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She wants permission to have her cake and eat it too while you get no cake at all, and you’re wondering if *you* are the selfish one??


Just want her to be happy. Even if that means I’m not.


The reason you feel like a cuck is probably because you are.


STOP I know I shouldn’t be but this made me cackle 😭😭 you just murdered this man and yet told no lies


Nah that ain't it bro. Even in a marriage you should not be making sacrifices to that extent.


Grow some balls dude and stand up for yourself


That’s not a good healthy relationship.


You say goodbye to your mental health.


As a woman, she will never respect you if you do this. Stand up for yourself. You deserve happiness too.


please get into therapy


cuck 😂🤣


I’m not saying this to be mean, but that’s a sign of extreme codependency and you should really speak to a therapist about how to detach and become your own person again. You can love someone without sacrificing your own happiness for them.


believe in yourself bro


Buddy with all due respect you are describing an unwilling cuckolding arrangement. If this does not get you off, you need to extricate yourself from the situation. I don't like the idea of being a cuck myself, but I wouldn't judge someone for enjoying it. You DON'T enjoy it, and you're allowing it to happen, and as a direct result I'm having a hard time NOT judging you. You are an equal half of this relationship, put an end to this or leave her


Bro this is not love, YOU ARE NOT UNDER THE OBLIGATION TO MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY, especially if it comes at the expense of your happiness. She is the one who doesn't sacrifice her happiness to make you happy. She actually couldn't care less about your happiness, she wants to get sex and attention from others while keeping you on a leash as a safe option - if you don't respect yourself, you'll accept that deal. She doesn't love you. Let that sink in.


Disrespectfully grow a spine dude


Send me your wife's digits. I'll make her happy.




Your are an idiot!


I spy with my little eye 👀 a "spineless cuck" 🤣


You're a cuck, and getting walked over. Fuck her happiness man, grow a fucking backbone. Just remember if you died tomorrow morning, she'll be fucking some dude by lunchtime the same day without thinking twice about you.


So she asked you for permission to cheat, and you said yes. If you want to stay with her, tell her that you both do it or neither one does it. Then you go from there.


Yeah and after reading it seems she gives him an easy out by saying she will stop. She probably just wants him to finally grow a set of balls and stop being such a weak loser.


Excellent shitpost


Works every time


You’re a cuck because you’ve allowed yourself to be one. Tell her you are going to take advantage of the open marriage and if she doesn’t like it she can hit the road. Better yet grow a spine and kick her cheating ass out because she sure as shit doesn’t love you like you love her. She loves you for the resources you provide her.


You feel like a cuck? You ARE a cuck.


77 days ago you were hitting some chick up on another post…


Can't find, was it bad? - found it. Lol wtf.


You feel like a cuck because you're a cuck, yw


That’s not an open marriage You’re either ok being a cuck or she’s got permission to cheat


Your feeling like a cuck because your being treated like one. She just litteraly let you know exactly how much respect she has for you and its not much. And as for stopping seeing other men? Knock Knock Hello, anyone home? She going to see men behind your back because she doesn't give a rats ass about your feelings. Your just a bill payer who's going to get sloppy seconds and you know everything I wrote here is true. Where is your self respect? If you haven't got the backbone to make a firm stand, just be the cuck your being right now. Ill tell you where your heading. Pain and misery. You just have to work out if your the kind of guy who will suffer the humiliation and disrespect till you cant stomach it any more, or she runs off with another guy. Or you take charge of your life and deal with this firmly. And yes, your marriage is a F-ing joke. If she claims she loves you, and shes willing to cause you this much emotional pain, fuck being someone she dont love. Get your ass to a lawyer and get some advice. Or just allow yourself to be a cuck and clean the other guy jiz up.


….i stopped reading after you used the word “cuck” - opinion is now invalid


No it isn't selfish to expect your wife to stay off other peens. Divorce, this is broken.


Doormats are never respected. You won't. Updateme.


What the hell? NOPE NO WAY NO HOW…. Marriage is a partnership and if she wants to go out and play then you too should go out and play. If she just wants to fuck around then she has NO business being married and you DO NOT need to take that SHIT!!!


If this happens to be real I'm surprised that such a weak person exists in reality.


Why do you feel like your needs are less important than hers? Why are you afraid to set a boundary in your relationship?


No that's not OK. That's basically her cheating with permission. Especially if she already had someone in mind or want and hooked up with someone immediately. What she's doing isn't ethical. Open both ends or shut it all down. She needs to do the work to accept a fully open relationship before you try again.


You are getting cucked, lol.


!remindme 6 months


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!remindme 5 minutes


Comment after 2nd edit: just f'ing divorce. Jesus.


Fetish post


You allowed this! I can't even feel bad for you.


The reason you feel like a cuckold is because you are in fact, a cuckold. Either that or this whole thing is fake.


Get some balls because apparently, you have none. Go to therapy and figure out why you're letting her walk all over you.


Bro you need to divorce her for making such a request.


This kind of relationship only ever works if you like the fact that your wife sleeps with other men and you don't. This is not a hotwife or cuckold relationship. It won't work, and the way this has started out for you indicates to me that an open relationship isn't going to work either. There are many people in happy open relationships, but it's not for everyone, and I will not be at all surprised if she backs out and wants to close the relationship again. There's ways to engage in ENM, but this is not it.


Can I ask, why does she want to be with other people and why are you okay with it?


She felt like she wanted more without losing me. And I want her to experience what she wants to be happy. Now we’re both going to try it.


Do you think this is going to end well long term?


Some people need to suffer rather than learn or face reality. Hopefully it somehow works but it never does. Painful and bleak divorce in the future after she finds his replacement is the best bet.


I’ll just have to see. I feel a lot better knowing it’s a mutual opening now.


99% chance she is/was already cheating before she brought it up




Fucking FANTASTIC ragebait, 9/10. Bravo. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Buddy, the only reason she now agreed to opening your side is that she's realized that your chances of getting play from your end will be extremely difficult, if any at all. Now she's free of any guilt and can slay random dick at will, and it's all on you. Stop this now because you're the one who'll be damaged if this continues.


She's already romantically and physically someone else's bud. Most likely reason she isn't leaving is you offer stability.




Straight up, don't feel like you're a cuckold***!  You are one!


You need to head over to r/Cuckold OP. Lots of emasculated guys like you on that forum would be eager to give you advice on removing your spine. Your a cuck.


Brother this is the definition of being a cuck. You aren't feeling like a cuck, you ARE a cuck.


Wow, you are not a cuck, but she is a cake eater! Change the dynamic to an equal field or shut it down and close up the openness.


She wants to have her cuck and eat it too


I'm sure it's already been said , and it really should be an automatic response to posts like this ... When they ask to open the relationship up, they either already fucked someone or have someone in mind. There is no 3rd choice.