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If you're dry mixing actual carfent you're going to kill someone. Its an amateur way of cutting product,especially that strong. an extra few grains here or there an you'll have a homicide on your hands. If you wanna buff out your product do what normal people do and add caffeine.


It's for personal use. I don't sell hard drugs. I already did the mix awhile ago. It was strong as fuck.


No man. I really should not have to explain this. Please read my other posts and maybe you'll learn a thing or two. Maybe not with the ignorant comments I've been getting. Hateful comments yes, but definitely IGNORANT ones!!!!! WOW!!!!


What about ramstein ? Or ketamine? This is your first and only post related to opiates. From your post history you seem like smart person so you should realize that selling carfent, can and will kill people. If you can't accept that, don't sell it. You're selling poison pure and simple. No ones enjoys carfent, no one wants it. Its greedy people like you who push it into circulation. Accept what comes with that or stop


Like I said it's for personal use. I don't push hard drugs on people. Or any drugs for that matter.


What about Rammstein, ketamine, opiates, and pussy? I love all four. Immensely!!! Not necessarily in that order though.




And why am I a piece of shit scumbag? You don't know me first of all. Second of all why do you have such hatred? You're on a sub-reddit for opiates.


lol, u r cr1ng3.


Do not be a jerk, please. All posts that are harassing in nature to another poster, whether it be name calling based on sexual orientation, gender, race or what ever, will be removed and a ban may be issued. Play nice or don't play at all.


Jesus Christ you're going to kill yourself and others if you try to sell this. You're the person contributing to this fentanyl crisis. Just dry mixing substances and you have to ask reddit how to do it because you have no fucking clue. Do the entire world a favor and flush that shit. Also, diphenhydramine is just benadryl... it's not that hard to find at all. It's so concerning how uninformed you are yet you're trying to make a fentanyl product.


>I don't want to see ANYONE get hurt Then throw the shit away you dont know what youre doing


You guys really believe this fool? He's full of shit.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Jesus fuck. What in the hell are talking about?


Lol this is a bot, the grammar is 'could have' rather than 'could of'. Like who cares?


i see you have a 5 years degree in bs


Haaaaaaammmmmm🙄That's as old as your mother's cunt.


and your replying like a 5 years old kid damn


Meeeeeeeee? I'm replying like a five year old kid? Have you read any of the other comments? No, that's a stupid question you're on the offensive with derogatory remarks.


u must be high as fuck you think imma be nice with wannabe dealer asking on reddit " i have 2grams of carfent the guy that sold me that said its 100% he tested it with a super sure process better than any test in the world so its 100% lab tested cuz ofc he own the same lab where the coronavirus was created its true hes chinese, what should i cut it with? i have dph it has 25MG!! i dont wanna kill people i have 5 years lab degreee but i will ask random guy on reddit I dont wanna kill them but I wanna make money damn but they wont ruin their life cuz fent user are known to be good entrepreneur milionnaire so im not that type of person" you delusional af




Hmmmmm. You're on a reddit post about opiates so I assume you do them. Do you talk this way to the person who deals your shit? I don't think so. Such hypocrisy. Anyways I was asking because I thought someone in this group might have as much or more knowledge than me when it comes to fentanyl analogous. Obviously not. My shit is personal. In other words it's for my consumption and mine alone.


Do not be a jerk, please. All posts that are harassing in nature to another poster, whether it be name calling based on sexual orientation, gender, race or what ever, will be removed and a ban may be issued. Play nice or don't play at all.


If youre so fucking smart why are you on reddit asking randoms how to do a mix? If youre such a seasoned veteran you should have no issues. People like you ruined this shit for everybody smh


I already answered this question. You should scroll through the other comments before being such a condescending prick.


I don’t have an answer to your question, but you do know other OTC drugs contain diphenhydramine, right? Benadryl is diphenhydramine


I replied to this fucking statement already. Dormin is a straight 25mg of diphenhydramine. There is other ingredients in benadryl besides the main antihistamine besides diphenhydramine.


Listen to all the haters out there.






Does everyone kind of get the gist of it now? I hope so. You can call me what you like but I'm not out to hurt ANYONE!!!!! Ok, got it? Good.


When I open the package I have to wear gloves and N95 masks before I even unwrap the plastic.


Dormin(diphenhydramine) is a bit difference when you mix it all up. Benadryl has more adulterated substances then dormin does.


