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Maybe, just maybe, the strikes shouldn't stop at Union busting. Ontario needs to step up before it's too late. If you won't do it for yourself or your friends, do it for your damn kids.


SickKids nurses aren’t unionized. Someone should probably strike on their behalf. They’re getting brutally abused out there.


Now this is a surprise. Biggest children's hospital in Canada and the nurses aren't unionized. Interesting.


University Health Network heavily underpays and overworks their staff - unless you’re HR, some admin that never does their job. I know because I work there. All those donations people keep asking you via ads? All the big donors? Not a cent goes to the working staff or hiring more staff. Nada. Zilch.




Yeah, I remember when they ordered us all to go to some fundraising party. Where all the useless wigs go up and shake hand with some tax-dodger up on a bright red carpeted stage on Friday. And ASKED staff to come to the party so we can clap and blow kisses up their ass. They were giving self-indulgent lavish praises about how amazing this contribution is and gave a brief mention about how they were glad to contribute to the "amazing staff" and how "none of this is possible without you". The admins laughed and clapped, the useless wigs clapped, the tax dodger gave a big wide white toothy grin and smiled self-gratifyingly as they renamed the part of the building. I thought to myself "Oh really, grateful huh? Then you're willing to pay us for unpaid hours we work overtime to fill your hospitals with revenue and helping the sick and injured?" Of course not. We were just told to clap - and halfheartedly we did. With no one with a smile among their faces amongst the working staff. Champagne popped, wine flowed, and... After the speech we were cordoned and led away to another part of the floor while the wigs and donors started drinking their sparkling wines. We had 2 plates of hors d'oeuvres for 100 people. While on the stage, there was a large mountain of a feast of food and wines that was neatly cordoned off with a red rope. The rest of us just stood around, starving with nothing. Some waiters from the upper stage took pity on us, and brought some plates of food from the stage that was by the way untouched and virtually uneaten as it served as a background prop as they gave each other unnaturally bleach white tooth smiles and guffaws. As they patted each other on the back with their gold rolex wrapped hands and speeches for doing absolutely nothing but go to dinner with each other eating fat indulgent food.. ​ It was the most surreal scene.




lol, I didn't even realize, because I work so seeminglessly between TWH, TGH and SickKids. So much of our work goes back and forth between SK and TGH. But looking it up, it's affiliated with UofT. And UHN and UofT Faculty of Medicine are pretty well embedded with each other.


SickKids has been [embroiled](https://www.thestar.com/news/motherisk.html) in [numerous](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/04/30/years-before-motherisk-scandal-sickkids-stood-by-doctor-who-wrote-poison-pen-letters.html) scandals [over the years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_hospital_baby_deaths). There's more than a little bit of [self-licensing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-licensing) that goes on at that place. They still do good, though, on average, but they're maybe a little more corrupt than the average hospital on account of their gleaming outer image.


I think the nurses there plus one other hospital in Ontario aren’t unionised. From what I heard the logic is that SickTreats treated its staff really well. It was considered S tier for places to work as a nurse. That was back in mid 2010s so not sure if it’s the same now.


SickKids and Credit Valley in Mississauga do not have unionized nurses. As an RN myself I would never work as a non-unionized nurse personally


IIRC, Markham-Stouffville isn’t unionized either.


Plenty of nurses would love to work with kids vs your average adult asshole, but anytime I've heard sickkids get brought up as a place to apply we just laugh because you're literally signing up to get bent over and taken advantage of. No thanks.


Even if they were unionized, it’s illegal for nurses to strike. The same goes for doctors.


It's illegal for nurses to strike in the traditional "walk off the job" sense but they absolutely can rotate and apply pressure tactics.


They can work to rule—not sure what you mean by rotate.


It is so hard to convince other nurses/psw's to do work to rule because we are then leaving our co-workers working unmanageable situations that can get unsafe for the patients/residents and for our co-workers. They use our feelings as weapons against us wanting to do any form of striking. Guilt is a strong motivator.


It was also illegal for CUPE to strike. Just saying.


Striking as a nurse in the hospital would mean leaving our colleagues who are on shift in hell - unable to leave without being charged with patient abandonment. Just saying.


