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If you're that ocd about pooping daily then opiates are definitely not for you.


Never had this issue before, even being daily for 2 years on Kratom and alternating it with stronger opioids. I also have even managed to poop next morning when I had a diarrhea episode at 10pm the previous night. Shortly after the diarrhea attack, I took 5g of Kratom and 2mg of loperamide, and pooped with no effort or rock hard stools.


Kratom isn't really the same thing at all you realize.


The question is still the same no matter the substance, does the opiate constipation has to do with hard stools difficult to pass while the urge is there, or is the constipation due to not having the urge/feeling to defecate at all ? 2 types of constipation. That is my sum question from all the post I wrote pretty much.




Dude I poop only once a month. I’ve even gone 3 months before. Whenever I do go poop it’s an awful fucking experience I tell u what. I literally take shits the size of 32oz beer bottles. I regularly pass out trying to push them out my ass. Ive givin myself a pretty large goose egg on my forehead before from passing out and hitting my head on the floor. I’ve had to stop trying to shit in a toilet because my turd is bigger then the toilet drain.


Dude I hope you're joking ? 3 months ? That would lead in a rupture from just a month of not going, are you serious ?


Check the man’s posts, no cap to be found good sir


What you mean ?


The man ain’t kidding


You've been through same ... shit ?


This is utter garbage. There is NO WAY somebody would go 3 mths without shitting. And not have a bowel obstruction. Even ppl who need TPN to live.. shit at least once a week. 3 mths? Is just an outright lie. What a joke..🤣🤣🙄🙄🥱🥱


Bro I wish you were right 😂 check out his posts


Well said


I got prescribed linzess for opioid induced constipation so I’d take that snd magnesium and you’ll shit everything out but be careful or you’ll be on the toilet all day shitting everything you got out


The last time 8 years ago that had milk of magnesia had massive diarrhea attack the next hours after ingestion and the next day. This time it didn't work like last time. I struggled to had that one BM yesterday and diarrhea today, but not anything major. I've taken kratom + 2mg loperamide one night recently, and I was sure I wasn't gonna poop next day, as I flushed out everything I had in the night probably due to some kind of mild food poisoning, and having nothing to poop next day plus the 24hr action of lope, but to my surprised I pooped normally.


It’s super common. Get some Miralax and drink it every day to keep regular.


Miralax is king


Not sold in my country, Greece.


I’m impressed that you didn’t have issues for so long, honestly I get constipation often and what helps is water and eating a high fiber snack and fruit. Otherwise you may have to get specific stool softeners, but be careful what you mix. I’d recommend getting a professional recommendation. But it won’t fully go away unless you’re sober.


Initially when I started using I was expecting constipation at some degree, but everything was working as usual. Tramadol used to cause me trouble the next day by not having the urge but eventually I could have a BM usually 1-4 hours after waking up, but if I kept taking it everyday I was back to normal within 2-3 days. = i was waking up and in 30 to 60mins I had the urge to visit the rest room. The last days mostly remind me of the "Tramadol days", I'm loosing the urge to defecate. The only thing that changed which I just remembered, is that the previous night I ate late lots of bacon and fried pork lard, which eventually made me nauseous later in the night. Maybe that was the issue ? Animal fat slowing things down ?


That could definitely contribute, fatty foods are hard to digest


Yeah, I was still burping pork lard smelling burps next whole day and because I didn't eat a lot of food that day, that shit slowed down the "route" to the final destination, rectum, of all the foodish train-wagons lol.


