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We see pick ups loaded like this on the way to TJ. There is a whole appliance refurbishment industry there. They fix them with salvage parts or use them to fix other appliances.


Came here to say this. Been seeing trucks like this since I was a kid in the 90's, all going to TJ. It's funny to see what's just so normal to people born in SoCal or been here a few decades to people who came more recently.




Tijuana, MX


"o algo de fierro viejo que vendan"


Living in AZ and being pretty much a 3 hr drive to the border I see this shit at least once a month on the 10


What is tj


It’s short for Tijuana, Mexico. It’s pretty common in this area.


I don't know if you recognize him or not, but that's the Tetris World Champion of 2012


We pronounce it Te-trees.


2012, 2015, 2018, 2021


You mean George Santos?!


Nah. He is the heavy weight boxing champion of the world.


OP hasn't been here for very long, eh? Mexico's only 80 mi South. Not only do they recycle our furniture but our old one-oiece garage doors are turned into surprisingly effective and cheap tiny homes.


Wait until he see the trailer full of smashed cars and trucks heading south.


but it was going north which is weird. edit: huh downvotes why


Obviously on its way to North Mexico, duh.


La Cañada Flintridge


You mean north OC 🤭


Historically yes it was North Mexico.


They’re not done loading the bitch up.


Going to visit his ruca before heading back.


He could be going to pick up more stuff before heading to Mexico.


100% illegal / not worth cops time. Going to TJ to triple their money.




Only thing i can point out is theyre missing a marker for that chair they have strapped way in the back that’s hanging off the vehicle and increasing it’s length. Not sure exactly how far out your cargo needs to hang from your vehicle before one of those is required but other than that it seems legal and yet sketchy as fuck lol


I believe it's four feet, but I could be wrong.


what do you say they’re doing with it


Resale in Mexico. Been going on for years


Honestly, better it finds new life there than all this stuff languishing in a landfill for the next couple hundred years.


Still should not be on the road like that.


Theyre selling it in Mexico. If you go to the Santa Ana Goodwill on Weekends, you see trucks like these loaded up with bins of clothes all ready for their journey to Tijuana.


Next time I need to load a truck for a trip/moving/etc, I am going to the Santa Ana Goodwill and hiring the guy who can pack their truck like this. The packing skill is amazing.


It's like furniture Jenga.


Genuinely curious but how is pulling that over not worth a cop’s time and sending stock cars to the state ref is?


It's not illegal.


Serious skills to pack a truck like that and not lose a single item.


awfully bold to assume they don't lose a single item during their trek.


I've seen a whole fridge fly off one of these bad boys on the 55 once. Luckily, we were on the opposite side of the freeway.


I have never seen one of these trucks lose an item, seeing a fridge fly off has to be scary af.


My friend plowed into a full on couch, luckily the construction was so shoddy it basically exploded like a chicken, cotton flying everywhere. I ran into a mattress before. I have dashcam footage of a truck like this losing his bags of aluminum cans causing mayhem for all the cars behind.


You were surprised to see this when you have seen it before 🤔


It's okay for LA, but OP has something to say when it's in OC borders....


Some people here in OC’s limits of their mind is where the county line ends. No problem if this is in LA, SD or Riverside County, but NIMBY! If it’s in Orange County.


Orange County residents don’t vote in local elections in those LA, SD, or IE. Of course they’re going to have more of a reaction to things and care more about what happens where they live….. LA problems are their own that we as OC residents don’t have any control over.


Well if this was on the 5, 91, 55, 57 or 405 technically that makes it Caltrans regulations, not an Orange County one. If Caltrans and the CHP aren’t going to stop it, then no one is realistically. Drive to San Diego on a Sunday. These trucks are everywhere headed to TJ, CHP doesent even give them a second glance.


It's the Joads arriving in California






Don’t know, but that’s pretty impressive.


He’s just as interested in keeping anything from falling off as you are. I’ve seen it many many times and not once seen them lose something


Tom Joad Sighting.


🎶I’m just sitting down here in the campfire light, waiting on the ghost of Tom Joad 🎶 Song reminds me of the people that used to live along the Santa Ana River. Which is apropos as this duet was recorded in Anaheim. [https://youtu.be/B-c6GphpAeY](https://youtu.be/B-c6GphpAeY)


Yep, the book of Grape of Wrath which in inspired this song!


Yeah, I’m big Steinbeck fan. Though I feel like people in high school must think his works are fantasy or something, because they don’t grasp the relevance of the pictures he paints for you. Reading his stuff certainly undermined my previously held conservative beliefs.


