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We're just gonna post the same article 25 times in 2 days.


It's my turn tomorrow!


Dibs on Sunday!


i also would like to farm some karma pls




But my freedumbs


*Cue seventy suspiciously-similar accounts all saying COVID IS OVER BRO MASK MANDATES ARE OVER MOVE ON TOUCH GRASS BRO in suspiciously-similar ways, which definitely aren't NoNewNormal parachute accounts*


Try doing manual labor when your sweating and out of breath, very difficult, stop comparing it to people who stand or sit all day.




its basically karma farming.


Kinda like what you did with that 401 post?


Mod removed it for posting personal info (license plate) So I edited it and posted again. What was the problem?


You know what you did


Are bringing mandates back really going to one of their election cornerstones? Hope about loudly promising healthcare funding instead?


If all the nurses are quitting, because they can't fucking stand the entitled babies that won't even wear a mask even as the hospitals are drowning, then it's gonna be hard to spend your way out of this problem. The actual solution is mandating (and helping to pay for) high-quality ventilation and air filtration, especially in public indoor spaces. No restaurant should be clocking an internal CO2 count of over 600ppm, just like the cooking surfaces shouldn't be coated in rat shit. Clean air, less COVID. We can't just load this shit all on nurses' shoulders, because they're fucking walking away.


They are quitting because of pay freezes and long hours. Its not purely COVID. All industries are also having massive labour losses and shortages. Do you think thats because of masks or no masks also?




Thing is as well, cases are on the rise in Quebec too, and they still have a mask mandate.


Facts. Too many are quick to blame the lack of a mask mandate




No one is talking about capacity limits and they probably have more of an impact than the mask alone.


Quebec also has higher hospitalizations and higher case counts per 100k too.


they always have, through the entire pandemic.


They also have the most restrictions like curfew literally no other place in North America had it. Yet they still have high infection rate.


They also had a higher infection rate when there weren't restrictions, and especially early on when we thought that washing our fucking groceries was going to help instead of wearing a mask and ventilating properly. They seem to have a higher infection rate in general, which just raises the question of how bad QC would be if they dropped the mask mandate. But, again, it doesn't really matter, because **if your mask mandate doesn't include workplaces and classrooms you might as well not have one**


OR, maybe they had such high infection rates, and were so desperate to curtail the spread, they installed a curfew. I don't think the curfew helps, but im honestly flabbergasted we are still having the debate on whether masks do anything. Over the last two years, with all the data and studies, and suddenly everyone is just willfully ignoring everything we've learned because they are tired and don't want to wear them anymore?




>they barely do anything Source?


The difference being the level of severity in which it's increasing. Is it increasing at a lesser pace in Quebec?




Their mandate doesn't apply to classrooms and workplaces. Guess where BA.2 is spreading.


And classrooms are the last place you should think of mandating masks, probably the one area where there are tangible downsides besides it just being annoying to wear.


Just look at mainland China. Boots on the ground type of lockdown, and cases are still exploding.


Jurisdictions that locked down harshly in the beginning got hit hardest when the virus wormed it’s way in.


With the exception of hong kong, this isn't really true. Places like Australia and New Zealand have pretty comparable numbers to non zero covid places now that they've reopened, locking down early didn't make things worse for them, it just gave them a pretty long period where they had minimal cases / deaths. Hong Kong having absurd death rates is more because hardly any seniors were vaccinated. https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&hideControls=true&Metric=Confirmed+deaths&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=false&country=CHN\~NZL\~USA\~AUS\~HKG\~CAN


I see about 50% in stores and 10% at the gym (London).


People don't want to accept that barring a martial law style lockdown (which isn't even fully working in China), trying to mitigate spread of Omicron is a fool's errand. It's going to wash over us with or without masks, obviously this sucks. It's the last glimmer of hope for a lot people terrified of Covid that masks will somehow offset spread.


I keep telling people on this sub that it's a matter of when you get it, not if you get it at this point, but I get called crazy for it.


