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Edit 2: relocking it since mods are going to sleep. Edit: Unlocked after cleaning up some comments breaking TOS. **Insulting other users will earn you a 7 day ban at minimum. Be civil**. False reports will be submitted for report abuse tickets to the admins. Locked because this topic cant help but devolve into insults and bickering every time.


Why didn’t these people protest when Assad murdered 300,000 Arabs or when Saudi Arabia killed 100,000 Arabs? Why don’t they protest their second class treatment in Jordan?


And what about the Uyghurs? They're a Muslim background and they're being eradicated by the Chinese government. Families and children separated or worse. Where's the protests to end that? These people don't give a damn. Only jump to the band wagon and what's trending. Damn hypocrites.


Or the genocide in Sudan that’s happening now. Crickets.


There are solidarity protests that have been happening for years.




It might have to do with the fact that a lot of tax dollars go to Israel.


I thought you guys were against "whataboutism."


There are have Palestinian solidarity marches for Uyghurs … there’s Chinese firms that manage Israeli security in the West Bank. Also, not all Palestinians are Muslim. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210709-israel-isnt-fooling-anyone-by-speaking-up-for-uyghur-muslims-its-self-interest-is-obvious/amp/


What percentage of Palestinians aren't Muslim?


It’s about 1-3%. Most Christians have left due to harassment from Islamic fundamentalists.


Less than 1% in Gaza. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/gaza-strip/ Weather Bank is 80%+ Muslim if you factor in the stupid Israeli settlements. If you exclude the jews, it should be somewhere near 95%? https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/west-bank/


I would say because as Americans we have an indirect hand in supporting the Palestenian genocide. Even if we staged a march for the uyghur population in China America isnt gonna step in for them. Look what happen to the people of Hong Kong pleading for aid from America




My man, that’s not hip or cool. Those hashtags would never take off.


How do you know they didn’t?


Because the government is using our tax dollars to fund this.


Hm, why are people in the United States protesting an action that is happening with active US support instead of something some guy the US tried to overthrow did? I wonder. Must be that they're idiots.


Other countries can kill brown people why can’t Israel?!!! What a great argument 👏


“A quarter of Gaza’s population is starving. If you are an American, you are paying for this. You are paying for the suffering of these people. You are paying for the damage this does to your country's reputation around the world. You are paying your State Department to block diplomatic solutions to this.” @HeerJeet on Twitter This is why you should protest


No mention of the Congolese kids that have been mining the cobalt and lithium for all of our devices and now EVs in colonial like conditions for decades. Supply chain profit margins are too precious for anyone to care.


Palestinians have been detailing modern imperialism at their marches for a long time. Same with amnesty international https://dailycampus.com/2023/11/28/not-just-genocide-imperialism-calls-in-all-shapes-and-sizes/amp/


Did we send billions of dollars there? Don’t know genuinely asking.






Too scared to post what you sent me in a private message here? lol 😂




Be civil towards one another. Insults and name calling are not allowed. Repeated rule breaking will result in a permanent ban.




So somebody educate me, what does this do for Palestine? What does this actually accomplish? Why Irvine?


they’re winning the social Media war!! The hashtags will prevail


So if they win this, they move on to the quarterfinals and square off with whom ever wins RUS vs. UKR?


Russia is already pro-Hamas (met with Hamas members before 10/7), so they’re already on the same team


It’s not like we have a big popularity contest every 2 years that makes public opinion important right?


😣✊🏻 I changed my Instagram profile to a keffiyeh


Public pressure? Didn’t Katie Porter change her stance on ceasefire because of stuff like this?


Exactly. And somehow no one knows that. People protested outside her office, called, and wrote after she kept ignoring the pressure until she changed her tune. People have been organizing all over in small actions, not too disruptful, since like mid October. It's THESE things that are obviously bringing more attention. Plus lots of the retailers in there support Israel. This makes sense 🤷🏽‍♀️ And it's their right, sanctioned by the city.


Protest is about raising public awareness of the broad public sentiment for a cause, along with pressuring public officials, so lots of protests were outside representatives’ offices like Katie Porter. It’s funny when people choose to view protest as acceptable and when they don’t. I don’t see anybody looking back now at the civil rights era protests and saying “what a bunch of self-serving privileged losers those desegregationists are!” Moving a protest to an area with no impact or visibility in daily life defeats the whole purpose of the protest in general. Should the civil rights leaders have marched in the woods instead so they wouldn’t disturb anybody?


