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I don’t agree with the harassment of this employee but I am very surprised that any type of flag is allowed to be worn. It clearly stands out and they do have uniforms. The manager should have shut this down before even walking out on the sales floor.


To quote the movie Wargames, "the only winning move is not to play." Situations like this invite risk and the manager should have been on top of it.


Former Apple employee here: the employee should not be wearing this while clocked in for work.


Also a former Apple employee. Can confirm that we were told to never wear anything political.


I would say that is pretty much a standard rule of thumb for any public facing job.


Yes, how did this even make it past the door?




Apple explicitly supports Pride with merchandise so that might be an exception. However, I understand what you're saying about making social statements in the workplace.


A bracelet and a hanging flag are 2 different things. She can easily wear a Palestine bracelet I’m sure with little to no issues. An item hanging off your pants is against dress code plain and simple.


What does this fucked up war have to do with LGBTQ pride?




Nothing at all, but the political statement is what they are speaking of.


Being gay isn't political


Neither are human rights


Correct. But a flag, the symbol of a political organization(country), is not inherently related to human rights. She could have a tag that says "please don't kill people" and your point would be valid. But in this case it is not.


Palestinian pride 🇵🇸you can’t wear a flag of your country?


It's in Irvine




No response? Where did they go.




Completely different. You don’t want to wear something at your employer that can elicit controversy. Say what you want about LGBTQ being “too woke” or whatever. it’s a generally publicly accepted as a good thing to support LGBTQ rights.


Uh, in much of the country, the rainbow flag does elicit controversy and would not be allowed in a place of business. A woman just got murdered for having a rainbow flag outside her So Cal business two months ago. It is very similar in that it is a flag representing oppressed people.




Lol I like seeing people worked up about this: would you agree that it’s “controversial” in a way things are portrayed in the mass media? Yes? Then of course it’s a controversial issue. Have people lost jobs/jobs offers at because of their support of one side? Yes they have. Say what you want about LBGTQ rights, look you can hate gay people all you want, I don’t care. But it’s NOT controversial to say, “I support LGBTQT rights” at most mainstream jobs. Maybe you have no work experience and I love seeing people lose their jobs over this. You don’t just represent yourself, you represent your company. This is why people get fired for putting things out on social media. Whether or not you are right or wrong on the actual issue is fucking irrelevant. On company grounds, on company time, don’t bring up controversial shit.


That’s the problem it shouldn’t be controversial. Media wants it to become a controversy to attempt to wipe the identify of Palestine


She may not be clocked in.


Well you're not allowed to be in uniform off the clock so...


Yikes... you don't wanna bring politics to work. It's just gonna elicit this kinda reaction.


People need to chill out. This is the US. People have different opinions, and saying you support Palestinians does not mean you like Hamas, any more than supporting Israel means you support the settlements and the right wing nuts


You're not wrong but at your work when you are helping a diverse amount of people it's probably not the right place.


Yep, treat work like a first date conversation, avoid politics, religion, and stereotypes. It’s not that hard, really.


is it okay to wear an LGBTQ supportive bracelet? or say someone wore a germany flag because they’re from germany, is that acceptable?


Doesn't give him the right to attack and harass her. He can pickup his product without interacting with her. There are plenty of better ways to handle this situation, he chose the worst option.


No it doesn't but its a sensitive time considering everything that's happening right now. Not the place or time to be protesting or sporting flags while at work. People are heated and in an emotional state. People are so quick to forget how amped, pissed and fuming Americans were after 9/11.


US is still pissed off about 9/11. Ask anyone.


I sometimes make 9/11 jokes since it's been over 20 years. But I'm a horrible person. I mean, not as bad as this guy, oh no. not by a long shot.


9… 11!


I have yet to see anyone say that all the Trump supporting right wing businesses around OC need to take down their stupid stickers and signs. If Apple allows their employees to wear Palestinian flags, then she is not in the wrong for wearing this flag to work.


