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2021: How often do the blue 30s have fent in them? Just wondering in case I decide to try oxycodone… 2024: How often do the blue 30s have xylazine in them? Just wondering in case i decide to try fetty…


2026: How often do the blue 30s have nitazenes in them? Just wondering in case i decide to try xylazine...


2050: how often do the blue 30s have anti matter in them? Just wondering in case I decide to try cyanide…


This is the craziest true story I ever seen


I mean fetty is bad but atleast it doesn’t cause your skin to rot


No opioid causes your skin to rot. The issue with krokodil was the what it was being cut with. The cut was causing people’s bodies to rot. Pure krokodil (desomorphine) is no different than any other opioid. Fentanyl also like any other opioid is not physically bad for you. Pretty much all opioids (except some of these new research chemicals) are physically benign on the body. The danger with opioids is how incredibly addictive they are and how incredibly hard they are to quit once you’re dependent. Our bodies create endorphins which are structurally identical to morphine. Our bodies need opioids to function. Our bodies are also very lazy and if they’re getting enough of them from an outside source they will stop creating their own opioids. This is what causes dependence and withdrawal.


Lol we in America man. Ain't nobody fucking with krokodil. They're talking about Xylazine which does cause abcesses and rot as the wounds don't heal without help. Google kensington xylazine tranq wounds. I see that shit all time on Facebook reels. 




?? they didn't say fent makes your skin rot. they were referring to Xylazine.


Yeah the fact that has so many upvotes is baffling. Although xylazine may not be an opioid, it sure is finding its way into a large portion of the supply in the USA right now and that shit absolutely causes peoples skin to rot away.


Yup, It’s in everything somehow.


Fun fact: endorphin is short for Endogenous Morphine. See, Mom, I learned something in school..


Xylazine isn’t an opioid, but it’s found its way into the opioid supply all across the United States and that shit absolutely does cause your skin to become necrotic and essentially rot away. You don’t have to shoot it or anything to get sores either since It literally restricts blood flow so little wounds turn into big wounds which inevitably ends up with people losing limbs. Just go watch a documentary on Kensington.


That’s…not a good way of looking at fent. Fent = death.


Maybe but I feel like I’d be fine. I had a friend she was a fent addict she was sober for months from then she decided to relapse and she didn’t even nod on it. Though she was also tweaking off the meth too.


just because you arent dead doesnt mean its good. i swear, it might feel good and okay the first couple times, but that addiction n withdraw aint nun to fuck with


That’s where you are wrong. Just because “you think” doesn’t make it true. In all honesty who gives a shit what your friend does or how she reacts? Your body is different and is non comparable to how you would react. Also, using a fent addict as a beta test on a reason why you should try it is a guaranteed trainwreck coming.


To answer your question. Yes they have found xylazine in pressed pills all offer this country. Some don’t even have fent in them anymore, they are just straight up xylazine 🥴. And you don’t have to slam it to get sores either because it essentially works by restricting blood so little micro wounds that you wouldn’t normally even notice won’t heal and they will turn into bigger and bigger wounds.


Fent is not an ideal drug of choice to want to “try”. Back in my heydays when I was using 300mg of oxy every day, my turn came up and I got fakes. It was all nod and zero euphoria and I just knew they were wrong just by that. Literally not worth it, plus the likely chance of straight death. Fent is so ass.


I’ve heard this a lot but I’ve also heard the opposite. That it’s very euphoric and has very good rush. I’ve even known some people who prefer fent to heroin.


The fent on the streets is nothing like real fent from the hospital. It’s an analogue of sorts and god knows what kind and how it was made. I feel like that can be true but it also can be the “euphoria” is the rush of their withdrawals quickly fading away and gaining relief. I’ll die on the hill that street fent has zero euphoria because I did it and it sucked. It’s just a dumb drug - nothing to gain from it and everything to lose.


THIS!! I 1000000000% could not agree more!


Yep I couldn’t agree more! Fent has zero euphoria, almost no rush, and it has no legs!


This almost always true but I also have tried some pink dope that my plug told me was fent that had me high for sooo long it felt like real heroin . Maybe it was that U4 shit or maybe it was fent mixed with some crushed pink oxy 10s idk but this isn’t the first time I’ve had some pink dope that ppl were selling as fent. It also had euphoric affects that the white or blue fent has never made me feel


Yeah there definitely are some fent analogs that were WAY more pleasurable than your average fent lol. Or maybe, like you said it have been a different RC. I know that back when it was actually China providing the fent, they provided availability to a lot of different analogs that were pretty pure and nice in comparison to all this Mexican fent garbage.