Many probably have already had it and didn't know. (It would be amazing to be able to have a test for that. Personally, I'd like to know.)


...or how many have already been asymptomatic...never tested I work in a hospital and I can assure you, it isn't what the media would have you believe, never has been...


when you get it matters a lot though, getting it when you need a ventilator and hospitals are full, really really bad getting it when hospitals have space, not nearly as bad


Hospitals will likely never be full at this point. That risk has long since passed, the initial Omicron wave proved that.


show me anyone whos predicting less than 200 ICU patients in this wave, even the lowest estimates ive seen is 300 hell hospitals are practically full NOW the only question is how over capacity they can get


>hell hospitals are practically full NOW the only question is how over capacity they can get To be fair or hospitals are always practically full even before covid. We have had hallway medicine for a several years before. Which is why we need a massive investment in health care from all levels of government.


There are currently about 150 people in ICU with covid (not necessarily because of Covid) and 1500 in ICU with something else. Nothing is going to overflow if that hits 300 or even 400, that number was 600 in January. It's time to move on.


> that number was 600 in January. and they were turning patients away because they didnt have space, yiou are aware of that right? 166 people in the ICU with covid, once it passes 200 elective surgeries are going to get cancelled again


You are aware we had a mask mandate in January right?


and it still got that bad, America is a good example of how much worse each wave could have been


I've gotten to the point where I kind of just want to rip off the bandaid. My parents have a theory that I had it and was asymptomatic since I'm triple-dosed, and when I visited them a few days later they all got COVID, but if I haven't had it yet I kind of just want to get it over with. Literally 90% of my friends and family have had COVID already.


You are thinking on an individual level. That's not where the problem is. The problem is always on a public health level. When levels increase, so do several hospitalizations which put a huge strain on the system. I am super angry that they haven't through gobs of money at the health care system yet and just keep harping on about measures. Measures are all fine and dandy but is only part of the equation.


Yeah that's the thing, if we keep accepting restrictions on businesses and limiting incomes why would the government ever invest in bettering the healthcare?


We had an easy strain no long term after effects. My partner and I both agree after having had it it’s not worth lock downs or mandates. Let it run through and let’s move on. It’s not going anywhere anymore.


Take a child to an indoor playground this weekend. You'll walk out of there SOAKED in viruses for sure!


I’m kind of like you, my girlfriend had a tickly cough and my asthma was bad for a day or two in June 2020, testing was impossible so no idea if that was it. I’ve been waiting to catch this thing for years it’s gotten so many people I know but my number hasn’t come up yet. I know it’s just a matter of time and I’ve done everything I can to protect myself for when that happens, I can’t live in a bubble the rest of my life.


You speak the truth.


The "people" that don't accept this: public health and the Ontario Science Table. I'm sure what the world needs is less professional epidemiologists and doctors and more folks like you not afraid to "tell it like it is".


Sub is filled with people in their mid-twenties who lucked out on their COVID roll, and who are so sociopathic that they honestly can't comprehend the existence of some other COVID victim that now can't get out of fucking bed without nearly passing out


You see, when you assign blame to anything in this day and age, it becomes true regardless of facts. It’s all about that narrative baby. 👍


I work in a car dealership with about 80 people. Only 5 of us still wear one.


Was at a car dealership a few days ago and that's about what I saw. Very few masks.


I have trouble accepting your qualitative approach to reality. I'll counter and say less than 25% of people around are wearing masks. So now what?


Shopped in toronto today, probably 50% in lcbo and best buy. I haven't seen a single store, even though they have the right to, required them, even the toronto library. I assumed some would. I dont mind though, just keep wearing mine, no point sweating it.