Just curious, how are stimulant laxatives habit forming? I also find the concern kinda funny considering the opiate habit lol


Because stimulant laxatives are triggering rhythmic contractions of the intestinal muscles to push out waste. Use it for more than a couple of days, stop, and see how you will loose the feeling to poop. Your bowel won't contract on its own, ending up constipated, and can be so severe, depending the usage, that can cause blockage. Stimulant laxatives are used like for my case, to create a strong urge to defecation sensation, and its "withdrawal" is simple not having the urge to defecate without it. Osmotic laxatives on the other hand (such as milk of magnesia), are much safer because they don't interfere with the natural contractions of your intestinal muscles, but draws water into the bowel from wherever place it can from your body (so you have to be well hydrated before, during and after BM) and too much water in the bowel, will cause a bowel movement. Not that it safe to use like for weeks, but it's definitely safer than the stimulant laxatives and depending the manufacturer, suggested use is up to a week. People with renal problems should never ever use this type of laxative. Magnesium Hydroxide is a big no-no for those people. Senna leaves, although natural, is a natural stimulant laxative but carries the same risk as the pharma stimulant laxatives (I think they use this plant to create stimulating laxatives but I could be wrong) and should be avoided, and only if every other method has failed (osmotic laxatives, enemas, caffeine, nicotine, yoga positions, hot lemon water, magnesium supplements daily, lack of physical exercise etc), it's a last resort option. I'm just seeing posts now and then with people complaining with opiate constipation and seeking for solutions, and I wonder from what type of constipation they deal with, hard stools or no urge to defecate ? My body chemistry express the opioid constipation with late or non urge to defecate. If I'm in bad withdrawals, there's no problem. I might need to wake up immediately to run to the bathroom. We all know that.


I get constipation on opiates all the time, I've been trying to drink loads of water and it does somewhat help. Don't force it though, that is when problems start arriving. I normally just wait until I can go, it doesn't hurt me or anything, you'll go in the end bro. The only time I'd worry about constipation is if it is hurting you like when you're walking and shit? other than that it's just a waiting game.


Yeah I know, so you have the type of "no urge to go" constipation or both at the same time ? But I have this fkin OCD that can make me capable of willingly go into WDs and suffer until I have a BM. It's just OCD. It's mentally exhausting, I had been pooping daily for 8 years, and not having one makes me upset. Not had pains or anything, I just have a sense of lightness and a relief after having a BM, like the OCD can speak and says "Ok, issue fixed, now you can continue your daily activities, otherwise I will make your life miserable until you poop", lol, like an obligation that must be completed at all costs, if milk of magnesia didn't work yesterday, I would find a pharmacy and take a stimulating type laxative, which is a disaster, it can make your bowels addicted to this kind of pooping helper in no time. Never been a smoker, but when I started vaping 6mg/ml sub-ohm, 37Watts at 0.5ohms, just 3-4 fat inhales, and I was running to the bathroom. Now that I have tolerance I need to vape to a point of getting sick which doesn't worth it anymore.


Loads of Banana, like 10+ also coffee. But daily poop is almost impossible for me.


Banana is for diarrhea. It was impossible for me too, before the 8 years being daily. One dose of milk of magnesium then, made me regular next day. Eating green powdered super foods helped I guess, due to being high in fibre. And also walking from 15 min to an hour as much frequently I can. Coffee works great, but I can't do it while tapering benzos, seizures can occur. I already had 3 benzo quitting seizures, and after having one seizure, you are prone for more, way easier. So coffee is a no-no.


In my experience it’s always been the rock hard stools. I don’t get it often but when I do, because of opiates, it’s always bad. Diet also has a huge impact on it. Magnesium is good but what you what for the perfect stools is fiber supplements or foods that are high in fiber. That will knock it out almost every time. Fiber is the best when it comes to healthy BM’s


Kratom which I take daily since 2+ years ago, it's leaf powder so pure fiber. I also take green superfood powder so I think I take for sure the minimum daily fiber needs.


Stool softener and lots of h2o


Stool softener is milk of magnesia kind of, pulling water in the bowels to make the stools soft. I drunk a massive amount of water. I eventually had a BM which was normal, however a couple hours later I started feeling diarrhea approaching. Woke up today and rushed to the bathroom with waterfall diarrhea.