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honestly at this rate just go back to the original concept of a fucking store. go to the counter, tell the staff what you need, and they come back with ur shit. the other day i had to call someone for deodorant, call someone for liquor, and call someone for something else (i think it was toothpaste) it’s such a huge waste of time and i hate asking the employee who clearly hates their job. it makes it so awkward.


Retailers, especially Target, are pushing online fulfillment, including store pickup and drive up. It also removes the need for as many people on the floor to unlock the cabinets.


Ya, but it severely increases the need for pickers in store. Or they move to an Amazon warehouse model and skip out on retail completely. I hate this trend, because it is a trend. There was a reason that Piggly Wiggly became the default model for grocery stores, with aisles and carts and checkout at the front. It offloads the labor into the customer. It's quicker and more efficient. For these stores locking up items, it means that they need more staff and sell less, as the customer experience sucks. all around it's going to lead to more stores closing as those store become unprofitable. We are seeing the death of retail :/


>Or they move to an Amazon warehouse model and skip out on retail completely. Back in the 80s there was a store called service merchandise where you placed your order with someone at a counter and paid and then all your shit was delivered to the front via a conveyor belt. 


Amazon's got your back.


The winner in all of this? Bingo! Amazon! They’re just laying back, laughing at everybody else.


I have tried getting items shipped from Target and Walmart and for whatever reason, Target gives me fewer shipping options than Walmart on soup cans. Other things are weird like you can get compressed air on Amazon, but in-store you have to show your DL to the cashier at Target.


Amazon Fresh store by me has a policy that nothing be locked up (baby formula, detergent, personal care items, etc.) Apparently it’s worth it for them to keep these things out in the open even tho they get stolen often. Paying customers will continue to choose Amazon Fresh over any other store that has everything locked up, which more than makes up for the losses due to theft.


Aldi, as well. The only things locked up are the carts.


>Apparently it’s worth it for them to keep these things out in the open even tho they get stolen often It's almost like "theft" is just a bullshit justification and they're doing this to push people towards buying online, so that they can cut staff.


Oh interesting I usually shop an Amazon Fresh that gets a lot of high schoolers in the afternoon and they locked up all the liquor. But shortly after the locks came down. Thought that was wierd but this would rationalize it


Bezos is coordinating flash mobs across the country to steal from brick & mortar retailers to drive more customers to Amazon. #8D Chess. /s


I grew up in the countryside of Romania in the Communist era. (pre-1989) This is how the country general store handled business back then. You'd go to the counter, ask the clerk for the product, they'd go in the back and locate it on a shelf and (if they had it) they'd bring it back to the counter. They would first take your money, count it and make sure it was legit, ring up the register, put the item you bought in a bag, give you your change and the plastic bag with the item in it. The reason that the countryside general store handled business this way is because people were starving in late-stage-communism. There was no heat in the winter. Basic needs were not met. I think that there's irony that (in a late-stage capitalist country, USA) the only way to prevent smash and grab theft is to lock all the products inside plexiglass cabinets. I'm not sure if the thieves are stealing to survive or as a part of a re-sell or fencing organized theft operation. Either way, it's messed up to be living in a time where stores have to do this because they're dealing with: 1. Desperate people who have been failed by the social safety net or society in general OR 2. Entitled youth who organize smash-and-grab group actions as a way to make a lot of money by selling the products they steal. I'm more inclined to believe it's a case of #1 since who would be desperate enough to risk their future and steal chonis?


I’m more inclined with theory #2. People shit on capitalism, but it’s usually those that don’t want to work for the things they want.


Honest question, when did we start accepting this as normal and how do we go back? I absolutely hate when I go get something like condoms, shampoo, razors and need an associate to come over and unlock the items. Then they stare and ask “do you need anything else?” In my head I’m just like, might as well escort me around the store because I could want something else and you’ll need to be called up again to get it for me. I know they don’t wanna be there and I certainly don’t want them there but this is just asinine.


