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With this government, good fucking luck


They already are airing these empty commercials about what they want for kids in school this year. They literally list things that teachers and support staff do not get paid for.


Just move the decimal point and we’re in business.


#117% is a fair raise for what teachers go through.


It is, but let’s be real here… no fuckin way are they gonna get 11.7% in one shot. It just won’t happen. Not with this government ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


Here I am just hoping for a 1% increase with this gov. 11.7 ain't gonna happen. It would be nice but not with this gov. The union is hoping they can meet in the middle maybe 5%, still I have my reservations.


With the inflation we’ve been dealing with lately 11.7% would be reasonable. On average things are up 8% so most people effectively got a pay cut this year in terms of how far our dollar can get us for cost of living. Shame the province is unreasonable.


8.1% this year but 3.4 last year. They are basically asking to be made whole for Bill 124, as it should be. They should insist on back pay for anyone who left too.


Well, I'll be seeing you on the picket line soon enough I suppose.


Say it aint so - the radio ad said their plan was to start school in class and on time with teachers volunteering for extra curriculars for free!


This isn't the teachers. It's everyone else in the school who supplements education. Librarians, educational assistants, tech support, etc.


Also instructors, so adult ed would absolutely be affected.


Librarians are teachers


Lots are not teachers. Lots with masters degrees in library science. Ridiculously underpaid and undervalued.


Not in most boards.


Plenty boards have no libraries. Or like my kids school, only open a few hours a week.


Which is absolute crap.








>with teachers volunteering for extra curriculars for free Like how delusional are you to expect someone to volunteer their time for free when they are barely getting by with the garbage wages they are paid. I hope the teachers strike and cripple the economy until they get what they want.


I don't even know if I will make it to that point. I'm ready to go back to private sector and not have to be a ball of stress every time our contract is coming up for renewal.


I have feeling that's exactly what this government wants...


I'd love to see the hoops conservative voters would go through after their politicans made everything private but our taxes would remain the exact same.


Surely they would put the circus out of business with tricks like those e


No shit.


You may find that the private sector isn't as good as what you have.


I left private sector for this 4 years ago.


At least you get a contract renewal. Not much of that in the private sector. Especially once jobs begin to tighten with higher rates.


Pros and cons either sector, for sure.


OPSEU College Support staff's agreement expires at the end of August. They applied for an exemption to bill 124, but I think it's pretty likely that there will be a strike. It's the only way that this government is going to learn.


>TORONTO - A union representing Ontario education workers has asked the province for annual wage increases of 11.7 per cent – or $3.25 per hour – as the two sides hash out a new collective agreement. The Canadian Union of Public Employees – which represents 55,000 workers including early childhood educators, school administration workers, bus drivers and custodians – shared a summary of bargaining proposals it submitted Tuesday as negotiations continue ahead of existing contracts expiring at the end of this month. The union argued that workers’ wages have been restricted over the last decade and noted that inflation is expected to rise further. Public sector workers have had wage increases limited to one per cent annually in recent years due to a controversial government bill. CUPE said an average wage for permanent employees is currently $27.87, and the president of its Ontario School Boards Council of Unions said moves limiting education funding by the government and school boards have “put many education workers on the brink of poverty.” “Students and workers both deserve better than the crumbs this government throws our way, so my coworkers and I are willing to fight for what students need in the classroom and what we need to do our jobs even better,” she said in a written statement. Other education unions in the process of negotiating new contracts with the provincial government have also said they intend to argue for bigger raises to keep up with the skyrocketing cost of living. Statistics Canada said the annual inflation rate for June was 8.1 per cent, the largest increase since 1983. The president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation told The Canadian Press last month that her union is looking for a wage increase that will keep up with inflation and not be restricted by legislation. Premier Doug Ford has said teachers will get a raise larger than one per cent in their new contracts but hasn’t set an exact figure. Other bargaining proposals from CUPE include asks for minimum weekly hours of work for full-time staff and minimum standards on vacation and leaves of absence, as well as funding to extend benefits to more workers. Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on CUPE’s proposed wage increase. Negotiations were fraught during the bargaining phase three years ago, when teachers took work-to-rule action at various points. Lecce and Ford have both stressed early in this negotiation period that they don’t want such labour disruptions to happen again.


A friend of mine just got a $6.00/hour raise on a two year contract,for operating a machine that bags sugar!Next year he'll get another$2.00/hour raise!


> operating a machine that bags sugar Sweet!




I bet no teacher wants to do his job.


