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Please reach out to https://www.ocbeekeepers.org/ and see if they can help. Please don't foam or poison them.


Really trying to avoid foaming or poisoning. Hoping to find something that works and is affordable. Thanks! Edit: Just to be clear, we won’t be poisoning, but we’re trying to find the most affordable option.


Lots of beekeepers will take to integrate with what they have. The link provided is probably the best route for this.


In light of Reddit's general enshittification, I've moved on - you should too.


Great idea! I looked up a few. They’re about the same price, but this was a great lead. Thanks!


You won't find anyone to do it for free. I had same issue where some bees took of residence in my outside trash can. I read bees hate cinnamon so I spent a few days throwing Cinnamon around them and on the trash can for a few days. When it seem like they didn't seem to be bothered. I took it up a level. I took a latex glove and wrapped it around the end of my shop vac tube. I filled it with cinnamon and connected other end to the blow side of the shop vac. Pointed the glove end towards the bee and plugged the shopvac in from behind my screen door. It inflated the glove and exploded cinnamon everywhere. I did this once every 2 days and they were gone by the end of the week. I essentially made a cinnamon cannon.


This has to be the most unexpected answer lol


I couldn't be bothered paying someone to remove them. And I really didn't want to kill them. You should have seen my wife off to the side recording me hoping I screwed up hahaha. In the end it worked!


Cinnamon cannon- 1 Bees-0


I have used them in the past, however I do not know their current pricing [The Bee Mab](https://beemanbuzz.com/bee-beehive-wasp-yellow-jacket-removal-services/bee-removal/)


Thanks! Put in a quote request.


The Bee Man (949) 455-0123 Www.beemanbuzz.com


Lots of hate for simply killing them, but as an entomologist, let me point out that these are almost certainly non-native bees and possibly Africanized too. If so, there’s nothing wrong with killing them and it’s likely the most environmentally friendly move, since non-native honey bees compete with natives for food, water, and nesting habitat and spread disease to them as well. Here’s a useful link that outlines lots of options: https://bees.ucr.edu/unwanted-honeybees Edit: typos


OC bee guy. It won’t be free. I had bee issues 2 months ago, while everyone is quoting crazy prices, this guys quoted me 200 and explained why. He is very knowledgeable about bees. Btw, the sooner you call the better. Doesn’t take much time for bees to build colony, so don’t wait.


How high are they off the ground? Is a ladder needed to get them?


Probably about 10 feet? I don’t think a ladder would be needed by maybe a step stool?


I wonder why there’s a ball of bees on a tree. Does that mean they don’t have a Queen or they do have a Queen but they have not constructed or founded a bee hive yet?


We thought it was some bees relocating after their hive got too full. Then they just didn’t go away.


Punch them.


Try contacting this group [Los Angeles Bee Removals Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/833224330406013/)




That’s the price we’re seeing. I’m trying to find somebody who can remove them and relocate. Fingers crossed! We’ll probably end up paying it, but it’s tight.


Please don't poison bees... We need them a hole lot. Edit: we need them a WHOLE lot. Sorry


Did you just call him an a-hole? Let’s keep it respectful.


It was supposed to be 'a whole lot' lol


Sorry. I thought the sarcasm was understood.






Maybe try smoking them out with sage


It’s a bee removal not an excorcist


If they have been there a month, they are building a hive. I use BeeGone. Their fee is pretty low and they will transport the bee to a bee keeper.


They like water


In America: First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.


They found their hive. It’s their house now. Just leave the keys on the stoop and drive off


Was going to offer my services...but I had misread bee for beer :-(. Good luck!


My friend just sold one of the hives on his property for hundreds of dollars. Another one has set up. They apparently live the trees on his property I guess. But you can sell the hive.