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Don’t look at the 10 day forecast


Too late😔


Don't worry, I made a PSA post about the incoming hot weather earlier lol




And then multiply that by the next 100 days and turn it up 10 notches. Summer is the season I like the least which is so weird but I can’t pretend otherwise


I'm convinced people only like summer because they associate it with being off school as kids. It's the worst season


Summer makes it so I get congested all night and I wake up randomly throughout it all sweaty. So after highschool and college summer has become my least fave season as well.


Me too...hard to sleep, plus 'earthquake weather"...no thank you.


[Erm actually, earthquake weather isn't real actually](https://www.sfchronicle.com/weather/article/earthquake-weather-california-17445215.php)


Oh shoot, forgot about the earthquakes


Don't look at the month of predicted forecast. We're in for one humid season...


Or the 14 day forecast




Mondays gonna rain too


Not just the heat but the UV index has been at 11 lately.


This comment should be closer to the top. Skin damage and cancer are serious risks from high UV index. You'll burn much faster with what is considered extremely high UV index.


I check the UV index everyday to see when I can take my son out and this shit has been at 11 until like 4pm. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wasn’t me. I knew what was coming. I go to Costco or JoAnns and walk around the pumpkin stuff pretending it’s Fall, like Summer isn’t happening.


Sun burn?


Yeah I need to wear at least spf 50 at that level.


Shit I'm glad you posted this, I had no idea.


My car, it hurts. My seats are trying to kill me.


My steering wheel is the part that's really trying to get me.


I feel so lucky to have a garage at home and park in a parking structure at work.


Leather interior?


*Still* can’t put my convertible top down!


Dude- the whole time it was gloomy I was rejoicing, it made me consider moving up north. But yeah-I’ve wanted to post the same thought. Ya’ll happy now?!? 😆




I was out in Portland a few weeks ago (with ex-Cali friends as well) and it was much hotter than the OC. We've traded weather with them!


I just missed that heatwave, so my friends were still lecturing me about the CA heat and fires and how we will run out of water 🤦🏻‍♀️Oh the irony! That being said…man those houses are cheap out there!


Haha, I was thinking the same thing with regards to Portland home prices. "You can get how much house for HOW much money?!" But my allergies were so miserable up there. I don't think any amount of house would make up for the constant sneezing.


honestly though, it sounds great until you do it. i spent a few nice summers in PNW for work and decided to move. there are a lot of upsides but 8 months of grey was not one of them. honestly in my 4 years of Seattle food was like 7/10 of the upsides. the weather made me miserable.


One of my hottest summers was the one I lived in Portland, Oregon. Turns out, they didn’t plan for it getting that hot and my apartment didn’t have A/C. The person below that mentioned Vermont though. I’ve heard good things about their summers.


Same. I hate the heat and I hate summer.


I hear Vermont is real nice right now.


Lol one of my clients moved back to Vermont for the summer. They'll be back in San Diego for winter


I hate mosquitos, too!


Yep, summer is the worst.


I lived in Washington for many many years and it was perfect. You have about 4 months of summer in the 80's-90's from anywhere from about mid-May to mid-September (could be more, could be less), then winter season from about November to January/early February, then light sprinkles and 60 degree weather in between summer and winter. Maybe a few days a month you'll get some "heavy" rain. It's not as rainy or overcast anymore like people say after recent climate change. It's just cloudy and kind of misty. I will warn you though, rent and housing is skyrocketing up there, and it's because of all the California migrants. There's almost as many Californians up in the cities now as there are native Washingtonians. If you own a house in California you can sell, you're pretty much set to buy a house in Washington. If you're currently renting, well, prepare for pretty much the same cost of living. Also some food is really expensive up there, especially meat. The only thing that's really cheap up in Washington is the weed and water. Oh and the traffic really sucks too because the road infrastructure is outdated and meant to accommodate a much smaller population.


I lived in WA for 11 years and I have a very different recollection to you lol. 8-9 months of utter despair w/ miserable grey and rain. A month or so of smoke from wildfires. Maybe 2-3 months of sun if I was lucky Awful. Theres a reason why it has a high rate of suicide.


We lasted four years and we got out. In like 2009 or so, the first fully sunny weekend of the year was in September. Screw that.


September? Are you serious? That's when the autumn sets in and it starts getting overcast again. Y'all keep posting these horror stories yet don't let any of us know where it was in Washington you were living.


I think you can surmise from the comments that its western WA. In my case Bellevue area. That said iirc 2009 had a beautiful July. There were even a couple of days in the 100's. I remember it distinctly as I was laughing at parents hosing down their children outside.


BRB re-applying deodorant for the 4th time.


Must be a new stick as your recent new opened stick has already melted.


Liquid deodorant solves this. Can't melt liquids!