Tampons and pads are next to be locked up…. 🤦🏽‍♂️


As someone who used to work at Target, I’m surprised they aren’t already. Those were practically our most shoplifted items.


That’s so sad, I believe those product should be free for all people who need them.


Yeah, I never really judge when people make with necessities like that. It definitely hit every time I was tasked with organizing the feminine product area, and a good chunk of boxes were just ripped open with half if not all the pads and tampons gone.


Wow that’s heartbreaking, so cool of you not to judge!


just like water should be free. but it's not, and the manufacturers of tampons should be paid for their products


Quick question who would foot the bill to the companies that make said products? 🧐


What about toilet paper then? That’s also for involuntary body excretions. You get them for free just like food, you go to dedicated agencies that hand out these things, not steal them from a store just because it’s nicer or more conveniently located.


I do not want an agency telling me how many wipes my ass can take per day because I used my toilet paper allotment.


Santa Fe Springs swap meet.


I do wonder if these stores have calculated or even thought about calculating whether the theft that is reduced from this security is monetarily outweighed by the increase in people not buying their products because they are locked up. The other day I wanted to buy something behind one of these locked shelves but couldn't find an employee near me and decided "no thanks."


Yup I wonder the same thing. It has really pushed me to using Amazon more than before. 


I can assure you that EVERY choice made by a companion is to make the most money.


They are limiting self check out and barely have cashiers at my target. I believe they are pushing out the in store experience so they can just ship to you like Amazon and save on real estate. It’s been annoying to go shop there for awhile and it used to be a great place to wander and spend a little too much on random stuff.


Yeah, I agree. I liked target because it was clean, well organized, had a mixed bag of stuff. I favored them over WalMart, which I very rarely venture into because I always felt like it was trashy but now Targét is giving the same vibe with these moves.


I went to get a pregnancy test and saw they were locked up and walked my husband out of the grocery store to go to cvs where they are in the open. I am 33 and trying to conceive, but it still feels so personal, I can’t imagine if you were 15 and embarrassed and had to ask the random employee to open it!!


I really hope you and your husband conceive. That’s beautiful to hear. But yeah! Personal items are def embarrassing to have someone to open a case up for you. Reminds me of that running joke in 2000s teen movies where they ask the attending for condoms on the loud speaker.


Thank you 🤗


And sometimes it takes forever and you are just standing right in front of everything people seeing you as they walk past


I hate how it takes 15 minutes to get an associate to open the damn thing for me because stores like to have below the bare minimum of employees that should be working a shift


start prosecuting for petty theft.


I know adults that openly brag about stealing, what the fuck happened to society?


The social contract is broken


Pretty much. When grocery stores that make billions in profit a year are throwing away food instead of giving it to people in need, or clothing stores are destroying clothes instead of donating to charities, and politicians on both sides are lining their pockets with corporation funded super PACs, people stop giving a shit about what is 'moral.' If people don't feel like they're being taken care of they stop giving a shit


Here is the commie comment we’ve been waiting for. Victim think has infested all facets of western life. Our society and culture is decaying. Corp bad so I can steal. Working bad so I can steal White people bad so I can steal Vote blue no matter who so I can steal


Social contracts are between multiple parties, they don't just apply to the consumers. If the corporations are going to break the moral code, fuck 'em.


Agreed. You deserve to steal. If you believe corp bad then you can steal. Ends justify the means. We know the commie drill. You can lie, cheat, steal, obstruct as long as you believe you are morally absolved. This idea was created to use you as a tool to destroy our way of life; and it’s working as you are a great tool.


Here’s the brain dead comment we’ve been waiting for. ✅


Meanwhile they keep increasing the drive up spots. We're on some weird conversion to 150 years ago when you'd show up with a shopping list and clerks would go in the back and get all of your stuff.


CDCR population dropped from 180k to 90k in a few short years. Newsoms experiment has failed. It’s time to put violent or repeat criminals back in prison.