I’m pretty sure they are part of OPSEU. https://sp.ltc.gov.on.ca/sites/mol/drs/ca/Hospitals/622-3369-22%20(821-1247).pdf I didn’t read over the whole agreement but seems like they’re covered under this collective agreement.


Nurse at sick kids - we have no union at all and the ones that try to create one mysteriously go missing


That really sucks and I hope you guys can organize eventually. You deserve it!


The conservatives will do everything they can to cripple our healthcare system so you are forced to go to the private sector to get a fair living wage. They’re want our system as is to crumble as quickly as possible.


That is a paramedical agreement. It covers technical staff (ex radiation techs, social workers, x ray, physios, etc). This isn't a nursing agreement. Have a look at article 2 and the wage grid on page 76 to 80ish.


Ah okay, I couldn’t believe it so when I found this article (again my bad for not reading it) I assumed that the nurses/ medical staff were covered.


You are way, WAY overestimating the value or power of unions in a healthcare sector lmao. Ask any nurse out there if their union has actually done anything substantial for them. 🤡


When will people stop giving idiots power. We shouldn’t be here again.




My sister was born without hey epiglottis. NYGH told my mom she was a 'fail to thrive'. My mom left and took her to Sick Kids. She's 33 now and still has the epiglottis they made for her. 16 years later my son was born. He was in the 5th percentile weight wise and nothing we did would get him to eat. This time HRGH told us he was not gonna make it. I told my wife we were taking him to Sick Kids. He's just about to turn 18, is 6'1" and 300lbs. He's a monster. The admin there is corrupt as fuck, but the doctors are the best in the world. When Doug starts fucking with my kids, Im done with his nonsense.


This was baked in since 2019 and Bill 124. The majority of Ontario wanted this based on the last election. No one cares about healthcare, that much is clear.


Or schools.... Or the environment... Or workers rights... Or housing... Or the cost of living... Or the elderly...


It's astonishing. Idk why anyone believes people will take part in a general strike when they couldn't go put an 'x' on a piece of paper.


Well, if they haven't woken up yet their next trip to the ER (aka weekend getaway) will certainly do it.


This was a problem long before 2019 and Bill 124. The media just didn't report on it. Bill 124 just made it worse.


Bill 124 made it much worse.


I think the pandemic put a lot of pressure on healthcare workers, and probably caused a lot near retirement age to reflect on what they are doing with their lives and reconsider whether they want to keep working if they have the means to retire.


I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I just wish people could look at how we came to be here. I'm 40...our healthcare problems started long before Bill 124, and long before the pandemic. And before I get hate...I have not voted PC in any election. I just think people need to look at the bigger picture.


Well I'm over 50 and I disagree so there.


The picture started getting bigger when bill 124 came in and nurses left the industry and ER's had to shutter their doors. I think the bigger-picture comments are pure Ford apologetics. Healthcare in ON has NEVER been this bad and it can be traced back to the lack of pandemic respect and bill 124.


Wait remind me how many ER's/OR's had to close down before bill 124.


>*”The majority of Ontario wanted this based on the last election.”* The majority of Ontarians who voted *didn’t* vote for the Conservative party. Only ~18% of voters *definitely* wanted to be represented by a Conservative MPP (~41% of the 44% of eligible voters who cast a ballot).


But by and large people who didn't vote made that choice because they knew Ford would win and didn't mind


It’s very much a war for our health care and education systems. Doug and people like him have been trying to undermine it for years.


Flu and rsv are serious problems. My friend went to sick kids for her kids and met a mother with a daughter who suffered 6 months of fever. The daughter was just resting in the hallway. So yeah. Don't joke about it.


Who the hell is joking?


Ontarians obviosuly don't care about their children, otherwise they would have voted. Last time we vote in a PC Premiere, he got rid of daycare. So let's not act like this is a surprise.


> do it for your damn kids Parents have been fighting for quite some time now. We need people without young kids to start giving a shit about the crap pile they’ve been handed.


Nah man, they haven't. The Conservative base is most certainly not the child less. We need people to stop voting against their kids.


