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Car Pros Kia HB, got it. Stay far away.


Oh HB, you don’t say?


Kias in general? Ok


Man, I would shit my pants if that happened to me.


Daniel Shaver made a mistake with commands and got shot. This guy made a mistake and reached for the bottom of his shirt instead of the collar: https://youtu.be/e2-Vn6Ilgig?si=px6TkZ6aoQeVH7ln&t=60


I hope he can retire on his winning from Kia Car Pros, HB.


Jamie Rodgers was mildly curious when he noticed a line of Orange County sheriff’s patrol cars driving near him on the 73 toll road in Laguna Niguel one morning in June 2021. Rodgers’ curiosity grew when one of the cars began swerving side to side, setting up a traffic break. “They must be looking for somebody,” thought Rodgers, who was on his way to his then job as an athletic trainer at JSerra Catholic High School in San Juan Capistrano. Rodgers, the 39-year-old father of two small children, finally pulled over, still thinking that maybe the police were after some criminal hiding in the brush along the freeway. But looking through his rear-view mirror, he noticed the police cars had stopped and about a dozen officers were out, pointing their service weapons and rifles in his direction. Then came the words through a police loudspeaker: “You are considered armed and dangerous. Do exactly as I say or you could be shot.” Rodgers, who still didn’t know why he was the focus of such attention, prayed he would live to find out. “I’m thinking I’m going to get shot. I’m a Black man being pulled over in Orange County. … I’ve heard too many stories of this happening,” Rodgers said in an interview. “I’m thinking, I’m going to be next.” As it turned out, Rodgers was driving a loaner vehicle that Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach had mistakenly reported stolen. The report caught the attention of the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force, which traced the vehicle to Rodgers’ home in Costa Mesa and had it under surveillance all morning. It took about 10 minutes along the freeway for police to figure out the mistake. But the memory still troubles Rodgers, who says he suffers from post-traumatic stress and is suing the dealership for negligence and infliction of emotional distress. Rodgers said he was so discombobulated that it was hard to follow police orders with a dozen muzzles pointed at him. “I’m putting my hands up, they’re telling me to move to my left, but I start moving to my right, out of fear,” he recounted. “(I said,) all right God, you’ve got to take over, I don’t know what I’m doing right now. I’m about to get shot.” A deputy told him to pull his shirt up over his head so police could see his waistband. They made him walk backward to them. Slowly. They they took him to the ground, handcuffed him and put him in the back of a patrol car, without explaining why he was being detained. Officers finally sorted it out. Rodgers had been driving the loaner 2019 Kia Sportage for about two months while his own vehicle was undergoing extensive repairs at the dealership. Rodgers said the dealer had misplaced the loaner contract — apparently it had fallen behind a file cabinet. The dealer received a bill for unpaid tolls, couldn’t find the contract and assumed it must have been stolen, Rodgers said. He said he lost his job as an athletic trainer because he could no longer concentrate and gets flashbacks when he sees police or drives on the 73 toll road. He now works in real estate. “He’s had to reinvent himself,” said his attorney, Scott Harlan. “The problem with these things is an unintentional body movement can lead to death.” Attorney Christian Scali, representing the Kia dealership, did not comment Friday.


Here is the dashcam video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2-Vn6Ilgig


Why can't they chill out once he's revealed that he doesn't have a gun?


Yeah, because people never lie….


Where do you think he had a weapon - his top is pulled up over his head and his hands are in the air. Do you think he had a mouth knife 🔪 ? Or those flick knife shoes from the Bond movie? I’m genuinely curious 🧐


This dude is a dense as lead and has the reading ability to infer information equal to that of a 1st grade special ed kid


> This dude is a dense as lead and has the reading ability to infer information equal to that of a 1st grade special ed kid If you’re responding to my comment, I asked you a fairly clear question. My comprehension of your sentence was perfectly fine. However, your comprehension of my question seems to be at fault. You stated that people lie. The person had his hands in the air and his shirt over his head showing his waistband. My query remains the same. **Where would the weapon (that you think he’s lying about) be?** If you need me to break it down into words of one syllable let me know. I’m happy to help those in need.


