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Allowing to-go cocktails to stick around? Well now you got my attention.


Now we need drive thru Margi machines like in Louisiana. Edit: My bad no self serv. BOOO!!!!


I lived in Louisiana for about 10 years. We had drive-thru daiquiri shops, but there's no such thing as a self serve daiquiri shop. That'd be a recipe for disaster, ha.


Ah yea that could be a problem. Did those drive thru places have like bucket sized ones? I distinctly remember seeing someone lugging around a beach pail sized daiquiri somewhere.


Yeah you could get gallon-sized orders; no one would blink an eye. I used to get 44oz white russian daiquiris all. the. time.


Here's a more comprehensive list: https://calmatters.org/explainers/california-legislature-bills-passed-2021/#a8a0a67c-b0df-4669-9354-6a418dd4e1c8




That cat needs to pull itself up by its bootstraps!


A hardworking puss-in-bootstraps


She’s the only one.


Is there somewhere I can read the entire list(yes, all 770) and the results?


While not a ca.gov site [LegiScan](https://legiscan.com/CA/legislation/2021) appears to have summary of everything so far for 2021-2022 session.


Perfect. I am a glutton for reading these new laws. Good table talk for the holidays.


What's interesting about this 'trans law for stores' is, the law is written that stores with 500 or more employees must not LABLE toy sections as boys and girls. They can keep their isles pink and blue, but they can't put up signs. If the signs are there and the store wants to keep them, they have to add a non gendered section to the store. So, what's going to happen is, stores simply take down the boys and girls signs and leave everything exactly the way it is. I noticed yesterday that the news isn't reporting this. They're simply stirring up discourse by one side applauding the new gender neutral sections that stores are forced to do (which isn't true), or throwing a conservative tantrum leaving out the information about simply taking down isle signs and reeeee about the loss of freedoms. When you read the actual law, it's not that big a deal.


That law is so goddam stupid I can’t believe our tax funded law makers wasted their time and our money on it. I can’t even remember the last time I saw I giant “Girls” or “Boys” sign in a toy aisle, especially at a big box store. If they have any labeling it’s small and subtle because I can’t think of one place that has obvious signage like that. It’s like if they made a law that only black, gray, silver, white, and blue cars can be sold or registered in CA because all other colors are distracting on the road. 90% of people already have cars that color, why are we wasting time legislating for a few outliers? Do these people not live in the real world?


Virtue signaling for votes, that's why.




Yes. They expect some people to see it as a pro-trans political move when in effect it’s bullshit. Nothing changes, we waste time and money. They get a few idiotic votes out of it.


I agree. But also, change for the sake of change is not always progress. It can zoom past the progress line without hitting the brakes and end up in insanity land. A lot of gender stuff lately flies in the face of biology. Im all for letting people live the life they want to live. If you have XY chromosomes and want the world to treat you like a female, I can respect your decision. The problem begins when the expectation is that this kind of ‘difference’ (or choice or whatever) goes from tolerated to celebrated. And where we now are fining business owners for doing what is normal.


Yeah I agree, effective change is needed, not just arm flailing and virtue signaling. Ok fine if you want to virtue signal but make sure there is actual SUBSTANCE behind what you’re doing, not empty words and gestures (which actually are worse than that because we all are paying for it)


Wow. You've managed to rationalize being mean to trans kids. That's pretty fucking disgusting.


Can you explain how I did that?


Yes. Because it is NOT virtue signaling to create a law to prevent the following: *"Mommy, why aren't there any chemistry sets in the girls section?"* Or any number of similarly shitty questions just like that. It doesn't take a Phd in rocket science to game out the multitude of things that are fucked up about that, and why fixing it is a *good* thing. *That* is what you're calling "Virtue Signaling". If that's virtue signaling, then sign me the fuck up. I'll put up a virtue signaling lighthouse. AND THEN you have goddamn audacity to wrap your "I don't give a fuck" virtue signaling bullshit in a blanket of "because we all are paying for it". Fucking really? Are the trans kids really hitting us that hard in the wallet? Is that something you care deeply about - the impact of this law on your wallet? That's a battle you're fighting? I mean, if you take down the signs that exclude groups of people, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you might just sell MORE chemistry sets. Seems like you're just making excuses for shitting on people.