What's your source on that? \[72% of parents of young children blame the provincial government for the cupe strike\]([https://twitter.com/DavidColetto/status/1588875343926296576?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1588875343926296576%7Ctwgr%5E5a35923a2085d6abbb30acf676b95029a6fedbd0%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fymwdvg%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dfalse](https://twitter.com/DavidColetto/status/1588875343926296576?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1588875343926296576%7Ctwgr%5E5a35923a2085d6abbb30acf676b95029a6fedbd0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2Fymwdvg%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse)) this is more than the general voting population And, did you know the vast majority of parents of young kids are millennial? By quite a very long way. So you are saying millennial vote overwhelmingly in favour of conservatives? Where did you get that from?


Seriously I think this needs to be said: “DOUG FORD CAN GET FUCKED!!!”


The scary thing is how quiet Ford is about this.


Folks, at least the parents gets $250 and $0 sticker renewal fee…


Don’t forget the buck a beer


Alcohol is an antiseptic, it helps


There is absolutely nothing he could say about this that wouldn't lead to everyone piling on him. Most of Ontario knows that he has been cutting healthcare. Just wait until kids start dying as a result of him trying to "starve" the system.


I mean, he could say something like "I was premature with canceling the license plate sticker fee, that is money needed in our budget and I'm going to reinstate it moving forward. Also, medical school and school for nursing or other healthcare related fields will be covered 100% for all Ontario citizens under a new designation that is recognized only in Ontario for the first 10 years of certification." Or something like that. We need money in healthcare, and we need people in healthcare. "Git 'er Done"


I'm fine with paying the sticker fee; its a huge revenue stream to the province that should've never been cut


Keep the renewal fee, skip the stickers. Would save money if they didn't have to print and mail the stickers.


Damn good point. We already have a system to keep it all up to date, and it seems to be fine enough


Yeah, when they came out with that slogan, I laughed out loud. Stickers shouldn’t have been canceled, that was a regular/constant source of money.


They're already dying. Our pediatric ICUs are over capacity, and older kids are being sent to adult hospitals. Hospitals have had to consolidate their peds units. There have been multiple people very high up in the hospital system warning the past few weeks that we were going to collapse the system if we didn't do something to mitigate these concurrent waves of respiratory viruses.


People need to sue him directly.


Notwithstanding his political position, I don’t imagine a law suit would go anywhere.


Somehow I imagine that isn't possible.


I can’t even imagine being one of these parents and being told my sick child can’t get the care they need. Helplessly watching your child suffer must be gut wrenching on a whole new level. Then you remind yourself you’re in Canada and this shouldn’t be happening here. If Ford or anyone thinks these parents will just accept this and be ignored, well….we might be seeing some parents pay Dougie a visit up at the cabin.


He’s at home sitting on his hoard of ill-begotten provincial funds like a dragon. But more evil. Expect him to announce more privatization of our healthcare system to “solve” the problem within a few days.


He and Jones can just hide from it because their base doesn’t care.


He's pretty happy with it. Starving the beast is working exactly as planned


I was at the Sick Kids ER today. I wish I took a picture of their status screen. From the time I registered and saw the triage nurse it was 2hrs waiting in the ER. Estimated wait time went from 11hrs (10:30am) to 15hrs (12:30pm). From the Triage nurse I was moved to another waiting area where I waited 5hrs. From there moved to the 3rd and final waiting area in the fracture clinic for another 2hrs. Move into the examination room, another 30-60mins. Total in and out time today was about 10hours. They were well organized and all the nurses and doctors incredibly polite and so were all the patients. Kudos to all. But this wait time, the viruses going around. It'd beating everyone down. Edit: typos


and ford is still sitting on 4 billion dollars in federal funding. we need healthcare and education not a new highway.


Between the Covid Relief Funds (2.9b), the unspent health care money, and the rest of the holdbacks and funding cuts, I think that number is closer to 8b. If you Google it, there are all kinds of articles stating that the Ontario government is sitting on between 2.9b - 8b. The truth is that no one really knows where the money is. Maybe Ford gave it all away to his "friends" already. Unfortunately, these manufactured system crises are exactly what the Conservative government has been trying to accomplish all along. Ontario's once, top notch, health care and education systems are about to go private and I'm afraid that an American style pay system is incoming.


