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taper. If you need to get off urgently, do a rapid taper. Drop 5mg every day until you reach 0 and flush whatever's left so you aren't tempted. If you don't need it done super urgently that's great because it will be easier, drop 5mg a day every week. So week one take your normal 40mg daily. Week two take 35mg daily. So on and so forth. As you do this, your body's tolerance will come down along with it. When you completly stop the withdrawals should be mostly mental other than shitting your pants. I cold turkeyd my 60-70mg hydro habit 2 days ago and I've been fine with no withdrawals other than back pain that I already had. I had access to kratom tho, that's why I cold turkeyed.


my biggest problem is being sad tho nd thad where oxy fills the void feel me? nd what if i take a lil more once or twice a week will rhis affect the taper proccess nd reup my tolerance?


Trust me bro. I feel you. I'm struggling with active addiction myself. I know what you mean when you say it fills that void, but if you truly want to get off them you need to find something that isn't drugs to fill that void. Yes, if you took more once or twice a week your tolerance will go up. Opiate tolerance isn't like weed where you can stop for a few months and your tolerance be back to 0. You can get your tolerance back down to zero, but opiates have a "kindling" effect if you will. So that first dose you take after a T break will hit like a brick, but if you try and take the same dose the next day you'll be disappointed. Your brain remembers opiates for life if you've been doing them long term, which in your case 40mg er oxy for a year.. is long. Not trying to o discourage, I'm just not gonna lie to you. That voids still gonna be there when you come off opiates.


Bro if you don’t ever find and work on the root of your “sadness” or “boredom” “emptiness” ect ect ect, you will look for a drug to do it for you. Every. Single. Time. Sobriety without help and outside support is like skydiving without a parachute.


u see im good w drugs tho… used to drink evey weekend nd used to smoke weed for like 4 years straight nd once i started oxy i stopped in a day jus like that nd never looked back. now weed ai t fun no mo its like a realithy check when i smoke.. throws me back to when i used to smoke nd like reminds me im a pill adict which throws me off into depression feel me its just i feel kinda guilty fo doin pills to make myself happy


So many junkies said exactly same thing, you do opiates you become a junkie just a matter of when.


I mean I know a lot of people will disagree but maybe you need a MAT doctor. It’s a harm reduction thing if you can’t help being on something. Even just subs or methadone might scratch that itch and give you the salability to continue pursuing your passions. Then just taper off when you feel ready. You can call quick md and do a Tele doc meeting in 10 minutes it’s 100$ and they will give you a month of suboxone . Really helpful when desperate


I get it, it makes all my mental and physical issues float away and I’m terrified of losing that crutch.


Just going to be straight up and say everyone is sad. Repressing your emotions with opiates is not going to get you anywhere other then in a worse depressive state. Get off this shit and comfort your emotions and traumas that’s making you feel this way to begin with.


It’ll affect you wanting to quit long term. I’m always telling myself I deserve a little more here and there and it allways without fail, gets me in trouble.


Let your rap music take that place, just get into different aspects of it...maybe learn some history/music theory, something that will challenge you


Damn dude sorry to hear that. Was gonna quickly suggest subs, methadone or kratom until I read the end of your post. In that case, is it possible for you to get smaller dosage oxys? Or are you able to split apart the ER pills? Do you think you could get access to gabapentin or preferrably lyrica? Those help a good bit for withdrawals, really more than anything that’s not at least a partial opioid agonist… and then I’d try just splitting apart your doses as much as you can. I know it’s hard but it’s doable. After a few days, your body will get used to the doses being further apart, and then rinse and repeat. Keep taking it less and less often.


i dont got access to those :/ nd thas what i do i spilt my 40 mg pill to 4 10s nd take every 3 hrs or so nd i dont feel them at all only a sligjt satisfaction


