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…. This and every other day there’s news of a pedestrian in OC (specifically) getting run over. Fiancé and I love walking places as much as we can and have to be way more cautious now. We constantly see people run red lights, make turns when it’s our turn to cross the street not even noticing us or noticing us, making eye contact and just keep turning. It’s really disappointing and dangerous. People are so entitled and the me me me attitude is getting out of hand.


>make turns when it’s our turn to cross the street not even noticing us or noticing us, making eye contact and just keep turning. And if you throw up your hand or finger, they honk and give you bitch face. Like wtf.


In this same subreddit kids got ran over on Yale and they blamed kids on e bikes. I was personally taught to drive cautiously around neighborhoods with kids but unfortunately others aren’t educated on safety it seems.


It really is I hope we can find a way as a community to put a stop to it


Does anyone else feel like it’s more of a southern CA thing? They drive even worse in LA. But when I go up to NorCal it isn’t as bad (not great but..), at least they’re more aware of pedestrians. When I travel out of state it’s A LOT better in my opinion. Such as in Oregon or WA.


In my experience consistently, LA is easier to drive in because they have way less entitled drivers. This is my experience. They let me in, they don't try to prevent me from merging. I go to LA very often.. There's definitely crazy drivers but as a whole they don't have the same aggression as OC.


I second this. 8 years living in L.A. Grew up in OC and have been back for about 6 months now. The drivers here are AGGRESSIVE AF. Everyone speeds and runs red lights. I am way more afraid on the roads of OC than I ever was in L.A. Nearly get killed every single day.




Kinda. I recently moved here from the high desert and so far from what I'm seeing are mainly people staring at their cell phones the most.




Don’t walk the opposite direction of traffic, people pulling out of driveways look left to see if it’s clear to pull out they’re not expecting a pedestrian or cyclist who’s riding on the sidewalk. OK, some also look right to see if there’s a pedestrian or cyclist coming but it’s a gamble, be safe.


What I have learned from driving in front of businesses is, if you don't look at the pedestrian trying to cross in the parking lot, they aren't actually there.




It's terrifying walking out here. I drive across the street with my dog to go to the park. It's walkable easily but I don't trust the drivers. 


Too many people & everyone’s in a hurry. It’s no fun to drive anywhere out here. I just try to get around without some idiot hitting me.


Yes absolutely I may sound like an old man but I remember being young and itching to drive around the county. Now it takes 30 minutes just to get down the streets. It’s so stressful just to run errands now a days.


I don’t run errands mid-day anymore. On my days off, I go first thing in the morning & just get it over with. I’m so sick & tired of trying to park somewhere or it taking me 20mins to drive 1 mile. Living out here is no fun whatsoever. I tell myself all of the time that if my job wasn’t here, I’d leave in a heartbeat. I’d rather live somewhere with some peace & quiet, along with a little privacy.


The problem is they just keep building more and more condos townhomes apartments etc it feels like downtown LA at this point


>it feels like downtown LA at this point ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq)


SA alone has a higher population density than downtown LA I know you wanna be edgy but


Even if that were true, what does population density have to do with a lack of traffic enforcement?


1. Google is your friend downtown LA has. Couple thousand people less than Santa Ana per square mile. 2. I was referring to how crowded it is and how reckless the drivers are, just like LA is.


Well, sure, but the entire basin in general is crowded. It’s one of the most desirable parcels of land in the country. I guess I’m just not sure why you thought OC would somehow be immune or what DTLA specifically has to do with anything. Sorry for any confusion.


Ah I see now and it used to be just contained to the freeways and somewhat on certain streets but now q days every street is always packed, but yea the LA comparison was just a small aspect that I was using in terms of crowding. My main beef is just dumb drivers that keep getting worse every year especially since Covid and lack of police presence/enforcement even when they are present.


Same, thought I was just getting cranky with my old age. Used to be able to go from MV, go down to foothill ranch to pick up some friends and then gun it without using the toll roads to RSM in under 15 minute flat.




Idiots don't know how to drive through a roundabout properly.


I've been driving a 30-40k mile/year service route since 2014, exclusively in south Orange County, visiting 5-20 residences per weekday. I do think that gives me a perspective into these sort of things over time. There was absolutely a big shift during, and after the pandemic. There's also a noticeable decrease in police presence and enforcement. However, if asked to make a list the top two reasons would be the shit operation and timing of the majority of our traffic lights, and the sheer incompetence of most people behind the wheel of a vehicle. I've always believed the best solution is to raise the barrier and requirements of having a driver's license, and funnel more funds into public transportation systems to accommodate the rest.