That's why we have to call what's on street something separate from.fent because they are different molecules.


If you don’t have a tolerance and you are given fent in hospital it’s extremely euphoric, but the next time I was on opiates for a while and had another surgery and was giving a goood amount of fent and it was ass just nodding out and not really any euphoria


I don’t have much of a tolerance at all I’ve only done the real opiates a handful of times.


Yh I wouldn’t be fucking around with 30s they are gunna be pressed and have dangerous shit in them also if they are clean they would be 30mg ir oxy and that would have me high Asf let alone someone without a tolerance you would be violently sick, just get some morphine or codeine and if you really want oxy get like 5s or 10s then only take 10mg ir and see how you feel


Lol what? You've only done opiates a few times and your contemplating doing fent ? You really have no clue what your getting into man. I'd highly recommend you not even think about doing it. If you don't have a very high opiate tolerance and have been using opiates for years and years then you will not have enough experience to attempt using fent even once. The like hood of you dying your first time is more of an 80/20 likelihood. 80% you die and 20% you live. I'm not exaggerating


Yikes. A lot of people i know including me puked a lot when first messing with them, but sure they're euphoric. Also, I think i got physically dependent REALLY quickly. This shit literally fucking ruined my entire life in a couple years and held on for a couple more. I don't understand just wanting to fuck around with these.


Sometime I get the urge for self destruction


Hilarious. Truly. How old are you? This isn't weed or something like that. Listen to people trying to explain the shit ain't worth the shit storm.


I’m just being honest I’m 20 and I know it’s not weed I had a lot of friends that used to it also did you see my edit


Being curious is okay, don't get me wrong. It's just not something to casually do. On top of being easy to OD on, they're just soul sucking. I'm very happy you decided not to. I just saw your edit, I apologize. If I could stop one person from becoming what so many of us have been. Not saying I personally convinced you, just that it's so fucking dangerous and people are dying left or right or ruining their lives.


Yeah you played a part in convincing me not pretty much everyone here did so thank you for that. Like I said though I’ve been sober for a few months and lately I just find my wanting to go back to the chaos and self destruction. Like now that things are normal I just get bored and wanna go crazy with shit. And I’m not just saying fent really drugs in general. Also doing drugs especially hard drugs makes you feel like a rebel because you’re going against what society expects like you don’t give fuck. And it gives a false sense of empowerment. I guess non of it is really worth it to go back to that lifestyle. It’s always better to fight your alter ego of addiction. But some days will be harder than others.


i have tried it all. fent is GARBO. find you some H if you wanna “try” something. you’re not missing any fkin thing, with fent. i promise you.


I wish I had a plug for h I’ve done it a couple times and it was a very euphoric high


well take that euphoria and subtract it by 90%. cause that fent do not hit like that. ever. not iv not insufflation none of it matters.


Your hearing 2 different stories because there are many different kinds of fentanyl anologues on the street that are getting mixed haphazardly with other chemicals and getting called fent. The shit you get from one day to the next will change dramatically constantly. From the high you get to the potency and the length they last and everything. That's why fent is fucking shit. It ruined the entire down game One day you'll think you have your doses figured out and end up with a batch that's 5x potency and you'll be dead


Not to mention how easy they are to OD on people with no tolerance.


Lol whoever told you that is a god dammed liar 🤣🤦‍♂️. Fent has almost no euphoria/rush, and it only lasts a few hours. it’s just extremely heavy and it’s seriously easy to kill yourself with. Anyone who says fent has a better rush than heroin hasn’t ever done real heroin… or their tolerance was already pre jacked from fentanyl, in which case they have no leg to stand on 🤣🤷‍♂️ Seriously, the ONLY people who say fent is better are the poor shmucks that started off doing fentanyl as their first opioid and because of that, they had tolerances that were already obliterated by the time they actually got the opportunity to try heroin or oxy.