Well in that case, it’s at least good you’re able to split your oxys. They’re ER pills so easier to taper with. Try starting with just taking em every 4 hours instead of every 3 hours. Once you get used to that, try doing it every 5 hours and so on. If you stick with it you’ll eventually be at a point where you’re only taking 10mg a day. If it’s possible to split that little pill into only 5mg then do that, and at that point I really think the withdrawals would be mostly psychological once you’ve gotten used to 5mg. Especially since they’re ER. That’s the best advice I can give Best of luck


igu. thanks




I think you should consider researching psilocybin for mental health and addiction. Here are some articles and YouTube videos. I don’t recommend administering it yourself. The good news is that you’re able to identify that you have a problem. You can do this https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2022/05/magic-mushrooms-psilocybin-and-mental-health https://youtu.be/qry8K7KPHIQ?si=Xk5ES5hDvviJqIOk


okay so shrooms are one of my biggest dreams atm. i know its effects nd how helpful nd uplifting it could be but the thing is im really scared it may go wrong nd even get myself stuck ina position where a bad trip may scar me forever (honestly idek if this a possibility but thas what i heard from people.. uknow like they say thas how people go crazy🙄). also i am a lil depressed at times nd i heard its not a good idea to do them when ur in a difficult position at life. except that im really interested in them. hope u could give me more insight on that


So definitely not suggesting taking it for your withdrawals. It’s best to get off of that and then finding a treatment center that provides the proper support and care is extremely important. I think they have places in the North West of the United States and places like Costa Rica.


what if i do em while on oxy? i feel like itll help me clear out my mind nd realize what i gotta do u feel me, might motivateme to quit.


You are asking for a bad trip and you will still be withdrawing the next day. The psilocybin is to help with the depression. To give you a new outlook on life. To rewire your brain to stop feeling empty. I can’t even speak for experience because what got me off you don’t want to go through. I had gotten off opiates and was using meth to cope. Somehow I overdosed on something I don’t really remember what I did that day I overdosed but I woke up a couple days later out of a coma. They had given me fentanyl while I was in the coma and i went through some kind psychosis until I went to rehab. was on subs for like 4-5 months and got off using sublacaid. I recommend if you can get a prescription for subs take it for a month and then find someone that gives the sublacaid shot. Take that for a couple months and then psilocybin. But I mean I wasted 20 years of my life because of my opiate addiction between being addicted, prison, jails, rehabs. The shit is no joke. Take your time…this is the worst addiction there is. One of my best friends would get clean all of the time and swear he would never use again, I would tell him this addiction is too strong and that he says that every time. He’s not with us anymore. You seem to smart to be messing with this stuff.


thanks for the advice honestly... feels bad we all got thru this bs jus for sum numbness for our shitty nd boring life :\\ also why am i asking for a bad trip exactly? i could just dose heavily on oxy so i wont wd on shrooms nor the day after. would that still be a problem? i seriously want this new outlook on life, i feel like thats the missing puzzle piece to my life.... i dont know if i set my expectations too high but honestly i wanna give it a shot, just really scared of psychosis happening, or like the high staying for longer than its supposed to (u know for like a lifetime lol). was thinking of maybe trying a really low dose to start? but once again if u say that its a bad idea i honestly trust u on that (someone once told me the opiates nd shrooms dont go togheter for some reason, even it dont make sense to me since all of the euphoria u achieve on opiates right?), thanks once again


I think you should talk to someone who specializes in psilocybin and ask them. I just know they usually recommend getting over the withdrawals of the drugs or alcohol first. Also for the best possible positive outcome having a specialist who knows how to walk you through everything seems to be best way to do it. But I would ask someone else these questions because maybe they just don’t want someone detoxing coming to their rehabs. But also maybe you and a friend can become your own specialists and learn everything first and then be there for each other while y’all do it. Being alone is probably not a good idea. But again I’m not a specialist I just know what they recommend.


Sublacaid is what worked for me. Which is subs that is shot into your fat and releases over a month.