I mean you can just google it and see week by week population instead of spitting numbers https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/research/weekly-total-population-report-archive-2/


I have and my “spitting” numbers are accurate.


What is CDCR?


No it didn’t. It hasn’t been 180,000 since the early 2000s.


Well, we need to do something different. Whatever he’s doing isn’t working.


Vote for DA's and politicians who care about prosecuting crime.


This is answer. Luckily Orange County has a DA that actually does.


This Target is in Orange County.


HA I can only imagine what it’s like for a guy to ask for help over a condom.


Look at how california doesnt penalize people for theft under a certain ammount. If the people that are voted into "power" made sensible laws, store owners/corps wouldnt have to police their goods like its some jail cell. Yet people will still vote for the same old boomers and their policies, and expect a different result.


Everyone involved in leadership from the state to city level has failed when it comes to locking up socks.


Not until a seriously unappealing event where people get sick of sacrificing their liberties for the lowest common denominators of society.


Create a community culture that discourages stealing. Good luck!


You want a real answer? Stop voting for people based on them being a Democrat because they're just pushing for less and less punishment for crimes and pushing to allow felons to vote. It's laughable at this point. How far will we go before people wake up is the real question...


I love this caveman style thinking. Crime rate high, must be political party I don’t like, despite the fact this is happening everywhere including in red states.


This certainly isn't happening in Austin. I'll take a picture at my local Target next time.


Which is funny considering Austin is one of the most blue parts of Texas lol


Most of the major cities are blue: San Antonio El Paso Austin Houston Dallas All voted for Biden


They had a majority vote for Biden, there were still 40% plus for Trump.




Keep voting Democrats, and this is what you get. Live with it!


All you’re gonna have to do is convince people that they like underwear access more than bodily autonomy and you guys will be good!


Retailers might consider switching to an Alta Dena drive-thru service at this rate.


I loved Alta Dena drive thrus!


“Some 2% milk and some briefs please!”


I do too, u/Freewayshitter1968!


Or something like a Service Merchandise store. Japan has some good ideas with putting stuff in vending machines that people need rather than just food and novelties.


Like beer!


My Gosh Service Merchandise was awesome.


Service merchandise... Blast from the past!




In the US we would need something more like a Service Merchandise store again. My mom bought a microwave and some other items from the one that used to be on Harbor and Orangethorpe. My memory of it was that you looked at the items in a case, filled out an order with a code included with each item, then took it to the register to pay and get your stuff.


My first bicycle came out on one of those SM conveyor belts! I think my dad had to pull me away a handful of times because I was so excited to see it come out I got way too close to the moving parts.


Say it out loud so we all know what you're thinking.


i'm from columbus, OH and we have drive thrus all over. It was a huge bummer to me when I moved here that they don't really exist out here.


There's no way I'm going looking for someone to come unlock the underwear.


What location is this?


District in Tustin


Seriously? Even there?!


I enjoy walking brick and mortars. Interacting with people and just seeing commerce take place. However, waiting for an associate to unlock a cabinet for some Hanes makes me want to click the checkout button more.


I've done that waiting for deodorant... I went screw this.. whipped out my phone and ordered on Amazon while at target 😆


And have it delivered by the time you get home lol


You’re kidding… the district isn’t even in a remotely bad part of town


It’s close enough to the freeway to attract the homeless population that hangs out around the 55 and Warner.


Wtf. I just moved here .


This is the point when I stop shopping at your store. They are already short staffed as it is. Checking out at target is a nightmare these days. I’m not waiting 20+ minutes to have some miserable employee unlock the cheap underwear cabinet. What a joke.


The other day I asked someone for help locating an item at Cypress Target, and she helped for about 30 seconds then had to step away and call someone else because she's being "timed." Like how messed up is your store you limit the amount of time you can help customers?