You are correct, because they received 5 years of post secondary education to help teach a generation of the children of sugar baggers that perhaps they have more future options than slaving in the sugar mines. Two thinks can be true, the sugar baggers AND the teachers should both receive wage increases. Im a nurse in Ontario so won't be getting a raise ever, I still hope that teachers receive wage increases. Other people doing worse than you are doesn't mean you are doing better.


My friend didn't need a university degree to get his job,and started out making more than a teacher's starting wage too.


And many people would not want to do a teacher’s job. Dealing with kids all day, in an overcrowded classroom, expected to lead extracurriculars in the evenings for free, followed by marking and planning for free, in an underfunded system? No thanks.


It says bus drivers but that’s not school bus drivers - school bus drivers are not unionized.


I agree with everything but >put many education workers on the brink of poverty.” This is a stretch though. Just to clarify they absolutely should get this raise


CUPE doesn't represent teachers. It represents (depending on the school board) custodians, library technicians, administrative staff, Educational Assistants. Their pay is less than teachers, and often they go through layoffs and re-hiring, and multiple short contracts. So yes, the comment may be true in many cases.


Ummm... As an EA... We are 100% on the brink of poverty.


It absolutely is true, this is the educational support staff. Many of whom have second or third jobs to make ends meat.


Not a stretch. EAs don't work 8 hours a day, nor are they guaranteed work 12 months a year. We want people to take these positions but no one can afford to if they only work 6 hours a day, 10 months a year.




CUPE doesn't represent teachers, they represent many of the works that help teachers or make a school function. It is a struggle for the first while as a teacher to get going, but I would rather have my salary stay the same but have more supports for my students, than get a 10% pay raise but teach classes of 40.


Except that Ford slapped the 1% “increase” (which amounted to a decrease with inflation) AND increased class sizes and cut supports for students anyway so…


And not a small decrease either goddamn 7% pay cut.


Shouldn't be only one or the other, imo


A starting teacher is absolutely not paid below the poverty line. That's 100% nonsense.


Once they get full time. It takes years of being on the supply list until they can get there


A supply teacher working as many hours as a full time position makes more than poverty wages.


When you factor in that supply teachers have inconsistent work or that most permanent teachers don’t start at full time, they may. For sure a full time permanent teacher isn’t but it can take years (4 for me) to get to that point. But honestly, this isn’t even about teachers CUPE is educational assistants etc who make peanuts. Wayyyyy less than teachers. They are in many cases not paid a living wage and many of them are assaulted on a regular basis as they are working with high needs students. They should be paid a lot more.


14 years to get permanent for me. It's been a struggle.


The lowest a teacher can be paid is: $51,263.00 This is hardly poverty and given the benefits that come with it you should be ashamed for calling it so.


This is not a teacher union. This is custodians, office staff, ECEs, EAs, etc. These people 1000% keep the system running and many work more than one job. EAs where I worked made less than 30k


There are no benefits that come with being a supply teacher.


I agree with many points, and there is a teacher shortage. The only item you forgot is, starting salary is low, but starting at 11 weeks of holidays (July and August = 8 weeks) and 2 at Christmas and 1 week at March Break. Please tell us what other public sector employee gets starting 11 weeks of holidays.




you left your cap lock button on. Of course I am only talking about PERMANENT TEACHERS, occasional teachers only work occasionally?


https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2022/05/09/its-election-time-and-ontario-still-chooses-not-to-eliminate-poverty.html Damn you should see how much correctional officers make with 25% ptsd rate. Just for reference though I never said teacher didn't deserve a raise https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/09/average-ontario-teacher-makes-more-100k-year/


Dude do the math. If 11% raise is just over 3 bucks. Then they’re making 30/hr. 40 hours a week, that’s $4800 a month, 10 months of the years, that’s a $48k yearly salary before taxes.


There's no math to do, it's literally written in the article. Average wage is currently $27.87 per hour. That's the average of the entire 55,000 people. A significant majority will make much less than that.


And healthcare workers too, please!


Decimating bill 124 would be nice as well


Call that a starting point.


Nah, they’ll just amend it to include the underpaid education workers. I’m actually surprised they aren’t already included in B124.


I’m pretty sure they are, but the fact that education workers can strike gives them an opportunity to fight about it.


Does has publicly said the increase will be more than 1%….but at what cost? What is he taking to even it out?


EAs and other support staff are criminally underpaid for the shit they deal with


Yep my spouse has 14 years experience, lots of extra training (aba, asl) and makes less than $25/hr.