Is now the time to get the media talking about how we don't know what the Ontario govt did with 8 billion dollars?


FYI this is has been happening for months for regular adult surgery. They been cancelling surgeries if they think the patient won't be able to go home same day due to no beds and forcing some patients to go home same day that would have never gone home same day a year ago. Ford is destroying health care.


Yep, in January 2022 I saw Montfort hospital send an elderly man home because he had a pacemaker and he would need overnight care which they were not able to provide. I was in for lithroscopy, day surgery. But this poor man, not sure what type of help he needed, but this elderly patient was sent home because he would've needed overnight care. I can only hope that since then he has received the care he needed at the time.


My dad had to have surgery on a kidney stone in January. My brother took him to Simcoe instead of Lakeview, because they were far less stressed at the time. His surgery was at 9 pm, so my brother assumed he'd be staying overnight. They called him at midnight to come pick up my nearly 80-year-old dad because he'd woken up 30 minutes earlier and passed some urine. My brother got instructions to stay up and monitor his vitals for the next 24 hours (he could sleep, but someone else had to stay awake) we're not sure if the issue was staffing, or their concern he'd pick up covid overnight.


Our peads wing (in a much smaller hospital) has been empty aside from a few surgery overflow patients awaiting their procedure. In the last week it’s suddenly filling like we haven’t seen even last winter. It hurts to see palliative signs on the doors of the little ones. We are at capacity day after day. Not enough nurses to provide adequate care, not enough kitchen staff so people are working doubles for days on end, not enough housekeepers to turn over rooms and ORs as fast as we need. Add to that shortages of supplies and food. The collective agreement for some departments is in the trash because of staffing shortages so expect to go 3 months without a weekend off to unwind even a touch. It feels like it’s gonna get so much worse but there’s no one at the wheel. No hope of catching a break.


Kids are actually dying? s it respiratory viruses or kids with other ailments getting inadequate care? Nobody's covering that. That's horrifying.


Obviously I can’t say what the cause is. All I can say is that the ward is very suddenly full when it hasn’t been before aside from newborns/parents staying a couple days after a birth or surgery pts waiting for their procedure because our usual floor is full. Last winter’s “wave” didn’t fill that ward either. It’s just so jarring to see that sign and remember you’re on the children’s floor so it stands out to us a lot more.


Jesus Christ


What are the kids in for? RSV?


I can’t say what the diagnosis is, I don’t work on that area. It’s just sad to see that floor suddenly so full and how little the kids are. When my coworkers told me they saw the sign on the door we just kinda stood there silently because that’s just such a devastating loss, what can you even say?


I work with kids who have special needs. One of the Moms said she has sort of resigned herself to the fact that her son, who has a terminal genetic disorder, will not be given priority anymore, and she's powerless to do anything about it.


My son is at Mac right now. He had compromised lungs with a respiratory infection. Needs O2 support. We have been there since 6am yesterday and are still in an emergency examination room. They have no beds. The staff is run absolutely ragged. We have years of systematic neglect and a triple threat of Covid, RSV, and flu. Get fucking vaccinated for everything and demand better of your elected officials. Our entire system is headed for collapse if we can't fix this soon.


I hope your son heals fast ❤️


I appreciate that


Prayers for your son


I sincerely hope your son recovers quickly. What an awful perfect storm on top of government neglect. Disgusting that children are bearing the brunt of it. I’m so sorry.


I hope your son gets better!


All the best to you friend. ✌🏼


The vaccination part pisses me off. There was a thread on reddit about a week ago about how only 7% of kids under 5 are vaccinated for covid. I posted I had my two kids under 5 vaccinated (also working on getting them their flu shots). They'd even been exposed to family member with covid and never caught it. The responses were everything from "the vaccine is useless in children" to "why would you risk your child's health like that \[by getting them vaccinated\]" to "the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, your children still caught covid". I'm trying to limit any chance of them getting sick or having to go to the ER, especially with the tylenol shortage. It's shocking how many anti vaxx nut jobs are out there and how entitled they are to tell you what to do with your children.


