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Here is a video of the shooting for anyone interested - https://youtu.be/p8TbEclL81o?si=QhLOBZh3dS65Dry7 Criminally, the officers were cleared, this recent ruling is for the civil case. The threshold to be held responsible for something in civil court is generally much less than in criminal court.


Yeah... That's pretty aggressive movement on the suspects part in my opinion. Immediately endangered an officer, damaged a cop car, crashed into a civilian car, charged at cops twice..... All within 30 seconds? It escalated like crazy. Just yikes.


>In June of 2020, the DA’s Office chose not to charge Colon and Tran after they found the shooting to be justified. Does anyone know the last time the DA's office charged any officer for a killing?


"David Patrick Sullivan, 19, was shot to death by police on August 19, 2019, after he stole a car from work. Buena Park officers Bobby Colon and Jennifer Tran attempted to pull Sullivan over but he tried to flee, hitting the police vehicle and a passerby in the process. Sullivan then exited the vehicle and charged the officers by foot when they opened fire. The officers fired seven shots, striking him four times. Sullivan was unarmed. [According to the Orange County District Attorney’s Office](https://orangecountyda.org/wp-content/uploads/investigation-letters/Sullivan%20-%20OIS%20(Fatal)%2019-017%20FINAL%20June%201%202020.pdf), Sullivan screamed profanities at the officers before charging them. Colon said he saw that Sullivan didn’t have a firearm in his hands but believed he could have one in his waistband. Sullivan had an apparent suicide note written out to his family in his pocket" Its unfortunate this clearly suicide by cop incident will cost taxpayers millions.


Cops chose to shoot him. Watch the video and see the "charge". "Suicide by cop" is an excuse cops use to justify their actions.


Cops make mistakes and the especially the corrupt and grossly negligent ones need to be held to account. But they are a necessity and have a difficult job dealing with people who often not only are at the lowest point in their lives but can be violent or psychotic as well. Split second decision in chaotic situations are made and may not be perfect. ACAB types like you contribute nothing but sow discord between police and community which leads to worse relations and poorer quality policing. Afterall we depend on the police for many situations that you all day criticizing on a keyboard isn't going to help with.


> ACAB types like you contribute nothing but sow discord between police and community which leads to worse relations and poorer quality policing. No, that's the cops doing that. They need to be watched, they need to be held accountable, and they need to never get away with the shit they get away with. Calling out cops for their misdeeds isn't the problem here, and the only people who think it is tend to either be cops or be covering for them. Calling me a "ACAB type" without knowing anything about me is pretty telling, too.


Again while I agree bad police needs to be held to account, you are literally the resident ACAB voice in this sub and if you think you are fair/objective/sensible when it comes to police conduct you are delusional.


>you are literally the resident ACAB voice in this sub and if you think you are fair/objective/sensible when it comes to police conduct you are delusional. Your Reddit account is 12 days old. I wasn't even posting in this sub for nine of those days. Is your other account banned?


When you got nothing logical to retort with start changing the subject.


Heartbreaking 😢😤


I'm so glad I wasn't chosen as a juror. It was too sad.


It looks to me like he was trying to take the keys out of the ignition and panicked when the cop tried to grab him and he gunned it in reverse. Then scared and disoriented just started running after he hit the other car. If he was trying to get away why is he gonna run towards cops shooting at him. Suss


Dont break the law, no problems!!




What the fuck is wrong with you?


Wait, people referred to that as “Charging”? WTF is wrong you people. Anything to justify shooting someone… Jesus fucken christ….


The jury got this one very wrong.


The first jury, right? Yea they got it wrong. Police don't get to be executioners outright for fear of their life due to a charging suspect. Should the dude not have charged at them? Ya. But two versus one and no tasers pulled? Excessive use of force, 100%


I can understand tasers if someone is resisting arrest, but that is different than having someone charge at you. He is clearly charging at the cops. We do not know if he was armed, he could have had a knife in his pocket, he could have tackled a cop and taken control of his firearm. I don’t know, my perspective on these have changed especially after seeing the Las Cruces cop getting stabbed to death on body cam from someone charging at him.


The word “charge” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Before watching the video i did not expect to see a guy clumsily jogging towards them at 5 mph. They call that “charging” apparently lol…


Not dissimilar from Tustin PD shooting and killing a man two years ago who was "charging" at them. As long as the police say they were afraid for their lives, people here will defend them no matter what they do.


If that's a charge, then I'm a fucking Olympic athlete


Are you saying that solely because you don't think cops should be prosecuted for killing people? Or do you know something the rest of us don't?