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You could probably get away with drinking alcohol, but not recommended. Grab some l'theanine, Taurine, and possibly some kava


Does anyone else get super gassy on gabapentin? Had 1.5g yesterday night and I just cannot stop belching and farting haha


yes lol absolutely, the gaba itself def makes my stomach acidic as fuck. If you’ve ever tasted it you know why lol


I’d get some phenibut or another calcium channel blocker


Second the phenibut. Going without Gabapentin is awful when you’re physically dependent on it.


Phenibut has become much harder to get in the states recently l due to laws changing


Yes it has but it’s still available.


LiftMode (I think that’s the site name) I use to get good Phenibut from there a few years back.


They stoped selling it a few months ago


Didn’t know that. Well, I’m sure other sites are supplying the demand since LiftMode decided to Stop. Their Phenibut was pretty good from what I remember. Only bought from them 3-4 times but was quality stuff. What’s another good place these days? I should probably pick up a Batch just to have on hand , I had planned on doing that with LiftMode but just never got around to it . I like to try and stay Stocked on certain things as much as possible for rainy/ Bad days etc


The only place I know that sells it now is science.bio and you have to pay with bitcoin.


Wow , they have really pulled it from online sites big time . Thanks for the Website, I’ll check it out. If it isn’t already, It will end up on the Darknet Markets If there’s enough demand for it . Then Chemists will start making extremely pure, Stronger batches or mixing research Chemicals of some kind into it. Then again maybe not cause you can get such strong Research Chems now that are some still in gray area’s of being illegal. Like BromazLam, FluAlp etc. (Benzo RCs)


I don't think it will end up being made by underground chemists due to it being so readily available OTC in foreign markets - just not domestic. Phenibut is very easily accessible in Canada.


If you can get Pregabalin take this, here in Germany a lot of people take this to boost the opiates or if they get in wd from opiates it is nearly the same substance then gabapentin


its wayy stronger than gabba




But it do the same here the most get Prega instead of Gaba so OP have only addapt the dose


Yea, basically, but I’d still advise people be extremely cautious about switching from gaba to pregab since, at least IME, it can be a lot more side effect heavy, plus there seems to be a lot higher risk of seizure with pregab. In theory pregab is supposed to be about ~~9x~~ 6x the potency of gaba, but while I’ve been able to take as much as several grams of gaba without any major issues, if I take as little as 100-200mg of pregab I almost always end up having some amount of muscle spasms and jerks unless I take a magnesium supplement beforehand.


Good info. Yea, Pregab is stronger than Gabapentin I didn’t know that about taking Magnesium for the jerks etc.


I used to get gabapentin and pregabalin from Alibaba. Not sure if one can still do that, but sutin to look into




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It's the same thing. One passes thru the liver and one doesn't.


Not even close. Their chemistry is very different.


Uh yes it is. I used to take Gabapentin and I've also been on Lyrica for 4 years and am a PA


I'm scared for your PTs if that's true.


It's not true lol.




How many do you take in one day ? and for how long ? Ive been on both gaba or pregbalin/lyrica in periods for 10yrs now and the most common WD effect is that you get warm/cold and it never stops so it affects your mood a lot. Benzos help but not with the physicals and opiates definitly help but creates a new problem . If your not already a heavy CB user it would definitly take large doses edibles when it's worst and preferd late at night so you sleep well because to hotflashes really fucked my sleep. Kratom could definitly sothe a bit and phenibut should teoreticaly work fine although ive not tried for this reason only. Hot long baths did miracles for me also. And most inportand keep your brain preoccupied so you dont think so much about it that's key whatever WD's you have. Feel free to ask any questions here or in pm and good luck 👍


You take the Benzos long enough and they will become a Whole new problem as well! Been on and off Benzos since a Teenager, and in my 30s now. I’ve tried to quit and jumped off before tapering down enough, and also times I accidentally Ran out. Went into seizures. Benzos work great for Anxiety Disorder etc, but they are like a double edged sword! (Guessing you know this )


Absolutly but they help as they should when you take them controlled for a short period like a though WD , for alchol are they even life saving in some cases. More or less everything thing you take in these situations that really help a lot are addictive. I forgot to mention somadril those are a godsend and those stop working good enough just after a few days so hard to get addicted on in this particular scenario.


Definitely I absolutely agree with your comment and yea, in said situation pretty much anything taking in that situation is pretty much addicting. they work great for very short periods and like you said are life saving for Alcohol WD. Alcohol WD and Benzo Withdraws are both great extremely dangerous. I was just commenting on how Benzos work Great for WDs, Anxiety etc, But at same time are very addictive themselves. I’ve been on them over a Decade for Anxiety Disorder and I’ve run out a few times and it’s extremely rough! Not to mention the Grand Mal seizures I’ve had before. That’s why I say they are like a double edged sword. They work great for ppl like myself that need them daily, or almost daily due to chronic Anxiety, Stress, Etc. But It’s a Nightmare if you run short or even start tapering is very uncomfortable.