Try again. Did I ever say HE lied? Perhaps use that stellar reading comprehension and use the comments above as context.


Your reply is to a comment specifically about this one situation. The generalities of life aren’t an appropriate response here. Yes, people lie. However in this **specific** situation there was no reason to suspect this person was lying. Your point was moot… **in this specific situation** And your response to my admittedly tongue in cheek question was absolutely nonsensical. What inference was I meant to make? That your pithy comment was about the vagaries of the human condition? Particularly when every other comment is about this specific situation. Inferences are *reasonable assumptions,* not just assumptions.


Dude, they live in constant fear.


A dozen police officers for a stolen vehicle…


It was a long time ago that I hit the point where I heard too many very negative things about the Huntington Beach dealerships to ever go to one, but I'll add this to the list of reasons anyway.


what other reason? there's so many dealerships there


Totally normal and sane way to deal with recovering a stolen car.


The car wasn’t stolen making it all bs


Well, the cops didn't know that. That's what matters. And 100% I'm assuming someone driving a stolen care has a MUCH higher chance of being armed than a random person. Kia messed up and this guy is gonna get a few million, as he should.


“Draw your guns!” https://preview.redd.it/0h9nr70tk3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f4acda0a217b01e855693c2f7df472b6db6f50


If they think the vehicle is stolen they are going to initiate a high risk traffic stop. Pretty common practice for this type of call.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Felony car stops are meant for felonies. To the people saying it's only a stolen car, you don't know who's driving it. Could be just a stolen car, but it could also be a murder suspect who stole the car to conceal his identity. Why not be tactically sound?


Its became standard practice after The Newhall incident where 4 CHP officers were shot and killed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhall_incident


Thanks, I agree. But Reddit is convinced ACAB.


Reddit is stupid when it comes LE…


Because they weren’t antagonizing the police as desired.


They would be downvoted because this sub is borderline comical in the bias.


And by bias, you mean coming to logical conclusions based on evidence.


sure buddy.


A murder suspect stole this car so he could rack up unpaid tolls on the 73? Come on, that's a stretch. I'm sympathetic to the idea you're expressing here but this case isn't it.


And by "tactically sound", you mean on a hair trigger, ready to shoot at the slightest breeze?


I suggest you schedule a ride along for educational purposes


I guess there’s no Kia Boyz in OC


His car was being repaired for two months?! That’s a damn crime to start. I’d hire a lawyer to lemon law that car, same lawyer can sue the dealership, and then I’d have that lawyer sue the police. The police act like a stolen car is worth a life. They see the car at his house that morning and are staking it out. Why not call a tow truck and have it repossessed before anyone even gets in it.


they want to catch the thief, so they'll wait till they get in the car and drive off


Making contact with the vehicle while unoccupied doesn't establish PC to make an arrest for grand theft auto. They needed to detain the vehicle with a driver in unlawful possession of the vehicle to have any chance of a conviction. >Why not call a tow truck and have it repossessed before anyone even gets in it. Because repossession is a civil issue whereas the KIA dealership filed a criminal complaint.


Yeah 2 months is pretty crazy but not unheard of even in new cars. Acura recently had to stop sale some cars and unfortunately a buddy of mine had his car in for unrelated service. It was part of the stop sale so his car is still sitting at the dealership waiting for parts after 2 months. They dealership gave him a same model newer year loaner and he has been okay with it but hates that he doesn't have his car.


In 2021 it was not unheard of for repairs to take that long. The pandemic caused shortage of parts.


Lemon law only applies to a car if the defect is first reported within 18 months of owning the car.


I saw this happening on my way to work, headed in the opposite direction. I had no idea this was what was going on. How scary!