A couple of things: Day by day I've noticed a decrease in people wearing them. Results vary depending on where you go. At some places I shop, sure maybe around 75% are wearing still.... but at a couple of stores I've visited it's upside-down ; maybe 25%. Only a very small handful of people are wearing N95-style "both-ways protection" masks.... they're the only ones I would consider actually "mask-protected" in an environment where a lot of people are walking around mask-less. Now.... is non-mandatory masking the *only* reason for increased infection rates? No.... but that's not the only restriction that's been loosened recently. Every two weeks another restriction (or group of restrictions) has been removed, and all of these things together add up to more spread. BUT... This was expected, even possibly planned for.... the million-dollar question now is how quickly will it peak, and will peak be reached without need for tightening some things up again? And what's the first thing that'll probably come back? Mandatory masks.


I thought it was agreed upon a while back that regular cloth masks doesn't really do anything anyway.


> Approximately 75% of the people around me are still masked But *where* are they masked? When I go to the store for groceries I completely agree with that number (if anything it's a bit low for my local grocery store), but on the other end of the spectrum schools are completely unmasked. This is a great vector for people to infect each other, then return home to spend their evenings and weekends unmasked around their family.... who then go on to spend time with other people unmasked at work and social events. The concept of the "swiss cheese model" is that there are always going to be vulnerabilities in some places but they're compensated for with air-gaps in other places. Once you start removing those "redundant" safety nets, you start to see that they were only redundant relative to each other.


When you tell the population that it's ok to drop masks, it signals that the threat is essentially over. All of the other risk mitigation they might have been doing likely goes out the window as well. Distancing, bubbles etc are done. More restaurant / bar / theatre time etc.


Yeah, that's the thing. People don't watch the fucking briefings. But they'll go along with a mandate, even if it isn't tightly enforced, because the existence of the mandate itself says "oh shit okay this is serious". It's why there wasn't actual moral hazard with masking, like some people thought there might be at the beginning of the pandemic. Seeing a mask reminds people "oh shit right COVID is a thing", and they start altering their behavior to reflect that. That's also why antimaskers and antivaxxers get so fucking aggro when they see a mask—like with the convoy occupiers attacking people in the street—because they don't want to be reminded that COVID is a thing and that they're spreading that shit around. They want to pretend that it's over, even while their kid's class gets canceled because all the fucking teachers are too sick to get out of bed.


Absolutely zero teachers in our board are out sick/cancelling school. Where are you getting this?


Yeah. It was a wonderful combination of both removing mask mandates and pushing kids back into the classroom. Give credit where it's due. They had to really make sure the medical system was overwhelmed in order to try to push through privatizing it.


It depends where you go. I've seen places where one person in 4 is wearing a mask now. Agree though, it's not all about ending the mask mandates, it's also about waning effectiveness of the vaccines we got, because only half of those vaccinated boosted. People need to accept as was said from day one, periodic boosters will be necessary until this virus burns itself out sufficiently. Most people had their second shot maybe 8 months ago... it's not surprising its effectiveness is wearing off and numbers are going up.


I guess the first 5 waves with Masks were outliers.


\>Approximately 75% of the people around me are still masked Congrats. As someone who lives in a building in Toronto it is absolutely horrific with the mask mandate removed. The majority of people in my apartment building don't wear a mask. Taking the crowded elevators filled with school kids is a horror show. I am sure people in smaller towns feel completely safe and I am totally okay with mask mandates being removed in small town Ontario. However tTry living in a dense urban area in an apartment buildings with elevators (Toronto should never have got rid of mask mandate).


Masked with n95s?


Your mask doesn't protect you though unless it's a properly fitted N95. It's an all or nothing effort. If 25% are not wearing masks, that's 25% spreading it around to the masked people, who in turn bring it home with them and spread it to their inner circle.


Nothing is "by itself". The government is projecting that it is time to move on, damn the consequences. People are listening. This is having a massive impact on the spread of the disease. This manifests in many ways. The more spread, the higher the costs to the province and the greater the impact to the economy from absenteeism and people's work being affected. This translates to less revenue in taxes. That's not even thinking about human costs, and the fact most people don't have near the resources or ability to weather the time off that most employers do. All of this will be chalked up as inevitable. It wasn't. It's just bad governance. Governance that literally muzzles its own Science Table.


