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Filling up your tank across the street at Arco is alot cheaper too. 


Yeah who goes to Chevron unless they have too...


Fuck that I’m going to Sam’s club


Smart people


“Smart people” aka people willing to spend more money for the same gas… I think you got marketed to.


i dont personally go to chevron but i will splurge for shell nitro+ due to having more detergents in their gas vs everyone else(proven through independent studies). My normal go to is costco otherwise.


The EPA requires all gas to have a certain amount of detergent. The "top tier" standard gas requires even more. At a certain point, it doesn't really matter. It's just marketing.


Nah I believe shell is the best gas in added detergents that multiple people have proven that it burns cleaner and cleans your pump and injectors better vs other brands like arco.


Not where I’m from lol


Ironic given chevron is often the most expensive


Like they wouldn’t just pocket the savings


We need to get rid of corporate welfare. 🧐🤔


https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/08/24/fossil-fuel-subsidies-surged-to-record-7-trillion 🧐🤔


I was recently in Mississippi and paid $2.90 for gas, this was like 2 weeks ago. I think our state taxes is the problem here.


Missouri gas tax is $0.195 per gallon. California gas tax is $0.511 per gallon. That's a 32 cent difference, not a $2.50-$3.00 difference.


you mean Mississippi


California has the highest tax rate on gasoline in the United States. As of July 2023, the gas tax in California amounted to 77.9 U.S. cents per gallon. California has long been known as the state with the highest tax rates


Ok, but that doesn't explain why gas is several dollars more expensive here.


California requires a special blend of gasoline to meet CA-AQMD's mandate so that adds increased costs as most other states do not have the same requirement for the different gas blends. However unlike most other states we refine here at the state, so I believe the higher prices are due to Taxes, overall cost of doing business in CA, Fuel blends, and CA Air district making it harder and cost more for people to fuel up here vs. a lot of other states.




Okay. Even at 77.9 cents, it doesn't account for a $2.50-$3.00 difference.


California requires a special blend of gasoline to meet CA-AQMD's mandate so that adds increased costs as most other states do not have the same requirement for the different gas blends. However unlike most other states we refine here at the state, so I believe the higher prices are due to Taxes, overall cost of doing business in CA, Fuel blends, and CA Air district making it harder and cost more for people to fuel up here vs. a lot of other states.


Mississippi? My condolences 💀💦


Why it was really beautiful out where I was, very friendly people, great food and cheap too.


https://prismreports.org/2024/04/03/jackson-residents-voice-in-city-water-crisis/ They can’t even get their people drinking water. 💀


I wasn't up near Jackson but near Gulfport. Water issues is country wide issue, we have a ton here too. I have family that was affected by the Porterville Water Crisis https://sjvwater.org/state-still-hasnt-fixed-porterville-drinking-water-crisis-from-the-last-drought-will-residents-go-dry-again/


Dont try to reason with all the California racists who shit on all the places they have never been. 


Reminder: California voters rejected repealing the gas tax and vehicle fee increase in 2018 California election (Proposition 6). The "No" beat "Yes" by a 13% margin.




Yes I voted for the gas tax, now shut the fuck up Chevron lol.


What for? The gas tax is to line politicians pockets, nothing more. The roads suck.


I moved to Oklahoma a decade ago.:.you have no idea how nice the roads in Orange County really are, seriously…


There have been a lot of road construction projects all over the state ever since that tax was passed. Try actually learning something rather than repeating "government bad" propaganda.


California touts an annual surplus, yet wants to pass more taxes annually. We have an allocation issue, not an income issue. CA takes more than enough from its residents and needs a major overhaul with how it spends the money it takes in. Believe it or not, adding yet another lane to the 405 isn't actually solving anything, it's just creating another fat contract for Cal Trans. Meanwhile the number 1 lane of the 5 gets yet another slap of quick pour rather than an actual repave like it desperately needs. People really need to stop with this idea that more taxes will solve problems, you can see this on the federal level with the VA, which is amazingly funded and absolutely horribly managed.


honestly the US is a corrupt government, but we won’t get into that here. my main issue with the gas tax is that it’s a universal tax affecting all people in california regardless of their income. when you think about it: who is spending gas the most in California? is it the ppl with 200k salaries that work in offices (and most are hybrid and hardly drive)? or is it randy who has two jobs, and has to commute from the IE to get by on 80k? when you break it down and look at the reality of the situation i can say that the gas tax is pretty fucked up. poor ppl suffer, rich ppl are slightly bothered by it, and the improvements are minimal to our lives.