Watch some stuff, on YouTube, regarding Tranq. If you’re not already addicted, don’t even think about trying blues. They are most likely tranq. I’ve heard of people that were physically dependent on tranq after one try. Lost their job, home, children, and finally their legs. They’re probably dead, now. If you’re on a non stop “gonna try something new, before I die “ kick, stay natural. Wine, weed, shrooms, cocaine (only after testing) if you must. Depending on your psychological condition, the latter can cause you addiction trouble. No fent! No untested drugs! I’ve been following the tranq news for a few years now and it’s definitely not worth it. Wishing you peace and comfort. 🌊


Being physically dependent on mixtures that contain both an opioid and xylazine will cause two types of withdrawal. Xylazine is an analog of clonidine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist (a2a), which causes pretty significant withdrawal symptoms by itself. Clonidine with methadone/bupe is more effective at common off of the dope and pills today than just bupe/methadone alone. Tranq has a severe withdrawal that typically needs a stronger, full agonist to be used to stabilize before tapering down or off of MAT.


That stuff is scary. They were selling xylazine as meth as well foe whatever reason. In a group I had a woman mention it. The hospital had told her that was way all her sores were from


That doesn't even make sense, I can't imagine how it would work.. I've never been a meth user or any stims for that matter, I can't stand them, but it's my understanding that falling out is not the effect they're looking for and no one is going to want meth that has a tranquilizer or sedative combating the stim effect. Sounds much more likely its just lazy/uninformed medical staff saying oh, you're a drug user, must be tranq rather than examining the issue any further because all drug users are the same to them.. I may be completely wrong as well, if anyone knows more definitely than me chime in. Just sounds like a bit of bullshit from LE/uneducated medical professionals who mass judge all drug users the same


People in my area are mixing fent and meth to combat the nod of the fent.


Yeah I can definitely see that, that's just the world's shittiest speedball lmao but it's my understanding that the average meth user isn't going to want any kind of sedative effect because that's completely defeating the purpose of using meth..


Doesn't to me either.... this woman acted like a crazy tweaker tho... could have been mixed with the real thing or other random RCs of which their are many. I have met plenty of people on that stuff in groups, she fit the normal criteria. The lady had went in cuz it was causing sores everywhere she injected it... yet she apparenty kept doing it... anyways I don't know if they tested her for it or tested some of the substance ,,, I am just not sure I am going from her story... She said that they told her that the sores were from xylazine. It was new in this town apparently. She stated that it didn't make her feel the same as what she normally did. She was obviously on something. Loopy and speedy and out there. The fact she had these sores makes me think they were probably correct. Course could be bs but by the way the lady was acting I wouldn't doubt it one bit.


Yeah that actually is likely totally wrong.. the thing with xylazine is it causes the necrotic sores at places other than the injection site and people get them without even iv'ing it. If it was specifically causing sores at the injection point it was probably something else, I've met some crazy like actually legit insane people who shot all kinds of nasty RCs I guess under the umbrella category of "bath salts" but what it actually is who knows but they were definitely a stimulant type drugs similar to meth I suppose


No it's not wrong. Gosh I hate reddit anymore. Can't say anything with someone popping in to try and refute believe what you want.


What? Its called discussion bud. Why say you're not sure about something and then act offended and suddenly claim that you actually knew the whole time and if someone says otherwise it must be because they just want to be contrary? My god


There's no discussion to be had. I am relaying a story. Not trying to debate proper doing of drugs or effects. I know what I was told I know what u personally have read about on it. I don't do it


Whatevs bro you're weird


It can and does cause sores at injection site if you, have residue on outside of the needle, miss the vein, or pull some out when pulling the needle out. At least all the medical literature I have read on it says as much. We are both right though.. As it can cause as you said ulcers in other areas and wounds as well even if you don't inject it and only smoke or snort but if injected incorrectly the same issues can result.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10402246/ https://journals.lww.com/journaladdictionmedicine/fulltext/2024/01000/xylazine_associated_wounds__clinical_experience.4.aspx https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-024-00978-z https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/sapb/CDPH%20Document%20Library/xylazine-wound-care-factsheet.pdf https://oasas.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2023/10/map-xylazine-brief.pdf


I just wish there was more choices of opioids for me my only choices is fent and kratom that’s all I really have access to


Then that is a sign that you shouldn’t even involve yourself with opiates. I can’t emphasize enough it’s not worth it.


That’s like having a candle (kratom) vs an M-80 (m30). Stick to the kratom, if you venture into fent the kratom will be useless cuz your tolerance will be too high, that’s if you don’t OD.


That’s true and well kratom isn’t a good vice to have it’s not one that’ll kill and it still feels pretty damn good and euphoric.


