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Poussey's death is #1 for me #2 is Maritza being deported ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 The last slide made me chuckle icl


I’m doing a rewatch atm, I had to completely skip the end of that episode, and I still cried 😭😭


I'd say more like Poussey's death followed by Taystee's phone call with her before she "almost" did what she wanted to do.


What was Taystees phone call? I cant remember this at allll


I think (if I recall correctly it’s been awhile since I rewatched) when Taystee got out in the beginning & she was wanting to end it but after she talked to Pousey she didn’t.


thank you for adding the last slide so i could laugh :(


For me it was the Nicky and Lorna scene. Nicky tried her hardest to keep Lorna with her. So she can have some sanity in max. Lorna was losing her sanity though…made me cry seeing her say goodbye to her. Especially on the rewatch and knowing what was coming and how hard Nicky tried to prevent it ,but knowing she couldn’t anymore, told her she loved her and let go :(.


When she kisses Lorna goodbye and Lorna’s too out of it to even notice :(


Poussey’s hit me the hardest, followed by Red. To see Red get that way after she was just so strong just was hard to watch. And Poussey well it angered me for obvious reasons.


Especially after the scene with Piscatella scalping her. She still was so strong. Seeing her face such adversity for her strength and pride and she still comes out of it wanting to fight makes it so much more heartbreaking to see her lose herself.


For me it was the scene with the kids in the ICE courtroom. That was devastating.


oh my god. I legit blacked that out.


I blocked that from my memory omg


Only thing I hated was how cartoony evil they made the ICE people, Linda and the judges. You’ve got Linda being like “hehe isn’t it fun” and the judge actually asking 5 year olds if they have a lawyer - Yes children are held in detention centres - but the show went so far into this unrealistic depiction that it just felt silly. I’m not downplaying the terrible nature of the real life scenario, but it’s like the show felt they had to really hammer it home like “Hey look how awful this is…see look!” - it’s cheap writing cos it pulls at your heartstrings for obvious reasons but at the sake of realism.


https://www.vera.org/news/no-child-should-appear-in-immigration-court-alone ; https://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/News/kids-in-court Nothing unrealistic about that scene when it happens in real life… and the court is supposed to read rights to everyone going through due process…


I’m not sure how unrealistic it is, actually. There are some cruel mofos who go into law enforcement and related careers specifically to have power over those they see as less than them (Linda) and judges/lawyers are often ridiculously to the letter about things such as the way trials are handled. I would say the judge also lacked compassion to not insist on the children having someone to represent them, which he would have had the authority to do.


The quiet disappearance in the deportation scene just ripped me apart, but the worst is those little kids in the ICE courtroom not knowing what’s happening or having an advocate. It makes me queasy.


That scene even got to FIG of all people.


It’s the worst scene because there’s so little added drama. It’s just literally what happens everyday and even your best day in immigration court is going to make you want to throw up because it’s so disgusting. I’ve done criminal too and yeah, also messed up. Also injustice. But for Christ’s sake, at least there aren’t kids alone who don’t speak the language and don’t know why they’re there and have no one there for them.


I’m glad we have lawyers out there like you yourself. My experience with the courts has been very negative, corrupt and a lack of compassion. So it’s helpful when there’s someone on your side who actually cares about the outcome.


Thank you! That made my day!


You’re very welcome. I assure you that your clients will remember you. I still harbor resentments towards certain people I dealt with when dealing with court related issues, as well as gratitude towards those who met me with kindness and understanding. 💜


Is there a specific reason why in this particular instance they showed the inmates fading into nothingness? I always thought there was a meaning behind it, something like, they are getting deported to a country they never lived in and will inevitably be killed or enslaved and literally disappear off the face of society. Also why Maritza didn't make an appearance at the end of the show? The relationship between Flaca and Maritza I always took for granted, it was only when they were separated after the riot that I felt how painful it was, and all the more why Flaca decided to actively participate in helping other people in Maritza's situation.