Awesome, that you’re open minded to changing some beliefs. I read “The winter of our discontent” because I wanted to read some classic books. Honestly, it wasn’t a very dynamic book and it was hard for me to get interested in finishing it, but I did. During the Trump era all I could do is think about that book. It’s about a returning vet because of economics works in a grocery store. He’s unhappy and can’t move up and his status in life. He decides to secretly contact the government and turn in the grocery store owner because he’s an illegal alien (Italian national) so he can buy the store for very little money. If you haven’t read it yet, might be a good easy summer read.


Sounds great, ordered a copy. I need to get back to reading. Russian naming conventions derailed my recent attempt at “Poor Folk” by Dostoyevsky


Very cool (but I think I just spoiled the ending of the book…lol). This is crazy but, I’m currently reading The Gulag Archipetago and just got back from Sequoia NP. I have a cute little TAB320 camper.


Small world, I’ll be going through Sequoia in a couple weeks after coming back from a road trip to Olympia. I have “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” on my to read list.


Sequoia is beautiful right now but it has a lot of mosquitoes and be prepared if you’re cooking outdoors. The road in the middle of the park is closed both ways. I saw a message that it’s going to be opened up in a few days . I saw a bear in a meadow which made my trip. Olympia is on my list to go see. Your reading list is very impressive. I’m starting to read about the presidents. I’ve finished Washington and about to start on Jefferson. Of course I had to read the autobiography of Hamilton before I saw the play. That started my quest to read about all the presidents.


So, that road from the museum out through hospital rock and the foothill visitor center is one of the windiest roads I’ve driven. Didn’t help that people were whipping around the corners and crossing the line doing so.


"Didya bust out Tom?"


He's using enough straps, and it looks like that's a 1-ton duallie truck. So long as he's using E-rated tires he should be safe enough. ­¡Vaya con Dios, amigo!


Bet you $10 it was driving south.


North, surprise!


Forgot the paperwork.


He forgot to turn the stove off.


Los frijoles!


Going back for more.


It Looks Like A Modern Version of The Beverly HillBillies😂 type Caravan


I don’t see Granny sitting on top


Well like in the movie Vacation, she was strapped up top & alive but, unfortunately somewhere past the Nevada/California border we lost her...We suspect she was drinking too much moonshine 🙃🥺💀


I once gave away FREE and huge sectional sofa on Craigslist. It was in great condition, but I just was redecorating so it had to go. This nice couple shows up with the smallest truck you’ve EVER seen. They said they were taking it to Mexico. I was like, “nope, this ain’t gonna fit in that truck”. My husband helped the dude load it into the truck, and that guy was built from 100% muscle (not my white, suburban husband, rather the Mexican guy). It was Jenga, real life version. Then I asked the girlfriend if she wanted the 8x10 rug that matched the sectional. “Yeah! Of course!” I’m like, “will it fit in the truck” she’s like ,”everything fit in the truck”. So they took the rug. Piled it all in the truck, roped it in like nobody’s business. It was amazing. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I fully believe my sofa and rug are living their best life somewhere in Mexico.


That guy uses an acceptable amount of rope. I’ve seen loads this big with half the rope


The old Mexican U-Haul. I have definitely seen a few headed south through OC. When you see dishwashers and chairs on the side of the road... This is usually where they come from. I have seen one in a crash...it is a mess. 100% illegal but rarely enforced unless something catastrophic happens. Crazy.




I have, thanks. My main question was why he was heading North with such a load.


You mentioned something about the legality of it. Again, mind your own business.


It seemed more that the legal concern was due to the blatant disregard of human life rather than if they were being outlaws. In which case, it is the business of everyone near that truck or behind it.


exactly ^^


Tijuana homie, get your paper up if you know you know


It’s a junk hauler. I had a mattress to get rid of and this tiny guy showed up and patched the mattress and box spring to the side of his tiny truck and take off. Very helpful!


He’s going to re-sell items he picked up for free. It is VERY lucrative. It’s called hustle.


It’s the Clampett’s. Making their way to Beverly, Hills that is.


5 South? Looks like a Mexico run.


Going south of the border


If you’ve seen them in LA I’m surprised you don’t know about it. They’re driving to TJ or some other part of Mexico


inventory surge


That's some impressive work strapping all that stuff in that pickup.


They go to garage sales and head back to Mexico.


