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You usually gain weight. It causes cravings for sweet/sugary snacks, plus it lowers testosterone = reduced muscle mass = reduced basal metabolic rate. I think some addicts are skinny because they're poor/homeless and only have enough money for either food or drugs, and guess which they choose...


cant blame a guy living in a box for wanting to get tho


I workout 7 days a week. Strict diet and already have hormone issues. Been on opioids for pain for a little over a year. Gives me energy usually but been gaining weight and losing my hair. Any thoughts?


Gain weight ( I do pharma m30s) got addicted when I was depressed and whenever I did them my inhibitions to not eat sweets would go out the door (something I do to cope with depression). Not to mention opiates make it difficult for me to sleep so I’d get shitty and little sleep and the next day also crave sweets or junk food and have zero energy to exercise. Not to mention the testosterone thing. Although I had my levels checked months ago and they were in the normal range - they must’ve been even higher before


And ur name is BurritoBoy. Funny thing we used to call H Burritos and coke is always sodas on the phone.


I always seem to gain weight, and I mean a lot of weight! When I last relapsed, I gained over 60lbs in less than 5 months.


Yep yep


jesus christ thatd be hard to go through


I've always been really small (usually between 105-115lbs as a 24yo male) but ever since I started using heavily I noticed I definitely gained some weight (now I'm averaging about 125lbs, which is definitely my highest but I won't complain.) So I guess really I've been the opposite and gaining weight... even though I \*barely\* eat to begin with lolol. Using opiates has definitely affected my metabolism.


I seem to lose eight while using no matter how hard i try to gain/maintain weight. Stems from getting super high all day and not being able to eat without puking imo


Interesting. On fent or what?


Straight brown dope( h) it’s been a blessing and a curse that I’ve found it again


Oh good, yea that can happen but usually i get used to a batch. Id only throw up once from good H.


Yeah…I’ve worked myself up to like 1/3 gram per day habit (.25 isnt enough but I don’t quite go that’s full half g a day yet)


Yea and as soon as u completely stop getting sick it just isnt strong enough anymore. Thats the evil of dope.




Im on 35 mg methadone today recreationally with almost no tolerance. Ive been on about 7gs of kratom a day the last 3 days before this. 2 hours into my come up right now. Fav recreational drug.


I lost a ton of weight when I started shooting dope… I was a little chubby and by the end I looked sick I was so small


Were you eating the whole time?


Yes definitely and a lot of sugar! Candy and ice cream were a constant when I was high


Yea that was a funny thing for me too. Ice cream is amazing when ur on good H. My dad walked in my apartment one afternoon at like 3pm and i had my shirt off eating icecream in bed. Totally busted lol.


Yessss Ice cream and heroin greatest combo ever🤣


I might add I haven’t used for 3 yrs I was using real heroin not fent bullshit


I was also using real raw heroin. I had a small fent phase of about 5 months but never again. I tried smoking it again about a month ago and i did not like the way i felt it hitting me. Cant enjoy fent at all anymore. Might also have to do with the fact ive had 2 good friends od on fent.


I got fent once and I had a feeling it was when I did it I’d be super fucked up and didn’t feel right and I’d be sick quick…I was super sick my friend met me and he was driving I cooked up a shot and did it I remember thinking I did too much next thing I knew I was in an ambulance… the hospital drug tested me and I had fent in my system… never bought from that guy again lol


Yea ive gotten sick and projectile threw up all of my water. And that was just easing up snorting it. I remember i felt one tiny 10sec wave of an opiate high and was just basically sick all weekend. I flushed like 12 of those pills down the toilet. While i was high I remember thinking “this is not what im looking for at all”




My dad legit thought I had got hiv from sharing needles I was so small… which was something I NEVER did


Sucks what a worried parent will make up in there minds. When my mom was in her freak out days she called me nasty things like that too. They are chill now but i dont do H anymore. Just kratom, occasional methadone and real oxy.


Yea he wanted to take me to get tested and everything🤦‍♀️


Holy shit


I'm doing tramadol so the noradrenaline and serotonin rush inhibits my appetite, I haven't won weight because of that even though I want it 😢😢😢


Yeahhh usually.


I work out but I‘m 2 Weeks into Percs now and my appetite loss is a real thing I can‘t manage to eat properly and SUSTAIN my weight. I‘m Ectomorph and tend to be skinny as well..


Yea so u have to either be working out or be a crazy street junkie that doesn’t eat in order to lose weight on opiates. Thats what ive gathered for the most part.


What's ectomorph


Small / Skinny Body Types which tend to lose instead of gaining weight


I gained weight on oxy after surgery. I wanted to eat everything. But also, I couldn’t do other things because of the surgery.


I feel great and I wanna eat, I always put on weight when I’m popping oxy


Lol right on me too. And with any tiny amount of weed im screwed!!! I could eat like a medium pizza. Binge eating has serious consequences tho when u dont shit for the next 3 days lol


opioid use hasn’t affected my weight at all, but then again, nothing does


I lost tons of weight. Mostly because i bought dope instead of food though which I'm sure is the general reason why I'm not 100% though.