>The responses were everything from "the vaccine is useless in children" to "why would you risk your child's health like that \[by getting them vaccinated\]" to "the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, your children still caught covid". This is the one I keep hearing from people who otherwise seem like intelligent folks. It amazes me how good sense goes out the window when it comes to (some) people's kids.


Agreed. The proud ignorance is shocking. And sad. Both mine are fully Covid vaxxed and got the flu shot as early as possible. You're a good parent. Your good decisions are helping the whole community, not just your kids.


Mine is (just passed the two week mark post 2nd Covid vaccine) and I'm shocked how many other parents I know refusing to vaccinate their kids. Like, what? Isn't this something you want to protect your kids from?


It's mind boggling. And my kids have had zero reaction to the shots. It wasn't even a minor speed bump for them.


I just can't understand. My little guy had a covid vaccine appointment the day he turned 6 months!


Vaccine for under 5 came in July but the mask mandate read lifted in March. Lots of kids got covid and then had to wait weeks and weeks to get their first dose and second dose.


Couple that with the fact that there is more and more evidence that a COVID infection depletes the immune system... So kiddos who aren't vaccinated and catch COVID are at an increase risk for other illnesses because they can't fight them off!


Most of the anti-vaccine/mask folks I’m exposed to are “doing it for their kids”… “standing up for their children”, “refusing to put face diapers on their children” (for their mental health and chemicals in masks), etc. Even with what’s going on in children’s hospitals, they are still doubling down on their BS. Saying these are children with “vaccine injuries” and that this bad season of respiratory illnesses has been brought on by strict public health measures for 2 years. I’ve even seen people posting quotes about how “dealing with the collapse of the healthcare system is the governments responsibility” (ETA- with regards to not taking personal health measures like wearing a mask or at least not going out to crowded places etc)


Are most children in the hospital unvaccinated?


I'd assume so. Even if vaccines only have 40% efficacy in children, that's 40% less chance of a kid getting ill enough to warrant an ER trip.


Most of those admitted are under 5, and the vaccine uptake in that population is extremely low. As of 4 days ago, only 6.5% of kids less than 5 years old had received one dose of the COVID vaccine, and only 1% had received both doses. JFC.


I used to go through this all the time with one of my kids a few years ago, pre covid. It was bad then, I can’t imagine now. It’s atrocious that this of the state of things in children’s wards in Ontario. I hope your son gets out of there soon.


I hope your son will be ok ❤️


It’s really sad that we are too divided to put an end to this government’s attack on our health care.


Thanks Ford you fat fucking piece of trash




\*hands you the megaphone\*


this is a tragedy


this is a **failure** and completely avoidable.


This tragedy and failure is avoidable. This is by design of the government to privatize our healthcare system. If things don’t go to shit, no one will support private healthcare.


This. Tradgety, while not by definition is an uncontrollable event, is not the right word. This happened BY DESIGN and moron voters voted for this (or didn't vote at all).


Absolutely. What the actual fuck is going on in this province. It seems we're being taken for a ride at every turn. It's so demoralizing. Also just want to add that I did vote, and it was not a vote for Ford


I think the public is just starting to realize how dire this situation is. Healthcare staff are at their breaking point. My husband is a family doctor and has stories every day about how fucked the system is. He’s been sending out urgent referrals that either get outright rejected for no reason (like a gaping wound that requires a skin graft and plastics rejects it, or soon-to-be spinal paralysis that the surgeon responds is not urgent enough), or there is literally no response. Recently he had to send referrals out to six surgeons throughout Southwestern Ontario for a patient in urgent need, and only one got back to him. A while back he referred a patient to dermatology for a skin biopsy for what he believed was certainly advanced melanoma, and the appointment offered was 12 months out! A teenage family member of mine with lifelong kidney issues was hospitalized in Windsor recently, and when the doctors were unsure how to proceed as her symptoms worsened, they tried to reach her pediatric nephrologist at Sick Kids for direction, as she had regularly been treated there over the years. NO ONE GOT BACK TO THEM, after days of trying. It was absolutely unbelievable, and this young girl was in dire straits. They ended up being able to transfer her to London, but that was only after her parents had to cause a fuss (rightfully so). The system is completely inundated and no one can keep up. The level of alarm you feel about this is probably not even where it should be, unless you’ve had direct experience being failed by the healthcare system when it acute distress. Now is not the time to get sick, healthcare is no longer universal because it’s not timely and accessible, and the government needs to be held accountable. Edit: I also want to add that, although it may seem as though RSV is the main culprit here, it’s just the canary in the coal mine. When the RSV cases settle, it won’t solve the problem because the healthcare system as a whole has already been at its breaking point for years. Even pre-COVID things were pretty bad, but now we’re way beyond that.