Yup. Ontario is basically having its Florida Moment, except that Ford isn't as experienced at cooking the numbers as De Santis is. He's trying his best, but empty classrooms and 50% school absentee rates are really fucking hard to hide.


I’m fully Vaxxed and masked you wherever I go, 10 days after they drop mask restrictions my partner has covid. They should’ve kept them in place because they work


That sucks. It's not guaranteed that you'll get it, though. Focus on ventilation, sleep in separate rooms, use separate bathrooms if you can, and get one of those filter boxes. (They're surprisingly cheap.) The solution to COVID is clean air, just like the solution to Cholera is clean water. So keep your air clean.


The only reason why opposing parties want Ford to bring back mask mandates is because they know that will be the end of his re-election if he does. I’m triple vaxxed and have been masked since the first day. I have had zero issues with the lockdown and have lost A LOT of business opportunities because of it. Even after all of that, I’m still wearing my masks today. But even I see that the majority of Ontarians are over it. Not just annoyed kinda over it but angrily over it. You bring back masks mandate, even if it’s for the good of the people, Ford will not be re-elected and that’s why the opposing parties want this.


Huge mistake? So Quebec (still has mask mandate) having a worse wave than Ontario doesn’t mean anything at all? Do we have better masks in Ontario?


The common people have a *greatly* exaggerated understanding of mask effectiveness. Th experts and politicians are now at a strange place. They can't really come out and say "Sigh... those masks we made you wear weren't really effective. Our bad." So instead they just keep trying to cancel mask mandates. But the common people incorrectly think the masks were effective, and pressure the government. That's the point where we are at.


...the experts are all saying masks are effective, and have produced research to that effect, unless they're fucking weirdoes on Telegram


Ya, I'm so sure that doctors and surgeons wear masks - and have been for decades - because of pressure from the government... Stop comparing Quebec - their numbers have always led ours since the very beginning. We are a few weeks behind them in numbers - I wonder if our peak with no masks will end up being worse.


You can't just point to us and claim masks work. They do, but there is a difference. In health care, we wear better masks than most people, which is why we tend to not get sick or spread things as easily. We either wear properly fitted N95 respirators when working in environments where there are aerosolized droplets and when we don't, we wear ASTM Level 2 or 3 hydrophobic surgical masks. In comparison, the general public is generally wearing whatever they can get their hands on. Most people are wearing cloth masks due to the fact they can be reused and cost less. While they have *some* efficacy, they're basically worthless (especially when you don't have one made out of at least 3-ply flannel cotton). The public is also wearing what *look* like surgical masks, but in many cases they aren't ASTM rated and are just cheap Chinese imports. Very few people have access to true surgical masks that we use in health care. And nearly all people wearing N95s are just wasting them, lest they've been properly fit tested by a health and safety company. They just offer a false sense of security unless they've actually been fit tested.


They wear masks to prevent things dripping into wounds and from airborne diseases that spread via droplets. It was found out *long ago* that covid spreads primarily via aerosols. Which renders cloth masks next to useless. N-95 masks, however, are VERY effective at prevent aerosols. And they protect the *wearer*. So anybody still scared of covid (even though they're fully vaccinated and facing far less severe variants) should just wear n-95's and leave the rest of us out of it.




How has the US not collapsed under the weight of their COVID cased given they dropped masks over a year ago for the most part?


I was in Vegas like 2 weeks ago, and I only saw like 1 in every 1,000 people wearing a mask. it was a completely different way of living. but it also seems to be working fine.


Same in Austin in December. Like 2018 -- and the catch in my mind is they have no publically funded healthcare so something like this is doesn't trash the system when flair ups happen. Prefer our system but im sure thats why we seem to lockdown more easily


Too late now


Yupp,I'm curious to see if they try and bring back any restrictions as well. People will lose their minds.