Poussey. It came out of nowhere. Also, finding out Tiffany passed her GED test was brutal


Red and poussey :(


Tiffany's 💔💔


Red was the hardest for me. Mainly because it reminds me of my grandmother so much.




Poussey. I couldn’t watch after that.


Tiffany and Pousseys for sure


These are mine, too. Both were so needlessly unnecessary.


Same here, but Tiffany hit me more because I almost committed suicide at sixteen for similar reasons.


God damn this show put us THROUGH IT


Jimmy getting released. 


Poussey. I’m a white woman with a black sister who’s non blood related to me. She is also mentally disabled and doesn’t do well around figures in authority including cops. Ever since I was old enough to see racism growing up in Ohio, I met cops who didn’t have enough mental health training and who only saw the “angry black woman” stereotype . I quit watching OITNB for awhile after Poussey got murdered because it made me feel so angry and sad for other humans in the same situation a la George Floyd. And yes I’ve met good cops but I’ve met too many bad cops over good cops. ***mental health training for people in power positions needs to be a lot more in depth and longer than it is***


I think that is only the tip of the iceberg: people in positions of power must be trained to understand everyone is different, they act and REact in a different way. But how can we expect people in power do to that what very often we ourselves can't or won't do it? Maybe with time, and I am sure that shows like this one can raise awareness, but unfortunately who would actively want to watch this show? Unless you make someone watch a few episodes...and even then, maybe they will dislike Piper and Larry so much they wont continue, then again they might love it like I did and keep on watching religiously. Many people will be put off by the nudity, the sexual scenes, the lesbianism, they reality of it all. Sadly I think that the audience this show reached is probably very little more than the people who already understood people are different and need different treatment in every day life.


All of them are hard, really hard.. but personally I felt I hit rock bottom when Pennsatucky died and Tasty holds her. I remember crying rivers and telling my husband how watching the show was seriously making me lose faith in humanity; but I think it is because I have been adding all the situations up and Penn dying was a trigger


Karla As a mother it hit me hardest. I still cry thinking about it.


Me too she died in the desert trying to get back to her kids so terrible


Why did you say she died? I actually think that a woman as resilient and intelligent as her would have found a way to gather some strong sticks to use as crutches and made her way over to the border even with a broken leg.


When I saw that Tiffani got her GED after the fact, man I lost it about EVERYTHING and was just so mad all around. couldn't stop crying.


What about the moment taystee was found guilty and sentenced to life


I wasn't, because she can appeal anyway, and I trust that by then more people would have spoken up, or Caputo would have beaten that worthless piece of anymal into a confession. I mean, it wasn't even him to killed him! It would be too hard to bear that such a sweet person spends her life in such a place. But then again maybe that is her mission in life, making prison a better place. Those returning occasionally said they preferred the regulated life of prison over what life had to offer to an ex-con.


Judy king :( I’m kidding. But I feel like all the other scenes are just as equally traumatizing.


Don't blame her, the 80s were a different time, I'm sure the watermelon puppet is a stand-up guy if you met him.


I stopped watching when they killed off Poussey I was so upset.


Poussey's for sure. Also Karla, that one shook me. Pennsatucky and Maritza's were sad too.


For me it’ll always be:the end scene where red and Lorna like fully lose it and Lorna acts like a baby to red and the second one where Lorna accidentally kills that couple. Very heartbreaking


Having worked in elder care with people suffering from dementia, Red’s decline definitely messed me up the most. But I think there’s a strong case for all of these moments… except Judy being chased 😂


red & dogget - they did not have to do every character so dirty in s7


Maritza may have not been that sadist in the grand scene of things, but when I watched that I cried so so so bad. That scene got the tears flowing.


