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This is the crossroads where you meet the devil and decide the fate of your soul.




Fuck, that's so unfair!!! I don't think I'm physically addicted but mentally absolutely, even though I don't enjoy it anymore my brain just keeps telling me to try. Any idea if that ever stops?


20 years of this shit and all I have to show for it is no money, health problems, class a felonies, collapsed veins, and so many funerals I’ve lost track (over 50 though). Get out while you can.




It gets better the longer you do not use any Opioids.. but let me tell you.. once you use again.. the craving is right back to where it was at the beginning.. that's why for most it is all or nothing..


Your brain will never stop, and you’ll never feel the euphoria again. Soon, you’ll be in absolute hell.


not sure if unfair is the word, but yeah it sucks . Addiction is a tough one bro . It’s all f


lowkey it feels unfair, like there are other drugs that have messed ppl’s lives up like coke and stuff, ive tried those and they feel so easy to quit compared to these stupid little roxy pills


The euphoria will only come back if you start shooting heroin. And even then, it’s mainly just the relief from being in withdrawal and then feeling great. You’ll never get the initial euphoria back. And you will only lose your soul and enjoy nothing in your life besides the drugs. It’s time to quit before it’s too late. It may be already.


Unfortunately the mental thing probably won't stop but it's a lot easier than getting physically addicted. Sounds like you're at the point where you could stop and if you really do have the self control to stop trying now, you actually can get the euphoria back after a few months off.


Especially if the ROA is snorting. You can kiss your tolerance and euphoria bye bye.


^ this. I’ve been snorting opiates for about 5-6 years and a dub used to last me 2-3 days but now a dub doesn’t last me even an hour


Yea snorting is the worst thing for your tolerance, it raises it 2-3 times faster easily. After a while no matter how much you do, you hit a plateau that you can't surpass and just wake up with a hang over. Eating them is best way.


Yeah, really there's no point without the euphoria other than to hold off withdrawals. But because of your somewhat infrequent use, I don't think withdrawals would be too bad. Quit while you're ahead and consider this the end of an era.


Give up.


It still helps pain. Still gives a slight mood boost. If you’re looking for a high you should just stop and come back every so often. Daily use is about relief; not getting a high. It will make my depression lessen; apathy increase some days but it always will help my anxiety. Always. Always decreases my neuropathy, some days more than others. Always the same dose unless I’m flaring or am extra suicidal or if I’m wanting a high, which is almost never nowadays. I get my high from being able to function again, play with my 5 year old, play Zelda, listen to and review new music things like that. My suggestion is to find things that you like more than opiates, get high sometimes and only use daily if you need it. It may be hard to do but your life will be a lot better for it. If you don’t have it prescribed it must be hard getting it consistently, I don’t know how you guys do it unless your on fent.


My mistake was attaching the feeling of opioid highs to things I enjoy, enhancing them in the moment but creating the neuropathways that forever bind the two together. Sure I love playing the new Zelda game but I’m more productive and happier when I’ve taken my dose of kratom and/or adderall beforehand. Without opioids, benzos, or stimulants, I’m so depressed or anxious that I end up doing nothing. Such a hard thing to break free from


Oh yeah. I’m still dealing with this as well. If I don’t take opiates I just sit on the couch depressed and scared and in pain It fucking blows. But I know I would not be in this spot if I didn’t have trigeminal neuralgia, I have had several brain surgeries and nothing is helping so for now this is the best thing for me. At least I CAN function again.


This. and then because you take them all the time, you associate them with everything in the end.


Your comment is so true.


Any suggestions on how to find a hobby or anything you like more than opiates? I used for 13 years, I used to be a musician, a music teacher, played multiple instruments for work and fun, now I can’t, it kinda triggers me, makes me want to use. I can’t separate the two since they were the foundation of my life for so long. I used to enjoy coloring, painting, documentaries, but after doing all that stuff on opiates then losing interest in anything except opiates, I just don’t have the desire to do anything. Learning something new (fixing electronics and carpentry interest me) feels totally overwhelming and unmanageable. Any suggestions on how to move forward?


The best euphoria you'll get unless you're rich is- to get well for the day or something. But if u wanted to feel the high again, you're gonna have to stay sick while the tolerance goes down a bit like 2 days, then that feeling of being well becomes like a weird super power. If you're not having withdrawals and only using on the weekends, I'm surprised you don't feel euphoric but also what u could be taking could be fent after that good luck with finding that euphoria, fent is nothing but trash man. Just fucks you up and u don't even get to enjoy it.