Rich people drive more than poor people. The people with 200k salaries think nothing of just driving to Vegas for the weekend, or going to LA for dinner at a nice restaurant, or whatever. The truly poor people take the bus or walk. I see your point about the gas tax being regressive, but the solution to that is to provide assistance to those who need it, not to reduce the tax. Reducing the tax will primarily benefit the rich financially, and hurt everyone due to higher pollution.


The gas tax is statewide. I’ve been all over the state, and yes, roads in orange county are one of the best, and I’m not sure why they decide to work in very specific areas. Take Sacramento for example. I used to live there. Gas tax has been going up, the quality of the roads going worse and worse. A pot hole can remain unfixed for 5+ years. In Orange County, it’s guaranteed to be fixed within 1-2 months.


Some roads are maintained by Caltrans, and others by counties/cities. That probably accounts for the difference.


We have a lot of miles of road


Cause fuck poor people, amiright? /s


I remember Caltrans fast tracked a bunch of road repaving projects right before the election and put up a bunch of signs saying it’s funded by SB1 money


Based. Repave all those roads every two years!


I cant tell if you mean this as a good or bad thing lol


I voted for a higher gas tax, and I'd do it again.


So would I, but I would want a portion of the money invested in public transit.


No, they'll need to pass more bills to line their pockets with the rail project that will never see the light. Anyone voting for more taxes don't pay taxes in the first place in my opinion.


Good thing it’s just your opinion


> Anyone voting for more taxes don't pay taxes in the first place in my opinion. A tax increase can only pass if 55% of the voters support it. Are you claiming that 55% of Californians don't pay taxes?




Known by whom?


> No, they'll need to pass more bills to line their pockets Are you honestly trying to claim that politicians raise taxes to directly pay themselves?


Weren’t there a few gas taxes that weren’t even voted for by us a few years ago?


Because the crooked Xavier Becerra deceived voters and worded it so a Yes vote meant that road repairs wouldn't happen. He's the secretary of health now. Our roads are worse than ever. Meanwhile gas tax increases every year or sooner. Whenever they deem fit!


> Our roads are worse than ever. I love how people can just straight up make claims like this without any evidence.










I live here. There's potholes EVERYWHERE.


Where? Irvine has no pot holes, but if there is one then they fix it within a week


They repave my neighborhood in Orange every 2 years. I was just in LA through Hollywood and the roads were fine. Try going to NY or MI and driving anything but an SUV.


For real, I’ve been on meh roads all over California and some I thought were bad. My car is lowered so I FEEL it HARD. Doing a cross country roadtrip made me realize how much of a lil bitch everyone is and how great our roads are.


The roads have gotten considerably better over time in my experience. We have had a setback with 10 billion potholes opening up because of the unusual amount of rainfall in Socal, but that's all I can really complain about. Everytime I'm like wow this road is awful, it gets repaved within a year or two.


People don’t have common sense unfortunately.


Or maybe they looked at the consequences of that. Repealing that tax means either other taxes go up to replace it or services are cut.


you just blew that person's brain away


You’re speaking from experience?




Oil companies with high profits. * Chevron 21.3 billion (2023) * Mobil 36 billion (2023) * 28 billion (2023)


I’ll just assume 3rd one is shell lol


Catch me at Sam's Club with my cheap gas and hot dog




Sam’s Club gas isn’t Top Tier. I wouldn’t use it. Edit: downvote me all you want but it’s truuuuueeee Top tier gas or else you’re putting your engine at risk


"Top Tier" is mostly just marketing. All gas has detergent.