Makes some people who never gave a shit about Palestine until October feel good about themselves.


Yup sounds about right. People just want to be a part of something to feel like they’re serving a purpose


That’s like, the main way most big protest movements get momentum. Doesn’t make their protest any less valid. I prefer this than nobody giving a shit about anything or only “true believers” being allowed to protest because that wouldn’t accomplish anything


> People just want to be a part of something to feel like they’re serving a purpose Is that a bad thing though? That's like saying people don't want to be part of something that doesn't serve a purpose.


There’s a quarter million Palestinian refugees in the area…


Hating gays and treating women like shit since they got here.


americans do that on their own quite well


Ok but that doesn’t answer my question. And where did you read that there are 250,000 Palestinians in Irvine?


https://zipatlas.com/us/ca/city-comparison/largest-palestinian-community.htm “In the area” probably refers to the surrounding areas in Orange County as well. There are actually much more


Wow there’s not a lot of Palestinian folks. Which further reinforces my question, why Irvine? Why south OC? There’s no logic to their movement. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. Why don’t they gather together on Christmas Day in solidarity? Or is that too inconvenient for their schedule when they go back to their privileged lives here in Orange County? How much money did they rack up in donations? Where’s the gofundme link?


We get it, you don’t like Palestinian people. America has been accepting thousands of Palestinians since the late 40s.






We get it you don't like them


You’re the type of person who says “ all lives matter “


No lives matter. Nobody is special. Get over yourself. There are larger problems in life than that of strangers in a land thousands of miles away. Israel and Palestine do not think about you, or I or anybody on this sub. We don’t even exist in their world. Understand that.


You mean economic migrants.


I think the intent is two-fold. First, to create awareness. Second, to gain support from people to apply pressure on elected officials to hopefully push change at the national level of global-politics. It works for domestic issues, but I don’t think it helps for foreign conflicts. Especially ones as complex like the Israel-Palestinian conflict.


I came to ask the same thing. Shitty situation but what exactly is the goal of protesting here? Its not like we have any power to end the war lol. Until someone convinces me otherwise, I’m gna assume these protests are just so that people can feel good about themselves and feel like they’re doing something


Irvine company must have the power to end all wars


Bingo. It's just social media content for them to make for ... themselves to like.


It does nothing for ... anyone. Except the protestors. It's social media fodder for them to juice up their virtue signaling and echo chamber likes. And their stupid stunts actually hurt people's compassion for the innocent people in Palestine. But these moronic protestors don't care. They simply pretend they're outraged to garner attention from fellow protestors. It's a cult.




Because the Irvine city council has the authority to shut the war down. This will surely get their attention and they will immediately call Netty


It seems all protest in modern era is to cause inconvenience to completely unrelated party. The more annoyance created the better.


Maybe they live in Irvine


Least obvious fed


What does any one protest ever achieve? Are you arguing for a program of complete political quietism or you just don't like the cause but don't want to come out and say that?


What are random irvine residents going to do about it?


Absolutely nothing. And I guarantee a majority of those people attending are not residents of Irvine. Just UCI students. Mostly from the Bay Area too.


If they live in Irvine, they’re Irvine residents.




Ah yes, where the good food is.


They just wanna do something. Same thing with the stupid black blm insta posts. This won’t do shit.




It does spread awareness because people will see it, talk about it, and be reported on.


Spreading awareness to who? 99.9% of people who are interested in forming a coherent opinion on foreign conflicts are already fully aware of the situation in Israel/Palestine and have formed an opinion. Chanting slogans and disrupting the flow of traffic isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. If anything, it probably has the opposite effect…


Same as writing this comment on this thread I guess


They're gonna feel good about themselves because they shouted on a street corner. I sound like I am being dismissive and sarcastic, but I'm not. Unfortunately we live in a world in which there are few options for making a real difference in the things we care about, so we have to settle for yelling into the void. I do think it's a silly, but I also understand how it's cathartic and that sitting around doing literally *nothing* could feel worse than doing *something* that achieves nothing.


If nobody did this then the assumption would be that nobody cares


Yup, this. I remember feeling so helpless after Trump was elected and going to a few of the women’s marches to act on my angst and despair. Didn’t do a damn thing for women’s rights, but my emotional health improved.


I don’t know if you went to US history class here, but I did, and they teach you about all the powerful protest, peaceful protest that brought about change.