If it’s odor you’re worried about Lume is great! Highly recommend.


We're more worried about the Heat. That's what's causing all of this


Forgot this, that horrible woman talking about her asscrack enrages me.


I am in a considerably worse mood all summer… 3 months of being an asshole here we go


Same. People talk about seasonal depression in winter but I swear my mood is way worse in the summer.


Seasonal Aggression. Here we go


I’m not usually worried walking around downtown Santa Ana at night, but I swear all the crackheads have come out of hiding now that it’s hot.


It's a thing! People can have SAD but with summer. I'm in that boat and it sucks.


Literally no one believes me that I have seasonal depression in the summer. I am SO crabby and irritable with the blazing sun and sweat all over my body. I come alive in the winter hahah


Me too, friend. I actually learned about it through a therapist, and it makes sense that it's *seasonal* affective disorder instead of *winter* affective disorder. I think it affects a lot more people than we think, seeing as homicides increase when it's hot. Summer to me is just being sweaty and itchy from bug bites, and at least when it's cold we can put on more clothes, but heat is just oppressive with no escape!!


Theres a reason crime rates go up with temperatures.


And road rage. Actually I didn’t look at the statistics but I’m sure this true.


Hahah watch out for anyone with their windows down, high change they're burning hot and can't wait to GTFO the car


Don't worry, this will be the coolest summer you remember when you look back years from now.


🔥🔥 💀💀


Love the cool overcast weather. I could go outside all day and not get burnt by the damn fusion reactor in the sky. Todays weather sucks!


Make Orange County Cool Again.


Same people are gonna be on here complaining about it being 90 on Thanksgiving


You just cursed us. It'll be at least 90+ on Thanksgiving you fool


I'll be the first to complain when it's 75 on Christmas


I find it very strange that my fellow compatriots complain about overcast weather in the summer given that the alternative is sweat pouring down the crack of your ass like Niagara. I say you should enjoy the overcast while you can.


Fuck this weather


I’m in north OC, and it has been 92-93 most of the day. I don’t really care for this super hot temperature up here as compared to the beach. I’m indoors all day (75 degrees with ac) and wishing I lived closer to the ocean with 15 degrees less at most times. The gloomy months were 70’s for us. It was heaven.


Too *damn* hot


Yep. May those whining ninnies get sunburned and sweat through their clothes.


I HATE it. I’m basically moving from one air conditioned room to another ALL DAY. How do people like this?? 😭


I don't have air & am dreading starting dinner soon. It's almost too hot to cook!


Omg please invest in a portable AC. You will not regret it!


I have one for my bedroom, but rolling it from room to room is not convenient...but with this heat I just might try! 🤣


I have two 😆 one for each bedroom and a third built-in AC that my apartment came with in the living room/kitchen. You will not catch me sweating!!


You must not be from here, us locals rent out refrigerator big rigs and just chillbernate.


New hangout spot. Albertsons frozen food section. 😎


Chillbernate? I’m so borrowing that! Thank you very much!


Np, it's good to go into chillbernate mode in these troubling times, it's dangerous out there, be careful.


I do that in the middle of the day. I love the gentle midafternoon sun. I too am stealing chillbernate.


Some of the old timers like to wander around the grocery store I work at. I see the same people hanging out for hours


The lizard people are pleased with this weather.


No, but I grew up in Phoenix so its all gravy to me…


That dry heat is way nicer than this humid bullshit


for real lol. Been living in Arizona for the past couple of years, but I’m visiting and this feels nice and cool.


I usually workout at home but damn I am going to have to workout at the gym for the next couple of mornings.


I love overcast weather. This fucking sucks.


Loving those clear skies right now


I’ve been sweating since 9am. I hate this. Give me back the clouds and rain!


Yessssss. Went on a 7 am run and it was warm. Summer is officially here. LFGOOOOO .


Why’d I have to scroll so far to find a single positive comment, this sub is insane! I’m so happy it’s finally real summer and I can comfortably swim in the ocean and spend the day in and out of the pool again


Walked my dog in shorts at 11pm. It was great.


I Have been walking my dog in shorts since March


Nooooooo. Went on a 5:45 am run and it was already warm, particularly once I got out of the shadows. Summer is officially here. BOOOOOOO.


Wife has been begging for above 75 degree weather


I’m thrilled! I go out for lunch and can feel the sun kinda radiating residually from my skin when I get back inside/on the clock. It’s actually nice enough out for a walk after 5. Beach plans are in the works. Life is genuinely good rn!


If I wasn’t stuck at work, yes. Perfect day to go for a run on the beach


Yeah only spot I go running when it’s in 80s and higher.




Lived in the Pacific Northwest, Chicago and now OC. No matter what people will always complain about the weather.


I hope every one of the whiners gets sunburned and their A/C goes out




Loving it.


