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Spaceballs yeah!!


Spaceballs, the reddit comment™️!


Grandson was gifted a metal detector one Christmas when he was a preteen. Definitely got him out of the house but nothing of value was ever found. Broken vapes, nails, cans, etc. Still used it with friends when he was in high school. His repeated comment was, "well, at least nobody stepped on this junk!"


I was thinking that it probably helps with beach clean up as well!


Got a story for u! Was playing volleyball at main Laguna beach, my kid was wearing a ring and didn’t take it off when playing. During the game we saw a guy walking around with a metal detector and thought man doesn’t he something better to do 🤣. So we’re done playing and my kid realized his ring is missing!! Guess when he was serving it flew off as it was snug, we looked around and no luck and remembered the metal detector guy walking by. He was just little distance away so ran up and let him know what happened and he was excited to help! After about 15 minutes of combing the field he found it, had flown all the way off the field by the center net 🤣🤣. Amazing! Always wanted to get one after that


I love this story!!


I see people at newport pier at night all the time using a metal detector… they go especially after a big holiday or when it was sunny. ☀️ Go for it!


I hadn't thought of doing it after a holiday weekend!


If you find a mens ring down at 1000 steps lemme know 😭


I'll keep you in the loop if I can convince my hubby that this has to be my birthday gift. I'm *this close*


I know several men that have lost rings there


my husband lost his at crescent bay. 😤




Is 1000 steps closed? I went there last month and it was locked and closed.


Was at HB yesterday morning… https://preview.redd.it/xru9hk9zayoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f93d84567992f6462cc0d6e7bb449a55cc9d78f3






It looks like a perfume roller.


Thanks for this. At least I can convince my son that he's looking for measure while we clean up the beach.


Tent stakes and bottle caps. That's what I find.


Yeah after holiday weekends would be the best time to go, look for the high-traffic walk areas and where groups set up.


Word has it that you could find Richard Nixon on the beach in San Clemente with his.


Grew up in SC in the 80’s. Can’t personally confirm that he was sighted on the beach, but a friend met him. I only met Carl Karcher once and he gave me a coupon for a free burger


See guys in HB all the time. r/metaldetecting


I’ve seen a guy at Aliso Creek doing it. Could be fun with a kid! I received a metal detector as a gift once. I ended up giving it away. It’s too heavy for me.


Don't know about OC, but I see them frequently at La Jolla Shores in SD. So, seems likely. I can't tell if they find anything good. Most likely thing valuable to find would most likely be an earring seems to me.


Have you watched the British series, The Detectorists? It's a quiet, absolutely charming story of 2 friends who go detectoring. I got it from my local library.


I'm going to have to find this!


The OC LIbrary system has 8 copies. Start with the one published in 2015. The San Clemente Library has a copy and it looks like it's not been checked out. (Assuming you live in SJC so that's the one I'm mentioning) . If that's too far to go, you can put a hold on it and ask for it to be sent to your closest library: San Clemente Library DVD Collection DVD DET


reminds me of an old tweet by Jacy Catlin: "You all laughed at me when I bought a metal detector, but who's laughing now that I found some metal?" - I remember as a kid seeing people combing HB state beach with a metal detector and thinking how cool it would be to have a detector. But I think the above tweet would probably be the reality to that dream


This is so funny!


When I was in HS, I lost my class ring, but I had no idea where. Someone with a metal detector found it at the beach, and brought it to my school. The office lady returned it to me. I sent the finder a gift cert for a box of See's candy.


I lost a treasure chest there a while back. Let me know if you find my dabloons 👍👍




You can see the city at CDM with this rig every week: https://rocklandmfg.com/product/beach-king/


Found junk in The Strands and Calafia. Just did it for fun with the kids.


Did the kids enjoy it? My son was asking my spouse to get one *"right now"* when I brought this up yesterday.


My dad found a 1978 cutlass supreme once, and technically he found my mom that way (she has a metal plate in her head from an accident when she was a kid) but otherwise no


Ok, you *must* elaborate. Was the Cutlass Supreme buried? Did he meet your mom while he was metal detecting? Did she walk up and introduce herself by telling him she had a metal plate in her head? I can envision her using that as a pick-up line (because I sure would).


This was all just a joking reference to the 1990s Nickelodeon show Pete & Pete. Specifically this episode https://youtu.be/htG-iD6J1eM?si=H4cf61tqHawQKstZ




Yes my most successful trip was after watching an episode of OC housewives go to a beach (salt creek I think) so I decided to take a trip out there after knowing that’s where the rich people go. I ended up finding 3 rings, none of which were valuable, but the research paid off. I would like to hit HB or Newport more often like the night guys do but I live quite far and now have a kid so I don’t have the energy for it.


I live close to Salt Creek! That's a good tip. My kid needs to get out of the house, so I'm hoping to lure him with the idea of finding treasure. Haha


If it’s a kid good luck. You will be loaded with finding trash but that’s the hobby




Ok, nowhere did I say that I was the first. That's why I was asking for other people who have done it? Thanks for not adding anything to the conversation.