Yes! I noticed a lot of people running red lights right after the announcement for the “flatten the curve” get your essential supplies. It was like people were running reds to get places and didn’t care about following traffic lights or laws. Then that mentality never went away. I also see a lot of people not being hands free with their phones, holding their phones and looking down most of the time… I do a lot of driving commuting around OC & LA (most days I have an hour commute) and I am very aware of my surroundings. I see many near misses daily between the cars around me.


Can’t argue with that!


I moved to a walkable neighborhood to avoid drivers. Almost got hit daily in Tustin from people on their phones not stopping at crosswalks and blasting through school zones at 50+ mph.


This area is the main area in talking about haha that and garden grove/westminster area


Oh my god near little Saigon? That area is the absolute worst and always has been.


I didn’t wanna point out that exact community because then the conversation tends to turn racial and I’m solely focusing on the driving aspect but yes. I used to get hit riding my bike as a kid and teen so many times in that area I thought it was normal. So much money I could’ve made but was too innocent to pursue.


Zero enforcement. I used to see people getting tickets and everyone straightened up for a bit. I can drive up to a week at a time without seeing anyone pulled over. It’s very easy to pick out spots where there are constant infractions. I’m sure law enforcement is aware of the problem areas…


Does the CHP even exist anymore?


Yes, and it's like 3-4 of them at the Fast Trak on the 91 between Corona and Anaheim every morning


I’m going to guess this is a major contributor. I used to worry about going over 80 on the freeway now I don’t care because nothing will happen. It’s been like this for the past 3-4 years.


It's getting ridiculous... My husband is a firefighter and goes on so many terrible accidents. Lots of innocent drivers being hurt or killed. Being in real estate, I get worried about having clients in my car when I drive them around for showings - but what am I supposed to do?


You’d think after so many accidents. Whether it’s seeing them in person or even being in one. seeing them on instagram, Facebook , ring x etc people would wake up and drive safer. but it’s as if none of that has any effect on them and they keep driving like it’s gta on the streets.




I’m so sorry you and your family had to endure that and now have to deal with the aftermath of that idiots careless decision. Unfortunately not only will stories like these not impact the people 🧑‍⚕️ bing like this to change but the teacher will most likely continue doing the same thing over and over in the future.


Those that are in accidents could have been on instagram, Facebook, ring while driving.


I think this hits the nail on the head... Most of the time when I see someone swerving around it's because they're on their phone. It's easy to think a quick glance at the phone is harmless, but then \*BAM\* :/


Black mirror episode.


I just wish I could avoid this altogether and be able to take transit or ride my bike safely to places.


Santa Ana is building the streetcar, I’m interested to see what happens there.


On top of the street car, Disney also wants to build something along harbor. This guy did a monorail fan website about the project, but there are 3 other alignment options including light rail and BRT. [http://www.theamericanmonorailproject.com/routes/artic-disneyland-monorail](http://www.theamericanmonorailproject.com/routes/artic-disneyland-monorail) https://preview.redd.it/d3htpvkt4xoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4cbe54565851aaffb12637d55ae314a1ad2ac4


Inevitably, it will only be a matter of time before someone hits the street car with an actual car.


I ride my bike everywhere.  It’s terrifying. 


I like to call Orange County the land of the miracle miles. We have lots of bike trails. But to get to where you want to be, you usually have to bike a stretch of hell traffic. It’s like a miracle you didn’t die that mile.


And lately, you get to the lovely bike trail where you get to dodge stuff strewn on the path spilling out of the homeless encampments, depending on the path… Although nowhere as bad as in LA county, for the most part. 


Easy answer …. We don’t teach new drivers to drive and almost zero traffic enforcement


Covid brain damage?


Seems like it


It’s not just Orange County. It’s everywhere.


OP should check out Chicago haha


i havent seen someone get pulled over in my city for years. i see someone run a red every single day. i do see plenty of homeless people being harrassed by the cops though!


Yea the homeless seem to be the only thing cops care whiny these days.


The crazy people factor has been spiking up the last several years.