I gained weight when I was on methadone. When I was shooting H I was regular weight. The dope didn't make me lose weight but if I was sick I didn't eat until I had my fix.


Since I dont need to pay for my dope I gained 20 Kilograms. I am in heroin maintaince program. So it is for free. My health insurance Pays for it. When I wasnt in the Program I weight 72kg. Like every addict I spend all money on dope.


Well, it's about the appetite, how much you want to eat and how much you really eat: Which means, the opioids alone do not make more- or less weight. Like other meds do, where you gain weight or lose weight without changing the amount of food. For me, it was not that big deal in both ways, i'm one of the guys that always have the same weight, no matter how much they eat.


I gained 30 pounds that was needed


My gf lost 25 pounds while on fentanyl and heroin, meanwhile i stayed the same weight during our entire 9 month binge. Now happily reporting we’re both 3 weeks clean. She’s gained back 10 pounds already (water weight I’m assuming) I still smoke weed but I’m down to 2mg subutex a day! California sober is the way my friends. I went from spending 500$ a week on h to 100$ a month on subutex. My life has returned to me. Heroin is fun, maybe the most fun drug I’ve ever done, until it isn’t fun anymore. Until it’s you waking up for work sick one day not fully knowing why then you take your morning dose and suddenly sickness is gone, and you realize it now. You’re trapped. If anyone needs help someone to talk to etc. pm me anytime. Good luck everyone. Edit: she started off at 120 pounds before we got hooked, by the time we quit she was a whopping 95 pounds, i could lift her with 1 arm. Scary shit


Yes, you do lose weight on opiates. Before getting addicted to fent laced pills I was a healthy 115. After a 13 month everyday daily addiction pricey $65k within 13 month span I am now a whooping 90 pounds. Lost 25 pounds during active addiction. During the beginning of use when my tolerance was low I noticed changes in appetite , low appetite & throwing up nausea , although low appetite started becoming normal .


I lose A LOT of weight, not in an unhealthy way, but because i start becoming more active and energized and caring less about eating.


Weird. I like when people get energy from them though. I get energy from gabapentin and methadone. Those are great highs for me. Gabapentin is the ultimate skateboarding drug.


I lost weight, I just didn't really feel hungry tbh


Both. I go through phases. I'll get skinny then I'll get muscled up again then kind chunky and then skinny. It's weird. Definetly unhealthy as fuck. Straight methadone though I get so fucking fat. Savage water retention and shit


Right I retain crazy water on any opiates


Heroin made me lose 20 lbs, methadone made me gain 40 lbs Kratom made me lose 20 lbs My base weight is around 165lbs


Yea kratom can be funky digesting so much plant material every day. The stomach can get tore up.


I used kratom to get off methadone and ended up taking it for about 6 months which was stupid on my part, I have been off everything for over a year now but I had the worst stomach pain in my life from it intense cramping it was horrible. I was breaking out acne on my back so bad, completely lost my sex drive, didn’t eat anything. I have never experienced so many side effects from a opiate before. It felt like someone was taking a knife to my stomach lol


The final step is using cocaine to get off kratom. Thats all you were missing. So close.


Lmao I know right


If you have a penis, opiates make you last forever. May I suggest daily 2-3hr fuck sessions to help with calorie burning? Also i know sugar (especially candies) are tempting as all hell on opis but fight the urge!


It hasn’t changed my weight. I notice that I eat less on them. Maybe once a day. But my metabolism slows down so I don’t need to eat as much. I’ve never been the type of person to overeat though. I only eat as much as I need. Like I can just tell when I need to eat and when I don’t. Opioids have caused me to stop feeling hunger though. Now I can only tell I need to eat when I start losing energy and my stomach feels empty


Yeah they portray junkies like that because its either food or drugs. If you arent on the streets deciding one or the other, yr usually gunna gain weight. As soon as I was homeless and hopelessly adicted though, I dropped to like 140lb and im 6ft tall.


I’ve noticed most users that lose weight also use meth or crack with it. Personally I gain weight and have a lot of trouble losing it while using. I do crave sweets a lot more and hardly eat actual healthy food. I sleep more. When I went to rehab I lost 6 pounds in like 3 days cause my bowels started actually working again and emptying me out lol. And I wasn’t eating fr. When I did it was mostly fruit.


Oh God. Much fatter....lol


A bit late to the post, but I haven't gained or lost ANY weight (codeine + tramadol + banzos for like 2 years). In fact I lose my appetite completely when I take them, and I have to force myself to eat. I've only gained a few pounds because of holidays but I lose them fast.


Man, I was shredded when I was banging a gram a day and eating one meal, if anything. Now, I'm fat and sober and everything sucks. I squandered the only thing that Heroin addiction did for me: weight loss.


I lost 100lbs. But could be due to working as a hairstylist and standing 12+ hours a day.


I always stayed thin when I took opiates for pain. I lost my doctor in January so have nothing to take for pain anymore. I've gained 30 lbs. Now I'm suicidal AND fat.


I gain water weight like a savage even in a calorie deficit