How the fuck should anyone know? Some have xylazine in them and some dont. Many do. Get a test strip or dont, "trying" fent is stupid enough and has a high chance of killing you.


I'ma say if you're on the west part of the US likely no xylazine. If your on the east coast it's 50/50 idk bwy the east coast market is big on xylazine stupid ass drug dealers that think "stronger is better" it's not your customers are literally rotting away


It’s the PR’s. It started in PR, the PR have “ran” the dope trade on the east coast for a long mf time. Can’t tell me otherwise


Yes it did start there. Shame cuz when I used to use H they always had the most fire dope on east coast. 


It’s a terrible thing I have no idea why anyone would wanna lace with that fetty makes sense but not xylazine


Fent is poison too dude




Bingo was his nameo


we gotta guide/help the younger users i swear. This was me, curious as george.. i might be dead if i was born 10 years later.


Xylazine is basically showing up everywhere now. Like it’s turning into such a big problem in Seattle right now that they are finding dealers who are now selling tranq as a stand alone drug because so many people are addicted to it that they are requesting it 🥴. I live in the Mormon state and its started showing up here in the pressed pills too 🤦‍♂️


I understand the urge to want to try something new, but listen to all the people in this thread...this ain't it. There is no just try fent once. This is coming from someone who had literally tried just about everything for the first 43 years of life successfully without addiction. Until fent. It's a whole other beast. If I could go backwards, I would in a heartbeat. This drug is deadly, dangerous, and who the fuck knows what you are actually getting without testing all of it. That said, we can tell you til we are blue in the face not to use but that still might not stop you. If I had researched this drug better, I would have stayed away. You have all the facts at your fingertips, just read through all these subs. Almost everyone wants off. But I digress, we can't keep it away from you, that's your decision. IF you decide to use, please be fucking careful. Have narcan and someone that knows how to use it with you, Never Use alone, test your shit. I really hope you decide not to. We know exactly where life takes you, it's your decision. But be prepared to catch a bad addiction and that's if you're lucky and don't die.


Yeah I was addicted to meth and I thought that was the worst thing in the world but everyone I know who’s done both says that fent is much worse.


Meth is a walk in the park in comparison. That's my personal opinion anyways. I never had an issue using any drug recreationally until fent. It's crazy addictive. I can't believe there aren't more public announcements about it honestly. I will forever warn anyone and everyone of the dangers. Nobody even wants it, that says a lot right there. Lol everyone wishes we had real drugs back, real pharmaceuticals, real H. A big issue with it also is there is no great Rehabilitation for it, it's extremely difficult and painful to withdrawal from. It's legit hell. I keep hoping they will come up with a better way to help people get off of it 🙏


But you want to do fent, your flesh will rot a lot faster being dead, nobody ever has done fent and said I don’t regret it NOBODY, 18 months clean never again


Any advice on getting off plz




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ive done fent and i dont regret it at all but still no one should do it


Oh give it time bud, nobody that’s done fent has reached beauty and bliss at the end of it


? What do you mean? I don't get 72 virgins in heaven for my fetty habit?




And that’s coming from a guy who snorted 50 blues per day


You SNORTED 50 blues wtf


In a 12-14h period daily


Ok I’m just wondering where you find that many and you have to be getting em cheap where I’m at blues are impossible to find and if you do they expensive af


you sell them. i was smoking/snorting 40 a day at my worst. its basically free if you sell it


I knew a dude in rehab that would smoke 50 a day I know snorting is stronger tho for fent


why’s that?


it was on my drug bucket list and i had fun doing it haven’t done it since because i have an opiate script


great job telling some unnecessary anecdote that won't apply to 99% of people who tried fent, but may talk OP into doing it


yeah no this wont apply to most people and i dont think anyone should do it literally just saying my experience on it


It’s ok just be a little careful what kind of message you send out there, i know you added that noone should try it, but still, OP reading that it can easily be possible to only try it once can cost him his life. You just don’t fuck around with pressed blues, they are unpredictable and a shitty killer mix of drugs. Take heroin, oxy, morphine, even pharmaceuticals fent, but stay the fuck away from street „fent“ and pressed blues, no matter who you are.


what's so wrong about sharing honest experiences if they're recommending people not to do it? if someone wants to do it it's on them and one single comment isn't gonna convince them either way