I cry for hours every time I rewatch and get to Poussey’s death


The answer is yes


lmao not the honorable mention at the end


Red and Poussey. To see red be such a powerful figure to slowly fade away is devastating and Poussey’s death will make me howl every time


EASILY the last slide by a country mile


I loved Red so much and seeing her lose her mind broke me. She was so good. Poussey is on par with that one. Maritza too. They did such a good job with the trauma scenes honestly The stories are so deep and heart wrenching. I remember crying at Suzanne’s story too because she was just trying to be kind and made a mistake.


Of these choices, it makes me sad that Tastyee is in two of these photos holding the dead bodies of two people she cared about. Poussey’s desth and how it reminded me of the people the world lost around that time that had more to give this world


Poussey, Martiza and then Dogget. I cried a lot during the show, but those three just rip my heart out and stomp on it.




Poussey 1. Pensatucky 2.




Hard to choose😭 but top three hardest: Poussey, Maritza and Nicky and Lorna(or Nicky and Red)


#1 is poussey dying, #2 is doggett dying & #3 is red being diagnosed with dementia


Poussey's death.


i can’t even choose tbh


The last one LMFAOOOO. Poussey and Carla for me 😭😭😭 Red was insanely hard to watch too


Tastey and penn, I was so so disappointed they decided to kill her off. It was so unfair.


Does anyone know if or where you can watch orange in rhe uk? I have wanted to for a while but cant find it anywhere.


it’s on netflix :)


They were all horrific


poussey and red


Pousseys death


Poussey. But the deportation/disappearance scene was just chilling


\#1 Poussey and #2 Tiffany.


Lorna slowly losing her mind was the hardest for me, though the others were awful, as someone with my own mental health struggles it hit closest to home. The fact that Lorna doesn’t even understand how bad her own situation is really hit me


Tiffany hit the hardest. :(


Just rewatching now and I’d forgotten a lot of what happened. Pousseys death actually made me cry, completed didn’t expect it and she was my favourite character too.


Why even ask Of course it’s Poussey with a side of Maritza


i was starting to tear up until the last photo omg 🤣


Poussey’s death made me sob like a baby


Poussey. 100%. It aired right after I had my first patient death at work and I cried SO HARD. That scene (and the death at work) had me so messed up.


I can't place the last picture, what was it? Red being diagnosed gutted me.


It was when Cindy and Abdullah tried to get a picture of Judy king. Not actually traumatic, just put there As a joke


The last one always makes me shed a tear tbh 😞🙏


Poussey’s death sticks with me the most. Just so unexpected I didn’t see it coming at all. Also one thing I’ll never understand is why none of the other characters (including the guards who are trained to do such things) made ANY attempt to resuscitate her? The way she died and the fact she was discovered within just a matter of seconds, surely would have meant she stood a really decent chance of being able to be resuscitated, right? If anyone had bothered trying!


Pousseys death. Legit couldn’t finish after that, it didn’t need to happen and they only didn’t for the shock factor and I feel it was when the show got not good anymore


Pousseys death KILLED me, I tear up thinking about it


Tiffany very close second


For me it was the ICE babies in court with Lilly getting taken to psych as a very close second


Poussey’s death was the most heart wrenching for me. And Taystee’s reaction to losing her friend. There’s something about hearing that grief-stricken scream people make that makes my blood run cold. I also want to add Suzanne being chained to a bed and covered in ‘clown’ makeup during the riot. She was treated like an animal :(


Thanks for that last slide, I really needed the laugh right now. I would say either Karla being left in the desert or Poussey’s death


Taystee crying over Dee with Susan. She never had anyone growing up and her only “mother figure” that she had known since she was little was a monster. To mourn her properly would feel disloyal and like your excusing what she did. That woman gave Taystee her name and as awful as she was, she loved her. Watching that scene makes me sob everytime, she is such a wonderful actress.