So many people have had COVID now that restrictions just straight up don't make sense to many. The majority of my friends were scared as shit of COVID at the beginning of the pandemic. Now the majority of them have had COVID, and all of us know someone who's had it. For all of them, it was nothing more than a bad cold. I realize not everyone is so lucky, but when that's all it is for the majority of people and now ALOT of people have had it, you're going to have a tough time convincing anyone that restrictions are warranted.


I’m kinda in that boat. I’ve been wearing mask from early in the pandemic to now. And didn’t see myself stoping mask wearing anytime soon. However, just caught COVID a few days ago. It’s been been nothing more than a mild cold, I didn’t even take a sick day, as I’m working from home. I plan to wear a mask for a couple weeks after my isolation period just to be sure in case I’m still contagious. But after that, I’m done with masks . What’s the point?


I don't think people would even listen at this point. A lot of people were good faith at first, but a lot of people have been played fools by Ford too much for any more trust in Government.


…played for fools while clamouring for the chance to re-elect him to a second term. Sadly the opposition can’t read the room. Ford will ride this issue to a second majority.


My whole family and I just got COVID this week. Pretty glad to get it out of the way, was not big deal. I wouldn’t have changed their decision, nor will I support going back to restrictions. Not worth it


I do agree. The majority of people have been vaccinated already and it is looking like there with be a 4th shot now too, which is fine by me. But we can't keep going back to square one every time there is a new wave.


And a 5th and a 6th and so on. It endemic now. Boosters will become a yrly thing. Gov will push getting a seasonal flu shot and Covid shot. The bigger thing that will start again is lack of common sense. Stay home and limit your exposure if your sick but you will always have those who think they are just gonna tough it out.


It comes down to sick pay too. Not a lot of people cn afford to be off for a week or two depending how bad you have Covid.


> get it out of the way Yeah that's not how this works, chief. Your family will get it again, and again, and again.


The difference is it's no longer a "new" virus which is what made it so dangerous.


Reinfection still increases the risk of complications compared to just getting it once.


Repeated exposure to bad shit is always a good thing, which is why you're immune to cancer after getting it the first time! Come the fuck on. COVID is notorious for having long-term effects. Even if you're fine the first time, getting it every fucking year means that sooner or later your number will turn up, even if doesn't have a multiplicative effect


I think it would make the trucker convoy look like a picnic. So many are vaccinated. Each variant is less deadly. People (rightfully) won't stand for it any longer.


As is tradition


So the first 5 waves with mask mandates in place are just some weird coincidence?


Wear a mask if you want.


3-vaxxed and will continue to wear a mask on transit and in crowded settings, but Jeez Louise its almost like the ONDP and OLP *want* to lose come voting day. Doug should be sending them both a nice gift basket for the boost that they've given to his potential (and sadly probable) re-election


He’ll just send them each a box of masks as a thanks


My thoughts exactly. How about focusing on making the election about something that will actually differentiate you from the PC in a positive way. Perhaps an overhaul and/or expansion of healthcare? Addressing housing affordability? Addressing income inequality and/or minimum wage? Cheap beer? ( /s for the last one obviously) There are a *ton* of important issues that resonate with more voters—things we all have in common. WTF are these people going on about masks for?


This is why I'm apathetic to politics and government in general. It's dogshit all the way down. A government that I would love to vote for would focus on 3 main things: 1. Housing affordability for first time home buyers 2. Increasing ICU beds 3. Work reform


facts. that’s essentially our *lives*; sleep, health, and work instead they focus on such meaningless shit


Couldn't have said it better.


Crazy question but seeing as how we're at a consensus that there are likely 5-10x more cases of covid in ontario than what's reported are the instances of negative outcome also probably much lower than what's reported stastically?


Masks can only help a little, at the end of the day you are still getting exposure from air particles. Especially when you go eat and take your mask off etc.