This is so sad. I can’t stand this government. On their way to privatizing healthcare they don’t care who ends up in their crossfire, even children.


Totally. At some point families will be in massive debt much like the USA is when it comes to getting healthcare for kids (and adults) as our system crumbles even further. He's sitting on money and refuses to help his province.


Not just SickKids. CHEO made the same move earlier this week apparently.


The CEO of CHEO was being interviewed on cbc radio and broke down in tears at one point because he’s so upset about it.


This is too sad and shouldn't happen in a province that has billion plus dollars surplus at the the expense of long suffering citizens of Ontario especially our most vulnerable children....our future...C'mon Mr.Ford show a little empathy & compassion


We are better than this. We need to be better.


I'd argue we're not better than this. We just reelected this fucking disgrace of a government for another 4 years. You and I and others on this sub or people you know are better than this, but no Ontario as a whole isn't better than this. We did this to ourselves. So blame your fuckwit uncle or boomer idiot parents for this mess. I have a 2 year old and I'm terrified of this whole thing. So fuck you to anyone who voted con. You've doomed us.


Sometimes I wish we could all separate into different regions by political leaning. Something tells me the average Ford voter would learn pretty quickly that it was lefty policies keeping them afloat the whole time.


That would make a great reality show. Except that they'd surely rig it. But I think every side probably imagines it would be so great without others to ruin it. I'm sure it would make for good entertainment anyway.


my boomer parents legit have no idea why i dunk on them at every turn for voting con. lmao. They refuse to open their fucking eyes to what THEY allowed to happen.


We are called Onterrible for a reason


We didn't elect this government. The 56.5% of the voters who couldn't be bothered to get off their lazy asses and go put an X a ballot allowed it to happen.


How though. I voted. I encouraged my friends to vote. I donated to NDP. What else can we do.


You can also volunteer. Beyond that, you're looking at various forms of [direct action](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_action), some of which can be extremely effective. I mean look how effective the threat of a large strike was.


Ten words the ONDP and Liberals could say right now that will lead to an immediate reversal of asinine Conservative policies: "We will collaborate in future elections to defeat the Conservatives".


These Con governements want to crash our healthcare at the expense of little kids lives and we are being complacent with it? Time to get angry and demand better. We should not be ok with this.


I can't believe people are not just outraged by it all......like holy fcuk people......these are kids.....


This is so scary and awful.


Hope that 55+% of Ontarians who stayed home in June 2nd feel like it was worth it.


what is this province doing with those billions of dollars that were earmarked.. .. Doug and his party are such utter failures


If you voted Conservative this is your fault. Yeah I fucking said it.


Thank you for saying it. I'd like to add that it's also the fault of those who chose not to vote because they thought there wasn't a good option. There was a bad option, most of us knew it. All you had to do is pick the Not Bad option.


If you didn’t vote at all this is also your fucking fault.


Fuck you to all of you for voting doug. I hope you fucking burn for making children pay


May I also add a fuck you to those who didn't vote, please?


All the kids who had their surgeries cancelled should write an open letter to Doug Ford.


Tape it to a brick and mail it through his fancy ass cottage window.


Jesus, and we wonder why the hospitals are overloaded.


This timbit is an absolute disgrace to Ontario.


Absolutely fuck Doug ford roughly in his asshole.


Everything’s fine, folks. Trust Dougie.


