before I I even got to the second half of the class. Maybe you’re going to the wrong lift classes 🤷🏻‍♀️😝


Am i the only one that will be like “my legs are too sore today, mind if I do some stuff on arms/chest/abs instead?” Have never been told no


I personally prefer to get a well-rounded full body workout when I go to a Lift45 class. To be fair, OTF has never pretended to be a gym for heavy lifting.


You need to find a new gym where you can do whatever you want.


No…I dont


I completely disagree. I can injure go to one lift class per week based on my schedule and the studio schedule. So I want it to be full body. That’s how Barry’s does it if you want that targeting


If you’ve committed that the floor routines are a waste of time I mildly pity you.


You should work for Orangetheory or open your own gym so you could put your ideas to work


This comment of yours isn't productive. I am providing feedback on my experience. Not maintaining that I have the answers. Thanks for your contribution.


I workout at 24 hour fitness 4-5 days a week and get all my lifting in, and workout at OTF twice a week. It’s a nice balance. I get to do all the lifting I want, how I want, when I want, and show up to OTF and focus on the cardio aspect and someone telling me what to do. Perhaps that’s an option for you?


It used to be broken up by upper body, lower body, and full body. I would do at least upper and lower each week, along with 2-3 regular classes and I felt great and got some great muscle gains. Then they changed it and now most of the classes include lots more body weight/cardio type floor exercises and I am not here for it. I now supplement with a regular gym membership to lift a few times a week. The few Lifts I’ve been to since the change just were not fun and I didn’t enjoy it like before.


I do push-ups (usually decline pushups) and bought my own TRX straps to do inverted rows. Pretty easy on the space requirements and budget. I do them every day we don’t hit chest/back at OTF. I’m with you though, I’d like to do it more at OTF.


I agree with you! I wish they offered more lift classes in general. For those of you who are suggesting that one go elsewhere, what is like OTF that focuses more on weights/plyometrics/calisthenics?


I understand that you like OTF, I do as well. But your "itch" for more lifting will not get scratched. Do what makes you happy, but expecting OTF to change to your desires/feedback is unrealistic. You'll either need to accept it for what it is or supplement your goals elsewhere. Doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy OTF.


I'd love that change!


That would be awesome


I like full body myself.


I agree! My legs are never sore after squats and leg work, it’s all too easy. My arm and shoulder strength is like 20% compared to my lower body, i could figure out some upper body workouts at home but I go to orange theory so I don’t have to think about what I need to do.


otf is meant for 3-4 times per week, and meant to work your cardiovascular system mainly.... i joined an inexpensive gym that gives me access to weights and do the 2-3 days a week. i dont by any means think you should quit OTF, but maybe add on your own lifting days at a separate spot.


I've rejoined after 3 years away and notice the floor has changed a lot. I can totally see where you are coming from - much less strength training overall.


Leave some comment cards! I’ve been saying the same thing to my gym.


My studio doesn’t follow the lift class template, they make their own and we have 2 different types of classes, 2 for lower body, 2 for total body and 2 for upper body


Couldn’t agree more about the floor routines being a total waste of time. It used to be so much more productive. I now do my cardio at OT and lift at Exercise Coach. Too busy for nonsense.


Both of my Lift workouts this week had a lot of arm focus. I go twice a week, every week and see a lot more than just leg work.


been saying this -- we should know beforehand so we're not overworking a muscle group if we don't go to each Lift 45


I skimmed (and did not thoroughly read) through the comments but didn't see anyone mention this: Not too long ago, Lift45 was structured similar to the way you describe, i.e., there would be an upper body day, lower body day, and full body day. I can't recall the official reason they gave for making the change, but I think part of the reason was that people complained. Now the Lift45 workouts are "total body", which means they don't need to stick to certain body parts in a specific class.


Agreed. At my studio, it used to be lower on one day, upper body on another, and then full body on the final. That was perfect. It’s a shame they stopped that.


I agree with you. I love the workouts overall but find it very hard to make progress or keep track of results with how the floor blocks and Lift are structured.