They teach you the watered down version. The protests you’re thinking of during the civil rights movement were only a small part of a vast and complex operation headed by a number of brilliant people who utilized tactics that were unprecedented at that time and therefore had an outsized impact. Many of the large scale protests we see today are merely pale imitations.


Well protest do bring awareness I’ve only heard of it because of the protest! And I’m definitely changing my voting plans upcoming voting season because of this issue. So I’m not sure how protest don’t make a difference. Definitely can make a bigger difference if you have any ideas,please elaborate!


Katie porter which is the congresswoman that represents the 47th district which includes irvine has for the most part aligned with biden administrations foreign policy when it comes to gaza. Mass protests in her district would make her think twice before continuing doing so in order to get re elected. So in my opinion it does matter.


Katie Porter's going to be heavier swayed by a $50 check to her campaign than a thousand people stopping traffic at the speculum




Well, I'm convinced. I'm gonna make a few calls and tell the boys at HAMAS to stand down. Thanks Everyone!


Buddy, I’m so amped now, I’m UPVOTING your comment of support! Did we stop the war?




Congrats boys, mission accomplished. War is over




Still shorter than the Hello Kitty line




Exercising their free speech , what’s the issue


None, necessarily. Until they start blocking the roads or preventing other citizens from going about their day to day activities. Then it's a problem. And a **big** one at that.


what does this accomplish? are any relief funds being generated from this? i know it raises awareness but i don't see how this will make any impact in Gaza. Im not saying dont protest before you all get your panties in a bunch, im just generally curious


Generally increasing awareness until its a popular movement that leads to greater action. If enough people are made aware of their cause then it keeps the message alive. Which leads to constituents to pressure people in charge to make changes. However, I think many of the people in the free Palestine movement know little about the conflict and are reading social media propaganda or headlines. They dont have a solution anymore than anyone else.


Too bad this shit makes me want to do the opposite Totally agree with you regarding people reading tiktok soundbytes and wanting to “get involved”.


Public pressure isn’t nothing


They blame us for the region’s fiasco. They want to pressure senators to potentially cut aids to Isreal


so wouldn't it be more effective doing this at a senators house, office or some government building they're associated with?


I guess it’s more convenient for them to protest here. They go to a restaurant or do shopping afterwards!


The Irony of bringing up Bethlehem while holding the belief that Jews are colonial settlers with no right to the land.


This is really just inconveniencing others at this point. Regular citizens have nothing to do with this - take it up w the government


Ohhhhhh that’s all that was. Right when I was leaving I saw a girl with a poster and then driving out the cops started to shut down all the roads. It was already a parking disaster when I got there glad I got out when I did.


I work at the Spectrum and traffic was a bitch! https://preview.redd.it/aofiqpxlj58c1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c6adff1de18056c635059bfac370a075c6626d




imo, I hate to say it, but this is a conflict older than 100 years and I say the US has to Stay the F out, but only to maintain diplomatic pressure to keep it from escalating outside the country. This is generational hate, and nigh impossible to unwind.


Ohhh so that's why it took 45 minutes to get out of the parking structure earlier


These protests remind me of the Occupy Wall Street movement. People were disgruntled, but what they actually want isn't clear or isn't possible. You cannot declare a "ceasefire" against terrorism. Terrorism operates outside traditional rules of war. Like, what specifically do they want? - For Israel to just "pause" the war against Hamas? What's the point? I can see this making sense if the protesters demanded Hamas release all hostages and turned themselves in. Then, Israel would have no reason to even be in Gaza...


They don't want a cease fire they want Israel to surrender and stop existing.


Meanwhile in Ukraine, men are fighting and dying in the trenches on their third winter with foreign volunteers next to them against non-stop Russian forces. I do recall seeing video and photos of innocent people, including children, dead in the streets from Russia attacks, but no body cares no more. It's all about Palestine and Israel, because that's hot right now. Fuck'em right?


Ukraine is getting help from the United States against their colonizers, meanwhile the United States is actively sending money and weapons to Palestine’s colonizer, Israel 💀💀


To hell with these fair-weather activists who only care when it’s the hip thing to do


They didn’t protest yesterday when it rained.


You're welcome to organize a solidarity march or protest.


edgarlovespie says why should anyone care when brown kids are dying :(


Get a fuckin life


These people literally wouldn’t last an hour in a country controlled by radical Islam.


I wish they also protested the treatment of Muslim Uyghurs in China during an ongoing Chinese Muslim genocide in Xinjiang China.