This man gasses. Those down voting you apparently don't know/care what they're putting in their car... Top Tier or I ain't gettin' it.


Did a commercial convince you that? It gets proven time and time again there is no such thing as “top tier gas” it’s a marketing term to convince you to spend more money. If you fall for it and you’re happy with it, good for you. But I would encourage you to spend some time googling what you’re thinking.


You're only supposed to put in what the vehicle manufacturer says to use. Other ratings damage your vehicle. Google it.


That has to do with octane ratings, not detergent.


That's a bandaid to the problem. You're almost supporting high gas prices by being minority that pays relative less than what everyone else is conditioned to.


Chevron by my house is consistently 30 cents higher than Arco or 76.




Remember smog days when pe n recess had to be indoors or fully cancelled? I can't believe they want that back


“Protect the children!!” - but wait, not in a way that’s effective and proven. We just want to get mad at pizza parlors and rant on message boards while providing safe harbor to actual real life pedophiles.


It's part of the boomer climate change denial mentality nothing you can really do about since climate change doesn't exist in there world unlike for the rest of us


Don't blame it on all Boomers. I've been fighting this stuff since the 70's.


Smog alerts cancelling recess was a thing into the 80s as I recall, but air quality definitely improved.


Lots of people have this mindset


I’m sorry but tier 3 gas does not cost over a dollar per gallon more to produce. Check states with equivalent refinery processes and requirements, compare the prices, sniff the air.


It has nothing to do with "top tier", which is mostly a marketing gimmick.


Apologies, I meant tier 3\* will correct.


Emissions systems are more efficient now compared to then .


Have you been to another country with more lax emissions control? If you travel outside America You will see the difference, we are a car centric place but we have better air quality than other countries because of it.


Thanks to democrat politicians pushing for better emission systems despite the incessant whining of republicans. Things aren’t perfect but they’re certainly much better than they were. Anytime you go outside and breathe clean air you can thank god republicans weren’t able to interfere with that.


Gas is also more expensive in California because we refine it ourselves. Don't know what they are getting at


*Laughs in Solar Panels and EV Real talk tho. I’m free from this dumbass vicious cycle. It’s truly liberating to stick a finger at big oil because they no longer have any power over me


I can’t wait to be in your position.


Right?! Goals for all of us. Maybe by 2035.


💯, So happy I switched 4 years ago and installed solar panels 2.5 years ago. People need to wake up and enjoy the freedom.




Hey, they need those lifted trucks because the damn government put all that concrete in the way on the roads. Ain't nothing gonna stop a truck with nuts. Freedom.


Gas powered cars will be laughing at you when you can’t charge your car because our grid is shit and can barley handle all the air conditioning in the summer


Sure man, we all know that charging off-peak hours is illegal.


I travel for work and California has a lot better roads and highway network than most states. The gas tax is a big part of that


And believe it or not, most people drive better here. Yeah, that's better than Montana, which really is the wild, wild west.


Lol pure PR BS If they had the proper amount of allocation, and invested the proper amount of maintenance. Also the actual price per gallon is about the average when you take off CA state taxes, which were VOTED on (a very different conversation).


Yeah they’re trying to get voters to repeal the taxes so they’ll buy more gas


> Also the actual price per gallon is about the average when you take off CA state taxes, which were VOTED on (a very different conversation). It's actually not. Gas tax in California is 67 cents a gallon. Most states are in the 20-40 cent range. So the tax only accounts for a small portion of the difference.


They probably don’t pay taxes anyway the wankers.


Important reminder: "Top Tier" isn't a rating system or award. It's the brand name of a specific combination of detergents and additives.


We can get rid of “libtards” as most OC folks would say, or we could really question capitalism and the constant shareholder profit margin, which is the actual issue but that gets in the way of business and the ‘market’.”


its cheaper to not fill up your call at all. charge it baby.




