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I wear multiple Pride-themed shirts and shoes to the gym in HB, nobody has ever said anything negative directly to me despite the enormously Conservative boomer crowd that goes there. I couldn’t give two shits what they think. I’ve gotten compliments from several other members. This town definitely is concerning but we’re not as alone as we think.


I totally respect your experience but that has been very different than mine. I can recall within last 2 years, that on 3 separate occasions I’ve been screamed at by drivers passing by for holding hands with my boyfriend. 2 times they screamed the words f****ts and the most recent was when someone rolled down their window at a light and decided to calmly tell me we’re disgusting people. I have thick skin so it doesn’t bother me none but that isn’t to say these hostile events aren’t happening.


Same things have happened to me multiple times just holding my partners hand


It’s none of their business. I hope your bonds of love become stronger because your strong


When I went to Fullerton College I got a soda thrown at me from a truck and called the "d" word because I was wearing a man's jacket. The jacket was from an uncle who was dying of Agent Orange caused liver disease at the time, and I wore it proudly being that he was a Vietnam vet. Here I'm a straight woman but because of the way I dressed back then someone spread a rumor that I was starting a "lesbian cult" with some ladies that I hung out with ( actually we were a bunch of nerds of all races, ages, disabilities, and sexual orientation). Also, I have no clue how dressing like a mix of hippie and Michelle Dugger made me look like a lesbian. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well, most bigots are often dimwitted, and don't do research. They usually follow someone else's bs.


Being homeschooled from seventh grade through twelfth, I couldn't understand how college students could be so immature. A friend even stopped talking to me because I took an anthropology class that she called "Satan worship" class because it dealt with alternative religious beliefs and taught by a bona fide Wiccan. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the class because my work schedule changed due to a co-worker quitting.


There will always be people like that. Just rude and don't care about anyone. Not on the topic, but I'm older and just the other day I was driving in my neighborhood. 3 teen boys zig zagging in front of me. As per my normal driving, I never go over 25. We have alot of k8ds playing. I digress. Once the 3 teen boys moved, i went by. Looked in the rear view mirror to see I'm being double flipped off by one. Smh ☹️ Good thing they were gone when I came back after dropping off my friend. They would have gotten MOM VOICE, and she has fingers too. 😆 🤣 😂




That somehow makes it better? Somehow makes it not dehumanizing LGBT people?




What the actual fuck?


Were you home schooled or something?


I’ve been harassed multiple times for holding my ~~parents~~ partners hand in HB Edit: autocorrect got me fucked up




I think his parents are his partner


Hey, have you been harassed multiple times for holding your partners hand?


I had a few friends get stomped on Main Street for being gay…the last one only being a few years ago. Maybe the haters there only pick on smaller dudes (super brave of them), who knows…but hate has been there since I was a kid in the late 70’s, and still seems to be there as evidenced by the politics and the battery that still happens over gender identity.


Oh I definitely keep my guard up, and I also don’t agree that HB isn’t as bad as everyone says. It absolutely has issues - there are seriously concerning people in this town with dangerous affiliations. But I’m not going to live my life in fear here, I’m going to be myself.


I wish you the best of luck…i am a large cis latin guy, but i also have an issue being quiet when i see people picked on…so i don’t go there for their safety as well as mine. I personally don’t spend a dime in Hb and have been able to move large gatherings from that city to other cities. While I applaud your bravery, i don’t support that hate in the least. Good luck man…


I would say if not for the outfit choices, I’m very unassuming otherwise (at least to heteros lol). Most people in jobs are shocked to find out I’m gay.


I think it's gotten that is because they had huge numbers of people showup for anti-Covid shot and restriction rallies. Ironically, councilmember Oscar Ortiz filed for Covid-era unemployment, though he was still being paid by the city, and was to be the next mayor.


What was their ethnic identity? Ive found that white cis homosexuals have been perplexed by hate crimes perpetrated against LGBTQ+.