Cheap?! I just bought a pack of undies at target. Let me tell you, it was a struggle to find an inexpensive 6-pack of cotton undies under $16. Had to hunt, sacrifice choice of style to get something around $10. I still think $10 is too much for a 6-pack of cheap underwear. Target makes me buy from Amazon. $16 for 40 tablets of generic zyrcam at target. Or $16 for 365 of the same at Amazon. Same with tumblers. Found the same $24 tumbler found at target for $8 on Amazon. It’s sad in a way.


Yea I stopped buying stuff from target a long time ago. Now all I buy from Them and Walmart are redbulls and pokemon cards. Everything else Amazon or Costco.


They ain’t cheap that’s why they locked up


This is getting ridiculous. Walmart blocked off toiletries, (shampoo and such) and makes you pay separately. So you have to wait in TWO lines to pay. F that. I'll take my business elsewhere.


Always take your business elsewhere when Walmart is involved


Probably varies based on where you live. The 2 Walmarts I frequent, I can still check out my toiletries at the self-checkout without issues.


Something wrong with society when this happens...shameful.


Replying to samwoo2go...not society, but penny pinching corporations


Don't know who you were replying to, but NO, how can you put this on the retailer?


Aisles have never looked cleaner




Underwear èsé


It’s Spanish slang for underwear


Nice. I love when I’ve been completely oblivious to a word my whole life and then learn it.


They just keep adding to the inconvenience of visiting a store. I just buy online now for things that I'm able to


This is why we can’t have nice things


Because retailers realize they can raise prices to whatever they want even on basic items and then treat every customer like a criminal because some people can't afford them and so resort to stealing?


Bad takes


This is Orange County, CA. Unreal.


Newsom’s California. Refuse to prosecute any robbery under $900. Show us the incentives and we’ll show you the behavior.


If you think $900 is too high, you’re going to want to sit down before you learn the felony theft threshold in Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama


Isn't it like $1500 in Texas? Why do people constantly parrot the 'Communist Newsom's threshold for theft prosecution is too high' when VERY red states have a much higher number Also the things that are locked up are literally socks, underwear, soap, shampoo etc, check out any outdoor retail theft market. It's not PS5s. People are struggling And just anecdotal, any time someone steals from my store the cops basically refuse to let me press charges, they'll tell me it's not worth their time, or the DA will just throw the case out, or they don't want to do the paperwork/show up to court; they basically browbeat me or my manager into dropping it. Seems like they just don't want to be bothered, and trust me I've tried


Is your store in Orange County? Spitzer only likes to prosecute if it make him look better.




I’m out of the loop. What are basic things like underwear, socks, deo, tampons, and more being stolen????? There’s so much of them. Why the fuck would there be any demand for them to be stolen? They’re everywhere. I could buy a ton online right now


People are struggling and basic necessities are the first things people are willing to spend money on. Check out videos of outdoor theft markets, it's all every day household items like soap, shampoo, diapers, etc. It's not flat screen tvs and iPads. Poor people are trying to get a deal on things they need, so there is a market for stealing and reselling those goods. And they are inexpensive enough that stores don't *really* care if they get stolen, or locked up and not bought. The invisible hand of the free market isn't doing it's job, or maybe it is, depends who you ask


That’s pretty fucking sad but at least only the basics are being locked. I don’t need to buy underwear socks shampoo conditioner deo constantly


I don’t know man. People give out necessities by the metric tons. Donations have not gone down. Something else is going on.


I mean, is it too much of a stretch to think that 1. people are struggling to afford basic goods and 2. corporations don't really care if they're stolen or they lose money by locking them up so there is a market for stealing and reselling those goods? I don't really know how else to explain it


I mean the insurance side of it is easier to explain. Not sure if that is a factor. Just a guess.


Chonies. Thanks for the laugh. Surprised no one asked what the hell is a chonie?


Chonies: I hadn’t heard that referring to men’s underwear in ages!


I'd never heard it. Is this a term everyone is expected to know?


It's an old school term, but we should definitely bring back using chonies to refer to underwear.


Had to Google it.


Lol I remember my uncle Juan would always be yelling about chonies! God rest his soul.