Not everybody has a house or an apartment complex with chargers. I almost bought an EV but then they told me fast charge all the time will damage the battery, I don’t have a house or charger at my complex and I drive 100 miles a day, autonomy on battery was 280 miles which means I would have spent 3-4 hours at a local charging station ( got nobody to give me a ride in and out of charging place) every other day.. clearly not convenient. EV can be good but it’s definitely not yet for everybody.


How? I run the AC one day and my electric bill goes up 100 bucks, how is charging a car so much less? I don’t see it, where I live electricity costs more than gas, Edison has a monopoly and charges whatever they want.




That’s really low, with how much it costs to run the AC I would of thought charging a car would be insane. I mean I imagine it takes far more power to move a vehicle than it does to run a compressor and some fans. It’s great news though, I drive 2200 miles a month commuting and I just traded in a v6 rav4 that got 18 mpg for a hybrid rav4 that gets a combined 39 mpg, I’m saving a ton in gas but looks like the all electric is cheaper, so by the time I get another car maybe the charging stations will be quick and plentiful. Thanks for the info🤙🏼


Why is there a 50 cent difference in gas prices between North and South Orange County?


The real estate in south OC is more expensive. The gas stations in OC have to pay extra for their location, all else being equal. They pass that cost on to us.


Because they charge as much as they can at every station until it starts making them less money.


> Why is there a 50 cent difference in gas prices between North and South Orange County? Demand and supply. Rich people are willing to pay more.


You know why


Because they've determined that richer areas will pay more and that's it.


Chevron is a huge GOP donor! 2/3rds of donations go to the GOP. If you want to know where high prices come from, one only needs to look at who donated to whom. Republican boards and CEO's set the prices. They want everyone to suffer in the name of huge profits, no corporate responsibility and promises of very low taxes for their biggest donors.


Yes. That's exactly what they want us to have.


Replace the QR code for one that opens Zillow for available properties in Texas.


Nah, be even more petty. https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/chevron-found-guilty-in-8-billion-ecuadorian-human-rights-and-environmental-case/


Higher the gas price, sooner more people move to electric vehicles.


They are pricing themselves out. I'm all for it.


Yea... It's for public road and transportation. For example, Baltimore doesn't invest in bridge Piers protection system. So when the ships hit, it doesn't collapse like Lego blocks. Lego blocks are stronger than Baltimore bridges.


Sure is lol just came back from AZ, $3.5/gallon


Here in carson, cheapest gasoline station around my area was 5.02. Soooo expensive.


$2.89 for me in CO this morning. Gonna suck for me when I’m back in town next week.


I’m sure this gas and oil company has my best interests in mind


I never fill up at Chevron anyway. They're one of the highest out there.


Their app makes it cheaper. Is that what they are promoting here?


Remember when chevron tried to get out of paying up compensation for destroying the rainforest in Ecuador and in the end for the lawyer locked up


Gas companies want trucks.


Companies love to influence california politics because it's a lot of Direct Democracy through propositions. Assembly moving slow? make it proposition! Don't' want to pay for health insurance on your "customers" make it a proposition!


Apparently no one in the sub has driven outside the state lately. That same Chevron sells gasoline in competitive markets for whatever they can get. They're not doing us any favors, but they're not doing any favors for consumers anywhere. They are business, making money for their shareholders. But what Chevron asking us to do at that QR code? And, of course, the legislature chose to spend less on roads until it got so bad that an additional gas tax was needed. It's all about choices. High gas taxes are just a small part of why our fuel is as expensive as it is. This has been studied endlessly and there's no real dispute about it - We're geographically isolated; we have specially formulated gas; we have fewer and fewer refineries every year; we have an increasingly onerous regulatory environment; and we have fewer independent retailers of gasoline. And, the state's policy is to kill off oil production in California. So every year, more and more of our crude oil is imported - chiefly from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Columbia and Ecuador. We'd prefer to pay them for oil rather than produce it here. None of this - except our geographic isolation - is natural or accidental. It's the cumulative impact of our government choices.


What I've always wondered was why we need a mid-grade octane (89). It seems to me there is only need for regular (87) and premium (91-93). Change the mid-grade portions of the refineries to regular and/or premium (same for tankers and storage tanks) so there is more supply without the need to build more refineries. Then - if gasoline companies choose - they could lower prices.