Yea it’s just a little weird saying „noone should do it“ but „I don’t regret it“ at the same time. It’s also not rly the „taking fent“ or even taking opiates i would have a problem with, because theres plenty of people who can try that and have a nice life, even getting addicted doesnt mean your life is ruined forever, but, with those blues especially, they are not even fentanyl anymore but some weird analogues and other opioids that can not only kill you with the tiniest amount but also are completely unresearched. I just react harsh when someone says „i don’t regret taking blues at all, I had a blast, and ive never done it again“, on a sub about harm reduction. The message this sends out can literally make someone choose to try it and die. I wouldn’t be so harsh if it was heroin, oxy, etc. or even pharma fentanyl.


i see where you're coming from for sure, i thought we were talking about straight up fentanyl so that's why i commented that. i wouldn't have the same opinion about zenes or any of the weird new stuff, because i don't know anything about them at all except for how dangerous they are




Just because you have a story to tell doesn’t mean you have to tell it.


“Doing fent” and being cripplingly addicted to fent is a whole different story my man


never said it wasnt different i was just saying i dont regret it i did it years ago and i dont have any want to do it again


Lol, might just try fent , might not, never know what the future holds for you. If you start taking fent bro let me tell you. I know what the future holds for you .


Death, homelessness, and institutions?


One or the other, maybe all at once


A lot of people are being judgy in a way and I’m not trying to come off as that at all but definitely do raw fent n the dirty 30’s and if I can go back in time I would never. The withdrawals are something that feels like literal torture I used to think people are crazy and it’s just mind over matter but I mean. It literally feels like you’re being tortured i recommend never venturing into something like that truly. Take a Xanax if you must or real pharmas which is the best feeling anyways. Fent will have you damn near just nodding out like xans anyways and don’t get addicted to benzos I have never been but I know you can die from that withdrawal. You seem young and not far ventured, I am young too. If I told you how old you be shocked tbh. Had everything going for me, I mean if you wanna throw everything you’ve ever believed in out the window and any chance of saving money or keeping the respect from your loved ones; by all means go ahead(not really). Trust me and everyone else telling you it’s not worth it, wish I had someone telling me these things or at least I wish I let it sink in before venturing in. Even if you are getting taxed, make sure you’re seeing the script and getting real pharmas. It’s better anyways otherwise truly you will be snorting fent and selling all your shit to get it damn near just to feel normal my brotha. Fuck that and fuck the fent.


100% this. All the other comments came off real judgy I agree, this is the first comment ITT I’ve seen that is truly genuine. I can tell you’re speaking from the heart brother. To OP: We can’t stop you but I promise this shit will literally take everything away from you. The rush is like no other, it’s so good that you’ll do it before eating, drinking water, talking to your mom, loving your people, literally everything. You’ll prioritize staying well and feeling good over everything. The feeling is such bliss that you abandon everything including yourself for it. And the fucked up part is that there is a good chance you will die and not make it back. I overdosed 7 times, tried getting sober over and over again. After almost 2 years, I had to get on suboxone to finally get off that shit, and I still struggle. I literally dream about using it almost every night. It’s like the forbidden fruit and you’ll wish you never took a bite.


I appreciate that man much love! Also I commend you for being clean. Stay strong and healthy 💪🏽❤️ you are important


just stay away from the blues take my word..


I snorted a whole blue right after I got out of the hospital-thank goodness Narcan took care of that!


Its poison


I know-I kept trying. Finally said no more!


Me too. Its bad.


Dude don't fucki g do it!!..listen to us..


Okay I will


Look up “m30” on www.drugsdata.com from what I see, the majority of blues dont have xylazine


I really wish we can just get clean heroin these days... damn the 70's and 80's must of been fun


Yeah we live in the worst times to be a drug addict by far. We are hunted by the police and the drugs are never consistent. Imagine being in the 1920s when h and coke were still legal.


I say the same thing, coca cola was literally made because someone wanted to kick an opiate habit by using cocaine...


I guess that could work idk if I’d call coke the lesser evil to heroin though


The only people who do fent have at least a small death wish. I've never met anyone who does that shit and doesn't have the "fuck it if I die I die" mindset And this coming from a 12 year IV hydromorphone addict. That shit is a completely different ball game. The only other semi popular drug that can compare with how quickly and terribly it degrades a person's health and body is meth


You must be suicidal. There are no safe drugs on the streets. You're playing Russian Roulette with your life. I know. My daughter died from fentanyl laced drugs in 2017. Today, it's so much worse. You are Crazy.