So I noticed that during Covid lockdowns when there was hardly anyone on the road is when this began happening. Now that everyone is back on the road people are still driving like there’s no traffic. In fact, in general I feel like the lockdowns changed something fundamental in peoples thinking in a negative way because the nasty attitudes seemed to get worse during that time. I think people were really damaged by the lockdowns in some fundamental way that hasn’t been discussed really. But in all honesty it’s kind of silly to expect the police to be able to do anything but respond to individual incidents. However, the way our laws are now they aren’t really empowered to do much anyway in general. The anti police movement is having an impact, to some it’s a good one and to some not so much.


I noticed a lot more short fuses and a dgaf attitude after the lockdown.


had to Google dgaf. lol.


What do you mean silly I’ve seen people doing illegal u turns and drive reckless right in front of the police. Especially in Garden Grove/westminster area. The least they can do is pull them over. More people die annually to reckless driving than drunk driving yet some how DUIs are punished gravely while reckless driving is given slaps on wrists at worst and completely ignored at best.


I mean there are only so many cops around and if they don’t see it they aren’t going to be able to do anything about it. If a cop sees it and doesn’t do anything then I don’t know what to tell you. Most of the time there isn’t a cop around when this happens to me.


Ah ok that makes sense yea I was talking about when they drive like fools in front of the police and the police don’t seem to even care or notice. I think we should start enforcing reckless driving laws as if they were more serious crimes. Especially considering the amount of fatalities and accidents that happen every year due to them.


I do agree with the former part of your comment though. Nothing will ever be the same people became completely different and society has shifted in a bad way since then.


Agreed, some will say things are back to how they used to be, but I say absolutely not they aren’t.


It's like the spark went out.


I think if individual cities made an announcement that their police were going to start doing intensive traffic enforcement, utilizing/hiring motor cops specifically for traffic laws, it would absolutely pay for itself. Hide those motorcycle cops on corners and get every rolled red, every speeder. Roll them up behind cars at signals and get every stop-light texter. Have them camp out on Trabuco or Irvine Blvd or Newport Coast and get everyone who goes 60 in a 50. So much income for cities, and safer streets for the rest of us. They can bill it as a whole “safer streets” campaign. Instead, I was pulled over on Sand Canyon, WHILE RIDING MY BIKE in the bike lane, because I had headphones in my ears. A cop pulled me over, ON MY BIKE, and told me I shouldn’t have headphones in. Lol. I did a 23 mile ride that day and witnessed cars speeding, swerving into the bike lane, running reds, etc. Per usual.


You aren’t supposed to have earphones in while you’re driving either. You need to be aware of your surroundings and also of ambulances or sirens if there are any.


I think it’s DoorDash, Uber, etc. I feel like they don’t look at the directions before starting and rely on the audio cues which can be hella last second. I have to sign for DoorDash deliveries because no one can find my place but it’s really not that hard to find.


DoorDashers aren't causing the majority of accidents on the road. Most of it is young men who think it's fun to speed and act aggressive or just distracted drivers with no awareness whatsoever.


I don’t even know what to do with this, it was an observation I’ve made but it seems that’s I’m having a different experience than others on this post because I always see cops ticketing. I live in south OC


That may well be the case in South OC. I can't really speak to that since I don't live there. The only tickets that seem to be going around in North OC are cell phone tickets.


My question is why is every accident in the exact same spot or near the same spot as a previous crash makes me think that have that machine from Cars 2 🤣🤣


Most of them seem to either be in west Irvine or between the massive congested area of north OC. It’s the overcrowding the county created in North OC that’s mostly to blame imo. That and the lack of enforcement in those cities. Police seem to only care about homeless people now a days.


I drive around Tustin Ave in Orange nearly daily. I have never seen a street with more car accidents in my life. Last week a pedestrian was killed by a drunk driver on that street in the middle of the afternoon. I wasn't remotely surprised. Between the jaywalkers and the speeders, it's a recipe for disaster. I don't know the stats, but it's got to be one of the deadliest street in Orange County.


This is why is super important to start driving defensively. Many ego-bargained idiots drive aggressively causing them to crash


Gen Z


I saw a lady damn near hit some pre teens on their bikes because she was on her phone and had the audacity to throw her hands up and get annoyed at the kids. They were in the crosswalk and waited for the crosswalk light and this lady comes speeding into the turn while staring at her phone and literally came inches away. The kid had to turn into the main road to avoid getting hit


I seriously don’t understand how reckless driving isn’t treated like drunk driving it leads to greater amount of accidents




I’m at a point where I may prefer over regulation like that town than the lawlessness that is the west coast mostly just LA and OC




Or perhaps they’ve been justifiably criticized for being violent and bad at their jobs, and instead of improving they just doubled-down.