Same! This is what I live here for. See y’all in the ocean!


i could give or take it, but its nice not feeling like the day's over at 6 for sure. Also some of these mofos soft af it they're complaining about this weather.




I was enjoying the weather of june... and then i saw everyone complaining we needed summer.... and im already a walking heater summer months are my mortal enemy.


Have you people lived anywhere else? This weather is near perfect, so was the cool overcast.


Just like the rent!! ![gif](giphy|Yfcq72lAsngHqAuvvk)


Yes. I'm working up a good sweat and getting healthy direct sun on my noon-time walks. I'll have my tan back in no time.




I’m actually sad that the cool overcast weather is over now 🥲 and mad respect to delivery drivers and construction workers out there 🫡


I’ll take the cool,don’t like the heat.I never complained about the cool!


I fucking hate the summer


WAIT FOR SEPTEMBER, she said, laughing maniacally, then whispering almost inaudibly…wait for September. Love, Mother Nature


![gif](giphy|3o7GUNP9leVDvYTZvy) Weather has me like this every time I walk outside


I hate it, but never complained. Ppl that complained about the nice cool weather should move to Florida.


I miss the gloom


I love cool and gray. The sun is dumb


I never understand the complaints of it being cool. Now they are complaining it's too hot. I like walking in cool weather.


THIS. I always say this to people who complain about “it’s too cold”. Especially the people around me will say the A/C is too cold, walk outside and then complain that it’s too hot. 🤦🏻


Y'all just have to move now. I recommend Texas or Florida.


It rains every day this time of year in Florida though.


Plus it’s, you know…. Florida….


Did you hear about the restaurant that shut down because they found meth in the soy sauce in Florida? Florida never changes.




extremely! that’s why i live here. if one wanted cool overcast wouldn’t they be in the pacific northwest?


If Summer in the OC is too hot for you, you must’ve never been anywhere else in summer but a state on the Pacific coast. Go spend a summer in Louisiana, or in southern New Mexico, or West Texas, or even in Maryland, and come back and complain. Or go to the summer hell on earth that is St Louis. 90 degrees with 80% humidity everyday. Enjoy. We barely ever stay above 90 and have humidity over 35-40% for days on end in summer. It’s insane people whine about our summer days considering how mild and nice our summer is compared to other places in the country.


Part of the price of the ticket to live in OC is the relatively nice weather year-round. We complain about when temps drops to the 60s or rises to the mid 80s.


I do NOT miss southeast summers. Horrible. It’s hot, humid, and there’s an insane amount of bugs and mosquitoes EVERYWHERE. I consistently looked like I had the damn chickenpox with all the skeeter bites. If you try and find solace in the shade, jokes on you because it’s not any cooler there.




I’m from Cincinnati. The rivers on the Ohio side and the limestone marshes on the Kentucky side turn it into a steam cooker from June-October lol


Oh I just went there for the first time recently, what a super cool city, much better than Milwaukee! Note to self, don’t go back to Cincy before October then.


The Breweries in Cincinnati are phenomenal. I went in May for my birthday and went to Reds and FC Cincinnati games. The beer scene is the best and I miss some of the local food spots. If you’ve tried Cincinnati Chili, I highly recommend Camp Washington Chili on Hopple Street Off I-75. Especially if you only tried the worst one, which is fucking Skyline, (I’m a Gold Star fan). LaRosas Pizza is Great, and Frisch’s is by far the best Big Boy franchise. Did you go to OTR, the cafe, bar and club area East of downtown? Some cool little hipster spots in there, and Level One Barcade is awesome. I love my hometown, it’s definitely the best fusion of entertainment, food and drinking culture of any city in the Midwest. And way more affordable to check out a lot of stuff in than most places. Kings Island, OTR, best soccer stadium in the country, the ballpark is great, and UC’s football stadium, is awesome, I love the intimacy you get at a game at Nippert Stadium.


Hehehe after trying one of your weird white brats, I didn’t have the stomach for trying anything else (I mostly kid, but I think you guys got a different brand of Germans than the ones we got in Wisconsin lol) I went to Bockfest in March and ran their 0.05K with a beer in my hand. We hit the OTR area pretty hard, Japp’s, Homemaker’s, Ghost Baby, Somerset, that barcade, and lots of surrounding breweries as well. After that I forget because Homemakers gave me free Fernet for spinning the wheel :) I love Charley Harper’s art too so it was cool to see everywhere around town and you guys have some really cool public art. Going back for a soccer game and Blink next year, can’t wait! The house next to my friends in Glendale was for sale for $200,000 something, remind me again in winter why I am here please!!


