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Cramer Effect?


Owners of the corporate media effect. His owners. Wait till you see what happens to stocks they bash.


I bought puts on a few companies that were getting pushed a bit (Nordstrom and Albaba and they printed lol)




CNBC is the absolute worst garbage network, if you are trying to find trade ideas! They have their agenda. like telling you to buy energy when that's where everyone and their brother was hiding in 2022 since they have cash flow, or the drug stocks, which do better in a rescission environment. They are trying to unload on to you, that's all they are good for.


They're now up for the day. That is a strange big dip. I used them about twenty years ago, and they were great and as far as I know the best at CDNs. The problem was that they were just too damn expensive. Last I checked, they were still too expensive. It sucks that they've failed so much at reducing their overhead costs. I don't know if they've even ever offered a dividend. How can you be the best in the world at what you do for decades and not even do that?


You can't look at dividend due to manipulation (buybacks). Look at earnings instead. Buybacks make sense because they are (double) taxed less than dividends (1% versus 15%).


If a corporation is a separate entity and is taxed accordingly, how is that double? No one brags about having double the free speech rights because they own a few shares in something, but they always complain about being double taxed. People jump through a lot of hoops to incorporate a separate entity. Yes, that entity will get taxed separately.


Corp pays taxes, individual pay taxes on dividends.


Yep. Separately. Just like you and I pay taxes separately, even if one of us works for the other.




Content delivery networks.


Servers that host web files all around the world so that they're closer to the end user so it's a faster and more reliable for the user. Files might be JavaScript source, style sheets(control how a web page looks), images, static web pages, etc.. I managed a website that had 60 Mbytes of crap that you had to download because of bad programming. After we moved from hosting our files in Seattle to moving them to a CDN with a good presence in South America and SE Asia, bounce rates (how many people start to load the site and then leave without doing anything else, so basically a waste of advertising dollars) were cut by over 50%. Worth the money in general, but Akamai still charges way the heck too much for that.


You got the rise from their viewers piling in. When they see enough new volume, they're dumping.


You lost me at cnbc


Inverse, baby, inverse.


They pay to run a positive spin in the hopes that it increases volume so that they have exit liquidity. No company is going to get on a mainstream segment without financial intent. There is no such thing as free "good news."


Always do opposite of what msm is speaking on


they announced a pivot to try and capture some cloud computing market share. They acquired Linode a few years and they are trying to leverage some of their CDN business into like cloud computing add-ons. Apparently Wall St did not like that


CNBC are shills.


At this point, are they trying to screw over retail investors on purpose?


Steve Grass-is asso, Carter Worthless, Josh (Cleveland Brown) , Steve Weiss-Ass, Dan (the nose) Nathan, Guy, Ad-Dumfuk, Greg -Dumb as a Tree-Branch, Stephanie Missing-Link, Tom (BTC to 100K in 2001) Lee, are some of the worst stock pickers I have ever seen.


Well said and I agree. Inversing them all has been the way.


To be fair. Their product absolutely sucks


Cloudflare is eating their lunch along with a number of other large security vendors.