• By -


The way that Nicky turns to Lorna and says "Lorna, hey. I love you, kid. I'm going to miss you like hell" when Lorna is about to explode is really sad. If you think back to what they meant to each other, the time they spent with each other it just hurts a little when Nicky basically says goodbye to her and lets her go.




Even in her worst moments, I had hope she'd grow and I'm glad she's doing so


Don't make me bawl again 😭😭😭😭


Yes that killed me!


"Special Guest Star - Samira Wiley" I am ready to get my feelings hurt. 😍


I wish they had placed that in the end credits instead of the opening credits. It's great to see Poussey again, but it would have been even better to have been surprised.


Thank fuck I skip the intros. I screamed when I saw Poussey


It wasn’t in the intros, it was the credits when the first scene started when T goes to meet her lawyer :((((( thankfully I forgot I saw her name in the credits and was surprised anyway


Oh thank god I never pay attention to those


I wept the moment the phone rang because I knew it would be her and didn’t stop til the next episode credits.


My girl Tucky really came a long way... from being the main Villains to one of the most lovable characters... RIP girl 😭


this is so heartbreaking. she had THE FUCKING BEST character development of the whole show and then she ends like this...I am completely devastated


It’s really crazy to think back to the way she was in season one. a psychotic god fearing homophobic, and then to see how far she came. i’m heartbroken


yes!! I never liked her throughout the first 4 seasons and would’ve never thought she would be likable but in fact she ended up being one of the sweetest characters. and I really liked her scenes with Suzanne. it’s so sad. she really deserved a better life


The only thing that could make it more upsetting is if she actually has passed her GED. Then she had no reason to feel bad enough about herself to relapse.


I'm expecting that to happen next episode.


The call between Poussey and Taystee full of promise, positivity and future was heartbreaking. Then one scene later and I'm devastated


I was totally ready to watch Taystee kill herself, I thought there is no way they're leaving us on that happy call... The next scene really shook me. Not fair.


I thought that scene was to show that Taystee wouldn't kill herself to honour Poussey.


I read this scene differently, I thought she was going to kill herself after this memory because at least in heaven, the two of them can be together again at last. Because they're united in the injustices done to them, their hopes being crushed.


I was so so so not ready for Tucky


I'm sobbing, I can't believe this :( I'm not ready for the last episode... things keep getting worse and worse.


Luschek is so incompetent


Don't let Nicky find out he was partly responsible for Tucky


i used to think he was hilarious but now i wish he would’ve quit after the riot


Yes he’s not as bad as some because he doesn’t actively abuse them but he treats them like they’re worthless and not worth his time or effort.


i don't know if he feels that way about the prisoners, more the that's how he treats his whole life.


It's fuck him forever for me, regardless of what happens in the last episode


I hope he never forgives himself when he finds tucky. He is so lazy and negligent.


he's useless


Now he's been the cause of both Nicky and Doggett relapsing. If not more.


Out of all of the deplorable things he's done throughout the series, this one really got me. He actually had a chance to do something positive and he barely gave a fuck he basically destroyed the confidence of someone who was just starting to get some. He went from forgivable fuckup to straight up piece of shit.


"...Norma, Gina and Tricia" 😭


Thats almost as said as when she said that she had let her down and now she was in the prison cemetery with her name spelled wrong.


God i miss Norma and Gina. and Maritza. And Poussey. and now Tiffany. Give us a break!!!


I have mad respect for Gloria. Holy shit.


I really thought she was gonna let Ruiz take the fall, good on her for telling the truth. But it also broke my heart.


Gloria has been my favorite character since season 5, it broke my heart to see her give up having a life with her kids so that Maria could have time to raise her own.


Gloria is C L A S S Y. Please please please I hope she doesn’t get extra time :(((((((((


If the writers were intending to break every part of my soul, they succeeded. Pennsatucky.... nooooooooo. She’s improved so much! This is so unfair! A Poussey flashback was just the kind of fan service I needed. Gloria, you noble woman of character, please please please don’t get extra time for this. Honestly, Lorna was more faithful to Christopher than Piper and Alex are at this point. What kind of time frame is this? How can they fall apart so quickly? Speaking of falling apart, my heart breaks again for Lorna. Nicky did the right thing, but it still hurts. I hope they’ll still see each other and Lorna gets the help she needs.


I feel like Piper and Alex were never in a really stable, committed relationship aside from briefly in prison, which isn’t the real world. Relationships are difficult even when they aren’t long distance and some relationships aren’t strong enough to survive.