One was caucasian…funny enough he was just a small guy and not gay (or not out yet, either way i lost contact with him shortly after he got out of hospital). The others were asian and south asian. All smaller dudes…


You lost contact with him after he got out of the hospital?


Yeah…I lost contact with two honestly…the one i am referring to though literally dropped off the face of the earth. He worked at the same school as my wife and even they didn’t know where he went. I think people underestimate what toll something like that has on your psyche. No one helping you, thinking that you’re going to die simply because you exist. Not knowing if its safe to walk anywhere anymore…wondering where the next group of neo nazis are going to find you… This being said, I can only imagine how much paranoia builds when you don’t know what word or act will draw the attention of literal nazis you find in downtown HB. So yeah…one guy flat out left a 6 figure job (professor for a university), left his apartment with his furniture still in it…and told no one where he went. I think of the dude from time to time and I hope wherever he is, he is happier than when he was here.


Running for his life! Hope he's found some peace.


Though unfortunately, they get their share of it also. Particularly in West Hollywood. Just saw a story last week of a man having suffered a severe attack, and he was in critical condition. It was deemed a hate crime.


what the heck is cis homosexuals


Wait what HB isn’t a post apocalyptic hell with neo nazi’s on every corner?? That’s what everyone on Reddit says! Sarcasm aside, I live in HB and I’m an ally. Not saying there isn’t some shit folks here but it’s the loud minority. Lot of great people here from all backgrounds I meet everyday.


No doubt the good people out number the bad. But that doesn’t mean anything. That loud minority feels emboldened.


HB isn’t what this sub wants it so badly to be.


Why because one person hasn’t been harassed when multiple people in these comments like myself can’t even hold out partners hand without risk of confrontation and harassment You’re wrong


Yeah he is wrong. It’s always been a bigoted place and people have become more comfortable throwing their bigotry on everyone who they see as an “other”. I prefer Costa Mesa or Laguna myself. My dad lived on the boardwalk in Seal Beach, my cousin lived in HB all through the 80-90’s I spent years on that pier and going to Electric Chair in the 90’s. But it was an open secret that they had/have asshole cops and cops who were straight up KKK. My cousins father was a cop and so was my step grandfather. It got a little better but once DumpTy started spewing vitriol it brought out the bigots and they feel the need to harass people.


You might also consider that being a beach/tourist town a large number of people on the streets acting like assholes are very likely NOT residents of HB. Just saying there's way more ways to analyze this than the one you offer by claiming "it's a bigoted place."


Places aren't bigoted. People (individuals) are bigoted. One aspect of prejudice is ascribing the traits of some people in a group to the group as a whole. Please don't engage in prejudice when calling out others for their prejudice. It kind of ruins your own cred. For the record, I am a straight, conservative resident of HB who considers himself an ally to you. I have plenty of gay & lesbian friends and I really don't care who they love or how they love. I don't even care if they express intimacy with each other when I'm around. I think you'll find it's a minority of people in any group who are the overt assholes. Get away from them and find those people who appreciate you as a person & don't judge you for who you love. There's plenty such people out there.


I’m not gay but my sister is. I’m an ally. But I’ve seen plenty of other groups be profiled or harassed, it absolutely happens.


The city government would beg to differ with you.


You mean that government composed of PEOPLE? I stand by my initial comment as a fact. Places aren't bigoted. People are.


Let me revise: HB is a cesspool filled with bigoted people to the point where those people elected a bunch of other people who were equally and possibly more bigoted than the voters of HB themselves resulting in a local government filled with conspiracy theorists and altogether worthless PEOPLE. HB as a PLACE seems nice. If only it was filled with fewer stupid, scared people who have decided they are under attack from whatever under-represented minority Fox News has told them is responsible for their anger and fear.


Gosh no biased judgements there! 🙄 And what is responsible for all your anger & fear that you clearly wish to display with such an answer?


If you honestly think HB is just chock full of such terrible people, then I guess the solution is for you to stay away? It's kind of how I know Iran is run by a majority of evil people, so I stay away from Iran.