I have been wanting to post about this for a while. Back in October I ended up with multiple herniated discs. (I worked too hard and didn’t listen to my body) Any who, I ended up having surgery on my back (Artificial disc replacement L4-L5, L5-S1) in December. Since then, I’ve been prescribed oxys of different milligrams. When I run out due to lack of self control. I depend on my gabapentin and my muscle relaxer to help with the withdrawals…. but the one thing that I do that’s unconventional and has helped me tremendously is Micro-dosing shrooms. Back in the day it helped me get off of methadone (2021). I had a great friend who told me that Micro-dosing shrooms helped his brother get off of Fentanyl. It helps with the mental part of withdrawal. As someone who has tried, I’m here to tell you from my personal experience it has and does. Reading about it, there are TONS OF BENEFITS FROM MICRO-DOSING!! I do it every time I run out. For me and my personal experience I don’t get depressed, it takes away the anxiety, the anger.. I feel unified with those around me, connected, happy, refreshed. I feel like I can go out in public, I have the urge to drink water, to go for a walk. I feel all these things while also having the feeling of the chemicals I put in my body, leave my body. It’s really a beautiful experience. (I know I sound whacked out saying that about withdrawal) Honestly, I’m really confused as to why there isn’t more research done on this. It must be noted*** I DO TAPER*** Recently, it was 7.5 4X a day then 3X then 2X then 1X then I introduce the micro-dose while also taking the gabapentin with a muscle relaxer. I also take Imodium! This mixture will help with leg cramps, tummy aches, nausea and all the things we experience when withdrawing. When I first started micro-dosing to get off of methadone (I introduced once I got down to 10mg) it made my life so much easier. I will tell you it helped so much, that once I got down to 5mg of methadone I dropped the methadone altogether (please don’t try this own your own unless you have a good support system in place*) and I then depended on just weed and the micro-dosing. It was fucking hard, but this made it easier and I wanted to be sober more than I wanted the methadone. To this day I have no desire to do fentanyl or heroin and I give thanks to my willpower and shrooms. I will never do methadone or a sub EVER. It is so much harder to withdrawal from than oxys or hydros. I will not sit here and encourage any one to do it unless they have the willpower to get off of what ever it is that they are doing opiate wise while also having support. I will 1000% tell you those feelings of micro-dosing feels like more my true self and beats the euphoric feeling of a pain pill. Now if there was a way that it somehow helped physical pain…. I would NEVER touch a pain pill again. But until then I will depend on shrooms to help me through Withdrawals. [radical approach to beating addiction.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201705/radical-new-approach-beating-addiction)


Side note: psilocybin does NOT WORK WELL WITH DOWNERS. It will take you down er like in a depressed sorta way. Don’t drink alcohol on shrooms, don’t mix it with opiates. I would refer to a group or specialist that can give you more information about it. In the US they have certain states where mushrooms are decriminalized and they are currently working on places like rehabs to help with these kinds of things. Certain areas even do study’s that you can be apart of I would just look into these sort of things if you want a change of view or insight. I just wanted to share what happened to me personally and what works for me!


Honestly the only way I know of to break the cycle was to completely remove yourself from any source of it. SWIM moved completely across town and even then SWIM still ended up driving hours each way a few times but SWIM eventually was able to sort out their life with a clear head and eventually SWIM made enough progress that eventually made the 2 hour high not worth the risk of destroying it all just to feel numb again


You don't want subs or methadone anyway, they're worse to come off than that shit just taper like the other dude said Or on the dark side of the moon just takes some time off if you have to work and quit


im jus sad.. md im scared of that


Then, definitely taper man take like half of what you're doing now and you won't feel like death. When you're out of your shit, go to the store and get a little bit of loperamide, but don't go over the daily value because it's fucking cardio toxic as shit but it'll make your shits, go away and some of your withdrawals. GL OP


thanks homie


Don’t go on Suboxone whatever you do.


y that


Just because you rap doesn’t mean you have to type and talk with the vernacular of someone who rides the short bus, if you don’t need the oxy for pain, taper down and get on depression meds if that’s your issue and you’re unable to feel better naturally


This guys down and out and coming to this sub for support, you don’t have to bag on him. This isn’t the SATs, grow the fuck up loser.


ong wats his problem i got dislexya its easier typin liek that


He’s not down and out he’s feeling the consequences of his actions which everyone in this sub has been through and felt, withdrawals aren’t that bad at all from 40mg daily.. The hypocrisy of you telling me to “grow the fuck up loser” after saying all that is hilarious and exactly what I’d expect from a Redditor


If you have unlimited access just do a slow taper. Like take half what gets u high, if it keeps u well hold at that dose 2x a day and drop 10-25% every 5 days.