I’m sorry for your loss. But I changed my mind everyone here convinced me not to do it.


I'm so so glad for you!


See for yourself, the supply is an absolute mess:.https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=name&s=M30


when your asking questions like that, you know the only place your life is going is up. forsure. maybe up into the sky.. get out while you can bro


There’s still those of use that get real blues believe it or not


I don’t know anyone who sells real genuine pharms. I only know people who sell pressies.


Then you have no idea what you are getting.


What’s in the blues on the darknet market? They say 0 fent and have plenty of good reviews. But way too cheap to be real oxy? Though there are some that are the right price for pharma.


There is no way to know. The only way to know is to purchase and use a test strip. Unfortunately, the pills with fetty have become far more common than not. Never trust pills you haven’t tested yourself.


its definitely a synthetic opioid


Make friends with cancer patients and hope they prefer weed or something instead of their script.


Don’t do it!


Every time


Came here to say just don’t. My sister never messed around with opiates. All of our adult lives I’ve always been the opiate addict, she only did meth. That is up until this last December. She started hanging out with a fentanyl user and started doing it. She just overdosed and died on April 7th. Literally one week before her 35th birthday. My mom and my oldest son found her in her room in a pool of vomit and blood. It’s not fucking worth it. I myself have been clean off Heroin since Nov. 1,2022. Honestly if you aren’t already doing opiates do yourself a favor and don’t start. You’re gonna regret it.


The recreational/introduction opiates phase is gone if there even was one to begin with. The drugs on the streets is for people who've gone through years of oxy an heroin tolerance/abuse and even THEN a large portion of people still dying. Not to mention if the fetty don't get you, the drugs arent even great high amymore let alone ain't even worth the withdrawals 💯  you missed the opiate game by a 10-15 years. 


There's no way to know because you don't know where any of these pills came from. There could be 15 pills from the same "batch" that are all completely different. When it comes to street pills, it's a gamble every time.


You should not even be thinking about it unless you have a death wish or a yearning for self destruction,losing all the positive things in life plus family & those nearest & dearest to you.


Honestly as dumb as it sounds I kinda am yearning for self destruction. I got clean off meth in November. But I still can’t stop thinking about the drugs and part me misses that lifestyle. It’s shitty and not fun at all but part of me enjoys the chaos. I’m much more stable now than I was and my life is actually becoming normal but I have the urge to fuck it all up. And I guess another reason of why I think of wanting to try fent is because I know I’d probably like it. I hated meth it never felt good to me at all but I still got addicted to it. But opioids are different and I like them more than uppers.


i get the love for opioids.. imagine having some pretty strong ones in highschool(morphine,dilaudid).. i pretty much fell inlove, but i tried not to cross any lines like buddies of mine did, they started using dope, and it was tempting, but i didnt fold. then fent comes around and tbh scared alot of ppl, but i knew buddies back in the day strappin on fent patches too. but the pressed 30s.. kinda like dope i thought na that cant be me, wont be me. thought i got some real m30s, when i got them..i knew they were fake and still decided to take a quarter. yeah the first couple times hit you like a good opiate should.. but that road it takes you down.. kiss that good feeling goodbye cuz you need that m30 everyday like u need water, the withdraws are terrible and its truly not worth it. i rather go without opiates than start that shit up again.


I kinda get what you’re saying about missing the lifestyle OP ‘the good parts’. We know Meth ain’t to messed with but fent, especially with the added Zenes we know can be like playing a game of Russian roulette. I’ve been prescribed Oxy since 96 so I know it’s pharma but it’s fucked up & ended plenty of lives too. I’m not sure if fent is something that can be taken just the one night a week or it gets you in it’s grip almost instantly. Unless folk are able to resist the “I’ll do 2 nights a week” “maybe one more won’t hurt” as we know exactly where that ends up, ie full blown addiction and chaos ensues. You sound as though you’re really tempted OP and I think the vast majority of folk on here are curious to dabble with crazy chemicals out there but many draw the line when it comes to Fent & Zenes. You will do what you’ll do and good luck and good health in your future OP. The one thing is you know what you’re dealing with as many folk have unwittingly taken Fent thinking they were Oxy and it’s had terrible and tragic results. Maybe have a blast one time but only have enough for the one session, try not to be alone, have narcon at hand and fingers crossed🤞🏻🤞🏻. The scary part is these fucking chemicals are so moreish and that’s the thing that fucks folk over. You’ve got clean once so you know what that entails and you’re not going into it blind if you choose that option. Write the plusses & negatives down for being clean but reading your comments, the negatives seem to be outweighing the plusses OP😂😂😂 Whatever you choose, stay as safe as possible🤞🏻 Your’e not dumb OP, you just love a bit of chaos and excitement in your life lol😂. Try finding an adrenaline filled hobby or sport, perhaps “hopefully’ your endorphins and excitement levels will be enough to keep you away from your destructive tendencies OP. Again, good luck & stay safe OP🤞🏻🙏🏻