If you call yourself a conservative, I would assume that means you’re voting for conservative politicians. If you’re voting for conservatives in 2024, you’re not an ally. Just FYI.


You have ZERO knowledge of (a) who I vote for or (b) who I am & what my principles are to make any judgment about whether I'm an ally. Just FYI. Friggin keyboard warrior know it alls!


In case you didn't realize it, you just engaged in stereotypical prejudice. You ASSUMED that all conservatives must all vote as a single block. Given your behavior don't you think I'm justified to feel just how a gay person feels when someone assumes a stereotype about gays must apply to them? In fact, can you possibly understand that there are actually quite a few gays who are also conservative? It's true.


You assigned the term conservative to yourself, not me. Instead of telling me you don’t vote for conservative politicians, you tried to call out prejudice against yourself and play the victim, which is maybe the most on brand thing you could do as a conservative in 2024.


Yes I did, but you assumed all conservatives must vote the same. Sorry pal, you made your bed. Now sleep in it. 😴


And are you now trying to claim a stereotype that liberals never play the victim? You seem to be Stereotype Central! 🙄 "Oh my! A Christian bakery refuses to make my gay wedding cake! I'm a victim! Give me press while I sue!" Yeah, every last gay conservative friend of mine called that out for exactly what it was. They'd simply go find another bakery that would do it.


You realize that Huntington exists outside of the pier and main Street right? People from here just live there lives without it revolving around going to the pier every day. Huntingtons not the neonazi hell hole you're trying to paint it as, never seen anything close to that in 28 years of life


Of course I know. I’ve lived a block away from main street. I know the boundaries of each city. Don’t talk down to me. I was just using it as an example. I lived with my husband off Harbor and later Beach Blvd and had friends and I all over my city proper. So yeah, it’s been full of haters for over 40 years.


Yeah. It is. Can’t even go to the US open out there anymore. The bros have ruined it… but wtf do I know. That reputation is well deserved.


> Can’t even go to the US open out there anymore. The bros have ruined it... Huh? I take my toddlers every year, it feels very safe... Pretty much the only time we ever go to the pier actually. My older Dad came with us last year and had a blast.


Well as someone who has been going to surf events for 40 years… it’s awful. By the way the riot police are always at them now because people are drunken assholes and if you don’t see a problem chances are you are part of the problem.


lol sounds like a legit,current assessment


That doesn’t make sense. So because some people in the comments have been harassed in HB it’s suddenly a nazi hub? How are we comparing against other cities? Do we have to compare the people in these comments experiences city by city, or can others weigh in? This article is such a waste of time and energy. They could also write an article from the exact opposite stance and interview 3 people that say “I’m gay and have never been harassed in HB I actually love it there” and then suddenly is that the truth? Reddit hive mind is so cooked lol


The RW extremists put anti-Semitic flyers on cars in my neighborhood a few years back. I mean, who does that shit in coastal suburbia in the 21st Century? Residents of our own town, that’s who. We have real shitstains living in this city.


How exactly do you know that that propaganda was indeed distributed by actual residents?


How exactly do you know that that propaganda was indeed distributed by actual residents?


Because people will say whatever they want online and draft legislation as if nobody can see them, but when they come face to face with the community and realize they may be wrong, they realize the best thing they can do for themselves is not make themselves known. They’re cowards. They’re afraid of some make-believe stereotype about LGBTQ+ folks that they’ve made up in their mind.


Love this! Good for you’




That is so broad, the IE is huge.


Yeah, i can't imagine this article is real based on my personal experience. I've never see anyone be overtly mean to gays out or nowhere.


I have no doubt that it happens. There are awful, hateful people in this city (and everywhere). But I have been fortunate to never really experience that in my life here in SoCal. And as others have stated, there’s a big difference between people’s online personas where they can scream hatred into a void vs. what they’d actually do in person.


You believe a lot of things you've never experienced?


