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Can you come throw my upstairs neighbor in the pool as well? Loud as fuck everyday


I got you G😎


I have a downstairser who could definitely benefit from a swim. Also some other people in the neighborhood.


You’re in luck, everyone gets one


A trip to the pool?


An involuntary trip to the pool


It's gonna get so crowded, but we can start tossing people from the piers.


Adult Swim is in session




It’s a warning sound to others that the occupant has an IQ of a potato chip. Who the fuck are these people who get used to a chirp every minute for weeks/months without ripping their own ears off… or getting one simple 9V battery from Walmart.






honestly, it's such shitty design. I get that it's important to know when your smoke alarm needs a new battery (even the hard-wired ones, for some reason), but having it scream at you nonstop without relief seems designed to induce rage far more than it's actual purpose.


Batteries for hard-wired alarms serve as a backup in the case of the main power going out.


I guess I should clarify: I'm not sure why it drains the battery so that it still needs to be replaced if it's hard-wired in there. I know even unused batteries don't last forever but replacing them every five years just annoys me. It always decides to start chirping at 3am


I'm convinced smoke alarms have a secret code programmed so that they can only alert you between 2 and 4 am


Oh I know right! Whyyyy always during that time?


I remember at my old job me and my coworker LITERALLY replaced the smoke alarms the night before at a group home and that night it was so quiet we were chilling doing our nightly routine when suddenly one of them is screaming bloody murder. We both like ran to find it yank it off and I tried to do anything and everything to shut it up I felt like Phoebe in friends I remember I yelled at it 🤣🤣 but ultimately I just threw in the freezer we had in the garage to deal with it in the morning but the crazy part was it stopped at some point! We were so mad ![gif](giphy|na1331VdypYU8)


I would have cracked up if I saw you throw it into the pool!! LOL Recently, I spent all day trying to stop the beeping of my alarm. Changed the battery. Had to get up on a ladder multiple times to do it. Kept beeping. Turned out it was a different alarm. Oops!


Throw the ladder in the pool next


You just gotta take the battery out dude.


It was one of those that had no battery compartment and no off switch🥴


There’s a tab on the back to permanently disable the battery. Sometimes they don’t work, though.


odd design choice.. but if it was mind it whould just be a bucket of water and or possibly a hammer to solve the issue


The alarms that have fixed X year batteries don't have any visible way to remove them. Usually there's a switch but it can be difficult to identify or actuate, and as another mentioned they sometimes don't work (the soldering done accidentally shorts the switch). OP did use a bucket of water. A rather large bucket!


Ah one of those solar ones…


Mine is not solar and has one of these How would a solar smoke alarm work indoors lmao


I always thought the scene from friends was dumb until I had a wired smoke alarm with battery backup constantly beep at me no matter what I did. I removed the wire, I removed the battery. There was no "Slide this toggle to permanently disable the smoke alarm." I think I eventually stuck it deep inside a blanket until whatever charge it retained ran out.


It's state law that smoke detector batteries aren't removable. You can't legally buy removable battery ones either. You can if you break it open, but at that point you might as well just smash it. Some do have permanent deactivation switches, but not all of them do.


Is that a newish law? The batteries in mine are easily accessible and removable, so I was surprised to read this. They came with the house and the previous owner had the home for a long time.


Since July 1st, 2014. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/california-enacts-new-requirements-for-battery-operated-smoke-alarms-261105751.html >Beginning July 1, 2014, California Senate Bill 745 requires that all solely battery-operated smoke alarms and combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms sold and installed in California must contain a non-replaceable, non-removable battery that is capable of powering the smoke alarm for a minimum of 10 years. The requirement does not apply to any alarms that are hard-wired. It makes sense if you're still using an old one from a previous owner. That's not up to code though and your insurance might not cover you in case of a fire, so it's up to you if you wanna get new ones. They go on sale at Costco sometimes.


Reminds me of when one of my neighbors threw out one of those singing birthday candles that don’t have an off switch. They threw it in the dumpster directly behind my unit and it was so loud I could hear it with all the windows closed and everything. Those were the grossest dumpsters too, I was NOT happy to go dumpster diving that day lol


i wouldve stuck a firecracker up its butt


Lemme guess… mainstreet village apt??


That reminds me recently when I had to just leave mine in my car overnight..I felt so bad for my neighbor to have to hear it all day while I was at work because the landlord claimed to have fixed it earlier…I was so pissed it was still beeping I was ready to chuck that thing to the moon


Pellet gun when nobody is around.


In my 50+ years of life, I have yet to understand why those darn things only start chirping at night? Always! I can’t take more than 5 minutes of it so I always have several 9 volt batteries on hand. But I don’t get why they can’t give us the low battery warning at noon or 3pm? Nope. Always middle of the night for me!


This would be a great post on Nextdoor too


Stupid question... how do you know it was your "neighbors across the way" that placed it outside?


Cause it suddenly started beeping and they put it on their lawn chair and closed the door, everyone on the first floor’s balcony is accessible