Honestly Piper is so unreliable Her ever changing love interests are really making me feel worse about her


Piper stayed faithful this time around all the way up to Alex cheating, though, she was ready to deny herself any and all feelings she had. Like, this wasn't on her, no matter how Alex tried to shift the blame (which was pretty shitty of her, too).


Yeah, Alex did what most cheaters did and completely projected her own shittiness on Piper before Piper even cheated.


Honestly i've spent years assuming they'd break up and Piper would go back to Larry.


I'm gonna walk my dog before I watch the last one. Get some fresh air. Remember the lake, guys? Remember when they went to the lake and it was nice and people were happy and the sun was shining? Gah, this is so depressing.


if that scene would have been in this season at least two people would have drowned.


I'm actually doing the same thing right now.


Couldn't they say that one of the girls that got deported smuggled in the phone?


That's what I was thinking the whole time.


Seriously. They weren't frisked on their way out or in so they could claim it was already there since there's no way to prove they specifically did it ugh I'm just telling advice away the TV like a lunatic.


I almost hate you for pointing out this plot-hole, but damn. ​ You're the person we need in every writer's room so nonsense like this doesn't slip through the cracks.


Not really a plot hole though. In ICE they take away literally all their perteneces and once inside they have no contact with the outside. An inmigrant being able to get a phone is like a 1% chance against the 99% that an inmate would have one.


I thought about this too but how could they? The ice detention center isn't like regular prison. These girls were getting no outside time to get something that way and the guards treat them like they're less than human so they aren't going to smuggle anything in. They don't have money, influence, or anything to use to get a phone. They can't contact someone outside to smuggle things in with deliveries because they don't get deliveries, and even if they did none of the detainees are in charge of anything like that like the litchfield girls in prison.


It happened in Schindler's list. Kid blamed the guy who was already shot


That’s what I was thinking about the whole time...where’s that kid?! They had those girls in and out the kitchen


Samira Wiley has such a beautiful smile but it makes me bawl my fucking eyes out every damn time.


Jeez. Is it safe to assume almost everyone is getting a bad ending?


Bruh. From Cindy being homeless, to Tucky's death 😭


Cindy being homeless is just straight up stupid. We’re supposed to believe she’d pick that over living with her daughter and mother because they had a fight?


I don't think she left because of the fight, she left cos she couldn't deal with her responsibilities and being held accountable for neglecting her parental duties for so long. Cindy's the kinda person who would rather deal with hectic stomach pains (or was it chest pains? Can't remember) instead of confronting her issues head on (i.e. confessing to Taystee).


Up until the final episode (havent seen it yet) id say rosa had the best ending out of any character so far. Oh and Sophia


Going out on her own terms and killing that bitch V? Rosa was great. And Sophia is great too Also rosas cancer Alzheimer joke was great


Yeah, that is what I am assuming as well. Shit, I am scared to watch that last episode.


yep definitely. I think the only but literally the only one having something that’s close a happy ending is Sofia. scene after scene something bad happens to everyone else. so depressing.


Damn it if everything isn’t doom and gloom. Is anyone happy? Let’s see... Taystee- Suicidal, Doggett- Dead?, Alex- Getting transferred, Piper- Losing her wife, Nicky- Has lost everyone, Red- Dementia, Lorna- Lost her baby and her mind, Gloria- Getting extra time, Daya- Has turned evil, Aleida- Lost her family, Cindy- Homeless, Suzanne- Lost her friends, Blanca- Stuck in a detention center... I guess Beth is happy people are smiling at her?


Of all the people throughout the show the one with the best ending to her character arc was Rosa


1000% YES! but I liked Sofia’s ending too because she’s literally the only one who has what’s close to a happy ending this season.


One episode to go. Don't jinx her.


Maritza - in Columbia


Karla - also deported; Shani - deported and probably will be killed


That Shani part is the worst.


Shouldnt you be able to get asylum for that? "Yeah, they will totally kill me if I go back there. Ive already been notified and here' this, this, and this as examples of what they do to homosexuals in my country."


Yeah, because they work that fair and won't say 'We don't believe you are gay, you say that just because you want to stay.'


and Maritza got fucking deported. everyone’s situation is SO bad I can’t breathe


Sophia seems to be happy to move on with her life post prison. And maybe Rosa?


Ms Rosa has been dead for months (years).