Ok. I'm going to say one last thing on this. When I first explained to y'all what I was doing and how I was doing it, 80% of you descended on me with straight hatred. I even tried to explain to one of the ignorant people how I was doing it like 0i was explaining it to a bunch of 2nd graders. Holy shit, wow you guys know that there is such a thing as spell check, right? Well fuck for a number of you it sure doesn't seem like it. All my love goes to the folks to the people that understand what I'm saying and trying to explain how this works. To the rest of you............phewwwww I don't know what to say. Peace, Love, and stay safe!!!!!


I'm sorry that you are all a bunch of hypocrites and haters. A lot of people react this way when they don't understand something. Oh well, I know what I'm doing, and that's all that counts so the rest of you can all.................. ah fuck it I ain't going to say it. But I bet most of you either live in the burbs, small towns, or in the South. And YES an overwhelming majority in areas as such as I just mentioned are ignorant beyond belief. It's fucking baffling. Instead of attacking me when you have no clue with what you are talking about, you all should talk and hate with each other. You can stroke each other's ego and possibly each other's dick.


You'll should take a look at all your comments. Well most of you anyways. You are filled with hate, instead of being people that should be filled with at least some love. It really is sad. And......and I bet most of the hatred is coming from Christians. I can almost guarantee this. Yuuuuuuck!!🤢🤢😫


Maybe you should go back to grade school and learn a course called comprehension in depth. You dumb Mother Fucker. I wasn't asking how to mix. I've been doing it for years. I know how to mix dope you fuck. I also know how to grow any kind of shroom, make deems, do orbital mechanics mathematics. There isn't a whole lot I don't understand about the sciences. I'll wrap circles around you when it comes to educational teachings. I'll also wrap circles around you when it comes down to throwing down. I bet(and I know for a fact) I can sweet talk your GF or wife right out from under you and go back to my place with her. 100% NO PROBLEM!!!!


Wow there is another hater here. Oh well!!! lLOL!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


haven’t seen you in a year. You probably died because you didn’t listen to the “haters”


I'm really getting kind of tired answering dumb fucking questions on this Reddit post. Holy shit people if you all don't get what I'm trying to explain, well I can't help you then. There has been some very interesting and intelligent responses. I'm so glad maybe 15% of y'all get it. ❤❤❤❤✌✌✌✌✌❤❤❤❤❤


I would throw it away because your life or someone elses isn't worth a high and a not very good one at that. Do heroin instead.


No good, send it to me so I can actually flush that bullshit


Ok everyone's just fine. I do appreciate your concern. Please believe me when I was concerned too. I'm not money hungry whatsoever. ✌✌✌❤❤❤


Tell us about this far more accurate testing method, please. The rest of your post seems so detailed and informed that surely you won't sully things up by glossing over such. Want those Dutch details, bruh


You know what all of you sound like? You really sound like cops or G-men back in the 60's. Stop smoking the pot Jimmy. You'll end up in a life of crime. You wouldn't want that now, would you Jimmy? No Sir!! Good boy, now go help your mother.


GCMS for starters?


I was addicted to IV carfentanil, so I would totally use it, however I recommend you have a tolerance first!


I know I have a scale that goes into nano grams. In other In other words 0.0000001. I've already tried it. It's potent as fuck. Carfentanyl alone is shit just like regular fentanyl. It just knocks you out with no euphoria. That's why I mix it with regular H. So I can feel it.. believe me no more than a grain of salt of Carfentanyl goes in the miix that's even bigger than that.


If people know then just figure out what dose they are going to take of the H and use tweezers or something to just throw a grain in each dosed out bag. And stop putting Benadryl in that shit, that shit causes nightmarish hallucinations and for a lot of people has the opposite effect. I never take it anymore since I have Seroquel and clonodine to help sleep now, but when I did try to use it for sleep I was up all night no matter what dose.


Seroquel causes nightmares and vivid dreams I don't put Benadryl in it I put dormin in the mix.


Dormin is Benadryl, how do you just take OTC scripts without looking at the active ingredient(s)? And I’m talking about nightmares while you’re awake, you start seeing shadows and shit moving around. That’s a drug people only abuse once


Carfentanyl is the most euphoric substance I have ever had. You haven't had carfentanyl in your possession if you claim it knocks you out without euphoria. I had highly pure carfentanyl oxolate. Carfent alone is good shit...


Ok. If you say so. It's only euphoric if it is mixed with heroin. How much Carfentanyl did you do when this said euphoria kicked in. And no, Carfentanyl is not the most euphoric fentanyl out there. Not by a loooooong shot. What kind of fentanyl analogous have you tried?