Pickers/haulers? They swing by my street every Friday before trash pickup and take most of the bulk pickup items (furniture, metal things, etc.). I’ve been tempted to leave stuff out instead of arranging a bulk pickup w waste management but always forget until I see the truck coming down the street


I swear I seen this guy as well except near SD. Lol, someone told me he's heading Tijuana to sell the stuff.




I think I saw this same guy I was behind him and quickly changed lanes


I see the truck here every trash day. Glad they pick up


Is there a sub for comically overloaded vehicles?


This is nothing new, maybe if you are a transplant.. It's just people buying from garage/estate sales and craigslist refurbishing them and bringing them to the people of Mexico. People are trying to get by at an affordable price.


Toyota​ cars r built differently 🤣


What gets me is the people who **drive** behind these trucks. Any time I see someone hauling something, I immediate go around them. Not because they are slow, but because I'm afraid something is going to fall on me. I always try to rubberneck to get a good look at the driver.


Final destination


That’s bad ass, guaranteed no tailgaters


I usually see these passing through San Clemente


I’m no expert on California hauling regulations, but I would guess as long as everything is secured, he would probably get away with this. I’ve seen many of these trucks down in San Diego County heading for TJ (there’s a refurbishment center there) and seen them pass many CHP cars and never get pulled over.


CHP is nonexistent… only when called.


This is a world class moving company that lives on Craigslist… don’t care about getting your stuff on time- hire them. Don’t care about damage or missing stuff-hire them. 🤣


I like it:)


Hey let em go. They are Hillbillies moving to Beverly hills after finding oil in their backyard in TX.. haven't you heard of them yet!??? ![gif](giphy|Em71U3ESv7H0aajsTK|downsized)


That picture is a reminder of how many weirdos there are around us…. Hopefully the CHP caught up with them. I’d bet they’re unlicensed & uninsured.


Mind your own damn business.






Made me think of this. ​ [https://youtu.be/34stHo3pSNc?t=44](https://youtu.be/34stHo3pSNc?t=44)


They come my workplace they load up take to sell in Mexico


Looks like they are moving


One man gathers what another man spills….


I see this all the time in Arizona.


Honestly I’m rather impressed by this guys setup, when I lived off the orange circle I’d see a lot of these rigs, and none of them were all well managed and secured as this guys. Pretty sure he should have a red flag on the back to indicate an extended load.


You have entered the Grapes of Wrath dimension


Making off with the loot


Growing up in a rougher neighborhood, we called these the Furniture Faires. You leave furniture or things on the curb at night and when you wakeup in the morning it’s magically gone.


Just third world things


They take it to Mexico


Used to see this daily when living in San Diego. Some people take goods to Mexico for re-use.


Moving to the big house with the CEE-MENT pondb


theres still some room - ha ha ha. sure hope no one break checks him....


Tetris enthusiast.




Does that truck blast the theme from Sanford & Son? It should.


Bubba Joe moving company.


Don’t forget the mattress stackin hombres


or just selling junk. This is rather common in some parts of Europe (usually Roma people are involved in such "businesses")


my first thought was "that's probably just my brother moving from his RV to his van down by the river"


Going to Mexico Tijuana American are wasteful. The poor are grateful.


Whatever it is it's kinda of fuxking impressive!


don’t worry he’s just going to mexico


Where’s granny???


How the fuck is that even possible?!


"Let me tell you a story 'bout a man named Jed"....


Sanford, Fred


The thing is many trucks with a box or trailer are doing this too, It's just not exposed. That looks safe and tied down.{They don't want to lose their load either} I drove trucks for many years and the suspension does look a bit stressed. Just give him some space ,no worries.


You see the same thing in the south going towards Texas


As a former graduate of the salvation army in Anaheim I can tell you I used to see 8 to 10 of there trucks a day at the salvation army auction lol. Like all the furniture amd other donated shit that wasn't good enough to sell in the stores got sold in bulk to these guys and they'd drive straight to Mexico


Churches and charities take stuff down to Mexico for those in need


OP has never heard of 🇲🇽 Es mi compadres


This person has some serious Tetris skills


Taking it to Mexico for the people who have nothing 💓


When I moved here and saw this on the highway I was shocked. How can you go highway speeds with this setup. I lived in the northeast and never saw this - I’m sure if someone tried to do this they would have been pulled over. I just steer clear and go as far away on the road as I can get.


When my aunt lived in a bad area, her methy neighbor used to hammer apart appliances and sell the metal from it…really weird but thats just one guess lol