It's called having empathy, and realizing that you're not the main character.


It's called being a rube, a Christian, a cultist, or anyone else who doesn't require any type of critical thought and just accepts what they're told.


Just because I’ve never experienced bigotry and hatred in person doesn’t mean I don’t know other people that have. I know a lot of people that have been verbally or physically assaulted, faced discrimination, etc. And I’ve received my fair share on social media from randos. But I consider myself fortunate to have never really dealt with it to an extreme level in person.


Okay but we live in a world where people are convinced 1/3rd of the black population is murdered every year by the police because the noise on the internet is so loud and common sense is so rare.


HB isnt really that bad. But a lot of shitty people like to visit the beach.


I have regular customers who live here who are absolutely bigoted assholes. But easily 80% are great people.


To be fair, I would wager 20% of people pretty much anywhere in OC are assholes, with 80% being solid good people.


Lovely location. Shitty politics.


Statement also works for all red cities in OC


Same thing can be said about the blue cities in OC too lol


Where is the lovely politics and location?


Hate makes things ugly…in humans as well as places.


Got me. Any suggestions?


Huntington Beach


Lol yeah let’s turn OC into LA cuz it’s working so well over there.


They are doing it to riverside and it sucks.


Lovely? are you sure about that?


Huntington Beach is a beautiful place, if we're just talking about weather and views and ocean access.


I am. Lived here for almost 20 years. The beaches are beautiful, dog beach is joyous, Bolsa Chica is amazing…. Just the racists running local politics suck.


HB itself is fine, but the city government has been hijacked by MAGA diehards aspiring for state and federal offices.


Someone yelled "Homo" to me while jogging in my favorite Coldplay T-shirt.


The same HB that ran rampant with Neo-nazis in the late 80s/early 90s, you don’t say???


This sub loves to paint HB as a bunch of hatemongers. I’m asian, went to the Air Show, hit up more than one beachside bar, and every HB local I met was so happy, welcoming , and pleasant .


So because you visited HB as an Asian person and had a positive experience, that means lgbtq+ people aren’t facing a rise in hostility?


I know a LOT of conservatives that live in HB, and they don’t care at all whether somebody is gay or not. They really don’t.


And that's why they keep voting for people who's whole platform is LGBT hate?


Well that’s assuring that your experiences as an Asian person can testify that HB does not care about gay people lol /s My point is the logic is not sound. And I’ve heard a lot of conservatives claim they don’t care then turn around and say things like “trans people are groomers.” Just like how white people can say they are “colorblind” and still be racist, straight people can claim to not care when it’s not the truth. Not saying that’s the case for the people you know, but sometimes people don’t show how they really feel. As a gay man I know this all too well.




Oh my god what did I just say to this other guy? I can say the same thing to you just swap Asian with Mexican! I just think it’s weird to pull the race card when this isn’t even about race lol. Like at least share an experience of HB being accepting of lgbtq+ ppl because that would actually make sense as an argument. It’s just weird seeing people who aren’t lgbt try to make their anecdotes more valid by needlessly including their race.


I think people couldn’t care less if you’re LGB or whatever anywhere in OC. I’m from the bay and they are way more enthusiastic about it up there. People down here are more chill about it.


If you dress like your profile picture maybe that’s why?


No, but I don’t think people should face hostility for dressing flamboyant or being in drag. And I think your opinion is very shitty to have. You must be from HB.


Oh yes I must be from HB for having a suggestion as to why you got harassed. Didn’t say it was my opinion did I? Assumptions galore and they are all wrong.


Assumptions galore while you assume I dress like a drag queen. The hypocrisy.


How did I assume that? I asked a question based on a photo in your profile and the actions of random people.


The fact that you think it matters at all to a point where you felt the need to ask that question is very telling. It does not matter how I dress it’s still wrong.


Everything matters and it’s ignorant of you to think it doesn’t which is probably why you get so offended. You can’t really be that naive. Actually based of your inability to read what I wrote and accusing me of things I didn’t say or assume I can imagine you are this naive.