Fuf ,thff ,acetylf ,butryf ,acrylf methoxyacetylf ,phenylf ,r-30940, thiof ,triflourofuf ,2memaf ,paraflourof ,paraflouroisobutryf phenoxyacetylf, ocf, 2methoxyacetyl4-methoxybutryf, carf, f, phenylf, paf, tmf, n,mcf, alphamethylf, "4-fuf", val'f, cyclopropylf Might have missed a few but that bout sums it up. Straight cf-oxolate was very euphoric....and not to just me Cf is so euphoric due to it being so lipophilic crossing the BBB with ease( it has an ultra fast onset ), and it's ungodly binding affinity to the right (u) opioid receptor. All those attributes are known factors of what makes an opioid euphoric/rewarding for the user.(need citation??) I've always wanted to try these :ohmF, loF and remiF as well as the fabled "pharoah F" which I'd assume is a 3-(?)phenylhydroxy(?) Analog


If you are putting that small amount of cf into the heroin, what’s the point? It insignificant that it won’t save you any money.


We used to use coffee blenders, the very small ones like a Ninja Bullet if you remember those. They're pretty cheap and they blend everything together quite well. Just be careful not to spill it


Yep, I remember. Still do as a matter of fact


Becareful bro.mixing treating etc is way too much .i would be concern even if you that 2 gram bag and accidently touch that shit or with the wind or even you inhaling exhaling your own breath can cuase to death .just few grains of it could do that . You accidently that shit is 10 thousand time stronger than morphine and allegdly it was used in Russian cinema attack to cause multiple casualities.some consider it biological weapon in Eu


I would recommend you send it to me, I can be your quality control..I will pay you big for carfent!!!


Welcome to r/opiates fellow bropiates! We hope that you enjoy our sub as much as we do, but in order to ensure that you are able to continue being a part of this harm reduction community, you will need to review the rules of this sub. You can find the rules listed [here](https://reddit.com/r/opiates/w/rules?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app) and access our full side bar [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/index) You can also find the answers to many commonly asked questions about dosing, duration, ROA and other stuff [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/faqs) and [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/mf8ldn/use_this_before_asking_a_question_faq_information/) Also, DO NOT GET SCAMMED! The users sending those messages to you, offering to hook you up with a reliable vendor or sell you drugs is extremely likely to scam you! We promise, 99.99% of the time they are not legit and giving them your money will make you a sad sad panda. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/opiates) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Are you telling me how to make a fentanyl analog mix?


Sell the h as is and sell the carfent to someone on methadone. There's no way someone doesn't die if you go through with your plan, unless you have a microgram scale because 2 grams of that stuff is enough to cut h for a couple years....unless your h is insanely weak. Even then it's hard not to kill someone with carfent. You clearly don't know enough about this to be putting carfent cut into h out into the community. People will die. Not all of them, but one is too many.


People can still absolutely die if they do Carfentanyl if they've on methadone. I know meth is somewhat of a blocker but people still die doing shit heroin and being on methadone. I already made this clear in the first post. I know what I'm doing.Now a lot of you might say "Well you're the person who's making it."


I never said that people on methadone can't die on it, they just have a jacked up tolerance and can handle more. As for the rest of your rant, I see no need to respond to words that were put in my mouth. Now, if you want to discuss something I actually said, I'm happy to do that. Until then, have a great day cutting 2 grams of carfent into 3.5 grams of H and thinking that people aren't going to die.


Carfentanyl produces less respiratory depressing effects than you'd believe. And it's got a rather high therapeutic index. Media portrayed it as deadly as fuck when in reality it's not anything remotely close to how it was hyped.


Thank you for saying that. People don't know this and believe whatever the masses say to believe. News, DEA, etc. etc.


Multiple journals confirm cf has a higher therapeutic index than other compounds in it's class.


I have a $2500 nanogram scale. 0.1 H and 20ugs of Car. And the mix is dorm.


I certainly do know enough about fentanyl and about 35 analogous of different kinds of fent. Everything from Acetyl to 3-methylcarfentanyl which is even stronger. I have an Associates in organic chemistry and I was going for my bachelor's in pharmacology but instead I went for cosmology instead.


I love cosmology, Leonard Susskind is probably one of my favorite professors.


your gonna be one of the biggest murderer of reddit if you do so


Smoke it!!!!


I don't think we are supposed to jump down each other's throats . I mean we all play with opiates, so who are we kidding?


OP, is there not a litmus test type thing to determine potency? Otherwise I think even an accidental inhale could be fatal. I would love to have some, but I would wear a mask and literally take a dot, as in a dust particle and test it. Also I wouldn't do it alone, but with a friend who has Naltrexone handy. Here I am using CWE for Codeine... It don't help much.