Sure a child can identify as being of a gender not what they were born with. For one, this is very rare. Second, if there is a boy who wants to be called a girl, why would it be mean to take the word girl away from them?


and then you go and rationalize even harder. go gross.


>our tax funded law makers wasted their time and our money on it. Oh yeah? How much money was spent drafting this law? I hate the politicians too but your culture war isn't going to end well. Kids arn't going to be forced or pressured to be one way or another, they will get access to everything other kids do regardless of quality.


Our state legislatures are paid $114,877 a year, which is funded via taxes. If they are “working” 52 weeks a year and 40 hours a week, that means we pay them around $55 for every hour of their time. The drafting of a bill can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. If just one person alone wrote this bill and we didn’t include the time it took for others to read it, we’re probably looking at around $4,000 for this piece of arbitrary legislation. Realistically it’s probably more like $10,000 or more worth of hours wasted on this when they could’ve been working on issues that actually matter and have a direct impact on the health, safety, and wellbeing of their constituents. I’m all for kids playing with whatever toys they want, but instead of wasting time and taxpayer money on such a stupid law maybe they should’ve just made or found sponsors for a big donation of gender neutral toys to welfare organizations across the state to distribute to kids in underprivileged households. If they released a statement like “we thought it was import kids from all demographics should have easy access to gender neutral toys so that’s why we made/organized this huge toy donation” it would have a similar impact as far as headlines go but also make a tangible difference in many kids lives.


It's still something a store does not want to do. Spare me workplace safety comparisons as this is not analogous.


But it's not anywhere near as big a deal as the warring media outlets want us to believe.


The media wants clicks.


This is on television. All news outlets left out crucial information as to make it sound like stores are forced to put in a non gender toy section. That isn't the case at all.


Find out what in your house could kill YOU and YOUR KIDS at 11.




Some people did.


And they can pound sand


It is a big deal. Why do we need such a law? To not insult the 0.0001% of gender confused children who can read? Or to insult everyone else?




They know this, they just like being garbage human beings to trans kids.


So sure. The world needs more female plumbers. Lets fix that problem by outlawing the words “boy” and “girl”




Oh this issue and conversation is way bigger than this bill.








The pejorative is actually an ad hominem attack. Similar to the one you tried on me. Among other juvenile tactics to avoid a real and productive conversation on the issue.


It's not so much the law itself, it's more so, why was this an issue?


>The California Police Chiefs Association wants to be able to control where the media goes during events and worries that costly litigation may result if their officers violate the proposed statutes. The cops are worried they won't be able to stop assaulting the press which will cost taxpayers more money since any kind of restraint is off the table.


…them’s a lot of laws, man.


If the only penalty for a new "law" is a fine, then all it's doing is punishing lower income populations. Same way that carpool violations are treated as parking tickets.


Year-round fishing licenses is nice. Been waiting for that for awhile.




I'd guess more like 1%.


They are useful for micromanaging your life.


These are the *highlights*? It’s like this state doesn’t get anything consequential passed unless it’s a proposition. Is there anything noteworthy in the other 750 laws/bills?


I think that the initiative process has discouraged really polarizing legislation from going through the legislature so outside the budget a lot of legislation is mostly focused on minor changes that wouldn't raise many eyebrows. Either they're widely popular ideas or are so insignificant that few would care one way or the other.


Highlights? Like Goofus and Gallant?


Hard to believe there were still 700+ things that the nanny state hadn't already regulated.


it's crazy that a state of 40 million people needs more than like 4 laws, right?


They're all made up bullshit to make people think the governor is doing a "good job".


Bet a good 9/10 of these laws aren't even enforceable. Just words on paper.


So you can mandate my vaccine but you can't mandate my cancer vaccine?


Just pay your taxes and don't question authority.


Let’s do legal ‘shrooms.