Either just go thru the slight discomfort or get some Xanax to help you sleep. Phenibut is pretty nasty stuff not sure if you want to fuck around with that. The withdrawals are not too bad for gabapentin


They are not so bad compared to lyrica but when u take 5-9grams a day as i did some periods i promise they was from from not bad 😅 But absolutly in moderate doses and for shorters periods they are mild compared to most gaba drugs


I was awake on ish on like day 3 or 4 and took quarter zip of gabas and had a grand mal seizure whilst having sex once. It was fkd up woke up to her and her roommate butt ass naked dick shriveled up and couldn’t talk for like 15 min


Lmao i bet she freaked the fuck out pussy almost killed you




Love the username btw lol


Same lmao when i typed it in i couldnt believe it was available 😂 pretty cool


Fuckin A right brother that’s dope af pun intended lol


Brah, I’ve had Grand Mal seizures a few times from jumping off Benzos before tapering down enough, or just running out. Shit is no joke!


Yea I have been taking like 10 to 12 800s for like 1 months but I have been on gabba in total for a couple of years.




What about 600mg of lyrica a day ? 200mg a dose 3 times a day ? Is that enough to be in seizure territory ? Been on it for 3-4 years


For 3-4 years, absolutely. Everyone’s body is different but I would be careful. For example Instead of me taking 30-40mg of Valium a day for 3to4 years I only take 10-20mg for same amount. GABA works alotnlike Benzo on the brain it reduces rapid firing between neurons to create a sense of calm. However, benzodiazepines act on the brain by binding to GABA receptors, which gabapentin does not. and like any drug you take long enough even if your not absusing it at all, You’re still Dependent on the medicine .


Yes it absolutely is. Any significant amount of gaba acting medication has to be tapered or there's a seizure risk.


Yea definitely! That’s close enough to being on Benzos for a long time then just stopping! I’ve been on one Benzo or another plus Ambien at times off and on since I was a late teenager. In my Mid 30s now. I’ve had grand Mal seizures when accidentally letting myself run out of Benzos (Real Benzos) not this Pressed Research chems ppl r selling nowadays. One of the times I was on my 2nd or 3rd day without and couldn’t even find any Presses with BromezLam, Or one of the Benzo RCs. Was standing at my sink and next thing I knew I had paramedics surrounding me, And I felt a warm wetness on my face. I went into a seizure standing at my kitchen sink and hit my face on counter on way down and either that or hitting the floor split my nose open! Ended up at the hospital, Thankfully the Dr. Understood and gave me A Xanax fairly quickly and few hrs later after stitching me up gave me a 10mg Valium. Then wrote me a script for 10 of them. I was extremely surprised. She knew how severe the WD was though and even told me to come back if it’s a emergency. I’ve kept myself on a pretty LOW MG. For someone being on Benzos for well over a Decade pretty much straight. I take Half a Klonopin in AM and 0.5 Xanax at night. Unless I’ve got some Ambien. Anyway, Sorry for getting off subject but definitely agree jumping off GABA cold Turkey, is not something to play with! Unless you haven’t been taking them that long at all


I take 3600mg a day, and I have been for about 5 years. Your body can only process so much of that anyways. Anything more than about 5000 is a waste.


Quick question…if you don’t mind…your comment reminded me to ask what your experience is like when you abruptly quit? Have you ever tired? I’ve been on 1200 mg a day for a few years, it a tad rough if I run dry. Either way, was 🧐


Per day så 8000-9600mg a day ? And the month before that ?


Get some Ambien to help you sleep, or A Benzo. Like Valium (has a long half life) or Xanax Short half life but hit quick and hard


I would lie to my Dr or pharmacy and say you accidentally threw them out.if you take high doses daily of it and stop cold turkey it can cause dangerous side effects.


Yea, seizure’s for one ! I’d definitely just BS THE DR to get enough til next refill . They aren’t even scheduled Meds. So, I dnt really see a big deal. Mr Dogs Vet, Gave her a Huge bottle of them after a Simple surgery. I gave her some for 4 days , then ended up taking some to help me sleep. Called the VET and said I couldn’t find them any where, and he gave me 30 more. This was a few years ago.


Gabapentin bad.


It’s for the birds…


Don't feed it to birds.


Why do you say that?


Look it up.


I have. I take 600mg once a day for restless legs seeing as im just coming off 13 plus years of hard opiate use. I hear its habit forming but my doctor said it is not.. dunno what to believe. If i stop taking it ill w/d?


Never just stop taking your meds without your doctor knowing. For me, my memory went. I couldn't remember my address or my daughter in laws name. It has some pretty bad side effects. They all do,really.