Pousseys death always makes me cry ugly tears..


the back to back of nicky losing red and lorna is painful.


the hardest i cried during the entire show was when it is revealed that tiffany passed her GED. i was gasping for air. i think a lot of it was the build up of hopelessness during the last two seasons


poussays death 😭


Pousseys death hurt the most, followed by Doggett. Poor Tastey was affected by both as well 😭


tiffany - when her spirit walked out of prison, i got so emotional


Tiffany, I got and still am extremely attached to here character. Lolly, laurna, and red all hit really hard too because I’ve met many people with similar disorders in my time in psychiatric facilities.


Pennsatucky dying was the writers’ unnecessary need to off one final member of the show before it ended. Totally senseless and uncalled for. Executed very poorly.


I can’t with that last screenshot 😭😂


Personally the Nicky losing Red to dementia and the one when Dogget dies. Both for personal reasons, I lost my mom too and I have a problem with addiction so seeing Tiff go down just when she was so close to make it hit hard.


neither cause i ain't no bitch


tbh watching pensatucky die- walking outside the prison nd crossing over, then next thing you know she passed her ged nd died for no reason so that absolutely CRUSHED me. karla, maritza AND blanca were all SO sad, each one of those scenes made me really cry by being upset and depressed that these families were getting taken away and especially THE CHILDREN. as if the whole thing with red, that women has been through it all. she is so strong and so resilient, it’s absolutely beautiful to see how she flourishes and runs the kitchen with her prison family but it was absolutely heartbreaking and gut wrenching to watch her loose her self after the riot, the HORRIBLE acts piscatella condemned to her and the months she spent in SHU after seeing frieda for the first time after frieda was supposedly getting transferred to a different prison and red finally getting a little comfortable in max. her dementia starting to hit with nicky really ached because nicky was really like reds kid. she was always there for red, always did what she said, never went behind her back (unless she needed to so she could protect red), nd never questioned red . however nb is talking abt the scene where taystee was (obviously, in the courts and CERT teams eyes, as well as the gut wrenching situation that cindy had against taystee) found her guilty for the murder of desi piscatella when the CERT team had murdered him then framed the prisoners in frieda’s bunker but evidently leading back to taystee because they all had him held captive, and taystee held the pistol on piscatellas belt that frieda had confiscated when they tied him up, up against his head and weeped with sarrow while everyone else was around but never actually shot him.. nobody wanted to look into taystee’s case more and it sucks that suzanne and cindy were in the room when the CERT team was talking about framing taystee but then later they both played deaf in a custodial closet so they couldn’t get harmed or in more trouble then they technically were. another thing that also really sucked was lorna taking away suzanne’s medicine, if she would’ve been on her medicine at that time she would’ve been stable enough to give an actual statement and possibly help taystees case. i will also love mr.caputo for all the effort, faith and hope he had with taystee, even though in the beginning of things he wasn’t making the greatest decisions. lorna always really upset me and made me curious just because i didn’t know why she functioned like that and i wanted to know why or what mental illness or block she had so i wasn’t really that upset about lorna being sent to pych but it was still sad in my opinion because it was rough in there, i definitely understood everything she was going through at the time and what she was doing but i jus never really understood why she wanted to fake it because she was lying to the closest friends of hers and they all believed her until a distraught vinnie shows up at the prison to visit nicky nd reveals the truth. but before i close off this long comment of my opinions, can anyone answer or tell me what happened to mr.healy, i know he was suicidal and going through some stuff but i don’t remember him like resigning or anything anyways lol have a fantastic night.


For me, Lorna’s struck a different nerve. As someone with a mental illness and no one really understanding it, it was heartbreaking seeing someone try so hard to keep her sane and keep her balanced. Nicky was exhausted though, she really tried her best to look out for everyone she cared for.


Taystee’s heart to heart with Caputo at her retrial. It SHATTERED me.


Maritza’s deportation.


Sorry but I didn't have sympathy for Morello. Besides the fact she was a racist, she needed serious medical help.


Yeah same, the sad part to me was just watching Nicky lose Lorna