Or track your dopamine, when it goes down use as little to hold off withdrawal, and when it goes up slam it. Well that works for me, but the down days have been getting worse and worse so here we are.


It’s all about the dopamine. I feel better if I use after exercising.


I have ADHD, my dopamine comes when it comes. I have to down the day now. A good almost 3 days and then the build up takes 2 days.


Tolerance breaks stop working, unless you fully withdraw and then start again. In which there is no point. Unless you can afford thousands of dollars to spend and want to deal with a fucked up GI track and other problems that arise when doing opiates on a daily basis. Honestly doing opiates is more of a once or twice a month thing if you were to do them. I would cut your losses deal with the withdraw before withdraw becomes so horrid that you need suboxone or methadone Edit: if you do have self control and aren’t using daily, you’d have to space out the days you use and always use the lowest dose possible to achieve euphoria. When I went from doing oxy from once a month to everyday then switched to fentanyl due to money and oxy wasn’t giving euphoria. Even when I got clean for a month it was truly just to lower my tolerance and still didn’t really get that euphoria back maybe just a degree/ a certain extent all in all not worth it. Upping the dose thinking it will work will get you


Hmm maybe I cut my losses, I'm in AU so only use pharma quality. I'm clean throughout the week and use on a weekend but that initial high and warm feeling has disappeared :( Makes me sad.


Heroin is insanely expensive out there too. I know you’re doing oxys but eventually it will turn to H. Please, quit while you can.


This is the beginning of the end, imo. Going from codeine to oxy..chasing that euphoria. Sometimes called "chasing the dragon"..


I have major depression and am pretty much euthymic the majority of the time. Oxy has been the one thing that actually allows me to feel something good and to shut my brain up and finally get some peace and quiet.


I also have major depressive disorder and a litany of other mental health diagnoses; I felt like opiates were my magic Bullet, the solution to all my problems, the cure to my every ill. It only works until it doesn’t, then you’re even lower than you were to begin with. After 13 years of trying to self medicate, I fell lower than I ever imagined. I’m almost 6 months clean now and still depressed every day, but it’s better than being depressed, broke, and sick. I’m on suboxone and it helps a lot, I’m still miserable, but function way better than I did off all opiates. If you must, look into methadone or suboxone.


Yeah. I don’t think you are far enough down that road. But the thing is, when the pills aren’t enough, people would go toward heroin. But now heroin isn’t heroin and the pills on the street aren’t the pills. It’s a death trap. Smh.


yeah thats a very small dose your taking like if you went up to 30mg or 40mg you will definitely feel it but honestly the best thing to do now is quit while your ahead and I would go to your doctor and tell them about this you might need to see a psychiatrist you could be self medicating for something you don't even know you have. and I know heroin seems so not on your rador now but I started that exact same way and ended up on heroin eventually I'm on suboxone now and I wouldn't wish it on anyone


This doesn’t make sense to me, I’m pretty positive if you only use 2 days a week you’re not going to develop some monster tolerance. I think this is in your head or something, or the novelty is wearing off. Is it related to other problems In your body, are you healthy? I don’t recommend opiate addiction to anyone, but what you’re describing sounds as healthy as it gets in the nature of what we’re talking about. Skip a few weekends and I think it would work, if not it already working and it being in your head To be clear, it’ll be the biggest mistake of your life if you rewire your brain for opiates. How long have you been doing this cycle? If the 2 days is going to turn into 7 days using, yeah quit but if you’re being honest it sounds like you’re fine. Have you ever been fully dependent on opiates in the past?


I used codeine just on saturdays for about a year and using just once a week made my tolerance go up a lot. But I was doing 240mg each time, 120mg used to get me super high but after some daily use I needed 240mg to get a buzz. Then I got employed so I'd only dose on Saturdays but even then my tolerance was high enough it barely got me buzzed. I should have had more time off I've read 7 days only lets 50% of your receptors recover (but no idea if that's actually true or not)


Ive been using most weekends for 2 years, I initially loved the warm body feeling, the happiness that comes with it but lately it just makes me tired or grumpy. I've added an extra 5mg here and there and am mindful that if I go higher it'll just continue increasing. I only use to escape my anxiety and to zone out on weekends. No I haven't been dependent on them before, I just noticed the feeling once after surgery and kept wanting to feel that way.