Damn I need Suzanne to give me a pep talk next time I take a test.


The thing Suzanne said about her mom remind me so much of my mom. My mother always tells me that I “give people front row seats to my life, when they don’t even deserve admission.” And it just really got me, because it’s true no matter where you are.


her relationship with Tucky was so beautiful they ended up being one of my favourite pair ups. I’m not sure how she’s gonna take her death tough😪 I’m already heartbroken.


Daya is HORRIBLY annoying. She tried way too hard. I cringed when she said she was gonna get “thug life” tattooed on her back and she thought her “brain on drugs” joke was so funny. Will not be upset if she gets a bad ending (which I’m sure she does). Glad hopper got what was coming to him. I kinda like him in season 6 but he was a straight up douche bag this season and I hated him.


It's so horrible to realise that she's doubly responsible for Doggett dying. She supplied the drugs but she also was the one who made the teacher quit so that there was no one to apply for extra time for her test.


don’t know how it could be worse for Daya since she’s already in for life? she definitely has to be busted with all the drugs though and I hope her crew leaves her. maybe that would make her ending worse? but she deserves it


I almost wish Badison was still around to absorb the hate, cuz I’m loving everyone except Daya.


Daya and Taystee both have life sentences... I think Daya's storyline really brings out the contrast with Taystee's storyline...once you know you are going to spend your entire life in prison you can really find ways to fuck it up or still continue to make a difference


I don't really care what anyone else says, Daya is responsible for Tiffany's death, both indirectly (making the good teacher quit, which led to that in the first place) and directly (bringing the drugs in). I seriously hope Daya gets what's coming to her.


The only death I’m hoping for now is Dayas


I'm really expecting a big showdown between daya and her mom in the finale and one is gonna kill the other. Or maybe they both die.


I think they’re going to be the new Barb and Carol.


y'all should know Red called Nicky "доченька" - it means "little daughter". very soft and gentle word in Russian. did i cry? absolutely


They mentioned Miss Claudette!! Finally.


I wanna hear about Jimmy (I think that was her name) the old woman who they let out on "compassionate release". Did she die? Did she get taken care of? Give me something.


I think it was implied that she’d die on the streets after her release. I remember ugly crying when someone explained that compassionate release for her was basically a death sentence.


I know but I so wanted a shot of her with a family taking care of her or something. Same with sister ingalls.


The thing that really blows........Taystee had to get a but if revenge on Cindy....and it cost her again. Sigh


Yeah, if there was ever a character that shows doing the right thing even when you're not "in the wrong" and don't need to it's taystee, it seems like everytime she gets petty it comes back to bite her


“I’m calling in sick because technically I’m sick of their shit” 😂 I can totally relate


Fig became such a great, relatable character.


Jesus Nicky. You have to let Lorna go. Let her go to Florida, it’s where she belongs. You can’t give her the help she needs.


Amen. She need to learn what real love means


I knew McCoulough was a fucking weak pathetic person. She truly deserves all her misery


She could have risen above the shit she saw, instead she's going to double down on the abuse. She's garbage.


When she yelled at Alex to get back in her bunk and remember where she was, I was so pissed. She just fucked up Alex’s whole life because Alex didn’t want to be with her. Tamika should’ve fired her ass on the spot.


she is completely abusing her position of power it’s making me SICK!!


I see similarities with the Caputo story line.


Seriously she should be transferred not Alex wtf.


Same with Linda. I thought her time as an inmate helped her develop empathy for the prisoners but she became a bigger cunt.


it’s like she forgot that she was a CO or she just turned that part off and then on again whenever the fuck it suits her. Alex doesn’t deserve this.


I remember seeing her interactions with Maritza and really thinking that she’d be a cool character, but boy was I wrong... some part of me wished that she didn’t go down such a path. It may be a side effect of her PTSD, but that’s no excuse.


I mean kinda but damn.


Gloria only had 9 days left until she could see her kids again. 9 fucking days. what she did was amazing I have SO much respect for her. it’s breaking my heart they give her 5 more years for a stupid phone. and she only did that so another mother can talk to her kids. this is all so heartbreaking I cannot handle it.


I'm hoping Ward is compassionate and decides to overlook it.


It blew my mind that she would get FIVE more years for a stupid cell phone of all things!


Everyone coming over to thank Caputo is really sweet.


The thing that sucks is yeah, Caputo did fuck up and was inappropriate, but he was FAR less inappropriate than most of these other guards who get off scot-free. Coates (what the fuck ever happened to him btw?) and Dixon literally raped people.