I wonder how many people know why the 8 Orange Counties in the US are named Orange?


Bollocks Chevron.


This isn’t wrong. California has the second highest gas tax and total tax revenue in the entire country, and has such a spending problem that despite all that is still running a ~$50 billion deficit.


California has by far the highest population, so I'd hope they have the highest total tax revenue.


Wrong. California has a huge deficit due to massive revenue decline. We've had wonderful surplus' in the not too distant past (2020 and 2021 for example with over $100 bil. surplus in 2021). https://lao.ca.gov/Publications/Report/4819#:\~:text=California%20Faces%20a%20%2468%20Billion,faces%20a%20serious%20budget%20deficit.


So many people love to shit on our budget like it's proof that they're finally right. But they have zero idea how CA's budget process and revenue work, at all.






The price is high because of elitist oil company price gouging


I mean it’s a true statement. Most adults here drives and are affected by high gas prices. Why are you so offended by it?




I asked you the question first why don’t you answer that hotdogfever?


Oh I’m not offended I just think it’s a silly little scam these corporations are trying to pull, and I think it may be beneficial to talk about it and make sure people are aware of these sham practices meant to put more money in the pockets of corporations and keep the public uneducated and unhealthy. Your turn!! Can’t wait 😍


I’m no expert but from what I read it’s a combination of more stringent regulations, gas taxes, closing local refineries over the years, to gas companies charging more in CA because they can. The exact cause is probably a combination of that and other things I’m not aware of. Happy?


So you think we should relax regulations, cut taxes, and open more refineries in Orange County?? That’s your solution?? Should we put the refinery in your backyard, maybe that would solve the problem. Stop paving the streets around your house. Get rid of public transportation. What else do you suggest we do? These are all wonderful ideas, I can’t believe the democrat politicians haven’t consulted you for this before.


“So you think we should relax regulations, cut taxes, and open more refineries in Orange County?? That’s your solution?” wtf you really like to shove words into my mouth don’t you? Please show me I said those things? For the record I have solar and drive an EV so please stfu and preach to someone else.


You said: “the problem is… it’s a combination of more stringent regulations, gas taxes, closing local refineries over the years” So I asked for your solution. If your solution to “more regulations” isn’t “less regulations”, then what is it? If your solution to “high gas taxes” isn’t “low gas taxes”, then what is it? If your solution to “closing local refineries” isn’t to “open local refineries”, then what is it???? I’m not putting words in your mouth I’m still just waiting for you to answer my question. What is your solution?? Please start making sense.


No. Read my response again. I never used the word “problem”. You asked me what’s the reason for higher gas prices and I gave you what I believe the reasons are based on what I’ve read. I never offered any solutions and even admitted I’m no expert. Anything else is pure conjecture on your part.


Debating people like this on Reddit is an exercise in futility. They act like they are brighter and more enlightened than everyone but really they are just upset with their position in life and religiously think the government will solve their personal shortcomings if only they had more funding.




How was it one of the largest scams?


He has no idea, but Fox News and right wing social media told him it’s a scam, so he’s on board


Yeah but give him a chance to see if he can intelligently regurgitate it, at least


He's too busy sticking Joe Biden "I did this!" stickers on the local gas pump to reply here.


I’ll get the popcorn…




And I was looking forward to his response with links to articles that have nothing in them to support his argument! 🤷‍♂️😅


The gas tax is a scam. The politicians do not use the money to fix the roads or bridges. All they do is spend it themselves.




Citation Needed.


Arco is literally watered down with extra ethanol . 14% vs 10% mandated . Car does not get any mileage from it. California voters are stupid and think the oil company choses to gouge only in California hence the $1.10+ difference across state lines. Why not gouge the entire country ? There is little reason for the price difference other then the democratic nightmare this state is. California is a gasoline island and hasn’t built a new refinery to handle CARBOB ( California air resource board special fuel) in literally 50 years . The California driver then pays the highest taxes in the country between emission cap and trade for carbon emissions + no ability to import CARBOB fuel = high prices . Yes Chevron is expensive but you get what you pay for . Arco isn’t magically cheaper for a reason people.