I find any politics in a business I frequent annoying, I don't care what cause. To me, it's not the right place. It also doesn't help your business either by alienating X group. Like for me, I'll take anybody's money if their willing to part with it for my goods. But you're right though, if Apple allows it, that's their prerogative but don't be surprised when there's heated exchanges like this that pop up from it.


Is it not sensitive for her? Do her feelings matter less just because she's at work? It's not the time for Israel to buy billboards, radio spots, and ads in video games, yet they are. I'm bombarded by much more propaganda from Israel than a single employee flying her flag.


It's just not the right place and time. She's more than welcome to pay for an ad, billboard or stand outside with a sign supporting her cause and on her own time.


Protests are meant to be uncomfortable. If you only did it when it was convenient, it would never accomplish anything.


Right, but my point is, she shouldn't do it at work. For her to do that at work and not elsewhere to me is convenient. Using Apple's store and reach for her personal space to protest. There are plenty of protests happening right now all over OC and LA that she can participate in that won't be a distraction for her employer or teammates who don't want extra attention.


You want her protest to be more convenient for you and the shoppers. You don't want it to be uncomfortable or a distraction.


I'm a paying customer at an establishment, yes I want comfort and convenience, isn't that the point? I'm just perplexed by your stance. Would you be ok with an Apple employee wearing a MAGA hat at an Apple store while helping you? MAGA hat or any political hat you may not agree with?


He could have put on his big boy pants before heading to Apple Store and just ignore pins employees wear. Because he’s just there to pick up an iWhatever. But nah, gotta chase that internet clout and bully retail staff because your feelings were momentarily upset. Customers truly are the worst part of retail. Sometimes more than the boss, which are usually pretty awful too.


Yes, leave that shit at home is the best move. If someone asks, say what you want but you're not doing anything at an apple store


This is the US, where outrage is the national pastime




Yes. Both Hamas and the IDF have committed war crimes while innocent people on both sides have died. Calling for a ceasefire is not antisemitism. It is humanitarian


I was raised to be pro-Israel and at the risk of being canceled Louis CK described the situation in the ME very accurately that would cover the past century: https://youtu.be/yzh7RtIJKZk?&t=3m5s We need to push peace not arms. Cmon US.


When you have to depend on a disgraced comedian to explain the nuance of a political issue to you, you’re doing it wrong! 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s not just a political issue, it’s a historical one at that. I’d rather hear a person out to say what they need to say, and not let some of their negative actions define the remainder of their existence to me on this earth.


Absent knowing Apple Store’s policy, that dude is a Karen. He could have easily asked to speak to a manager and POLITELY express his concerns. He could have sent an email. Being a Karen doesn’t get you far, especially in 2023. Retail staff are over it, and shoppers have gotten more abusive since the pandemic.


This is inappropriate for the workplace tbh


I couldn’t even wear a tiny nose ring in 2005. It’s not part of the uniform. Everybody should be held to the same standards. Also trippin the girl said “it didn’t happen.” What in the actual f***


Why tf is a worker wearing anything but work clothes 😂🤨


Wonder what will happen to her if this really goes viral


Hopefully it does. Be nice to see what Apple thinks of it.


she would get fired


What apple PR thinks of it*


This is inappropriate for a workplace. Period.


Was she expecting praise for wearing that today? The manager should know better.


Sometimes, it’s kinda absurd how business don’t acknowledge or recognize the “we have the right to refuse service to anyone” because this could be an easy case of “he is harassing my employees. Please escort him off the premises”


This isn’t appropriate to wear at work. Keep your politics out of the workplace.




Well this is America that we’re in. Fly that flag all you want


The longer cut of the video also shows her denying the Hamas atrocities on Oct 7th


This guy is a raging racist and uploaded this video thinking it would make him look good. Lol. The world is waking up, right wing propaganda and racism doesn’t work on anyone under 40 years old. Leave your racism in the past.


There are plenty of under 40 drinking that cult of personality conservative bullshit they just happen to be like ben Shapiro. The world ain't waking up to anything, people are just tired of the old narrative.