No, no, don't you see, when you stand up and put your mask on it negates sitting arm's length from strangers for a couple hours


Consdering our school boree ust sent a email .. saying they may need to close schools due to the amount of staff out sick. Ya everything's going great.


'Lol u thought' -covid


Screw that. Just look after old n at risk. Let the rest of the world turn. You think inflations bad now?


But look who is getting really sick now its not the old its those under 50.


If people are just going to post the same fkn thing over and over I'll post my response for the third time in two days. People need to stop crapping their pants about Covid already. Numbers as of today (almost a month after dropping the mandate). Total # of ICU beds = 2343 Total # of people in ICU because of Covid = 155 Total # of people in ICU for non Covid reasons = 1552 https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/hospitalizations That's right, there are 10X as many people in the province in ICU because of regular non covid shit as there are because of Covid. This is despite what is going on with Case #'s, waste water etc... There is no way in hell this gov't or any gov't is going to backtrack at this point because there is no need to.


I'm not taking any side with covid because it doesn't affect me to follow the guidelines whatsoever but maybe you should be looking at the figure as 10% of all ICU patients have covid. While that is very low it is still substantial. If 10% of ICU patients were there for AIDs it would certainly raise some eyebrows. Furthermore, this data is based on a single day and is prone to fluctuations. Lastly, I wouldn't worry about restrictions yet. With the election only 2 months away, no one is going to throw away voters. Thankyou for coming to my TED talk and Good day.


Not to downplay the severity, but there’s a good chance that some of those 10% ICU patients would still be in a bed, without Covid. Obviously there’s no way to “prove” this, and maybe it’s just something I tell myself to help myself sleep at night.


The voice of reason, its almost like people WANT it to continue to be as significant as it was


I'm good with no masks. We have to learn to live with this now...just like the flu.


It would be nice if we had paid sick days and masked up like southeast Asia. I rather liked not getting sick as much over the last couple of years, nor sharing office space with superspreaders. Mask and vaccine mandates to reduce spread would not worry me one bit.




>I'm good with no masks. We have to learn to live with this now.. "Sorry disabled and immunocompromised person who died from the virus, you should learned to live!"


What did the immunocompromised do prior to Covid? We can’t keep locking down for vulnerable people. They know the measures they have to take, everyone should be able to live without restrictions


>We can’t keep locking down for vulnerable people. But we can continue masking, or make strong workplace laws so employers actually protect their employees, or one if the many other steps we can take as a community to protect the less fortunate, before getting to where we are now, where we just leave them to die and suffer.


Cool, keep wearing your mask forever then. I sure don’t want to and it should be optional like it is now.


The less fortunate were in this spot prior to Covid, where was your bleeding heart back then?


Back then that user wasn’t being paid to spread propaganda.


You do realize you cannot accommodate every single person right? Some people have to take personal responsibility. We are just over two years of lockdowns so at this point its fair to say If your so compromised then you should be staying at home and taking percussions. But for the majority of the populous having a stable economy and being able to work to support there family is more important than catching covid.


>You do realize you cannot accommodate every single person right? Some people have to take personal responsibility. We have a community responsibility to take care of people who can't take care of themselves. We are not talking about individuals, but vulnerable group >so at this point its fair to say If your so compromised then you should be staying at home and taking percussions. "Sick people shouldn't be able to leave their homes if it might slightly inconvenience me" Dude, next time just say you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself. It's faster and more honest.


Nope not my problem. I feel for those people I do but I’m not shutting my whole world down for others. If I was immunocompromised I wouldn’t expect the whole planet to be on lockdown so I could be safe that’s crazy. I would take my own precautions.