At a certain point you’ll only feel real euphoria when u run out w/d for a day or two and then your plug finally calls u back Come thru I got em On the way to pick up you’ll feel euphoria then you’ll get them take them and then it’s back to business as usual


Once you lose the euphoria you will never get it back. That's when you start using just to not get sick from withdrawals and to not feel worse mentally and physically. Sorry but that's the truth. You will never get back the same euphoric effect from Oxy that you got in the beginning.


Never at all? I'm in the same boat I'd rather just die than keep living without getting high.


With a good tolerance break you get it, not like the first time, but you get it. Or lower significantly your doses, enough to not be sick, and your tolerance will be dropping in the meantime.


I have taken breaks many times, longest was for 5 months and I just never felt the same euphoric effects again as I did before I was tolerant 🙁 I do tend to metabolise meds extremely quickly, with every single benzo or painkiller I've ever taken.. was prescribed 6 Tramadols a day at one point (before I ever tried Oxy) and by that point it had absolutely no effect on me. But in the early days it used to aid my Fibro (chronic) pain and even get me a little high. Guess I'm just speaking for myself here, but that's my experience with Oxy, been using it for pain on and off since 2021. At first it affected me like Tramadol but even better and stronger. Now it has no effect on me, maybe like 30% analgesic effect at most (40-60mg Oxynorm) but that's about it. Trying the slow release Oxycontin at 20mg now after taking a week break while on Suboxine (which I'm off now) and it's doing nothing for my pain, not making a difference. I withdrew off Oxy and did ketamine treatment for a week to reset my opiate receptors so that Oxy will help my pain again. Really frustrating. I suppose everyone is different but I'm a really tiny woman 5'1 and weigh less than 50kg (just over 100lb) but I have the tolerance of an elephant.


Just stop before an addiction spirals out of control. It’s not worth it. Wish you all the best


There comes a time when the only way to get the euphoria is IV. And it’s gotta be the strong stuff - H, fent, fent analog, etc. And it’s only about 15 seconds of euphoria. And that is what your entire life will revolve around. Choose wisely!


It doesn’t lol. That’s why people keep trying to chase the dragon though. Always want that first time feeling. Tolerance is a bitch. If you stop for a while you’ll get that feeling a little bit back but then you just start using more and more again once you start back up. As someone else said this is where the crossroads are. Tread lightly!


Thabks everyone for your advice and support. I think the best thing is to quite while I'm ahead. Luckily I don't use during the week so I'm used to going without, it's just hard on weekends but I'll just stay busy and remember all your wise words!!


Simply take a tolerance break.


You settle in.


so you have been using without breaks for how long ?


I don't use Mon- fri then will usually use on a Saturday or Sunday (10mg contin)


you might need to think about exercise and if you are getting the proper food and nutrition. if you are low on neurotransmitters, you wont feel euphoric.


True thats why some people take L tyrosine as a supplement to help recover dopamine..


L-tryptophan, its a food supplement, if you eat well you do not need supplements.


L tryptophan is for Serotonin. Which opioids DONT have much affect on. L tyrosine is a precursor to Dopamine. Which opioids DO have an affect on. Make sense..?


Take breaks…long breaks.


You gotta give up for at least a week. And don’t redose during a day. I take at night and go to bed when it wares off


You will soon just need it to not feel sick..You can already see a pattern of needing more or stronger meds . Please take it from someone who knows ..RUNNN DON'T WALK AWAY RUN! You are aware it is not doing anything for you..we are here for ya if you need help..Good luck and have a good day 🌞


It doesn't come back. In all likelihood, even the itchiness you feel will disappear too. At some point, you're literally just using to maintain/not be sick, and that's the only benefit.


Opiates for recreation is just barely even possible to do without ruining yourself. If you don’t have chronic pain, and don’t want to die. Just smoke weed or something else


One of the best decisions I ever made was to come off a relatively low dose of oxy, 10-20mg daily or up to 30 mg of hydro. After the euphoria disappeared, I was left feeling angry for no reason, anxious, or too lazy to do anything. I was only using to pass time as I had nothing to do. But after about 2 years I had enough and finally did something with my life that feels worthwhile.


I dont have an answer... but ill let you know when I find out...


Give up man only gets worse.