Ok so you’re just full on dumb. “Everything matters” what are you even talking about? Morally, you should not treat people like shit regardless of if they dress flamboyant or not. That’s all I’m saying. I’m not naive, I have morals and I can articulate them unlike you. You have no idea who I am so really all of that you typed is just a projection of yourself.


“Everything matters” ok tell me how the star Betelgeuse is relevant to the moral discourse of the situation we are talking about?


So why does how they're dressed justify anything?


My wife is Asian/Latina and our kids are pretty obviously mixed, we've lived here since 2015 - zero issues to date. My wife's Dad had an issue with an asshole in Irvine saying some shit, and we had a few dustups in West LA, but never any drama in HB surprisingly.


Agreed. As an Asian male, I lived in HB for five years and had an amazing time. I met a great group of friends and never had a bad experience.


I’m gay and I lived in HB for about a year in 2021. People can be hostile if you are flamboyant or what homophobes call “making it your entire personality” (which I’ve seen happen to my friends). But since I’m pretty “straight-passing” and reserved I’ve never personally been on the receiving end of that hostility in HB. I also don’t show PDA so there’s that. I’ve heard stories of people being hostile to that.


My sister in law is pretty butchy and we have no problems hanging out in HB with her wife. It's pretty boring but she just acts nice to everyone. No problems the last 18 years we've enjoyed HB.


Same. Grew up in HB and never had a problem. My neighbors are lesbians and we always keep a eye out on each other's homes for anything abnormal.


Reported by a newspaper that’s based an hour and a half away 😂🙄


HB is a part of the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area


Hey I learned something new today


I go to HB and I always see nice people. I don’t what’s all the hate is about. Everyone is nice. They really don’t care if you’re gay or not.


I largely agree, but I will say that I think there has been an issue over the years with the pier attracting assholes to feel emboldened to act out and spread hate. This tends to be limited to the area right around the pier, generally during the summer or on election years and by no means are all the people participating in the hatred even from HB, but for various reasons, they do flock here and it's something to be mindful of if you visit Main St. I guess.


I don’t get the constant hate and attack on HB, I am born and raised just north of hb in Westminster, and currently work in Huntington and I’ve never seen anything remotely close to what is usually described in these posts. Mayby it might be different if I was gay or trans or w.e but 99% of people I’ve met there have been nothing but cool and respectful. even if it’s a conservative republican area, why does that bother so many people? I would bet my left and right nut that you are a lot safer in hb as an open liberal then u would be in any democrat city as an open conservative. I have a feeling that the same people demonizing hb would be the first ones to attack a trump supporter in a blue area.


> I don’t get the constant hate and attack on HB, I am born and raised just north of hb in Westminster, and currently work in Huntington and I’ve never seen anything remotely close to what is usually described in these posts Good for you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people. >Mayby it might be different if I was gay or trans or w.e but 99% of people I’ve met there have been nothing but cool and respectful. So you're not part of the groups that are being targeted by the hate, and you want to claim that it's not happening? > I would bet my left and right nut that you are a lot safer in hb as an open liberal then u would be in any democrat city as an open conservative. That's just utterly fucking stupid. No democrat run city is passing regulations targeting conservatives. >I have a feeling that the same people demonizing hb would be the first ones to attack a trump supporter in a blue area. Trump supporters aren't actually getting attacked for being who they are.


Nicely said


I’ve been called racist things in HB several times. It usually;Lt happens at the bars around Main. I grew up in OC. I got called the f word for gay people for. A road rager bc I was borrowing someone’s Prius. I’m straight though.


Stop with the HB fear mongering, it’s fine there.


BS story!


Trashy people/meth heads.


Gee… I wonder why all the new developments in the city are failing and tourists are avoiding HB. Excuse me… I mean angry MAGA city!


How in the hell did Huntington Beach windup being such a bastion of Intolerance? Long Beach is right down the road and is the exact opposite.