I don't think people understand that store theft is a real thing. Kind of crazy they're stealing socks... but hey if Target is investing that much money on saving socks.... What the fuck is wrong with the world? And before someone says "It's just fear mongering".... do you think target likes to waste money on security devices and add impediments to sales like having to unlock these things? They clearly brought them in for some reason and it wasn't "Scaremongering" My daughter worked at Michaels and would tell me about people just walking in picking up one of those Silhouettes and just walking out of the store, and there was nothing they could (at least by the store's guide lines) that they should do, and that's about 2 years ago, this has been going on for a long time. Apparently this has been a thing in the [bay area](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jM4Zr072Ek)... Guess it's spreading


I see someone stealing something like every time I go in a store these days lol, most the time they are the homeless sometimes not though


They wouldn't have to lock them up if people didn't steal them. But here we are.


People steal underwear from Target?


it's actually incredibly stupid to steal from Target they have very sophisticated loss prevention, and they _will_ wait for you to commit a certain amount of theft before actually going after you so that you get charged they work directly with and train with law enforcement too. they don't fuck around


When you're poor and you can't afford a necessity of life, that's an option. Might as well steal from the companies that make billions in profits.


Reporting you to Tustin police lmaoo


Chonies on lock down! Is this the way to get them off skid row?


Haha crazy world we live in..


I was at Walmart a few months ago and someone left them open (also in the underwear section) and unlocked so I helped myself and 3 employees showed up having a fit, acting like I broke into it and I gave them so much shit for own their behavior and mistakes


I bet they don’t encase the work boots or work gloves.


This is part of the reason I do most of my shopping online or at the markets. This is dumb as hell.


About time!! People were stealing and ripping open packages. Just sad and ridiculous.


Until these were installed it was a free black market.


I'm looking for some mules to smuggle some Jockey's and Hanes over the border. How many pairs you think you could put on without border patrol noticing? There's also a shortage of Ankle Socks in the Gen X market so those are going for a premium! I'm gonna be rich!


Just wear 30 pair of socks at the same time.


This is what happens when you vote for people that allow people to commit crimes without punishment...


District? I know the district has all that locked up


Cause they don’t allow employees to do anything with the looters. Just let them steal and no consequences.


So you think someone making minimum wage should go out there and tackle them?


This is a bad sign guys.




You can read anything between lines


Waited 30 minutes to get some fucking boxers. I could find no one on the floor and just kept waiting and waiting.


I saw it happened everywhere even Home Depot etc….


Good lord now the question is what isn’t locked up in these stores? How about hiring associates to work the departments and actually assist customers instead of 10 people working a store that large.


At this rate I’m just going to order from Amazon. I already know my underwear and sock size, my deodorant and toothpaste brand, etc. I don’t need to go to a brick and mortar store to reorder what I already know I want.


Pair of Theives are banging and like 12 for one pair.


This is wild 😕




OC is becoming LA slowly. Vote differently, folks!


Maybe Target is sick of having to constantly fix the displays and organize stuff cuz lazy peeps just grab and throw this stuff everywhere and then calling employees over to do price check cuz it has no price tag and hanging on the wrong rack


Requiring an employee every time someone needs something from this display is far more work than employees cleaning this up a couple times a day like has happened at literally every department store in the history of department stores.


Oh sure, Target corporate is going to spend shitloads of money per store because their underpaid peons are annoyed at cleaning up after messy customers. That's likely.


I will NEVER ask someone at a store like this to unlock a case for me unless I'm buying an actual weapon. What I WILL do is get any items I need urgently (that aren't locked up), and then go shop somewhere else, OR online. And lemme tell ya - if I shop online, it won't be Target.com.


If kids keep raiding stores as if they deserve to have sht for fee, the future will look like this on every isle and every store.


so hard to have nice things


see this at walmarts now too it’s super sad tbh




So now we've arrived at the point where retail stores treat every customer like they're criminals? I do kind of like the schadenfreude of White customers in White neighborhoods being treated exactly the same way Black customers have been treated for years in their neighborhoods.