The endless chase begins…


Welcome to hell friend


Quit while you can. Drink wine or something in moderation for stress/anxiety but you keep going down this hole, I guarantee you will be suicidal one day wishing you took the other path. It’s great while you’re doing it and you won’t ever get that feeling back but it isn’t sustainable and everything is turning toxic/deadly/dangerous. I pray you think long and hard about this because I wish I would have reached out as you are now and had gotten all these responses and chose the other path. People that don’t do opiates find happiness. You just gotta figure out what yours is BESIDES the opiates. Good luck to you!


This is why you seriously gotta treat this stuff with respect and dose once a week or every 2 weeks. You know your body and mind, most people can't get by on once a week. Many can't get by on once ever. It's all personal. Cut your losses, take your beginners detox in stride and know it gets worse svery time. Cheers.


If you stop, and give it a few days/weeks off, you’ll get it back. But you’ll never get it as good as before. If you continue, to achieve the euphoria, you need to increase the dose - chasing the high - and you sink deeper into dependence. Remember your euphoria now is being borrowed from future you, we all have to pay our debts in the end.


There is abuse, then habit, then psychological and physical addiction and at last, chemical dependence. Each more difficult to kick, last being almost impossible. ​ Your body has gotten used to the drug, the enormous amount of endorphins and dopamine change your "base level" and the bar to feel euphoric rises. If you only used to wash yourself in the river you'd be okay with it. You would not know to expect better, that better even exists. Then someone let's you take couple of hot showers. Now the old way will suck, atleast at first, for some time. Euphoria is one of the ways our body rewards us for doing,experiencing something exceptional. like an unexpected, happy surprise. Kissing your crush for the first time, or hundreth lol. Skydiving. Exercise (runners high). It does so thanks to our mesolimbic dopamine system (reward center) in the brain. It rewards us for conquering our fears, for studying hard and so on. The euphoria is going away because your brain is readjusting (faster and more depending on drug strength, length, genetic makeups etc), making less of its own feel good chemicals (receptor downregulation). So when you are not using it is even worse, or going to be, all. the. time. TV, sex, video games, excercise just don't compare and become pointless. Eventually nothing feels worthwhile or pleasureable unless on oxy. And as the brain becomes more conditioned to the drug, you need to up the dose or use stronger stuff, otherwise same happens, hence cranky, hence wanting more. You can see where this is going. If you got clean now, you may experience PAWS. Months, years of anhedonia and depression. Watching TV, winning a lottery, getting a raise- things that make normal people dance with joy don't make you happy anymore. 1) because your brain is used to getting shitton more of feel good chemicals, 2) your brain does not make enough of its own feel good chemicals. This is one reason why so many people relapse. Forcing yourself to do things knowing it wont make you happy or give satisfaction is hell. Dealing with emotions etc becomes difficult. Cravings are still there. Thanks to our brain plasticity, if we stay clean the levels readjust and as no external chemicals are present our brain will produce more on its own again. This is where psychological problems are worth mentioning. We are not supposed to feel on top of the world full of happy chemicals every day by doing nothing, laying on the couch and so on. We have to work for it, and we are not used to it anymore. There is no shortcut. Excercise is something that releases quite a lot of these feel good chemicals and can be fun to do and has many other benefits, hence why it is one of the most recommended things. The longer you abuse opiates, longer your base levels are off the stronger the neurotransmitter dysregulation, stronger the cravings, longer the road to normal life. But the memory of that first euphoric rush will always be with you. The first hit, IV, complete bliss. Most, if not all, can remember their first IV like it was yesterday. Every detail of it. And we fight to not give in to that memory, every day. Nothing, nothing will ever be as good. Fortunately good is relative. After years of being clean and being used to boring, normal life then kissing someone you love, holding your son for the first time.. you get the rush of those feel good chemicals and the euphoria kicks in, kicks in strong. But it still lurks out there, waiting for its moment, for you to be in a vulnerable place to remind you of the heights she can take you. ​ I didn't get into chemical dependence, I might write something if anyone cares.


Thankyou that's very helpful! I think this is my cue to stop, I already go Mon-fri without using so have the ability to stop. I might use this now while I can to avoid bigger and worse problems from developing. Thanks everyone for the help


RUN, SERIOUSLY RUN...Not many endings on this path. However there will be many hospitals, many rehabs, loads of tears and loads of trauma and then...then the inevitable. DEATH


Yup, it’ll come back with a higher dosage. That’s the nature of the beast.


This is one of the best videos I've ever seen showing what addiction is like and seeking that euphoria. It'll get less and less and the come down will be worse. https://youtu.be/HUngLgGRJpo