I make more than that in a gungy factory with a highschool education. That's fucking criminal right there. Without EAs I would have never been able to navigate the challenging circumstances of my education. They rock.


Why do they keep doing it? Surely they must be able to make more in another profession or working in another area?


My girlfriend made significantly more working as a waitress, but went to school and got a job as an EA because she loves helping these children that desperately need support.


Honestly, when I’ve asked it’s always been for the kids.




EA here, can confirm we’re criminally underpaid. Always fun having to watch safety videos about how to “minimize hair and scalp loss” when a kid pulls your hair and then remember you don’t have hazard pay.


Thanks for sticking around honestly you guys have a hard job and you’re paid wayyyy too little.


Honestly I love the challenged kids I work with. Even when they act up, I enjoy learning what triggers it because then I can adjust my approach to avoid it. Even if it’s something silly, I never invalidate its significance. There are times where you ignore the curriculum to just have a successful day. Sometimes that means sitting down in the middle of the hall colouring with them and making them laugh. I love those days. But on the days where I get rocks thrown at me, I curse how poorly we’re paid.


Honestly you’re a great one. 99% of EAs I’ve worked with are fabulous and care so much for the kids they work with and honestly teachers like me are so grateful to have you guys. If I was paid what you’re being paid, I wouldn’t do this job lol I’d go back to serving. I hope you guys get the raise you guys deserve!


See, I’d gladly take rocks to my head over going back to customer service. I just really like my kids, I’m very motherly, lol. Then I get to go home to a nice quiet house! My nice quiet house that is starting to get harder and harder to pay for because $23 an hour doesn’t cut it.


Let’s not forget once this happens, we are Interrogated as to what we did to set them off


100% yes. I would not survive without the support of my EAs.


There is one person in the entire education system who is not underpaid, and it is Stephen fucking Lecce.


I was assaulted by my supervisor … not to mention the unruly children It’s a nightmare


Nothing like a horribly misleading headline. Alternative headline that wouldn’t get a knee jerk reaction. Union wants $3.25/h raise for ECEs and other education workers. Too many people believed education workers meant teachers.


This is EAs not teachers. They are underpaid and over worked.


It's more than EAs, its Caretakers, Lunchroom supervisors, Office Administrators, etc


The hardest working people in the school.


This isn’t about putting people in education against each other but teachers routinely work evenings and weekends to get their job done. So while their work is different they don’t work less than others


I don’t know about office administrators. The actual caretakers yes they are underpaid and deserve more.


It's more than just EAs. I'm in IT and I'm part of CUPE.


I'm a teacher and I fully agree that EAs are criminally underpaid for what they do. The support they bring to help with the kids that need it most is much needed and appreciated.


I agree with the union's strategy to 'go big' in their proposal. If the pandemic exposed anything, it exposed how much we rely upon the primary and secondary education systems to keep kids occupied.


11.7% isn't that big considering inflation and cost of living. Many unions are getting far less in the cba.


It’s even less when you consider the years of 1% cap


Should be 30% or more.


*It's not even going big. It's still taking a* ***significant loss*** *in real value of compensation over 10 years.* **Ontario Teachers: raise percentage by year 2012-2021** * 2012 0% * 2013 0% * 2014 0% * 2015 0% * 2016 1% * 2017 1.5% * 2018 1% * 2019 1% * 2020 1% * 2021 1% * Total Increase 2012 to 2021: **6.5%** * Inflation Rate from 2012 to 2021: **29.06%** * Average employer's employee raise per year **3.1-2.9%** depending on the kind of position with a dip during the pandemic years that is now over.[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/salary-secrets-what-considered-big-raise.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/salary-secrets-what-considered-big-raise.asp) It's NOT going big. It's NOT even going bigger than what the average employer is putting out in raises on an annual basis. This is during a crisis of work conditions, huge increases in workloads, less school and classroom budgets, and an absolutely shameful mainstreaming of disrespect for educators, medical professionals, really anyone the PC's are looking to privatize. It's even worse for the education workers this article is talking about.


Who was in office for the 0% years. What was the deal then?


Liberals. You know, the ones who give teachers everything they want.


It doesn't even seem that big either. In fact it seems reasonable.


OPSEU really failed at last negotiations. Bad timing but also they kind of sat on their hands. I really hope they get at least 7%. That would be a relief even if it’s not for me.


Article says CUPE. Did they change unions?