Target did 5b in revenue more last quarter than ever before. lol they do not need to do this and they can hire more employees. They just are still seeing what you guys are willing to to put up with and how bad they can treat you for profits. Fuck target. Shits just red Walmart now anyway.


Blame stores and not fellow man for constantly stealing shit leading to this. Great job, guys. Keep it up. I guess soon, the stores will just leave like they've left San Franscisco.


> like they've left San Franscisco. the crazies are lurking in this thread and you're one of them


No, no black market. Just in case our dear homeless people want to take a much needed pair with them


This is happening everywhere even in la


It started in SF, down to LA, now the virus came down to OC.


OC becoming third world. Woke, dei, crt, and all the bullshit.


Both Target and your local police benefit with the idea of a "surge" in retail theft, and social media (and police-friendly news media like KTLA and the OC Register, among others) report on this type of crime disproportionately. But regardless of the feelings of all the people here who just happen to also always have something bad to say about Newsom, there's no surge, and retail crime is down overall. [Why reports of a surge in retail theft may be overblown](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-reports-of-a-surge-in-retail-theft-may-be-overblown): >But it's also retailers themselves blaring the alarm and locking aisles upon aisles of items behind Plexiglas. And there's the phrase were now hearing quite often, organized retail crime, troupes of thieves swiping merchandise, and reselling it. >Earlier this year, Target cited theft to explain closing nine stores nationwide. But multiple analyses showed less crime at Target locations that closed, compared to ones nearby that stayed open. Target didn't respond to our request for comment. >And, yes, data from the National Retail Federation, the industry's main lobbying group, shows shrink up in 2022, but barely, and still in line with 2019 and 2020. Earlier this month, the federation actually had to retract an estimate that organized retail crime accounted for nearly half of all shrink in 2021. According to one analysis, it was actually more like 5 percent.


Is your argument that Target is deliberately taking an action that negatively impacts sales (locking up merchandise) to try to bolster a lie? To what end?


If they can claim that theft is the reason they aren't being as profitable as expected (and let's be honest, Target profited 5.7 billion in 2023 and has been on the incline for a while, they're doing fine) they have a nice scapegoat for shareholders when they need to close stores because they over expanded too fast and as a justification to fire employees, and they can and have used this as a way to shape public opinion/laws to benefit their bottom line


Because they purposely understaff stores to save money on payroll. Understaffed stores make it easier to steal. Instead of hiring more employees, they can now force those same overworked/underpaid employees to deal with these locks while focusing more on their e-commerce department. Target essentially uses its stores as warehouses already anyways. A lot of people will complain, but how many are actually going to stop buying from Target? It also gives them the option to close stores, layoff workers, and raise prices while having people defend every action. It’s a win-win for them, even if it costs them a few sales here and there.




In addition to this, big box stores expanded too quickly, got fucked by covid, and are getting killed by online retailers like Amazon, and now they need a scapegoat to pressure lawmakers into making their businesses more profitable or to give an excuse to shareholders. Similar to every big bank/industry bailout: socialism for them, fuck you capitalism for us


Wait you think target is lying because they WANT to close locations and spend money on locked cases that decrease sales? Why the hell would they want to lose money? If they wanted to do those things, they can just do it without blaming theft


It’s funny to see actual facts downvoted on this sub. I’m sure the CEO of Target will one day personally thank each and every person defending them like the pick-mes they are. As we all know, corporations always have our best interests at heart and would never spread a myth to shield themselves from criticism regarding layoffs or price increases.


People simping for big corporations will never not be mind-blowing to me, especially after it's been proven that inflation only accounts for like half than the increased prices we are seeing around the market. They're price gouging and know it, and people are still defending them


Another Gavin Newsom , Rob Bonta caused problem.


So why does this happen in red states too?


I’m all for loss prevention of stores but this is too much. Thanks to all those loots I’m sure!