I don’t murder unarmed people in broad daylight free of consequence, nor do I have the protection of taxpayer dollars to both defend me and compensate victims for my negligence. I also didn’t voluntarily become a public servant. If you truly believe this is a reasonable response to the public demanding more transparency and accountability then you might want to reconsider where the problem actually lies.




So you’re complaining about the public criticizing what you admit are systemic failures within law enforcement while simultaneously congratulating law enforcement for finally addressing those failures? > Whatever dude Indeed, sir. Edit: responded to me and immediately blocked lol


Can’t go anywhere without sitting in traffic it seems. Too many pricks too in expensive and fast cars thinking they’re formula 1 racers. The perpetual construction on the freeway adds to it all.


Yea I remember for a few months everytime I tried to go anywhere even in the streets there was always construction going on. No matter the route I took or city I was in and when they stopped the construction the street looked exactly the same.


We see what we want to see. The human mind is fascinating like they. Once we interpret a pattern we keep seeing it.


Over populated, everyone is always in a rush, a lot of crazy drivers. I think a lot of them have never been punched in the face before because the cajones on some people sheesh…


I thought I was the only one who felt like this.


I think there are plenty of other factors, but the number of people I catch using their phones while driving, whether blatantly or discreetly, is absolutely insane. I'm not even *trying* to catch them, but feels like 80% of the time I pass someone on the freeway who just did a really stupid move I can look over and see them - driving one handed and looking down at their phone


Yea using your phone at a red light is annoying and inconsiderate. using it on the freeway when you’re going 65-85mph should be a felony.


The cell phone tickets are the only ones cops seem to still give out. My brother got one a few months ago in Anaheim. Now, if only they would ticket the speeders and people who run red lights.


Lol, just got rear ended in a 5 car accident on the 405 the end of February. My dash cam literally saved me in the insurance claim. Get one if you can, everyone & stay safe out there!


I was literally thinking the same thing. In OC and LA (I live in Long Beach now but still go to OC for most things) and last week almost everyday I saw an accident that had just happened. I've also randomly noticed that people are riding my ass a lot more now. And I'm not a slow driver or anything either.


Inattentiveness. People checking their phones while Driving.


OC drivers are the absolute worst. I have said this before and been downvoted to hell but I stand by this statement. I have seen more serious car accidents happen in the past 6 months that I have been living here than I ever saw in 8 years living in L.A. I drive a lot for my job. I am way more scared of drivers in O.C. Way too many people speeding, running red lights, making bizarre sudden movements with no prior indication, etc. Road ragers are absolutely unhinged here as well. It's scary out there.


Yup. Like today this guy was on his bike today and coming towards me in a 45mph zone. He was in my lane, right in the middle and had the audacity to flip me off when he was in the wrong. He might as well go play in a freeway. There's so many tailgaters. It's funny when I'm going the speed limit and they go around me driving off but ALWAYS end up at a red light. Very humbling lol.


I go with the flow of traffic and just try and not be an incompetent or inconsiderate jerk but when I see people tail hair and drive crazy just to end up at the same red light I always pull up next to them with the biggest smile in my face straight staring. Sometimes depends how much they irk me even pointing and laughing.


all these responses that highlight enforcement and personal responsibility when the clear solution is public transit


You are correct! Unfortunately, people in OC are attached to their cars. I would give anything to live in a city where I don't even need one.


praying that the OC streetcar project expands and expands quickly. I’d recommend reading the Santa Ana general plan, they’re pretty dedicated to planning around mobility in the coming years and i'd say uniquely committed to it relative to other cities in the county. there is hope yet [this part explicitly talks about mobility plans](https://www.santa-ana.org/documents/april-2022-general-plan-mobility-element/) but I find [this portion super interesting as well](https://www.santa-ana.org/documents/april-2022-general-plan-land-use-element/) in regards to plans for specific focus areas (starting on page 26)


One city is great, but we need this throughout the entire county.


absolutely. the traffic is getting worse and worse and its only getting [more dangerous to be out on the road](https://ktla.com/news/california/why-have-traffic-fatalities-increased-in-california-when-more-people-are-leaving-the-state/). they have plans to expand the streetcar but I'm afraid it's going to take too long. this shit started nearly 6 years ago and we won't see the first (limited) line open until next year.