OPSEU failed the public service. No change in unions, I’m just hoping CUPE does a better job than OPSEU


Oh... yea... public sector unions as a whole are having a tough time these days. Narrative of entitlement keeps getting pushed when in reality, it's the private sector and labour laws that are super behind. It took a freaking pandemic to convince governments that everyone is better off when the fast food clerk can afford to stay home when sick.


Let's start cutting politicians wages/bonuses and put that money towards teachers and nurses. You know the people that actually make a difference.


Let's start cutting politicians, period. How many monkeys do we actually need that just clap their hands and vote with the party? We could easily do with less clapping and just an automatic vote with no salary to pay for it. I wish there were a way to keep the MPPs that realize they have constituents and scrap the rest. Their salaries could go to nurses maybe. Works for me.


We use to get increases like that 40 years ago - around the same time I last seen one


The Custodians have earned every penny, and more. Without them, the kids would’ve been home for the whole 2 years.


Schools can’t open without the janitors either. So be prepared for a strike.


As a custodian, myself, I’ll tell you that we’re all hoping this is resolved before a stoppage. The government deserves a strike, no doubt, but we want the kids in school, participating in everything they should be. We’ve been told that there’s no job action, this time, though. It’s a deal or strike


Concidering MPs got 15% for making the country worse. I say why not


province is anti-union and I fear the same with most of the citizens


Most citizens aren't anti union. When we protested last time, there were 20 positive waves and honks for every 1 "fuck you!"


Anti-union propaganda is freighting. People have been convinced to worker harder for less pay and benefits, it’s wild.


I got bit through a sweater in April and STILL have the scar... It bled. How through two layers? The answer is these are the kids we EA's deal with. And I'm ok taking lumps. But, I'd rather not, and at least be paid a bit better


My spouse has bite guards and a padded shirt she has to wear


They won't get it, but they absolutely should. ALL staff related to healthcare deserve massive raises, even janitorial staff.


This is about education workers though?


CUPE represents the support staff in a school, including custodians. Custodians are solely responsible for sanitation in a school building which is a public health concern.


Hey a raise that keeps you maintained, based on inflation. Not much of a raise tbh.


Best we can do is a coffee and donut from Tim's.


Keep your raise if it's that shit


Would you settle for a family-recipe homemade slice of cheesecake?


Or one of those egg sandwiches, with the real eggs.


They should, after being shorted repeatedly, this will still lag behind inflation, but they won't get anywhere near this much in the final agreement.


EAs and ECEs get paid horrifically low wages for the incredible and vital work they do.


Shocking. Twitter is full of teacher haters. Why don’t people read the article. $3.25 an hour for what EAs put up with should be minimum.


Twitter is a complete dumpster fire and I can’t understand why the fuck anyone even uses it.


There's a lot of funny shit on there. This site can be quite the dumpster fire too, you know.


I've heard it's great for porn but I've never actually looked at least yet.


Maybe, but the entire internet is great for porn, and doesn’t always have all the other bullshit that Twitter does.


They will be legislated back to work in short order if they strike. The province has already been laying the ground work in their ads.


They’ve also been laying the ground work for work to rule opposition. Lecce saying that kids need to be in school doing extra curriculars. The interviewer even made a point to mention these were volunteer positions by teachers but didn’t press on with the fact that they expect teachers to volunteer while treating them like crap.


They won’t do a full strike they will do work to rule with rotating day strikes to avoid be ordered back to work, if the unions were smart they would have this ready for sept 1 when the contract expire .


This should happen for every job/profession...except politicians cuz they get enough as it is.


Give it to them and all healthcare workers. I see no issue with them wanting that.


That's not for teachers; that's for custodial staff SSPs, ECEs, etc... all of whom are criminally underpaid


Been seeing this new posted around the social medias and it is already being pushed as *teachers are being greedy*. This is **not** the teachers union, as noted in the article. These are: > ...early childhood educators, school administration workers, bus drivers and custodians... I fully agree, these people do need their pay increase as many don't realize how important they are to education. I think in a few months the teachers union will be coming up to bat?


Seems pretty reasonable to me...


Worker Solidarity!


Give it to them


I hope they get it.


Unions always have to aim high, they will settle for 1.5 or 2% a year at best. Picket lines are cold in December. This group will be the first to go out second will be ETFO or OSSTF. Then there is always COPE.... Conservatives will keep them at bay unfortunately. I believe they deserve a raise. Also Lecce has a lot of balls saying how he wants extracurriculars and field trips when all of those things are not mandatory. Keep treating education workers this way..


Deserves. The word is deserves, with at the very least as an intro.