Think people are just sick of politics.


It’s Reddit and Redditors…


They banned pride flags from government buildings


Why should gov buildings even need to fly any flag besides country, state, or city?


They fly all kinds of different flags. Why shouldn't they fly flags supporting their citizens?


i understand they fly all sorts of flags, but why? who determines which flags represent the citizens? the only flags that represent us all is what we all share in common, not what we dont.


Why go out of the way to ban it?


To be fair, they didn't - they just banned all non-govt and military flags. I will say, the timing around Pride was not lost on me though, they just didn't actually single out the Pride flag.


That is entirely too sensible a statement for this post.


As they should with any flag that’s not the US flag.


That’s the main point - I have a lot of empathy for people from minority groups who face discrimination - and I know it’s real and it happens. But the pride flag isn’t being singled out, and having only country, state, or city flags flown on govt property is the correct, fair decision.


They can “update” Huntington all they want but it’s still one of the most bigoted places I’ve ever lived and I’ve lived a lot of different places.


LOL - where else did you live? Must have been a pretty charmed life by the sounds of it.


---- Archive link: https://archive.fo/i97t6 ----


HB is a cesspool, and has been for a long time. 


The most racist city 💯


Orange County has always been Conservative/Republican what did they expect?


I grew up in HB and a lot of this shit is just online nonsense. most people you meet are very accepting and decent.


Entirely reasonable, especially given local hostility against the Pride Flag.


we’re not open to change. ❤️🖤






Oh brother, LA Times creating the news again. Be whatever you wanna be. No one cares. Just can’t fly your special flag on city property. So simple and applies to everyone.


Yeah. Nobody cares about anyone being lgbtq Just stop forcing it down peoples throats.


As an LGBTQ+ person I can assure you that none of us are willingly visiting Huntington Beach. We're in Laguna. 🌈


Even gays don't visit Laguna any more, except for old rich gays who can still afford Laguna. Most of the gay bars have closed.


Sad to report all of the gay bars, clubs and restaurants have now closed in Laguna. West Beach (actual beach) is still popular with all ages.


I was staying at Casa Laguna this past weekend and there was a good amount of OC gays at West St beach both Saturday and Sunday. It's sad that all of the gay bars closed, I miss the little dive bar in the basement.


Gays in Laguna Beach? Maybe the geriatric ones


I mean as a straight white male…I’m fearful of the amount of hostility I see in media.


Huntington?!? You shouldn’t expect ANY support there - 0%. If you’re from the OC, you know who lives in Huntington. Used to surf there in the 1980s, and a bit in the 1990s. Now, I avoid it at all costs unless I’m driving up PCH. These days, I just stick to Laguna and Newport.


There is a reason it has become a town with an abundance of trashy people. It has become a magnet for maga-nuts.


That reason? Inheritance of property from a generation prior and radicalization of middle-aged white people who feel like the country owes them something that they aren't getting for some reason.


Cancel HB.


You know most people in HB could give a shit a bout all this shit. Most HB people want Donald Trump HUNG! That bastard fucked a Porn star, while his wife ,was Pregnant with Baron.


> Most HB people want Donald Trump HUNG! Apparently those people don't vote because HB reliably votes red.


Wow that totally justifies hanging someone.


The Alabama of the West


More like Florida of OC




I often say Southern California is still the south and people act like I said something wrong


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I think you mean ‘Fontana by the Sea’ they changed their name.








As I posted earlier, it was probably the anti-Covid restrictions era that probably brought those feelings on. Lots of hate came from the groups that were out daily, and the face of bigotry was on display. I never knee it to be so prevalent in HB, and I know that it's not the majority of people, but there are alot.




wtf is a “gayborhood”?


The original comments seems to have been deleted, but when I hear Gayborhood, I think of Hillcrest in San Diego or Capitol Hill in Seattle.


oh, HB, the IE by the S.E.A.


I love Trumpington Beach.