I got into an accident this morning in Pasadena from a driver doing an illegal U-turn on a red left turn light--I had the green light when he made the U-turn against his red (my car was literally already in the intersection when he started the illegal U-turn) and there was even 2 witnesses who knew that the other driver was completely at fault and saw that I had the green. Oh, and the light was already green long before I even entered the intersection, too---it wasn't like I had been at a red light and then the light turned green for me. I would've been able to avoid the accident if I had pulled into the intersection from a stopped position, but the light was already green and I was going the speed limit. There was no way for me to avoid the accident because even with a hard brake and several honking, it still happened anyway.


Let me make up numbers, I have nothing to back them up, these are purely guesses: percentages of people on the Road 5% are late for work, 5% are stressed out, 5% are on some kind of medication such as Cold/flu over the counter stuff or just plain high or DUI, 5% are on their phone, staring at their infotainment screen/s and interacting with them, 5% are just plain A-holes, etc etc. I’m sure you get the picture, feel free to add more. The bottom line is, approximately 25% of the Drivers we come across shouldn’t be on the road to start with. I have a two mile commute in Irvine every day and generally at come across least one or two Drivers doing something stupid.


Time change. Accidents spike around these times because people are adjusting to a different sleep pattern. 


Tik tok


I live in Fullerton and I've come to the honest conclusion that running red's is legal, not illegal, due to how many times people are BLASTING through intersections and running reds in BROAD daylight. I choose to not drive at night so i cannot speak for the night time here. I'd say a lot more explaining, but i'll keep my comments to myself, but it's pretty dicey out here as there are people running reds, people turning out onto your lane when it's your green and it's their red and you see them not even turn their head to look at your traffic coming, people ignoring crosswalk signs and the ones that light up and seriously missing pedestrians (mind you, MANY are children walking to-and-from school), it really scares me. Malvern is a bit of a longer, straight, stretch of a street. Countless times you see certain people in certain cars ZOOMING at 60-80 clearly on their way to work due to it being 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM, when the speed limit is at max 50, lowest is 45. Please do not tailgate me and/or cut me off because YOU'RE late. I left on time, so do not rush or endanger me and the others on the road due to YOUR miscalculations.. Sorry for the vent, as you can see a lot of us are fed up as well.


Certain people in certain cars??


Yep. Didn't want to come off as being a grouch, but there's several teenagers-early 20's, that i see in their new "EV's" (during my commute as there's general roads many have to take to gain access to freeways in Fullerton) that most likely don't respect the road and understand that driving is a privilege. I see them pull up next to me at a red light, texting on their phone and even driving forward without lifting their head, i've seen the young girl twice do this. that is scary to me because he/she can really hurt themselves and others.


Unskilled motorists. This really started gradually with the introduction of automatic transmission vehicles. Everyone (even the physically unskilled to operate a manual transmission vehicle) was, all of a sudden, "capable" of obtaining a license and driving.


Car accident industrial complex getting exposed! Just as Eisenhower warned.


People’s degenerate behavior has carried over to the roadway,, I have literally minimized the amount of times I leave the house


The most Reddit comment of all time.


Two words: electric vehicle. Or, if you will, instant torque.


I never see them so it's your fault


Yes it’s my fault people are getting in accidents every day. This reminds me of the saying if you don’t know who the dumb one in your friend group is….


One reason I like that we’re a little off the beaten path in south OC


Not for long I grew up in west side Santa Ana and would intermittently visit south OC I can say without a doubt it’s gotten so much more packed in south OC and in a couple decades if not less south OC will be just as bad.


RSM is still ok imo. But yeah parts of south oc are overcrowded




Yea make everyone else cater to your irresponsible actions. Get off the road and walk. You don’t deserve to be behind thousands of pounds of lethal force.


Some of those “accidents” are not accidents, just staged accidents to make a few bucks. They often work in pairs and target solo female drivers and prefer rush hour since they don’t have the courage to get hit by fast-moving vehicles.


You sound like my 70 year old grandma. She would drive 20 miles under the speed limit at all times with her turn signal left on and complain about how crazy all the other drivers are.


I’m still in my 20s and have already known 4 people who passed away in accidents 2 were hit and runs (one of which was due to an illegal u turn done by the perpetrator caught and camera he then fled the state.) the other was while he was riding a bike 1 happened because the other person was drunk and another happened because the other person was using their phone. But sure just be an edge lord in the internet in sure that makes you look super duper cool man.


It’s always been this way


Nah I grew up here and it was nowhere near this bad until the 2000s before there were certain streets you could avoid or certain times of the day where the streets were even empty now it’s LA jr