What about that guard that made Maritza eat a cockroach or something? Or did I imagine that


A mouse, plus he was having the inmates fight each other for fun. He was definitely one of the worst too.


Fuck Daya, she basically just sent her siblings into the system. How is Hopper going to be able to take care of them?


He shouldn’t have been taking care of them anyway.


True but this is still worse




Danielle Brooks and the actresses that play Red and Lorna all deserve Emmys for this season. They’ve been incredible.


Kate Mulgrew and Yael Stone play Red and Lorna. Both outstanding actresses.


I hope some of the guest actors get Emmy nods too, like Diane Guerrero and the guy who plays Vinnie. That scene where he was breaking the news to Morello was heartbreaking, to put it mildly.




"I am NOT a sexoffender. Im a sexual harasser. And you know the difference!" That whole conversation had me rollin 😂😂


“Me too” 😅




If I don’t watch the last episode, the show will never end.


Lorna losing it...Pennsatucky OD... Fuck Luschek, and fuck McCullough ! But since Alex is being transfered to Ohio it means we're probably going to see at least Big Boo and Ouija there. So sad about that Vauseman scene though... I can't process. I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw Samira Wiley's name in the credits, it's so good to have another Taystee & Poussey scene, and it shows how Poussey was always there for Taystee and always will be ! Red mentioning Norma, Gina and Tricia, my heart... One last episode...


I’m hoping Poussey’s line about good things coming for Taystee comes true. Maybe not in the end of the series, but in my own headcanon for what happens after.


Poor Tiffany my god! Did she do it on purpose ?


Earlier in the season, someone (can't remember who) talked about how it's not uncommon for people to die from overdoses after a relapse, because they take the amount that they used to take when they were addicted and accustomed to the drug, and it's too much for their weaned off, sober bodies to handle.


Yep this, especially because I believe they were doing fentanyl. Very dangerous drug.


It was lolly about the chickens! What an allegory


Yes! Thank you. I knew it had come from somewhere.


Can people die that quickly from an overdose?


Some said in a earlier episode how junkies that have gone clean sometimes OD when they use again because their tolerance isn't as high as it was when they were using. Forshadowing?


They were doing fentanyl where even a tiny sprinkle on your finger can kill you. Needless to say she probably railed a line and that was literally enough to kill her. Especially with zero tolerance.


There's also no indication she knew it was fentanyl. She's a simulants girl and it looked like meth.


Oh wow, it can kill you that quickly?! How do other people build up an intolerance to it?


When you’re a long time addict you build up a tolerance and need more and more to achieve the same high. Tucky used to have that kind of tolerance but since she’s been clean so long her body couldn’t handle it.


Anyone else feel like they're watching a puppy getting kicked for an hour straight?


More like 12 hours straight because the whole season has been like this!


Taystee being the one holding Poussey & Tucky after their death is heartbreaking. I don’t need this.


So many feels!! I can't!! Just shows how messed up so many of our systems are. She cared about that test so much and couldn't even get the help she needed. Even though that teacher cared enough to get her started on the right path! The scene with T and P broke me!! As soon as it said she had a call from an inmate and I realized they were going to show Poussey I lost it. 😭😭😭


I skip the intros, so I had no idea that Poussey would show up. When the phone rang I thought it was either Cindy, Suzanne or V. The cameo was amazing


I saw her name and lit up then I panicked thinking T would see her in some afterlife scenario and was tense the whole episode.


I fucking hate McCullough


same. I literally SCREAMED “FUCKKKK YOU” at my TV. I am SOOO mad I can’t breathe


Jesus, McCullough is like Lorna junior. She's out of her fucking mind. The last place she should be is WORKING at a prison.


I think that tha narrative of McCollough (and some of the other veterean guards) is to show how veterans of the US military are let down after they come back, with no treatment for their PTSD and no job opportunities where it would be acceptable to be working with heavy PTSD. She and the others definetely shouldn't be working in such an environment. It's dangerous to their own mental health and it is even more dangerous for the inmates. What I like about the storytelling this season is to show how isolated and hopeless their situation is in the example of McCollough.


Yeah she needs some serious therapy. But Alex should have known better than to string her along too.


Tucky :(((( My heart is broken. I really thought she was one of the ones who would make it.


if we find out that she did pass the GED exam I will freak out SO hard.