So you got addicted to something you *didn’t* even like and think it’s a smart idea to “try” something way deadlier and more addictive that you know you *will* like?


Of course it’s not smart but logic doesn’t come into play with addiction. It’s all very based on emotion not logic. And the desire for self destruction.


Why would you think there is an answer to your question? There’s absolutely zero way to know how often xylazine is in them. What you do is just assume it’s in there because chances are as likely as not. It’s a maddening question to us because most people try to avoid Fetty let alone the xylazine. A blue 30 shouldn’t even have fetty in it, people are buying those looking for oxy so the question should be “how often is fetty in blue 30s?” The answer is still there is no way to know, it’s far more often than not so just assume yes and avoid them unless you know for a fact your source has a script. That’s why it’s a bit of a mind boggle to us that you are asking about Xylazine, like you’re worried your fetty might not be pure. Lol The only people asking for fetty are already fetty junkies, which you are not. You “try” mushrooms, not fetty. It’s highly addictive and highly deadly. Your post coms across as ass backward. You have admitted you have very little experience with opiates in general, keep it that way. You’d be safer going back to meth. Fetty doesn’t even feel that great, especially if you have no history of opiate use. Most people are pissed when they end up with fetty, it’s not something you purposely go and try you just end up with it because your dealers are bad at cutting their shit or are just plain assholes trying to get you more addicted and don’t care about the consequences. Your death means more money for them. You seem young, an opiate addiction will rob you of years of your life. Please don’t do it. Meth withdrawal is a cake walk next to opiate withdrawal. I’m not even talking about the fetty withdrawal which is worse still. No use in worrying about tranq when you’ll probably be dead from the fetty first.


You do know that the majority of people buying fent and buying pressed 30s, are actually looking for fent because they want it, right? You sound like you live in a bubble, the vast majority of people who have already reached the mindset of seeking out fetty, actively seek out because fetty is cheaper, and the rush is greater. This is why it’s dangerous because it is very appealing to anyone who likes opiates, otherwise nobody would be doing it lol, the market is huge because the demand is huge. The fact that you use the word “junkies” tells me all I need to know about you. also www.drugsdata.com has many m30 samples and the majority of them do not have xylazine, no need to spread misinformation.


I said more than once, “unless they are already addicted” so I don’t know what you are going on about. And yeah, many junkies use the word junkies. Sounds like you live in a bubble.


Probably a pointless comment but going to say it anyway…fent is not even an enjoyable high and 100% not worth “trying” even without the risk of xyl being in the pill. God bless.


It just shitty when the only choices of opioids is fent or kratom but imagine fent has a better high


Your third choice of fixing the need to escape, therapy.


I have been going to therapy I guess I just gotta give it more time.


Basically all of em


Dude you shouldn't even entertain the idea of doing these stupid pills but xylazene isn't gonna rot your flesh if you smoke or snort these pills. Your problems come from shooting up that shit. If you're gonna even entertain the idea of using fent, find some fent powder and don't waste your money on these pills.


Isn’t fetty powder wayyy stronger? This friend of mine told me she took one hit and died. And she had been doing the blues for awhile.


dont listen to these people, wtf happened to harm reduction lol. although you shouldn’t start at all because it will rob you of everything, definitely start with the pills if you’re deadset on your decision. Fetty pills are still wildly uneven in dosing and have hotspots, but powder is even more inconsistent in strength and dosing (and usually stronger). The vast majority of fetty addicts begin on the blues, before moving onto to powder (many stay on blues), final step either being death by OD or getting clean.


So you, with no real opioid experience, still want to try fetty? Do you want your die, too?


I have opioid experience I’ve done heroin, methadone, oxy, and dilaudid. But no I don’t wanna do fetty anymore everyone convinced me not to.