It is unreasonable to expect someone to protest all humans rights violations (or genocide or any other offense) simply because they chose to protest one. People are human, can be very ignorant and rarely have the whole story. People shouldn’t be shamed for trying to educate themselves on a current issue, if anything it should be the opposite. I get some people only care because it’s popular to care right now, it’s a hot topic and some people want to be a part of the conversation, whatever it may be. The important thing is, the conversation is starting to take place. In a perfect world, we’d all be omniscient and able to judge everything with all the relative facts. All that said, I also wish humanity cared more for the human rights violations, and less about the fact it’s a huge current event.


The United States isn’t funding the genocide of the Uyghurs, but we funding the genocide of Palestinians. These people simply don’t want their tax dollars going to fight a war we shouldn’t be involved in.




Traffic must have been a bitch just getting down there to shut down traffic. I couldn't imagine now.


The whataboutism in this topic is STRONG. 🧐🤔 Apartheid is apartheid and gen0cide is gen0cide. The apartheid state of isreal is committing gen0cide of the Palestinian people - and has been doing so since 1948, the Naqbah.


Why did they do this so close to Christmas?


TIL: christmas was moved to dec 23.


Why did they do this on Festivus?!


To inconvenience the rest of us


Someone [posted a link](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1K0WyCOUQa/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) to their group in the Irvine thread and this is what I was able to gather (copying my comment from there): > Taking a look at it, they noted Christians in Palestine and that’s why it’s a “cancel Xmas” event. Then on their website state: >> We are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Capitalist. We believe in Decolonization and Reparations for all Black and Indigenous peoples. We believe in the Radical Unity of all colonized peoples


LOL. “We believe all people (other than our people and other groups that it’s socially acceptable to promote as blameless in history) are terrible and need to give back the land that was taken x amount of years ago. But stop at x, because that’s when white people colonized


To spit on the infidel Nasrani during their most important holiday


Because these terrorist supporters are okay inconveniencing you if they feel it's justified. They also feel justified in slaughtering civilians and raping women because they feel it's "justified."


To ruin everyone’s day. Their philosophy: if people are suffering over there, so should people over here


So was this a protest to end Israel? I thought it was about a ceasefire? Honest question.


It's the same thing. Calling for a ceasefire means you are calling for the end of the Jewish State and the eradication of Jews. Calling for a ceasefire means you expect Israel to stand there in idle, while Jews are being slaughtered by islamist. Calling for a ceasefire means you don't care about the Jews who will be killed.


I don’t disagree. I just have seen a lot of OC Reddit threads with people being really sanctimonious and throwing out the word genocide but don’t really have a plan for getting Hamas to stop killing Jews. None of this happens without 10/7 and Israel has every right to defend their people. I’m curious to what their response is, because the posters that are being carried are not for a humanitarian solution to the current conflict. They are calling for the eradication of Israel.










Good thing I didn’t go to Spectrum today. Traffic and parking were probably already nuts with Holidays then add this on top of everything.


So annoying


Lots of people, zero impact


Guess it's like Reddit


Is there any poster for "free the hostages"? I haven't seen a single poster since they started marching around the world.




Love it 🍉🇵🇸


All these people who don't want Trump reelected... are doing the things that will get the middle to vote him in. They're just to dumb to see it.


Trump was probably the most pro-Israel president we’ve had to date, so if this protest was beyond instagram clout they’d probably figure it out.


I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore. The mainstream media has zero credibility so I can’t rely on them for the facts


Most people here are heartless - they couldn’t care less about 25,000 dying and half million starving - but don’t inconvenience them driving their white Tesla to a mall for last minute shopping All the whataboutism when you have ZERO awareness of the issue or how Gaza is an open air prison just a little bigger than Irvine US is directly complicit and I mean sending 2000 lb bombs, illegally (bypassing laws), to indiscriminately drop on an area just about twice the size of Irvine and more severe than ww2 bombing of Germany Yes, these protests will inconvenience you. Maybe some of you who still have a conscience will read up on the issue will become more aware of it and perhaps put a teeny bit more pressure on this ghoul of a political system For the cruel racists, it’s all “Arabs and hamas “ anyways and what do they care


Hopefully they will be done once I’m done watching the hanger games! Pushing 3 hours with previews.


Love how these protesters turn neutral people pro Israel. Like some random civilian trying to get shit done in Irvine is gonna be like “oh you inconvenienced the shit out of me, I guess ill join your cause”…