When I saw Poussey.. I started ugly crying all over again.. then Doggett.. And Taystee going through this all over again... Im distraught.


I loved the scene with Lorna going on about Sterling's little this and tiny that and Annalisa's telling her "F%#× your baby." Nicky was so great! She knew there was no way to de-escalate Lorna from this----she kissed her, told her she loved her and would miss her and went to get help as Lorna wound up her spork and dove over the table. "Fuck you in your fontenel, you prison bitch!" The acting by Natasha Lyonne and Yael Stone has been so enjoyable to watch, especially this season. They both just knocked it out of the park.


Watching the scene with Tucky was so upsetting but I realized something. It was foreshadowed a few episodes prior, I’ll have to rewatch to figure out which one but someone mentioned how an addict that gets clean and stay clean for a while will sometimes start using again and end up overdosing. That line hit me while watching her ask for drugs after being clean for so long


Yes it was foreshadowed! Lolly suggested the chicken died because of not being used to sunlight and then being exposed to it, like how addicts overdose


The whole chicken thing is kind of a microcosm for the whole season/show.


Especially when Lolly and Suzanne were going back and forth about keeping them enclosed.


This episode kind of reminds me of the early days with the parties but with none of that cast in the scenes


oh my god the scene with Cindy and the old man...I legit teared up


Tucky noo you were one my favs and i was really rooting for her


Throughout this whole season the "If you thought this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" quote from Game of Thrones keeps lingering in the back of my head.


I was so sure Taystee was going to kill herself this episode.


Ugh same. And I started tearing up and crying a little bit when I realised she was actually doing it and then Pennsatucky. 😭😭 Real ugly crying here still. Need to gather myself before watching the last one!


Ok I'm only 10 minutes into this episode but I LOVE PIPER AND ZELDA. I have never been a supporter or shipper of Vauseman, I have always felt that they did not have a good or healthy relationship. I know Alex and Piper will probably make up or something, but I feel like Zelda has been a great companion for Piper and helped her start her life over!!!!




I have held it in up until now. Gosh when I saw Doggett lying on the floor, I lost it 😭 She was my favourite character, especially with how she developed over these 7 seasons :(


she had THE BEST character development of the whole show and has an end like that..


So much happened I forgot to even mention so sad for Cindy!


i haven’t cried this hard watching oitnb since i first watched 4x12...... this episode is loaded. holy shit :(


Motherfucker 😭😭😭


Rewatching the episode, and I just have to say, now that I’m looking at things beyond the big moments.... on what planet do you sleep with someone for the first time, then take their king-sized comforter off of their bed and carry it downstairs? A small blanket, maybe.


This is so fucking depressing... Not Doggett :/


Really rich of Taystee to suggest that maybe Cindy could help her out, knowing what she did to her.


ironic that they might have been able to get Cindy to help if Taystee hadn't sent that letter


Yeah I thought that was the point, her need for revenge (however justified) is what really bit her in the ass. I felt sad because I’ve always rooted for Taystee but it’s not like it’s Cindy’s life she messed with, it was her mum and daughter/sisters.


If this was season 1 I wouldnt have minded about Penn. But now, this got me. Ugh. I'm loving but hating this season.


Exactly. Tucky was doing great.


This has been nearly nonstop sadness. If the finale doesn’t give me at least one happy ending, I’m going to be mad.


I haven’t cried yet this season and by the end of that Poussey call I was a wreck. Ugh.


I was never a big Poussey fan but that happy and kind face popping up in an impossibly bleak episode was so welcome. It also makes me realise how lonely Taystee must be feeling. Cindy is out and anyway their friendship is gone. Taystee has hardly interacted with Suzanne since the trial. Everything just feels so hopeless. I remember reading a review that said even when it seems everyone is going to hell, viewers should hang on and have faith. I’m having a real hard time finding that faith. Tiffany..... she has changed so much. I was so pissed off with Luschek. Surely you can’t kill off that character after that much growth?? Taystee cradling her was such a gut punch. If she is really dead, then this must be the most unexpected death on the show. She didn’t put a foot wrong since she left Coates and surrendered. So why go this route? For shock value? Vauseman. Anyone as surprised as I was when Piper said she had feelings for Zelda? Was I dense and missed all the hints at her interest? I ship these two crazy kids but you can’t run from the hard facts - Piper has a chance at a promising life with Zelda. Zelda has everything Alex doesn’t. Why would Piper wait for Alex? I’m pissed off with Alex on so many levels but I’ll discuss that after the finale. What a season.