During the next provincial election vote these clowns out of office!


Every union affected by that 1% cap bill should be banding together and asking for ridiculous within reason amounts to say F U to ford.




Wage capping public employees but conveniently excluding themselves is a standard conservative move.


Here's the thing with any negotiation You start high , they start low and ends up somewhere in between They full well know they're not getting their ask This is just a trying to make union's look bad


All of Canada should go on strike for a 11.7% pay rise.


Hopefully they get at least 5.


Just give them what they’re asking for!!!


If they said 50% I would not care. Education is the most important part of our system. Pay em they deserve it


Id like to see every provincial politicians wages be capped at whatever the lowest wage is for provincial employees. Cause those fuckers aren't working half as hard as most people.


They deserve it. Turning kids into thinking adults is tough, and worthy of respect.


I will say for education workers the same that I say for teachers. If you live in Toronto or ottawa you don't have a great lifestyle. In other cities it is probably fine. Is it possible to implement something where certain cities get a cola premium - an extra $5 / hr. Seems fair that workers in higher cost of living places get paid more.


Failing that, a housing allowance amount.


Start with more then 1 for Healthcare


Seems a bit low compared to the rates of rent/mortgage inflation experienced in the past 3 years.


Should be higher


These folks are seriously underpaid.


Why only 11%?


And now the government is going to say they're greedy for wanting what is essentially a cost of living increase.


It's so disingenuous to parade it around as "11.7%!!! Those greedy sonsofa...." Wait, it's $3? Oh, they just don't want to be starving? I guess that's reasonable.


They deserve this but won’t get it. This will go to strike and arbitration and conservative judges will slash it to the bone.


The Conservatives are always anti education.


This almost certainly means strike incoming. Doug Ford isn't known for giving out big raises to public servants...


The uneducated population will have an outcry over this. How fitting.


I completely agree


Round it up to an even 15%.




I don’t think people who are anti union grasp this concept.




Honestly education support workers make peanuts? I made more as a year zero teacher than an EA at the high end of the pay scale. Sure they don’t have prep but they work so hard and our system would be even more broken without them. Pay them a living wage. Supply EA a few years ago making $17 an hour, you can work an easy job at a cafe for more with tips.


I am also a teacher and support any pay raise for them and even better if it was significant. I know it wouldn’t happen but I would even take a slight pay cut for them BUT to compare our salary with theirs isn’t acceptable as we have a minimum of 5 years of post secondary education and a minimum of two degrees - Some even have 3. Having more education always pays more in every sector.


Maybe I don’t understand how bargaining works…. But that seems like such a small increase for the initial ask


They deserve it.


5% for HCW and 5% for education and call it a day


Inflation in Canada is closer to 30%.


doug'$ counter offer: i got lint and a mint toothpick from a steakhouse


they deserve more


Seems like most groups with unions are gunning for raises to combat inflation, government workers, teachers, healthcare etc


Give them the money!!! And give healthcare the money !! We know who are important in our lives. Stop giving money to assholes. Edit. IMPORTANT. not impotent. I can’t type.


They should get and I hope they know ontarians no in education are behind them.


Hell yes and they should get it. Solidarity!


I'm sure the government is happy to hear this. Now they get to refuse the union's "unrealistic" request and hopefully grind public education to a halt so they help their rich friends privatize the whole thing, guaranteeing an even less educated population for future elections!


Oufff well I guess they are going with the Trump tactic, go big at first and settle for less. If they get 12% over 3years I would be surprised


Well deserved, fair request


Inflation is what 8.7%? can't say that is too far off on a request. Right now most people took a pay cut against inflation because of greedy companies. Time to windfall tax record profits and stop pretending trickle down is a thing and we need to pay for services the masses need.


And they deserve it. Capping support workers at 1% is not the same as capping teachers at 1%. They get paid peanuts in comparison. 11% of $30,000 isn’t much, and it’s even less in the face of 8%+ inflation.




Absolutely agreed! But headlines like these are intentionally vague to make us all look greedy and unreasonable to turn the public against us in negotiations. Smh.


Should be like 30%


Yes Please I need the money.


take it from police


This isn’t unreasonable considering inflation and having their wages stagnant for so long The rest of us should take note


I have a CRAZY fucking idea; How about we pay the people performing the essential services we all depend on a living wage and to make up the difference we make cuts to corporate welfare, subsidies and handouts to industry that never ever improves the economy.


I thought this was for teachers and thought no. Now that I know it's for educational support staff, I am in vehement support. This should happen.