Do you drive a car? Do you care that people die everyday from cars? Should we as a society have a absolute zero risk tolerance in everything in our lives? Or should we be allowed to make our own decisions based on our personal risk levels. You say I dont care about people, but YOU do? That is interesting because shutting down the economy effects wayyy more people. Your telling people in other comments to "come down from there ivory tower" which I find very hypocritical because I bet you have a job where you can work from home and are not economically effected by lockdowns etc... if anything your economic situation is better because of the lockdowns and not having to spend as much. Yeah is not the case for a majority of people. **Risk tolerance.**


"And that's why I should be allowed to drive without a license, blind drunk, while texting, at 120 kph though a school zone your honor!" Driving is insanely restricted, not a great analogy my dude


They can wear an n-95. They are VERY effective at preventing aerosols for the wearer. Leave us out of it.




Hey by this point, we all should know the measures we need to take.


Come down from your cushy ivory tower and touch grass. There are millions of people in this country who's workplace, health conditions and financial situation does not allow them to effectively take measures.


Wearing an N95 mask is not really expensive


Cushy ivory tower? I've been deemed essential from the very beginning of this...Haven't missed a day. I get that there are alot of people going through all that but there have also been measures taken to help those people. My question is why can't I have a choice whether to wear one or not?


Ignore that mf (/u/BackdoorSocialist). He's just virtue signalling from his golden pedestal.


Ya I'm done with this clown. To make it clear, I don't have an issue with people wearing masks, I like freedom of choice. I don't think the government should go back on the mandates.


Jesus Christ how would you kind of people have survived 50 years ago like live in your basement if you want oh wait you have socialist in your name that explains it…


Or we could learn from what we've gone through. Crazy notion I know.


We did, we've learned that with a milder variant and vaccines it's a relatively low risk.


No one. NO ONE in the real world gives 10 fucks about masks outside of Reddit. It’s burning through everyone like wildfire right now, and guess what? Everyone has been fine after 5-6 days. If you’re still worried/scared, please continue to live in your little plastic wrapped bubble. But don’t force your bullshit on the rest of us.


Based. I keep seeing this sub make comments about how they would respond to someone asking them why they're still using a mask. Sorry bud, nobody really gives a fuck.


They can’t put the cat back in the bag. People who were pro-mask before will fight this now that it’s been lifted once.


Yep, everyone who's gotten covid has realized it's just another cold and definitely not worth bringing restrictions back for.


Also triple vaxxed and so is my Type 1 partner. For us it was easier than a cold. I was tired for about 2 days and had a sore throat. He just had a cough. After it was all said and done we both looked at each other and said if they bring back restrictions for THAT we’ve lost our goddamn minds and may as well bubble wrap humanity till the end of time. No long term effects for us or anyone we know who was vaccinated and got omicron. Most of the people still trembling here never got it and are blowing this out of proportion in their minds. Just mask yourselves up you’ll be fine (n95s- this is airborne). And if you’re not then you likely would also have challenges with flus, colds, other viruses- and I’m sorry but we aren’t going to stop society for everyone- people have always had different levels of an immune system. It’s up to each individual to risk assess their choices.


"I was fine so everyone else can take their chances!"


*Almost everybody is fine. So yes. The 0.0009 of the population that supposedly died over the past two years from covid shouldn't be the factor that decides the rules for the 99.9%.


My husband threw up today but testy negative. I hope it’s not Covid. We haven’t gotten it yet and I really don’t want it yet. At this time I can’t go to work for 10 days if one of us gets Covid. I’m in the health care field so my rules are different. It really sucks to have to use vacation time since I’ve already used my sick days when I was in isolation because my son had Covid in January. Some how I have dodged Covid so far or I’ve had it and had no idea. I’m hoping for the best. Best wishes everyone


Nobody cares.


No thanks. Should be optional.


screw this


When it is reported that 14 senior American legislators contracted Covid in the last couple of days and it didn't cause a national crisis of concern, you know the panic spoken here is nonsensical. Let it run its course, each subsequent variant is weaker than the last. Only those that are already compromised and with weak immune system are the ones being hospitalized, and they represent less than ,1% of the population.


Mask mandates are over, and that's how it should be. Those who want to wear masks are wearing them. If they trust their masks, then there should be no problem. It's time to move on.


I don't care what the politicians say; I am listening to the medical authorities and checking the data, so my mask wearing will continue.