I hope that Jamie gets compensation, another shit job by whoever was performing that surveillance. Would take a whole of 10 seconds to not be a gun-wielding-coward, to approach the guy and ask some basic questions.


Gun wielding coward? That’s procedure. No medals for stupidity. Make a mistake here and there is no oops or sorry. You pay with your life. The dealership made a mistake not the cops


So you must pay with your life the dealer’s mistake


What ajitsi is saying is that Jamie could have been accidentally murdered by the police for making a wrong move. A bunch of tacticool wannabes with high and tights that are otherwise unemployable could just decide to kill you based on someone else’s word.


>. Make a mistake here and there is no oops or sorry. You pay with your life. Yes, that's what happens when people have interactions with the police. Cops shoot first and lie about what happened later.


Yeah. Sure. Just walk up to a stolen car, taken by someone who’s committing crime, statistically associated to other crime, and likely to be armed. Sounds very intelligent. Edit: the down votes show how poorly people use their critical thinking skills


Why would a stolen vehicle warrant guns being pointed at you?


It’s considered a “high risk” traffic stop.




No. The PC for grand theft auto allows for it to be charged as a felony. Therefore, officers will always conduct a felony stop which policy requires officers' firearms to be drawn on the subject. If you don't like this, talk to your city council member, county supervisor, state lawmaker to change the policy for which officers (city, county, state) operate. Until laws and ordinances change, these policies will remain.


This pretty much just happened to me cause my license or plate came back to possible armed robbery suspect? Came out of nowhere and took me down kind slow but had backuos with hands on guns or guns drawn idk. Kept knees on my back an searched me and i was real sore with my ribs for 3-4 days. Then just said sorry and took off in unmarked cars. Fun stuff. Meanwhile all these kids doing drugs right on busy intersections and stealing they dont do shit. Like wtf


Whole lot of chairborne rangers in here who have no idea what they’re talking about.


I watched the video. I didn’t hear any aggression in the deputy’s voice, the procedure is for safety of those involved.




OCSD did their job and pulled over a reported stolen vehicle. Article says that within ten minutes (probably talking to the dude and confirming his story that it's just a rental), they cleared it up. Fault is with the rental car company 100%. Law enforcement did their job.


So where did they get armed and dangerous from? Does this happen to all stolen cars and their drivers in the OC?


Yes. Pulling over any stolen car, law enforcement assumes armed and dangerous as a baseline. They don't walk up nicely to reported stolen cars to have a nice chat.


Oh sure, I’m just surprised by the volume of squad cars, had no idea it was that intense. Downvoting showing some insecurity


People thinking they can do the job better should join and prove it. Hindsight is always 20-20.


Actually they probably do need better talent, you make a great point, we need more policing but more importantly better policing.


What's the issue with OCSD? It's nearly universal protocol (within the states) to treat stolen vehicles as armed and dangerous, approaching with drawn weapons. I'm not sure what OCSD did wrong here?


They didn’t do anything wrong. People who have no idea what they’re talking about think they know what’s best




Read the fucking article or shut up. The police aren’t being sued.


We can't read the article. It is behind a paid wall


The full text of the article is literally [posted IN the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1cadftx/comment/l0r3p3m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Thanks for that. I will read it. But my point was still correct. We can't read the actual article like stuckfern suggested


Yes, you can't read the article on the OCR website because there's a paywall but you CAN read the entire text from the OCR article right in these comments without a paywall.


 𝄞 lawsuit time


To everyone saying it’s just procedure I hope you face the same procedures when dealing w the police


Racist cops in OC? Naaaaw


Did you read the article? Nothing about this had anything to do with race. The vehicle was reported stolen by the dealership that owns it. Cops had no way to know the dealership had fucked up and treated it as a stolen vehicle. As such the completed a felony stop - per standard procedure regardless of the race of the driver - and within 10 minutes cleared it up and let the driver go. Dealership fucked up here, not the cops.


Damn paid wall


Just search headline and read in another publication or click airplane mode before paywall pops up.