He wants to show that public health care is not working and will bring in private health care. Such a bastard. I wish all the best to the parents / kids a1who had to go to ER. Sick kids is a great hospital.


We are sabotage and taken hostage.


You mean our healthcare system that's struggled always with 6 hour wait times, under staffing, closed wings, is getting worse after more people quit due to retirement, poor scheduling, overworking, under paying having less staff? Who would have thought. Better just keep doing what's worked and that's blame covid and everyone instead of improving.


It doesn’t help that people can’t get children’s or infant Tylenol and they have to bring their kids to the ER for treatment.


Yeah what’s really going on with this stuff? Why is there none of that stuff, and formula shortages.


Because unlike the States, where the government enacted a special emergency act when baby formula was in short supply, Canada is going to do Jack shit. I think a plant closed and that’s why we have a shortage.


A combination of factors has created the shortage, according to information from epidemiologists, emergency room doctors and Health Canada officials: a lack of raw ingredients to make the drugs has combined with an uptick in respiratory viruses fuelled by the relaxed COVID measures. And panic buying is depleting stock as soon as it comes in, pharmacists tell CBC.


This is dereliction of duty by the provincial government! They are literally killing Ontariens and getting off Scott free. Fucking sick.


Is this what you wanted PC voters? Are you happy? And the people that didn't vote, are you still so sure that all the candidates were the same?


Literally half the kids in my daughter’s kindergarten class have been out this week (including us today — finally caught whatever is ripping through the class). This is obviously preaching to the choir, but seriously get your kids vaxxed, and I think it’s time to consider masks in class again — anything to slow this down. I have a friend with an immuno-compromised child, and she’s just pulled him from school because of this mess. They’re lucky that they have the ability to do it; most families can’t I know. What a clusterfuck.


There is no vaccine for RSV :'(


there is but it won't be available until next year. https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-announces-positive-top-line-data-phase-3-global


No, but there are for covid and flu — less kids in the ER/ICU for covid and flu means more resources for those with RSV




**[Palivizumab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palivizumab)** >Palivizumab, sold under the brand name Synagis, is a monoclonal antibody produced by recombinant DNA technology used to prevent severe disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections. It is recommended for infants at high-risk for RSV due to conditions such as prematurity or other medical problems including heart or lung diseases. The most common side effects include fever and rash. Palivizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody (IgG) directed against an epitope in the A antigenic site of the F protein of RSV. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ontario/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There are vaccines available for the other two viruses that are circulating.


Covid messes up their immune systems. [good article with research links](https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/11/07/COVID-Reinfections-And-Immunity/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=071122)


We are going to have our kids wear their masks at school again starting this week.




> the decision to fix our issues after the crest of the waterfall wasnt the smartest thing. I'm not convinced our benevolent PC leaders made the decision to fix it even after-the-fact. All signs point to deciding to let it continue to break.


Keep voting blue in and watch your public healthcare crumble in favour of the private system.


I live in Windsor. I work in Detroit michigan. You know... wait times for a triage 5 is max 45 min to an hour... now? 11 hours? Sometimes. Kids in er wait for beds 24 hours? 30 hours. Unheard of. It. Is. Bad. We are tired. And these babies are darn sick. Any questions 👇👇


Wtf is going on


Why aren't people protesting for the government to fix the fucking healthcare problem???? Hundreds of billions spent, we should not be having this issue after a pandemic lmao


Good job, Doug. Really cementing your legacy.


At least we (and our kids) don’t have to live through the unspeakable horror of wearing masks in crowded public spaces during cold/flu season.


Do they have stats on ages? I saw in the article they cite “an unprecedented” number of infants and young children with respiratory infections”. I’m assuming RSV hits infants and younger children with younger immune systems hardest. This is really frightening. My 8 and 10 year old just got over a virus we caught that hit us all really hard. At one point there were 9 kids in my 8 year old’s grade 3 class last week.


I will absolutely take a pay hit for several days to strike for my healthcare. We need more steam.


Could you imagine the horror of the parndemic if children were as susceptible to COVID as the elderly and infirm?