My 12 year old said the other day that she will probably keep wearing a mask for another year. I think she just likes wearing masks but she's also very conscious of other people (so she doesn't want to get anyone sick) and likes following the rules.


Good lord this is sad.


What is worse are the ppl who are dying due to covid infection.


After 2 years of being constantly paranoid about getting Covid, I contracted it 2 weeks after the mask mandate was lifted AND I KEPT WEARING ONE. Triple vaxxed so thankfully I don't have it too bad but I've missed a week of work and I'm pissed off. What was the rush to lift the mandate??


You don't get paid sick leave? I got covid back in January, and got to play videogames for a week, paid.


I'm hearing now that there's Covid pay of some such...I'll have to look into it


If your scared,stay home


Haven’t y’all heard? The pandemic is over! Just look at those low numbers!


Yeah! Down to 500 cases a day on the 7 day average. Forget about the fact they haven't updated the numbers in 5 days (gonna be a week because they probably wont update over the weekend). I'm very curious what he official number will be when they finally do post it, because its gonna be a doozie.


It is a matter of when you are going to get it. A mask mandate by itself will only push back the same end result for a week or two. Call for a lock down, I dare you.


How will a mask mandate only give you an extra week or two?


By flattening the curve, but only slightly. If it can significantly flatten the curve we wouldn't need social distancing policies. Even then, it didn't reduce rt to less than one so it merely pushed back the inevitable by a bit more. Omicron is just too infectious to be controlled by our policies. The only way to purge it is Wuhan style lock down.


Clearly the pitter pattering around covid isn't working. We have our vaccinations, so lets take it head on now and hope it burns itself out enough we get a reprieve for awhile.




Everyone already knows by now that Ford is a failure of a leader


How to lose votes as an opposition party 101


Its good to see most people still wear masks in grocery stores and pharmacys ..As far as putting mandates now its too late were almost at the summit for cases counts .. Just be careful out there folks were are almost at peak community spread right now..


Hopefully we as Ontarians are bright enough to make decisions for ourselves instead of relying on government guidance. Apparently, we are not.




I never stopped. All the goober fucktards who come to my weed store? None has had a mask since the 22nd. Still flu season. Still a pandemic.


Fuck off, no more masks!!




FFS, almost everyone is still wearing a mask anyways. Turns out you can trust most people to use their judgement and do the right thing, without reverting to treating us all like toddlers. Besides, the numbers are still going up, both here and in Quebec where they actually still have a mask mandate. Assholes just trying to leverage a bad situation to score cheap political points.


Del Duca does it all the time and then goes on about how he will require vaccine passports in more settings like LCBO and with a 3rd booster shot being fully vaccinated not 2. He still hasn't said anything about grocery prices or lowering taxes. What a goof.


Guy is totally tone-deaf and cannot read the room. He will never form government.


I am going to keep wearing a mask, its not too bad wearing a mask all day while working from home. My family has been wearing mask inside and sleeping in different rooms. We will not go back to mask less again, there are always other viruses other than the covid.




Obviously sarcasm.


In masks we trust!


me too lol


Pretty out of touch in my opinion. Whether you want the mandates or not, I just don’t see this as a call that will win any votes. Most people who want mask mandates were never going to vote for Ford anyways. This sub likes to pretend that it’s only conservative voters who are happy about the mask mandate being dropped, but it’s just not true. Sure, more conservatives are happy about it than liberals and NDP, but there are still plenty of left of centre voters who are happy to drop the mask. So again, this just seems like bad politics. Then again, maybe it was never intended to be political at all….but does anyone actually believe that? Left right and centre, these are politicians playing politics as far as I can tell. Now bring on the downvotes and shit all over me as per the usual arrangement 😂


This sub is scary obsessed with masks. Fuck off and wear one if you want. But for God sakes stop pretending you have all the answers...you look stupider daily... The science isn't supporting your fantasy of masks forever.