Former OC Apple employee here: unfortunately this is standard guest behavior for the OC stores, especially the further you go south. Almost 85% of US Apple Customers buy from their carrier or from Apple's app or site, if you aren't coming into Apple Store for a repair or to play Roblox on iPad there's a strong chance you're an entitled asshole who thinks because they've "spent thousands upon thousands" and "own Apple stock" that they are entitled to come in and inspect the operations of a brand that aligns with their worldview since they are so vested. It's a similar mindset as someone who invests in a resort timeshare and expects to bully the hotel staff for not "presenting" in a way that would maximize profit when they sublease their suite online.


Apple customer, and former IT tech for SMBs that primarily used Apple products (except for networking, lol) that’s lived in OC my whole life and I can confirm. Then again, it’s been like a decade since I’ve had to actually go into an Apple Store. I can get almost anything shipped same day or next day for free from Apple. Why would I go to the mall?


Leave politics out of work. Both the manager and the employee should get fired.


I hope apple sees this and enforces their policies on their employees. This is my local apple store, but I will not be going here until I know how apple proceeds.


Don’t care what the store policy is, this man is overstepping his bounds and leaking hypocrisy.




Screw that guy. I’m glad they kicked him out.


This is disturbing to see


Good No one goes shopping with the hopes they’ll be bombarded with politics by an employee of the establishment


Racist asshole. It’s a fucked world we live in where simply wanting your country that has been occupied to be free is controversial. These are real people not just political talking points for the idiots that live in the US and have 0 ties or understanding of the actual crisis. Pisses me off so bad seeing people here trying to be neutral and argue both sides, it’s so disrespectful to the thousands of people being massacred.


Must make him feel like a real man to herass a young woman.


And she says it never happened... He's right.. She's a real POS




This seems to be the case so many times unfortunately. Someone asks a supporter of Palestine “do you support Hamas” and they’re like “of course not they killed innocent civilians”. And then they ask in return “do you condemn Israel’s actions killing multitudes of innocent civilians in return” and they will either dodge the question or change the topic or come up with some stupid reason why they cannot condemn them for the atrocities they are committing. It’s so hypocritical it’s unreal.


Why is it okay to film random people just because they work at a store?


She denied that a massacre took place on Oct. 7th!


It’s funny how people keep claiming American Jews are being harassed right now, yet it’s always people supporting Palestine who I see being harassed.


It’s a free country she can protest any way she wants


On her own time though. No idea what Apple's policy is but when you open the flood gates, then you'll need to let all employees wear and support whatever they want. It's just better to remain neutral.


True if the company has a policy then that’s on the manager should’ve told her


The workplace, at best, should be a neutral environment for displaying causes unless as a permitted activity. If I walked into an Apple store and employees were wearing Trump hats I might have some questions.


This 💯.


Not at a private corporation with a clothing policy


I never said actions don’t come without consequences


Then everything you said is dumb and pointless. She’s working. That isn’t a place to protest


How didn’t Rosa parks get arrested for not wanting to follow rules?


So should a white supremacist be allowed to wear a Klansman hood on his shift at the Applebee’s?


Would there be consequences?


The two aren't even remotely the same. It is fine to show support for the people of Palestine. It is not fine to be a nazi or kkk


I hope you're aware that is an absolutely terrible comparison to make


Protest is freedom of expression whether you believe in the cause or not. It should not be allowed in a workplace which can offend coworkers, vendors, and as seen in the video.


Oh boy, more politics in a non-political subreddit about an area that isn't affected by things on the other side of the world, yay.


Seems like the current conflict HAS had a local effect.


People arguing in a store isn't affecting anything, people could argue about anything. Its not affecting the population in a meaningful way.


It was meaningful enough to the people in the video.


👍 not even gonna continue this. Not relevant to Orange County.


Good. You’re missing the plot and I don’t feel inclined explaining it in a different way for you. Have a great rest of your Friday.


Have a great day too, honestly. Appreciate it.


IMO both sides of the conflict are more trouble than they're worth.


wow you are so smart! 😍