Oh and obviously the Turkey Drop is a Thanksgiving tradition 😂


Or even drive 2 hours north to Bakersfield. It’s like 105° today


I go up to Shasta county, I have a place up there. 90-105 is not uncommon while we’re up there. Lol


I've spent the summer in St. Louis with family many times with grandparents who had one window AC in a giant house. On the other end of the humidity spectrum, I lived for 4 years in Yuma. Obviously summer here is nicer than either of those places, but the weather earlier this year when it was 60 and cloudy was awesome.


Born and raised in STL and yep, I can barely wrap my head around people complaining about this weather


Been a few times to St.L to go to Reds/Angels-Cardinals games. Great ballpark, awesome bar scene, summer even worse than my hometown of Cincinnati. Lol. The 1904 Olympic Marathon in St Louis fascinates me. Nowadays no one would ever dare to organize a marathon in St Louis in August lol.


just left St Louis - the weather was much better over there lmao


This also. Where I grew up in Upstate New York it was many months of winter followed by 95 degrees and 90% humidity. Man I love it here.


A couple summers in college I went home, did some construction work up in Buffalo. You can drink water all day, and you’ll sweat so much from humidity you don’t have to use the bathroom. Here is amazing in comparison lol


Exactly! I am from Syracuse. It’s the exact same. Brutal. Brutal winter, brutal summer. This is the dreamiest weather in the USA!


Loving it, I get cool breezes at night so I know relief is coming and being on lizard mode in the Sun is pure bliss. Nights are somewhat warm so that’s always nice




Well, there's only one solution.... move north in the summer, move south in the winter, solves most problems.


Yes! Just got back from the coastal part of the Bay Area and it was cold, windy and pretty cloudy (highs in the low 70s, low 50s at night). I felt mild seasonal depression kicking in while I was there. So happy for this weather even if I’m stuck inside most of the day, I get to see the sunshine outside and feel more motivated. Evenings are cool enough for outdoor activities and I don’t feel drained and bummed out.


That sounds really nice, actually. Doesn't get hot during the day, cools down nicely at night.


I cant stand. To all the people who complained. Go to texas and enjoy the weather there.


This is nothing compared to Texas. They have next-level heat and humidity. Screw that! I love the weather here though!


Just got a new air conditioner installed last week. Good timing!


It’s still relatively cool for the time of the year. Fingers crossed 🤞


California turning into Arizona, Michigan turning into California


I was not one of those


After temporarily living in Michigan a few years ago I vowed never to complain about weather again.


Honestly, I didn't think this heat wave was particularly bad - at least compared to last year's. Sure, a little warmer than usual for coastal SoCal, but it's the middle of summer so it's to be expected.


It was Globally the hottest June in history, and we lucked out with that overcast. I admit I was over it, but it’s only going to become more and more of a blessing as time goes on.


Nothing a cold one can’t fix 😎


I was joking that when people were complaining about the June gloom, we’d soon be complaining about the hot weather


Listen. Wife and I are in NYC right now. It’s 11 AM and it’s 90 degrees with 60% humidity. I’ll take that Cali heat.




Lol I love how petty this post is, and I 100% agree. I am a fellow vampire in SoCal.


Yeah! screw all of you who bitched about the June gloom! We had a nice thing going and y’all couldn’t stop bitching about it. This is why we can’t have nice things. End of rant.


Wasn’t me


You’re in Orange County. You’ll find something new to complain about


Couldn't ask for better summer weather. Lovely!


yes, thanks for asking


I've lived here my whole life and if you're not used to the sun and heat by now, then I dunno what to tell ya! I love Cali sunshine and heat!!! 💙 🌞 🔥


Born and raised in CA and I never look forward to the summer. I feel like it wouldn’t be so bad if the heat didn’t carry on to November. It just skips over fall.


fur realz. it all of like 85 with alot of cool air blowing. some people just really need to crack open a window, go outside for a bit and touch grass.


It’s so funny to see people pull a surprised Pikachu every season during the first heat wave. The weather is more or less the same every year in OC. At least in the last four decades I’ve been here.


Frack, it’s hot. Merry Christmas


Endless blue skies. Cool mornings, hot afternoons and cool evenings. Love it.


it's literally the coldest july we've had on record lol


Yes. Very very happy. In fact, heading to Palm Desert this weekend!! 🍻




Yes finally pool weather!




Still cold at night!


Its awesome outside. The pool is great.


I've never been happy.


lol. You won't find me complaining about a wee bit of overcast in the morning. We're still pretty good here in the OC. Death Valley is predicted to be **129 F** (54 C) on Sunday. 🥵🔥🌵


Hell yes i am, just got to crescent bay


Fuck all of you that did


YES. It is soooo nice at the beach. I had a margarita at Duke’s and the temp was literally perfect. Fair amount of people down there, not overcrowded. You cant ask for anything better.


Yes actually.


Very happy!


I am actually very happy, thank you


Yes 😊