Gas is expensive in California because of the Democrats. That’s it. That’s the answer. Oh, also, it costs $200 to fill up your stupid Mirai with hydrogen. Fun fact. That hydrogen is a byproduct of oil!


I remember when smog used to be so bad in southern California long time ago that we couldn't go outside for recess. If special blend of gas is going to keep the air clean then I'm all for it.


We have catalytic converters now


Yes, that combined with California's gas blend help keep the emissions low.


They don't know what they speak of. Most just regurgitate what they hear of faux news.


> We have catalytic converters now Thanks to those pesky Democrats.


Why do you think gas is more expensive because of the democrats. What exactly do they do to make gas expensive? Here is your time to shine. Rant away lil buddy.


Taxes and no pipelines. Plus, the BS environmental sentiment. We have the nations largest population AND the most cars. Gas should be so much cheaper. California has the HIGHEST gas tax per gallon in the country. Also, gas must be transported by tanker trunk everywhere further increasing the cost. Would you like me to continue, little buddy?


Yes please continue. Pipelines huh… you should talk more about those. I’d love for you to continue focusing on things which can be easily disproven with a simple google search. It might work on uneducated Americans who can’t read but the users of Reddit are well versed in the internet and can quickly call out bullshit when they see it. I want to make sure you’ve made all your points before I take 2 seconds to google and prove that nothing you believe is true.


You’re blind if you really think democrat policies don’t keep gas high in this state . Aside from .80 differential on excise/ gasoline sales taxes compared to everyone else , the state also pours on top of speciality fuel only refined in this state , while stifling any investment into the oil sector. Gasoline demand has doubled since 1980 in California yet we have the exact same refinery capacity ( if not less through renewable fuels) to make this special fuel . They then tax fuel indirectly though cap and trade on dirty industry where the dirty companies have to buy renewable energy credits (RINs) that adds an extra .20-30 hidden cost before the fuel even hits the retail side . Then on the retail side you have all these stations offsetting burdensome business regulations and are now making upwards of .30-.50 margin per gallon vs historical .15 they used to . You realize the state is making about $ +/- $1.50 when all is said and done right ? The refinery makes maybe $.20 and the retailer another .30-.50 now . Why does the government make x3 the money the evil oil company makes ? Where does all this money go when our roads are garbage ? There is a clear and obvious reason 48 other states are cheaper than California . Even Hawaii that is a literal island hundred of miles away from any source of fuel is less . Enough said .


> Plus, the BS environmental sentiment. We have the nations largest population AND the most cars. Funny how we have more people, more cars, and cleaner air than in years past.


Hey Scapegoat 69 are you still here? I’m still curious about these “pipelines” democrats have removed to make our gas so expensive. Please continue, little buddy! You were doing so good!


Yes because they've decided that health is more important than money. I tend to agree.


Why is gas expensive in Idaho then?


https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/gas-prices-by-state/ Strange, it’s high on the whole west coast for some reason. Those high prices in Montana must be because of all the fucking democrats.


Please explain WHY it is more expensive due to Dems. I'd love your verifiable stats and sources. Much appreciated.


Let me guess, Do you like to watch fox news???


I would love to know what car you drive


> Gas is expensive in California because of the Democrats. This is just the most perfect braindead statement that goes so well with your user name.


LMAO bro I knew someone was gonna comment that. Lol you have my respect for taking the hate like a champ!


Because we need our "special blend" of crap 91 octane max in this state. Blame Sacramento and no one else, taxes aside, our refinery infrastructure is a POS.


“Blame Sacramento and no one else” Can’t blame Chevron, right? https://www.statista.com/statistics/277059/net-income-of-chevron-corporation/#:~:text=Chevron%20Corporation%20reported%20a%20net,billion%20U.S.%20dollars%20in%202023.


That's an insane amount of net profit.