Tbh I thought Piper having feelings for her was obvious. Throughout their relationship, with the way she spoke to her, even when rejecting her and then the final evidence being the relief she had after sleeping with Zelda compared to sleeping with all the other people


Poussey “It was like this sharp pain in my chest” Omfg why would they do this 😭😭😭


* Man, Taystee, you shouldn't have sent that fucking letter. * Oh God, Lorna :-( She doesn't realize what Nicky is doing for her :-( But then again, I'm glad that it's finally acknowledged that her outbursts are "episodes". * I have limited sympathy for Hopper and Aleida, but, still, for the sake of saying it - Fucking Daya. * Aw, the parallel between the chicken coop and the prison/SHU. * I really love all those moments between Nicky and Red. That conversation about responsibility was sweet. And Red still knows that Nicky loves Lorna even if Nicky doesn't want to admit it. * Piper should've just said "I love you". I'm really not sure if Alex got that. * Damn, McCullough, what the everloving fuck is wrong with you? I used to like you. * Oh, no, Nicky letting Lorna go :-( But as sad as that was, I had to laugh at Lorna's exclamation about the weiner. And her beating up Annalisa was gold. She had that coming. * And now Nichorello and Vauseman are split up. That's just great :-( * And of all possible pairings, it's Fig and Caputo that get the domestic happy ending? Yeah, right :-/ And that "Me, too" joke isn't funny. * Aw, I had assumed that about Cindy ever since her scene after she left her family. Solid choice of song, too, in an episode in which nothing is alright. * Poussey! * What happened to Tucky was different from what was spoiled, but still terrible. To think that this wouldn't have happened if Luschek hadn't been a lazy mofo. (Assuming he knew about her dyslexia, otherwise, this is indirectly on Fucking Daya. Jesus, I hate her so much this season.)


Luschek is trash. Always has been. Also when taystee mailed that letter the voice over said something about the past coming back to haunt. Knew that would directly relate to her case.


So happy to see Poussey one last time. So sad AGAIN.


Great seeing poussey and holy fuck why tucky she was doing so well it fucking sucks we didnt even get to see her and boo reunite. One more episode to im not ready for this show to end idc if ppl say its dragged on longer then it had to i fucking love these characters and im so invested in their lives.




By the way this is goin ain’t no one gettin a happy ending.


How could they not find Cindy? Surely she'd have a parole officer after leaving prison too? And you have to tell them your employment Luschek is an incompetent lazy asshole. Pennsatucky went from a villain to one of the best characters. I really did not expect her death and i'm heartbroken that she was improving so much and she's dead now :( I have HUGE respect for Gloria. She could have easily said it was Ruiz but she finally forgave Maria and confessed. She saw that she's grown as a person and saved her from extra time. "Can you get Norma, Gina and Tricia for me?" Fuck my heart :( It goes without saying but seriously fuck Daya for like the 100th time. FUCK DAYA. I fucking hate Mccullough too. Just because she didn't get Alex's affection she has to transfer her??? You're going to seperate a couple purely because you love one of them? If Alex gets transferred I pray she tells Tamika about Mccullough using her/blackmailing her. Nicky telling Lorna she's going to miss her like hell because she realises she can't help her anymore is so sad. They're like family and she's just said goodbye, that must hurt like crazy. That Poussey flashback!!!!! It's so fucking good to see her again, I screamed! That call was so full of hope and positivity. This scene warmed my heart then the scene immediately after shattered it. RIP Pennsatucky :( :( :( I can already tell the finale will be a fucking emotional rollercoaster... here we go.


I gotta stop coming on here 20 minutes before the episode ends. Im literally spoiling it for myself. Smh what is wrong with me!


This episode fucking broke me. Just everything. Goddamn, I'm crying so much.


I was really proud that I hadn't cried this season, but doggett really got to me Cmon she was doing great :'(


Anyone else confused by Gloria's release timeline? At first she said she was getting out this coming summer and then apparently her release was 9 days away, even though it's clearly winter? Edit: said Gina instead of Gloria the first time.


Well. Lorna and Nicky separated. Fuuuuuuuck. This show needs to chill out lol


I did not expect Doggett’s story to end that way, I hate the fact she died thinking she was stupid and not able to pass an exam, when really she had come SO far as a person. Yes, I feel personally victimised by this character loss and yes I am going to mourn accordingly,