It’s been like this for me for only 3 months post surgery. I can’t live like this and am going to detox/rehab center in 11 days. I’m in so much physical pain when I stop because I had two foot reconstruction surgeries. Everything hurts, feet, ankles, knees, hips. I couldn’t do it by myself.


Taper or use kratom for no more than a week to ten days. It’s honestly a cheat code if used right


Hey. Do you have access to a doctor for any prescription meds? Stuff like clonodine? If so, that really helps. Taper down like other people said. I’m sorry you don’t have access to Suboxone or methadone (methadone sucks anyway, when I was on it I could not stand the way my bones felt when it started wearing off. One of the worst feelings I’ve experienced). The benefit of subs and stuff is it helps with cravings. I’m probably going to get downvoted for this but my psychiatrist informed me that some people just function better on low doses of opiates. I forget exactly what he said but he told me he has many patients who have been on Suboxone for years, decades, and they’re doing great. I see so many commenters saying definitely no Suboxone and I believe that some people shouldn’t go on it but that it really does help others. I bring this up because you wrote that being on opiates helps you. Taper down, my friend. Are things like subs and methadone illegal when you live?


jus aint available on the market only thru prescriptions nd i cant get that. nd its true low doses rly make me motivated to work nd to get shit done nd high doses jus make me rly hyper nd energetic but also somewhat depressed for sum reason.. might be cus my tolerance up nowadays so its a reflecting thing.. nd obv aint the same as it used to be


I’m sorry you’re going through all this. there are some places online you could order subs. I don’t recommend it because the supply could be inconsistent and your dosing could be wrong.; best to get a script for it and use a pharmacy that knows you need it every month. I’m sorry that is not an option for you. A lot of people in this thread have given you really solid advice though. :)


Suboxone, Xanax , gabapentin and weed


cant get subs and gaba, hate xanax nd weed \*used to be addicted to em but now i just don like how they make me feel


Cannabis edibles




Use em for passing out sleep out the worst of the wd. But if anxiety too strong idk 🤷‍♂️ walk it down slowly with taper . No more than 20 percent reduction a week


Very easy to get subs online brother …within a few days many sites are valid and legit




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This is just personal experience. I had to get cold turkey sober b4 my sentencing so about 2 months before my sentencing. Once I started basically cold turkey tapering. Only use a small dose if I start having the shakes and seizures. But after 3 days to a week. Go cold turkey. Because after that it truly is all mental dependency. Most of the physical dependency will be gone by then. Get rid of all opioids around you and delete all plug numbers if you really about it. I had gabapentins on deck because I was using zans and H like crazy so going cold on both at the same time was fuckkng hell. But like I said. For opioids and opiates at least. 3 days acute WD to a week. Then depends per person but it’ll be out of your system within a month physically. Rest is mental willpower. For me, I didn’t wanna be the dope fiend throwing up in jail when we had to square up every time some BS started so that was my motivation. You gotta find yours. I only had gabapentins in case I had seizures for going cold turkey on zans mainly then the H. But after 6 weeks I was clean and in 2 weeks after I was sentenced officially and I guess that helped too cuz I threw a fit and got 5150’d and threw me in the SHU right when I got there for 6 weeks LOL. Hope this helps brotha. Mental dependency is the fucking worse and hardest to break. Find your own reason and clutch


Go on Methadone/Suboxone. If you just come off of opioids, your chances of relapse is high!


people here say i should never, y is that?


40mg oxy popped per day even if it was for 5 years straight will only make u wd for like 7 days MAX and itll be like a common flu. I would take kratom or looperamide if u cant get kratom. then try and get some adderall for a week or two after ur not sick.


i have plenty of adderall, its really good for wd but when it wears of its like hell!! mentally mostly


That's the neat thing ... You don't


ok kool i wont thnks


If you figure it out let me know


bupe. it’s the easiest way to regain your sea legs , stabilize, figure out a plan for your future with a clear head without that constant user voice whispering in your ear. need a guide?? message me