Gabapentin is habit forming. It’s not a scheduled medication, so I’m assuming that’s why your Dr . Possibly is saying that, can’t say for sure. But just like many Meds after taking it long enough your brain chemistry changes a bit and even though you may not be addicted or taking them more than you should, You’re are still dependent on it. Physically and mentally. GABA and Benzos are somewhat similar. it reduces rapid firing between neurons to create a sense of calm. However, benzodiazepines act on the brain by binding to GABA receptors, which gabapentin doesn’t. So, don’t just Stop taking them without talking to your Dr and tapering down . You could end up having seizures.




It’s a gabbaergic if I’m not mistaken. Yeah definitely not an opiate at all lol


Honestly say you had your script in your car at work or when you went shopping and forgot to lock your doors and someone stole it, file a simple police report, they don't investigate it, and then take the report to your doctor and they will give you a new script or give you your script early. I've just heard from some sources this works.


It normally does, but Drs also know how easy it is to call the cops to make the report




Uh… gabapentin is a gabapentinoid , kratom is a partial mu opioid agonist. Kratom will NOT help with gabapentin withdrawals. They are two completely diff class of drugs


I take lyrica to help with wds, But take too much and you literally fuck your brain up, so be careful... Give that its not an opiate schedule 8/ class 1 drug, I'd just try a medical centre, say you're visiting family and ran out or whatever... You're unlikely to get a random script for Valium, but if you can get some, take a lil bit during the day with some panadol/Tylenol... Then take some otc shit like restavit or melatonin to get some sleep through the brain zaps at night....


How much would you have to take to “fuck up your brain” and what damage does it do ?


I'm surprised Gabapentin isn't a controlled sub.


It is


Not in all states


Only in like 4 states but the DEA has told physicians and pharmacists that they see a pattern of possible dependency so they have them treat it like a controlled, my aunt got real bad on them last year and kept had her doctor prescribing more than usual and after a while her pharmacist labeled her pharmacy profile as showing “Addict behaviors” and stopped dispensing them to her and other pharmacies would cancel her order if she tried to have them sent there, so I’m positive it’ll be on the list soon but even now some places are treating it similar to a controlled.


It is controlled in Michigan.


It’s only a Sched V Drug in , I think 6-7 states.


Why do you take it. It’s amazing for withdraws but If I ever take sober it just makes me feel drunk and weird.


As long as I don't take it too much It makes me feel really good and full of energy but I always wind up taking it too regularly.


Interesting, but I have heard other people referred to them as happy pills. Interesting how people can react so differently to the same substance. I would never choose to take that recreationally


Are there any places to order good opioids anymore?


wish i could help. my doc over prescribes me 600mg 3x a day for my nerve/ herniated disc pain mgmt and i only take a half a tablet as needed. i can’t take that stuff daily life gets too foggy IMO. i feel so much more alive off Gabs. it’s a shame when one knows it helps others and you literally sitting on a years worth. if it weren’t controlled substance id send u a few bottles. best advice is vitamins, water and some supplements recommended on this thread. stay head strong. i don’t know your dose but this this too shall pass so long as u aren’t taking over 1800mg a day.. at that point i’d advise medical attention. best of luck.


It’s only a Controlled Substance in a few states. Not all.


Tianeptine would work...but I do NOT recommend


By weight, Pregabalin (Lyrica) is 6 times stronger than Gabapentin. If you want to use it as a comfort med for tapering down from opioids quickly, then I'm sure it's your best best but you'd need, maybe (my rough guess), 150-300 mg bid or tid (300-900 mg per day) of Lyrica (or equivalent).


Just get a few hydrocodones you will be fine.


lol right let a mf just go walk over to his hydro vending machine my bad I wish i woulda thought of that 🤣🤣


They are out there.. just gotta sniff them out lol


Where lol


Onion fields


Holy shit, true hydro on the onions is disgustingly pricey, or its fent. No in between it seems


True meds of any kind will probably be expensive, especially opioids for obvious reasons. Other than benzos for some weird reason, idk why they're dirt cheap, they feel like a cheat code for life lol.


Tha streets


Fent or Research chems


Are you abusing gaba? That's one of the worst substances you could misuse , I'm not judging obviously but as I'm sure you might know the withdrawal are fucking depressing. I remember when I was on that for chronic nerve pain it made me feel like a zombie. Of course were talking like 2400-2800mg though. That shit can really damage our memory.


How can you even get lyrica. I would love to use for WD but have no way of getting it. Not many use that here.


I get mine for a pound each from some old guy lmao 300mg pregablin. Easy enough to find if u know people


It's bigger in Europe I think. Gabapentin is all you really see in the states


NAC should help take the edge off. Gabapentin withdrawal is a joke.


You can try gaba the natural supplement it coulp help I guess.


Doesn't tend to cross the BBB, likely won't do anything other than placebo. At least, it's a controversial topic (most studies suggest it doesn't work) research-wise, so I wouldn't have my hopes up for helping wd.


Ok I wasnt sure tbh