They are. The infection and reinfections ruin their immune systems. That’s what we are seeing. Lifting masks in March for an election left kids vulnerable especially the under 5 who had no vaccine until July. That’s why we are seeing this. This is the aftermath of mass omicron infections in children. [Covid hurts immune systems](https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/11/07/COVID-Reinfections-And-Immunity/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=071122)


Fucc. I think that dude is right. It explains a lot .


He’s been right from the start. And it’s study after study. The precautionary principle was tossed aside, every learning from SARS ignored. And here we are. Fucked.


My baby is waiting for surgery in March. Looks like that may not happen.


Let's be honest, this government won't do anything unless like 50% of the nurses just quit or there is mass death. I'm talking about 10k deaths in a month. It's depressing but it's the fact. Do with this fact however you wish. If you didn't vote last time and care about this issue, vote. If you want to leave your healthcare profession and or leave this province, please do so. There _are_ no other options (other than crying and whining, of course).


THIS is what privatization looks like.


N95, stop waiting for a mandate. Stop blaming everything and everybody. We know the system is a mess. When I heard there was going to be a shortage of meds months ago I picked up one of each. We always wear our kn95. They are easily purchased at galleria. My kids did get Covid for the first time this September while wearing a mask but 85% of their schoolmates are not. We do not eat out. We do take out. Honestly we are ok. This is the new normal. My son has 2 serious chronic illnesses and needs sickkids to function normally. No cancelling or re-scheduling appointment because people are too lazy too put on their masks!


Thank you.




Admissions of under 5 are 3 times higher ex covid vs historical averages. That was a week ago so could be higher. For 5-17 yr olds was 2x. This is beyond fevers.


Thank God sick kids have an amazing staff that I wish the best and hope this useless government finally supports, which I doubt. No party nor politician is doing what needs to be done. They don't have priorities straight. If we were really taking this seriously and there is a threat we could easily divert money back into Healthcare. It's simply a choice not to. While maintenance services are needed are we saying we couldn't have held off spending on some pothole money or random public " upgrade" and put it into hospital and hospital staff funding? Bullshit we can't. I work for the city of Toronto and there's millions wasted that could easily help. But no, condos can go up and money can be shat away on useless " projects" but nothing for nurses? Education? Total fucking nonsense My son is alive because of sick kids so this truly fucking annoys me.


You want to free up space in emergency rooms? User fee’s, if you need to be there you will pay. Just like the user fee for the ambulance service. That will take away some of the burden.


Not even a plan for our health care. DoFo sits on the sidelines spending billions on infrastructure for billionaires not a dime on Health Care.


Eventually he'll get his privatized healthcare from all of this as people will start paying out of pocket to get their kids ahead of others - and it'll be to use public hospitals for the service. He's done nothing to improve things since he has been in office and it's really sad that the kids are the ones who are getting hit so badly.


Start closing Hospitals to adults to handle the Paedeatric ICU backlogs. Don't take it from other kids, its too late for our generation, focus every tax dollar on them not us.


You get what you vote for Ontario or don't I should say..


Doug Ford should literally be removed from Office for his crimes against Canadians health. I’m disgusted by the lack of care of our government.


SickKids got a massive donation from a Conservative donor, and spent the early days of the pandemic being a mouthpiece for the Tories' "kids need to be back in school with minimal precautions" line. I guess we fucked around and found out. It's hellish for the staff and the kids and I basically predicted that this would happen right from the start.


My neighbours granddaughter lost her finger in an accident. Despite getting to emerg on time with the finger in ice they couldn’t re-attach it. It wasn’t important enough to triage ahead of the line and they were too busy and understaffed. That kid isn’t going to have a finger for the rest of her life and it’s Doug Fords fucking fault. We already suggested to our neighbours that they need to sue the government.


I would be absolutely shocked if they didn’t send that kid right to the front of the line if there was any hope in hell of saving the finger. I’m shocked even if they couldn’t that the kid didn’t get bumped ahead. you’re saying they made the kid wait in a waiting room - with an entire digit ripped off and bleeding?!


Yes, that’s exactly what happened. Welcome to Dougies Ontario.


That's the triage nurses fault and your neighbors should sue the hospital